Saturday, July 16, 2016

Socialism - A sustainable co-operative commonwealth

To substitute common, for private, ownership of the means of production and abolishing the present system of production means substituting production for use for production for sale that is the economic development the Socialist Party urges. The Socialist Party’s objective is the social or co-operative production for the satisfaction of the wants of a commonwealth. Mankind has always been a social being, as far back as we can trace ourselves. Until the present system of production (production for sale) was developed, co-operative production for common use was the norm.

If the modern state nationalises certain industries, it does not do so for the purpose of restricting capitalist exploitation, but for the purpose of protecting the capitalist system and establishing it upon a firmer basis, or for the purpose of itself taking a hand in the exploitation of labour, increasing its own revenues. As an exploiter of labour, the state is superior to any private capitalist. Besides the economic power of the capitalists, it can bring to bear its political power.  The state has never carried on the nationalising of industries further than the interests of the ruling classes demand, nor will it ever go further than that. Nationalisation will never be carried so far as to injure the capitalists and landlords or to restrict their opportunities for exploiting the proletariat. The state will not cease to be a capitalist institution. The Socialist Party has set to call the working-class to conquer the political power to the end that and to establish a self-sustainable co-operative commonwealth.

The fact remains that none of the reformist parties has so well-marked and clear an aim as the Socialist Party. It may, indeed, be questioned whether the other political parties have any aims at all. They all hold to the existing order, although they all see that it is untenable and unendurable. Their manifestoes contain nothing except a few little piecemeal palliatives by which they hope and promise to make the untenable, tenable and the unendurable, endurable. The Socialist Party, on the contrary, does not build on hopes and promises, but upon the unalterable necessity of social progress. All other political parties live only in the present, from hand to mouth; the Socialist party is the only one which has a definite aim for the future, the only one with a consistent purpose. Those who oppose the Socialist Party declare that the co-operative commonwealth cannot be considered practicable and cannot be the object of the endeavors until the plan is presented to the world in a perfected form, and has been tested and found feasible. They start with the notion that “human nature” is unchangeable. Socialists are told that they must come out with their plan of a future socialist society; if they refuse, it is a sign that they themselves have not much confidence in it. The predictions and blueprints can at best show that the socialist commonwealth is not impossible and they are bound to be defective. They can never cover all the details and minutia of social life; they will always leave some loophole through which critics can object to.

The capitalist social system has run its course; its dissolution is now only a question of time. The substitution of a new social order for the existing one is no longer simply desirable, it has become inevitable. Socialism is not only to be possible, but to be the only thing possible. If indeed the socialist commonwealth were an impossibility, then mankind’s civilization will relapse into barbarism. As things stand today we must move forward into socialism. Working people live in such conditions that, increasingly, they realise that the only way out of their grave situation lies through socialism. Thus, increasingly favourable conditions are being created for bringing them into the active struggle for socialism.

Friday, July 15, 2016

The next form of human society is called socialism

Our goal is a socialist world, a new social order based on common ownership of our resources and industry, cooperation, production for use and genuine democracy. Only socialism can turn the boundless potential of the people and their resources to the creation of a world free from tyranny, greed, poverty and exploitation. Business corporations, of a scope and size unimaginable to previous generations, treat the entire planet as their domain. They are a law unto themselves, free to roam the globe in search of cheaper labour, more exploitable resources, more pliant governments and greater profits. These empires now hold the power of life and death over every region and industry across the planet. By their dictates, our resources are plundered. Workers are their pawns in a global game of mergers, lay-offs, and relocations. These conglomerates have robbed us of our wealth and of the very power to determine our own future. Incapable of turning their technology and organisation to the needs of people, world-wide suffering and hunger are the legacies of these profiteers. The capitalist system of production, under the rule of which we live, is the production of commodities for profit instead of for use for the private gain of those who own and control the tools and means of production and distribution. Out of this system of production and sale for profit springs all the evils of misery, want, and poverty that, as a deadly menace, now confronts civilisation. The socialist option is the only alternative. The needs of people, not profit, are the driving force of a socialist society.

