The Socialist Party is well aware that socialism is a term little understood by the world at large, and that it is everywhere a target for denunciation by the media. Yet when analysed, it means cooperation instead of competition; common ownership of land and all the means of production and distribution. It is the coming of the cooperative commonwealth to take the place of wage slavery. The present capitalist system is not only a failure, but it robs, it degrades, it starves; it is a foul blot upon our civilisation; it promises only increased horrors. There is no hope except by the path mapped out by the Socialist Party, the advocates of the cooperative commonwealth.
The material foundations for socialism, the objective pre-requisites of the proletarian revolution, are in place on a world-scale. The key to the further development of society is now in the hands of the subjective factor, the workers themselves. One of the principal barriers on the road to liberation continues to be their commitment to piecemeal reformism. There will be no automatic collapse and whoever preaches such is lulling the workers into passivity. Only the most revolutionary struggle of the working class can propel capitalism to its doom. World capitalism is ripe for socialist transformation. Socialist education is being conducted by the Party throughout the length and breadth of the land to furnish the information whereby to arrive at the correct tactics for the conquest of the world for the workers of the world. We aim at a new society – the socialist commonwealth.
While capitalism lasts, so too will the inevitable class struggle. The change from capitalism to socialism, from capitalist dictatorship to democratic rule of the working class, is a revolution. The abolition of private ownership of the means of production is what the capitalists oppose with all their might. We will build the socialist commonwealth and working people shall work and live, using the resources of modern technology in a way that allows human dignity and individual personality to flower in all their splendour for the benefit of all. The new social system at which we aim is not one in which individuality will be crushed out by a system of regimentation. What we seek is a proper collective organisation of our economic resources such to make possible a much richer individual life for every citizen.
The Socialist Party has come to build, not to destroy. The Socialist Party's aim is the emancipation of the workers from their exploitation, and the establishment of the socialist commonwealth. This social and economic transformation can be brought about by political action, through the election of Socialist Party delegates, supported by a majority of the people. We do not believe in change by violence. We consider that the other parties are the instruments of capitalist interests and that whatever the superficial differences between them, they are bound to carry on government in accordance with the dictates of the big business interests and cannot serve as agents of social reconstruction. The only power that can save humanity from the peril of barbarism is the working class. It must free itself of all dependence on the possessing class. It must cease all collaboration with the exploiters and embark on class struggle.
The Socialist Party aims at political power in order to put an end to this capitalist domination of our life. It is a democratic movement financed by its own members and seeking to achieve its ends by constitutional methods (if permitted). It appeals for support to all who believe that the time has come for a far-reaching reconstruction of our economic system and who are willing to work together for it. The aim of the Socialist Party is the establishment by democratic means of a cooperative commonwealth in which the supplying of human needs and enrichment of human life shall be the primary purpose of our society. The Socialist Party will not rest content until every person in all other lands is able to enjoy the freedom of human dignity as a citizen of a peaceful world. What are we organised for? What is our chief bond of unity? What is our avowed object? The welfare of the working class and the abolition of capitalism. Our goal is a socialist world based on common ownership of our resources and industry, cooperation, production for use and genuine democracy. Only socialism can turn the boundless potential of people and resources to the creation of a world free from tyranny, greed, poverty, and exploitation.
The socialist option is the only alternative. Capitalism has failed, and so have efforts to reform it. That failure puts places socialism on the immediate agenda. The needs of people, not profit, are the driving force of a socialist society. This wholesale reconstruction will be accomplished by democratising all levels of society. Under capitalism, labour is a commodity. Workers are used as replaceable parts, extensions of machines—as long as they provide dividends. Employers use their power of ownership to devastate the lives of workers through lay-offs, shutdowns, and neglect of health and safety. Unions, despite their courageous efforts, have encountered difficulties eliminating even the worst abuses of management power. Socialism will dissolve the economic foundation of one-sided management privilege by relying on the needs and creativity of people.
The Socialist Party is the party of the dispossessed and oppressed struggling to build a new world. We shall be both a social movement and a political party. As a social movement, we support all struggles against the injustices of capitalism. As a political party, we seek political power to eradicate a social system based on exploitation, poverty, and war. The capitalist system must be replaced by social democracy to meet the needs of working people. That is the only hope of humanity. socialists have responded to those who cite minority violence as a possible reaction to the achievement of socialism by saying ‘peacefully if we may; forcefully if we must’. When we see the aftermath of political violence we must fervently hope that we never.