Wednesday, February 19, 2020

For World Peace and Permanent Economic Security for the Human Family.

All over the world capitalists try to reduce workers’ wages as the most direct way of increasing their profits. International competition and the mobility of capital have made this “cost-cutting” more ferocious. 

For several decades the world’s capacity to produce food, for instance, has far exceeded the entire human population’s need for nourishment. Yet the stockpiles of unused foodstuffs pile up unsold each year in producing nations while somewhere else in the world hundreds of millions of others are malnourished, if not actually starving to death. The paradox is explained away easily enough in market terms. Indeed, the market insists that feeding impoverished people would be harmful to them, indulging their backwardness and postponing their eventual self-sufficiency. That answer may satisfy the marketplace, but for humanity it constitutes another great, unanswered social question. Capitalism, for all its wondrous creativity and wealth, has not yet found a way to clothe the poor and feed the hungry unless they can pay for it. Capitalism is not about freedom; it’s about profits and costs. Socialism has come to be a dirty word. But it’s only once we establish a socialist society of production for use not profit that nobody will have to pay for travel, heating, food or water. It you are opposed to a system of society where the market plays no role and there is free access to goods and services

Socialism presupposes an abundance of goods so great that society could distribute them without payment and thus establish social equality, in this way social distinctions and money would ‘wither away’. A socialist society  needs no governmental coercion; and so the state, that machine of coercion, would also wither away. In order to have the label of socialism the ideas of equality, of a money-free economy, and of the withering away of the state has to prevail. According to needs’ is the sole formula for equality. That equality would be possible only after the supply of goods and services had become abundant. Ours is not an age in which it is enough for a small élite of technicians to possess technological secrets in order to develop the productive capacities of society. This is an age when many millions of workers, have to be skilled, trained, taught, educated, in order that the advance should become possible. What is involved is a thorough upheaval of society in every field of its life.

Under capitalism the workers are wage slaves, slaves of the bosses. The bosses run the factories in order to maximise profits. This means that they pay workers as little as possible, that they do not hesitate to maintain unsafe working conditions to save a buck, and that poor quality products are purposely produced in order to increase profits. History has shown that these conditions are always present under capitalism, and cannot be eliminated as long as there is boss rule of the country (i.e., the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie). A capitalist has to exploit his workers in order to survive as a capitalist. One of the most important contributions that Karl Marx made to socialist ideology was his description of the relationship between the economy of a country and the nature of its government. In a capitalist state the government must necessarily be run by and for the capitalists. It is meaningless to talk about socialism without discussing the class nature of the State.

With people working together to satisfy needs, there is no question that an abundant society could be built quite quickly. Then the need for manpower would diminish, the remnants of capitalist ideology could be wiped out and the society could function guided by the principle, “From each according to ability, to each according to needs”.

It is clear that the working class is the only social force to which humanity can turn to create a pathway through the chaos and anarchy of capitalism. The working class cannot brings its curative capacity to bear upon the situation. Go beyond the demands for freedom under capitalism. If you’re interested in FREE ACCESS FOR ALL to goods and services, then it’s time to go beyond pleading.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Tomorrow is Ours

Capitalism creates upheavals around world for investment and expansion, convulsing the world in pain and blood in order to accumulate capital and make increased profits. Only socialism, unhindered by the profit motive, would permit of the free development of the means of production and distribution with the object of use. Only socialism on a world scale can end war. Only socialism can bring self-management instead of bureaucratic regimentation. Only socialism can make administration the servants of men and women rather than capitalism being the master of mankind. Only the socialist reorganisation of society can be the answer. Socialism is the hope of humanity.

The Socialist Party shows not only that socialist society is possible and feasible, and above all in the interests of the people, in complete accord with a true civilisation but also that it is most necessary. Nothing is eternal and unchangeable. Everything is variable. 

Nowhere can the capitalist class offer working people a way out of the nightmare of their misery and suffering. The Socialist Party stands irreconcilably opposed to capitalism and works for the establishment of worldwide socialism. The power of the ruling class must be broken! It can be done; it must be done. Socialism is a call for sharing and caring. Socialists do not rape the earth nor worship efficiency at the expense of people and nature. It is not industrialization per se, but privately owned and controlled technology that destroys the earth. The real battle line lies between capitalists and the exploited.

The system must be changed from the capitalist system, a system based on the privilege of a few people, where the majority toils for the profit of a few, into a socialist system, where the majority produces for the use of the majority.