The Socialist Party is the party of the dispossessed and oppressed struggling to build a new world. Under capitalism, labour is a commodity. Workers are used as replaceable parts, extensions of machines—as long as they provide dividends. Employers use their power of ownership to devastate the lives of workers. Unions, despite courageous efforts, are unable to eliminate even the worst abuses of the employers’ power. The Socialist Party believes in the ability of working-people to own and manage their own productive institutions democratically. Human power and natural forces are wasted by this system, which makes “profit” the only object in business. Science and invention are diverted from their humane purposes and made instruments for the enslavement of men, women and children.

Humanity faces the danger of complete destruction. With the destruction of the environment and the consequences of climate change there has never come to socialism so plain an opportunity as that now being offered. We have reached the psychological moment when socialists may define the issues of life and death for the world. There is only one power which can save it – the power of the people. Civilisation hovers at the edge of an abyss. Socialism is the salvation. The only power that can save humanity from the peril of barbarism is the working class. It must free itself of all dependence on the possessing classes. It must cease all collaboration with the exploiters and embark on the road of class struggle, the road of socialist victory. The resources of the world must pass into the possession of working humanity. All other problems, the problems of nationality and of race and colour will be solved once society is freed from exploitation and class divisions. Every step taken will be in the direction of the co-operative commonwealth, since there is no difficulty whatever in creating wealth far in excess of our requirements, by the scientific organisation and application of the right labour of all to the satisfaction of our social needs. The motto, “From each according to ability, to each according to needs,” will cease to be an aspiration and become a reality. The problems of society will no longer be affected in any way by money values. Labour will be devoted to this or that by the desires of the community. Work that, after all possible amelioration, remains dangerous or difficult will be shared by all of the community who are fit, instead of being relegated to a class. The standard of life for each and all will be far higher than anything ever yet attained or suggested. The best possible conditions will be so obviously to the general benefit that the elevation of the level of society will be the aim of each individual as of the whole community.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

On with the class war

The Socialist Party aims to replace the present capitalist system, with its inherent injustice and inhumanity, by a social system from which the domination and exploitation of one class by another will be eliminated, in which economic planning will supersede unregulated private enterprise and competition, and in which genuine economic equality will be possible. The aim of the Socialist Party is the establishment by democratic means of a cooperative commonwealth in which the supplying of human needs and enrichment of human life shall be the primary purpose of our society. the ownership of the world by a small propertied class is driving the people of this planet swiftly along the path to perdition. The hope of humanity and the path to progress lies in the revolt of the wage-earners against the propertied class, the seizure of political power from the propertied class, and the seizure of the land and the means of production from the propertied class. The capture of political and economic power constitute the social revolution. This great change means that the common people (the workers) will own the world in common, produce wealth in common, possess in common all wealth produced, and by common agreement distribute that wealth to the common advantage.

Capitalism fosters competition, strife, and bloodshed. In its path to mayhem hundreds of millions of helpless people are being crushed by a growing poverty. The present order is marked by glaring inequalities of wealth and opportunity, by chaotic waste and instability; and in an age of plenty, it condemns the great mass of the people to poverty and insecurity. In spite of great economic advancement, large sections of people do not benefit from the increased wealth produced. Great wealth and economic power continue to be concentrated in the hands of  relatively few capitalists and corporations. The gap between those at the bottom and those at the top of the economic ladder has grown. Thousands still live in want and insecurity. Slums and inadequate housing condemn many families to a cheerless life. Older citizens exist on pensions far too low for health and dignity. Many too young to qualify for pensions are rejected by industry as too old for employment and face the future without hope. Many in serious ill-health cannot afford the hospital and medical care they need. Educational institutions have been starved for funds and, even in days of prosperity, only a small proportion of young men and women who could benefit from technical and higher education can afford it.

