The cause of war today is capitalism; the line-up in war is forced on the countries concerned by their interests as capitalist competitors for wealth and trade. The factors that cause wars determine also how the warring governments shall group themselves, these factors are indivisible.
The battle has already begun in earnest—on the soil of a country, Ukraine. Towns are bombed, villages entirely destroyed, the civil populations, the aged and the sick, have to drag themselves from their homesteads and flee from the combatants in frantic endeavour to save their lives. This terror cannot be imagined, it can only be experienced. What will come next ? Will total war spread to neighbouring countries? The decision rests with the class into whose keeping the workers have foolishly given their destiny. Whichever side makes the next move we are certain of one fact: that it will not be decided in the interests of the workers. In the opinion of our rulers, we were born to work and to suffer. It is an opinion which only a growing movement for socialism can change.
Real progress can only be assured through the growing understanding of working-class people in all lands, an understanding of the world and the social forces that make it what it is to-day. Socialist campaigning plays a most important part in that mental awakening. History calls upon the working class to take the initiative. We of the Socialist Party accept our share of that responsibility. Our work will go on. In our estimation the difference between the two rival oligarchies and the interests behind them are not worth the loss of a single life. This war is basically a struggle between capitalists vying to extend their influence and control. The world is divided into an owning class and a dispossessed class, the capitalist class and the working class.
While working peoples should enjoy autonomy in social and cultural life, the world has become so closely knit that national sovereignty must be subordinated to international unity. The removal of the economic causes of war by whole-hearted recognition that the abundant resources of the earth make the struggle for markets and raw materials unnecessary, and the establishment of an international economic organisation for the distribution of the world’s resources according to the needs of all peoples.
It is the harsh reality that that the problem of peace and war is one for the capitalist class. Socialists cannot even remotely affect the issue. It is sheer moonshine to talk of a “socialist peace” in a world where there is a non-socialist working class. More, it is fantastic delusion. In whatever way peace will come it will certainly not be a socialist peace. Socialists can only continue to express their opposition to war.And war is only one of the social problems thrown up by capitalism . Only our political party in this country able to apply a revolutionary approach to the problems of capitalism, because it is the Socialist Party.
The claims of anti-war pacifists are Utopian, because they are based upon misunderstandings of the capitalist system. Like all other reformers who have preceded them, the pacifist movements are attempting to achieve the impossible : they want to retain capitalism, but wish to eliminate the evils it engenders. Reformers of one school or another have, for generations, been trying to realise that happy state of affairs. With what result? The development of capitalism proceeds unhindered and defeats their efforts every time: wars, degrading poverty, malnutrition, environmental destruction and countless other evils inseparable from capitalism are still with us.
Capitalism cannot be adapted and made to function for the benefit of the mass of the population. Socialists are opposed to the parasitic capitalist class living off the sweat and blood of the workers.
The socialist solution for the world’s ills is a simple one, but it needs the cooperation of the majority.
In a socialist society, all will co-operate to produce and distribute the things man needs. In return, every member will have free access to the means of life.
Poverty will not exist, because we shall have production for use only, and modern technique assures us of a gigantic output of goods.
Unemployment nor over-work will not exist, because all those who are physically and mentally able will assist in production.
Wars will cease, because there will be no rivalries for markets. Goods will be made solely for use, not for profit. National boundaries will become meaningless, since the workers of all lands will be co-operating to satisfy each other’s needs. Their interests will be identical. The effort that is now put into the manufacture of armaments will, under Socialism, be directed to the providing of the things all can enjoy.
The armed forces, being unnecessary in socialist society, its members will give their energies to production.
Obviously, the standard of living of the workers would be greatly increased by the introduction of socialism, and would go on increasing with each new invention and improved process of production.
It is up to you, then, fellow worker. Are you going to organise for socialism?