Despite lies and propaganda in the media, the people cannot be fooled about socialism any longer. They have learned that this capitalist system is a brutal barbaric system. With the capacity to feed the entire world, many endure hunger and starvation. With the possibility of peace, there has never been such bloodshed. With the need of housing, we have homelessness. Capitalism is a system that demands that working people submit to sociopaths. That is what must change and that is what the Socialist Party is all about.

Our goal is to imbue people with the burning desire and the will to fight for socialism, because the socialist system means real freedom and that can only come with socialism. The working class must end this capitalist system that is based and thrives upon murder, starvation and misery of the masses of the people. There is no need of a system that can only produce want and hunger for the many, and vast wealth for the few. That system must be swept away, and only the working class can do it. That is the message we take across the all lands. People everywhere must be motivated and organised. Everyone knows that it’s time for a change. But it must be made clear that if there’s going to be a change, it is the people themselves that must make it. Mankind makes its own history. Every time there’s been a change, it’s because somebody organised to do it. The goal is to mobilise the people, to instruct them–if you want freedom, you must fight for it. It was the working people of this world that built it; and they deserve to inherit it. It’s time for a change to transfer the world’s wealth into the hands of its rightful owners.

The world socialist movement has a great future. And if we face it with confidence, and put our trust in a new generation, the future will become the present all the sooner. Our task is to hold to principles and help the process along, provide some of the ideas, and make room for the new generation of socialists to take up the baton. Wherever you see a party anywhere that has few young people, you can say that its prospects are pessimistic. The road ahead may be rough but it is shorter than the road behind. Socialism, the cooperative commonwealth, is still an inspiration to the downtrodden and exploited. There still remains a fighting class spirit

Our duty remains the same, today like yesterday. It is to assemble together, ever more united, ever more ardent, in our class party, the Socialist Party. The future is ours. 

Monday, February 17, 2020

These are the hopes and dreams of socialism

Your vote does not merely help elect the candidate of your choice. It registers the things you are interested in, the things you want. It registers the way in which you expect to get these things. What are the things that you want? Everywhere society is in chaos and ferment. Hunger, poverty, environment crises and war are shaking up the thinking of millions, impelling them on the road of struggle against the system which oppresses them. Working people are groping for a solution to the problem of existence. Socialism is our only hope. Socialism is the science of human society.

We want peace, instead of bloodshed and violence and destruction. We want security, instead of insecurity. We want to be sure that we will be able to raise our families in decent homes and good schools. We want comfort and prosperity, instead of low living standards, slums, child and sweated labour, unemployment and hunger. We want democracy and freedom, not racial and religious and national conflict. These are the simple things which we all long for. But we don’t have them. We do not have security, prosperity or peace.

 We live in a modern civilisation where we have huge industries all over the world. We have the raw materials and the natural resources. We have all the necessary talent in trained and skilled workers. It is the social system that stands in the way, the system of capitalism. Under that system, a handful of capitalist control all the wealth and power . This handful owns industry, banking, mining, transportation. It owns our jobs. Whoever owns all these things, controls our lives. That is what capitalism offers you. We can have security, peace and freedom, if we establish socialism. We want to take over the industries built by us – by us and nobody else. We want to take over the wealth produced by us – by us and nobody else. We want to, and we can, run industry to produce for peace, not for war. To produce for us, for the needs and comforts of the people, and not for the swollen profits of the capitalists. Without capitalist profit, we can put an end to poverty and wars. We can provide plenty for all.

The capitalist class is not concerned with the security and prosperity of the workers. They are concerned with one thing and one thing only: their profits, bigger profits and still bigger profits. Bosses want to cut down the living standards of the workers. It is the road to security and prosperity for them. The lower the wages, the higher the profits. The weaker the unions, the stronger the employers. All of them understand this. That’s why they all react the same way to the simple demands of the workers.

The Socialist Party champions social change as the basic solution of the problems and conflicts of society today. As socialists we set ourselves to achieve plenty for all, peace, brotherhood, security, freedom. The Socialist Party is the party of socialism. All reforms that stop short of overthrowing the capitalist system become co-opted by that system and turned to its advantage (but not necessarily to the advantage of any particular capitalists). If the system isn’t overthrown it continues to function. Those are the things we all want. They are the things socialism stands for. They are the things that we, the Socialist Party, stand for.