The growing concentration of corporate wealth has resulted in a virtual economic dictatorship by a privileged few.  Power has become more and more concentrated into the hands of a small irresponsible minority of financiers and industrialists and to their predatory interests, the majority are habitually sacrificed. When private profit is the main stimulus to economic effort, our society oscillates between periods of feverish prosperity in which the main benefits go to speculators and profiteers, and of catastrophic depression, in which the common man's normal state of insecurity and hardship is accentuated. We believe that these evils can be removed only in a planned and socialized economy in which our natural resources and means of production and distribution are commonly owned, collectively controlled and operated by the people. The new social order at which we aim is not one in which individuality will be crushed out by a system of regimentation. What we seek is a proper collective organization of our economic resources such as will make possible a much greater degree of leisure and a much richer individual life for every person.

The world’s productive capacity is not fully utilized. Its use is governed by the dictates of private economic power and by considerations of, private profit. Similarly, the scramble for profit has wasted and despoiled our rich resources of soil, water, forest, and minerals. This lack of social planning results in a waste of our human as well as our natural resources. Our human resources are wasted through social and economic conditions which stunt human growth. Industry can and should be so operated as to enable people to use fully their talents and skills. Such an economy will yield the maximum opportunities for individual development and the maximum of goods and services for the satisfaction of human needs. Unprecedented scientific and technological progress have brought us to the threshold of an industrial revolution. Opportunities for enriching the standard of life are greater than ever. However, unless a n careful study is given to the many problems which will arise and unless there is intelligent planning to meet them, the evils of the past will be multiplied in the future. The technological changes will produce even greater concentrations of wealth and power and will cause widespread distress through unemployment and the displacement of populations. Economic expansion accompanied by widespread suffering and injustice is not desirable. Our society must be built upon a relationship based on mutual respect where everyone will have a sense of worth and belonging.  

We do not believe in change by violence. This social and economic transformation can be brought about by political action and through elections. The Socialist Party aims at political power in order to put an end to this capitalist domination of our political life. It is a democratic movement. It appeals for support to all who believe that the time has come for a far-reaching reconstruction of our economic and political institutions and who are willing to work together. The hungry, oppressed and underprivileged of the world must know democracy not as a smug slogan but as a way of life which sees the world as one whole, and which recognizes the right of every person to the highest available standard of living. The Socialist Party will not rest content until every person on this planet is able to enjoy equality and freedom, a sense of human dignity, and an opportunity to live a rich and meaningful life as a citizen of a free and peaceful world. This is the cooperative commonwealth which the Socialist Party invites fellow workers to build.

The present structure of society, capitalism, based on the exploitation of the working class and the division of the spoils. Capitalism, the private ownership of the means of production, is responsible for the insecurity of subsistence, the poverty, misery, and degradation of the ever-growing majority of people. It has necessitated the adoption of socialism, the common ownership of the means of production for the collective good and welfare. The Socialist Party declares its object to be the organization of the working class into a political party to conquer the public powers now controlled by capitalists and the abolition of wage slavery by the establishment of a system of cooperative industry, based upon the social or common ownership of the means of production and distribution, to be administered by society in the mutual interest of all its members, and the complete emancipation of the socially useful classes from the domination of capitalism. The Socialist Party is not a party of patchwork reform, nor a party of sham revolutionary phrases, but operating on a policy of education. We fight for nothing short socialism, because we believe that nothing short of that will save the workers. To us the fight for socialism is the life and soul of the working-class movement and help to bring to the surface the fundamental antagonism of the classes when the workers will be able to control production and distribution by socially owning the great agents of production. What our fellow workers have to learn is that the socialists are in the end the only practical men and women, because the only real practical work for the people is the transformation of capitalism into socialism. Let us cast doubts aside and proceed heartily than ever into the fight, knowing that not many years will have to pass before the world’s socialist movement will prevail.

The safety of society rests not in the hands of a few leaders or party heroes, but in the growing mass of workers becoming conscious of the need for a new society. The more quantitative change on our side, the more will become qualitative, it becomes. In other words, newer and clearer views will come with numbers, and the moment will come when the workers will challenge capitalism to the last fight and win through to the world society of a united human race, producing each for all and all for each. The workers are linking up all over the world, are preparing for the final clash of the class war.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

On with the fight, comrades!

Many workers now understand that the capitalist system fails to provide for the needs of the vast majority of the human race and that it must be overthrown before the people can have freedom. But there is considerable difference of opinions as to the means by which this can be accomplished. Some advocate the ballot, or parliamentary action; some armed insurrection and some industrial action.

The advocates of armed insurrection’s reasoning is superficial. They deal with effects, not causes. The big capitalists who control industry are the real government, and the state is only a committee to represent their interests. Capitalism means a state of society in which production is carried on for profit. This necessitates control of industry by capitalists. The state is only an effect of capitalism. Overthrowing of the state would only mean a political revolution which could be of no lasting benefit to the workers. Overthrowing of capitalism would mean a social revolution, a complete change in the methods by which production and distribution are carried on. It would mean production for use instead of for profit. This can only be accomplished by the workers taking control of industry out of the hands of capitalists and running it for themselves.

Common Ownership Not Public Ownership
Common ownership not public ownership is the aim of the Socialist Party. Public ownership has a nice sound to it but it is simply another expression for nationalisation (or municipalisation) – state ownership. The goal is to bring about collective ownership of the means of production on behalf of the capitalist class instead of direct ownership by individual groups within that class as to-day. That is, organising the whole of production on a similar system to that of the Post Office once was and similar state-owned concerns. Even though nationalisation is sometimes called “public ownership”, it is not really ownership by “the public”, i.e. the community, i.e. all of us, but only ownership by the state, i.e. by the minority whose interests it serves. Nationalisation, as the experience of the nationalised industries since 1945 shows, is really state capitalism with the employees still needing trade unions to try to get better pay and working conditions from their employer.
There can be quite easily a gradual change from private to state property but there cannot be a gradual change from private to common ownership. The latter change is a fundamental change, in which one form excludes the other. In a modern state private and common ownership cannot exist side by side as the Bolsheviks found to their cost. It can only be all or nothing.  Nevertheless, many on the left are apostles of public ownership (although these days they are always careful to add the caveat under workers control). Nor is it unknown for the Tories to take businesses under the government’s wing for the work of repairing capitalism for the capitalists. Sections of the capitalist class teetering on the edge of bankruptcy are only too happy when government pull their chestnuts out of the fire for them. The post-war Labour government did nationalise coal, the railways, gas, water and electricity but mainly in order to ensure that the rest of private industry got these provided in a more efficient and subsidised way.

 No stone is left unturned to make efficient a lame duck and then return it good as new back to the private sector. People who are prepared to tolerate and support capitalist ownership (whether private or “public”) are full of plans. They have to be. The problems created by capitalism are so numerous that those engaged in its administration spend their time necessarily in endeavouring to solve them and in finding ways and means of reconciling the antagonistic interests involved. Socialists, on the other hand, recognise that the most fundamental antagonism of all, that between the workers and the capitalists as classes, can find no solution in any form of capitalist ownership. What can it matter to the workers whether they are exploited by a joint-stock company, a public utility corporation set up by a Labour government, or by a government department with the minister in charge? People also often overlook that the Miners’ Strike was a strike against an industry “owned” by the nation.