A revolution is coming. It is coming from the changes in production brought about by replacing workers with robots. It is coming despite the capitalists who use them to increase his profits. The Socialist Party does not create the social revolution. We recognise and embrace it. The role of the Socialist Party is to try and set it into motion, to give it direction to enthuse it, to unleash it. Our task is to convince. This cannot be done without passing on a vision of a different and better world. We visualise a world where robotics, automation and artificial intelligence make possible the material conditions and the leisure time to complete the transition to full and happy human beings.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

What do we want out of life?

The Socialist Party is not satisfied with destroying the poisonous fruit but seeks to kill the deepest roots of capitalism. Its corrupt fruit betrays the foul and unclean nature and condemns it to death. The disease, poverty, insanity, and crime rampant in every land under the sway of capitalism rise up and cry out against it. To reach the workers that are still in the dark about the nature of capitalism and to open their eyes, that is the task of the Socialist Party and to this we must give ourselves. We believe that working people will not be free until we are able to determine our own destiny. If a person does not have knowledge of oneself and one’s position in society and the world, then he or she has little chance to relate to anything else.

Of the millions of people only a very small number can dream of acquiring or retaining fabulous wealth or having magnificent homes with a large retinue of servants, fleets of expensive limousines and a yacht or two. The vast majority of the population is made up of workers (and their families) in the factories and mines, railroads and offices; small farmers, tenant farmers, and farm labourers; professional people such as teachers, doctors, dentists, engineers, musicians. Among us there are many differences in standard of living, in taste, in outlook. But we have many things in common. In one way or another, all of us work for a living, most of us for an employer; and we are very much alike in what we want to get out of life. Except for the tiny minority which has great wealth at its command, the first thing that all the common people want is a decent standard of living. No man wants to live merely in order to work. A person works because he or she wants to live. Before  satisfying any other interest, a person wants decent food to eat, decent clothing to wear, and a decent home. Abundance is possible. This ambition is realisable for, every man, woman and child on the planet. With our tremendous industrial capacity, our modern machinery, our skilled and highly efficient labour force, our more than adequate resources and raw materials this modest dream could be realized for everybody – provided society were organised rationally. But there is no prosperity for the people. What is the reason for the failure the potential of this society, and its stark reality? Why is there such an agonizing gap between what is and what could be? The answer cannot be found in cynical condemnations of “human nature” or apologies about the “its just the way things are.” Instead it is capitalism, the social system under which we live, that is responsible for the contradiction. It is the system of exploitation which strangles our lives. Capitalism thrives on the private control of society’s wealth and production – production involving the interconnected efforts of millions of working people. The super-rich have one basic goal in life: to make more and more profits, and they accomplish this by dominating the economics, politics, and cultural life of the country. The capitalist class will throw workers out into the streets to starve, promote racism, and build a military arsenal that can destroy the world several times over – anything for profits. This is an irrational and unjust system. But life does not have to be this way.

How many of us enjoy a really decent standard of living? Very few. How many of us feel secure in the standard of living we do have? Even fewer. People want security. People want a decent standard of living. People want decent homes for our families, and safe, clean neighbourhood. People want peace throughout the world. People want, most of all, freedom. They want to know that their children too will enjoy a future and the good things of life. We know what we want. What we want is right and natural. What is wrong is that we do not have these things. Why shouldn’t there be the continuous production and the continuously rising prosperity that would completely guarantee economic security for all? We want a comfortable life but instead we are falling into debt at an appalling rate, just to “make ends meet.” Working families have little or no savings for an emergency, much less “luxuries” but just to keep their heads above water, at a time of peak employment, and peak profits for the owners. The first thing to do is to find out what it is that stands in the way of our desires, why it is that we haven’t gotten what we want up to now. Then we will decide what we must do.

We can improve our lives and society, and we can eliminate exploitation and capitalist injustice, by overturning the capitalist system. We can replace capitalism with a rational and humane system – socialism. Socialism is a social system where social wealth is genuinely controlled by society and for the benefit of society; where the common good, not profits, becomes the chief concern; where the everyday working people become the rightful masters of society. Such an economic and political transformation will be radical, but a radical solution is what it will take to bury the miseries of capitalism. The socialist revolution has become a historical necessity and possibility. There is no other choice today but for the working people to organise to struggle and win socialism. Socialism will replace capitalism, just as capitalism replaced feudalism. Socialism, by fundamentally changing the social system will will qualitatively improve the lives of the working and oppressed people.