Businessmen at present prefer, or pretend, to believe along with members of the Labour Party, that socialism means the same thing as nationalisation. But nationalisation is a purely capitalist reform. Its chief object is to equalise the conditions of exploitation for capitalist competitors. The workers gain little by nationalisation. Their status is unchanged. The more capitalism is changed in detail the more it remains  basically the same—a system resting on the exploitation of the working class. The capitalists still control the means of wealth production and guarantee the profits to themselves. They still compel the workers to sell their energy for wages that barely cover the cost of living. The Left should remind themselves of the thousands of workers in the past, in the nationalised coal, steel and railway industries who had to go on strike in an attempt to protect their living standards, and indeed of the thousands of these workers who were eventually sacked, just as would have happened under private ownership. That is the way capitalism works, whether it is run privately or by the state.

Only common ownership of the means of living can abolish this conflict of interests and it is our undertaking to make this plain to fellow-workers. The reason for government nationalisation of certain industries in countries like Britain where capitalism is operated under what is referred to as a mixed economy, is not for the purpose of providing a better social service, as such, but to ensure that the surplus-value-producing machinery of the whole national capitalist class continues to exploit the working class with the maximum possible efficiency. Common ownership is unthinkable to the capitalist class, something utterly impracticable and unjustifiable. To a class that has been in possession for generations, the idea of common ownership is abhorrent. To-day they will not even admit the possibility of it. When they are forced to recognise it as an alternative to their own system, they will use all the forces at their disposal to thwart its advance.

The employers are full of promises of better things for those whom they exploit. They will, as Tolstoy said, do everything for the workers except get off their backs. The workers, therefore, must cast off the parasite-class for themselves. Nationalisation was a technocratic act, placing industries under the control of managers thought better capable of running them than their predecessors, though they were often the same persons.

Karl Marx used the word “association” to indicate the society he envisaged as replacing capitalism. And this term is useful in terms of emphasising how the members of that society will freely enter into production relations with each other to produce social wealth.

The greatest strength of the Socialist Party is our ideas and our thinking. The aim of the Socialist Party is to convince our fellow workers that the overall and permanent solutions to all the economic problems we endure require a revolution to overthrow capitalism. We treat the Labour Party with the disdain it deserves. Do not waste efforts over it, and, certainly, do not attempt to resurrect it as a “true” labour party. Do we really want to re-run the setback and disillusionment and betrayal of the last 100 years? Let it wither on the vine. Let its decline be terminal.

We have a future to gain. Workers must do for themselves: we are many, they are few. There are but two classes and class is everything. Without clarity about it, we do not know who we are or what we are doing. We are at war against the capitalist enemy. The ruling class only has apparent strength due largely to our apathy and passivity; our ignorance and lack of activity. The Socialist Party stands firmly on the bed-rock of the class struggle, and; declares, that so long as the means of production are in the hands of a numerically small class, the workers will be forced to sell their labour-power to them for a bare subsistence wage. In recognising that there never can be anything in common between the employing class and the working class, the Socialist Party strives to instil into the workers’ minds class solidarity on the economic and political fields. It is also the duty of socialists to teach the solidarity of the interests of the working class, regardless of the race that some section of the class happens to belong to. Let’s build a great socialist movement. 

Welfare isn't working

Hungry families are seeking help from Citizens Advice Bureau after being without food for several days, while others are unable to afford basics such as electricity or gas, a damning report into the state of poverty in Scotland has revealed. Citizens Advice Scotland warned that the state support network is failing vulnerable people, forcing them into extreme poverty.

Experts say that recent changes to the social security system, benefit rates not keeping pace with inflation, low pay, insecure work and rising costs of living have all contributed to people’s decreasing resilience to income shocks. John Finch, right, an advisor at the Citizens Advice Bureau in Leith, said he had witnessed a notable increase in people living in dire conditions before seeking help.

Susan McPhee, head of policy and public affairs at Citizens Advice Scotland, warned that the social security system is “simply not working” for vulnerable people.

The social security system is no longer providing an effective safety net for Scots in poverty and in many cases is actually causing people to become destitute. Huge numbers of inquiries at Citizen's Advice Bureaux from people in need of foodbanks and hardship payments prove the system is failing. Almost two thirds of clients surveyed said periods without income had forced them to cut down on gas and electricity use (63 per cent), and 71 per cent said they went without food. More than half (56 per cent) said money worries were affecting their physical health and 64 per cent said such worries affected their mental health.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Now’s the Day and Now’s the Hour

The Socialist Party seeks to inaugurate a system of industrial democracy in place of capitalist autocracy and control to replace our current system of self-destructive capitalism. Capitalism has outgrown its usefulness and must be supplanted by a system of greater stability. Capitalism knows only profit, socialism knows only the exploitation by which profit is possible. To gain control of production and distribution for the benefit of mankind instead of capitalism is the object of the Socialist Party. Socialism is not getting more wages, lesser hours and better conditions but achieving social power. Socialism is the means to insure for workers their own free development and their own liberation. Socialism is non-bureaucratic. It is non-autocratic. It is an industrial democracy, by, for and of the workers, first, last and all the time.

State-capitalism (misleadingly designated as state-socialism) emphasises the fact of the state being an economic agency of the ruling class,  the government and ruling class, become one and indivisible. Socialism eliminates the state. Socialism rejects state-capitalism as a phase of socialism or a transition towards it. State-Capitalism is not socialism and never can become socialism. State-capitalism accentuates and sharpens class divisions. State-capitalism regulates and directs capital and labour; it seeks to realise peace between the classes, of the abolition (or at least suspension,) of the class struggle. State-capitalism is fundamentally and necessarily undemocratic; it cannot be democratised, it must be abolished by revolution.

Naturally, the coming of a socialist society would call for the adoption of new methods of running industry. The point to be decided is: How shall the workers organize? This question is of supreme importance. If the workers allow themselves to be misled and tricked into organizing in a way that will not only fail to free them from wage-slavery or even to better their condition but will put them more thoroughly in the power of the industrial masters, much valuable time will be lost and discouragement and despair will result. What is needed is unity of thought and action. Far better no organization at all than a fake form which divides the workers against themselves and misleads them in the interests of the employers. Socialists will overthrow capitalism and establish in its place a system of industrial democracy. Capitalism is world-wide. It pays little attention to national boundary lines. The modern wage worker has neither property nor country. Ties of birth and sentiment which connect him or her with any particular country are slight and unimportant. It makes little difference to him or her what country he or she exists in. Socialist organisation must not confine themselves to geographical divisions or national boundary lines but must follow the world-embracing lines of industry. The workers of all countries co-operate to carry on industry regardless of national boundary lines, and they must organize in the same way to control industry. When the workers are educated to the real nature of the profit system they lose all respect for the masters and their property. They see the capitalists in their true colours as thieves and parasites, and their "sacred" property as plunder. They see state and media as tools of the exploiters and they look on these institutions with contempt. They understand the identity of interests of all wage workers and realise the truth of the I. W. W. slogan: "An injury to one is an injury to all."

Socialism is merely an extension of the ideal of democracy into the economic field. At present, industry is ruled by the owners of the machinery of production and distribution, who have literally the power of life and death over the subjects. We know not what the people will do when they control the means by which they make their living, but we believe they will use them in their own interest and with a reasonable degree of intelligence. They can make it possible to banish want from the face of the Earth. They can make it possible for every family to have a home and to be immune from the fear of want for themselves and their children. They can make it possible for every child to have a good education, to be able to see the world, and to make its way without the least danger of losing out economically. They can make it possible for every woman to be free economically so that she may get along whether she marries or not. These are the ideas that the socialist cherishes.

The Socialist Party is democratic in principle. It tolerates no official autocracy within it. Officials are elected and all questions are decided by a referendum vote of all the membership. The Socialist Party is the result of the past experience of the labour movement. It has learned from the mistakes and failures of former parties. These are not mere visions but are things that may be brought into concrete form, whenever men and women shall have free access to the means with which things are produced and distributed.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Socialism — The Hope of the World

We in the Socialist Party are proud to declare that we are socialists. We represent the conception of socialism of the future. We seek a world in which the exploitation of man by man shall cease, the end of impoverishment and a world freed from the fear of war. We are never more optimistic, never more certain, never more determined to achieve the goal of socialism. When workers refuse to be divided they will be moving toward the overthrow of the whole system of social exploitation.

No member of the working class can be satisfied with his or her position in society. Their lives are made up of worry, anxiety, insecurity, and hardships. As long as the wages system continues there is the drudgery of monotonous work, the constant penny-pinching to make ends meet, and the continual necessity of learning to do without things. The tools and machinery and equipment necessary for the production of wealth must be made the common property of the workers, and must be controlled by them. To bring this about this is the object of the Socialist Party. The Socialist Part is not a political party in the sense that other parties are. It has no reform to advocate.

There exists the Labour Party, which is often considered a working-class party. The majority of its supporters are drawn from the workers, but this party fast lost any working-class spirit it ever possessed. It has never understood the capitalist system. The Labour Party thought that all that was necessary was to get into power and administer the various departments of the State. This party has been in power and no noticeable improvement has ever taken place in the condition of the workers. It has administered the various government ministries and departments very economically and efficiently in the interest of the capitalist class. This Labour Party has curtailed the right to strike. This Labour Party has fostered nationalism and race prejudice.  This Labour Party is not a working-class party and never has been. Wherever capitalism has felt weak to cope with the rising tide of the revolutionary movements of the workers, it has called to its service the politicians of the Labour Party, willing agents of the ruling class to help subdue these workers’ movements. They have earned their spurs, knighthoods and peerages in the business of betraying the best aspirations and interests of the working class. The Labour Party stand exposed as the enemies of the socialism of Marx.

Thus the Socialist Party finds itself pitted against the whole profit-making system.  We declare that there can be no compromise so long as the working class lives in want while the master class lives in luxury. We insist that there can be no peace until the workers organise as a class, take possession of the resources of the earth and the machinery of production and distribution and abolish the wage system. In other words, the workers in their collectivity must own and operate all the essential industrial and manufacturing resources. The Socialist Party reaffirms its allegiance to the principle of working-class solidarity the world over. The Socialist Party is unalterably opposed to the system of exploitation and class rule. The only struggle which would justify the workers in taking up arms is the great struggle of the working class of the world to free itself from economic oppression. In support of capitalism, we will not willingly give a single life or a single drop of blood; in support of the struggle of the workers for industrial democracy we pledge our all.

The end of poverty, war and disease will come with the establishment of common ownership and production for use and not for exchange and profit. The Socialist Party calls upon all the workers to join it in its struggle to reach this goal and thus bring into the world a new society in which peace, fraternity, and human brotherhood will be the dominant ideals. There is no time to waste, the need for abolishing capitalism is urgent.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Time to wake up.

The working class are the engine of social change. Basically if one has to work for a wage or salary in order to live, they are a part of the working class. (90-95%) If one owns or inherits, sufficient resources, investment, capital, means of producing wealth by exploiting others, they are members of the parasite capitalist class (5-10%). (We are not speaking of pensioners here.)

All wealth is created by the working class being exploited, by virtue of their necessity to work, in order to live, for a wage or salary (ration) to produce a surplus value over what they earn, which is then sold on the market to realise a profit for the parasite class. This is true whether they work by hand or by brain, in industry or in services supporting industry. Once the working class begin to see themselves as the engine for social change they will be able to usher in a new post-capitalist society of common ownership and democratic control, over the means of producing and distributing wealth, with production for use and free access for all.

The Labour Party is the liberal party. It was formed from them with some trade union support. It never was a socialist party, it stood and still stands for wage-slavery. The Labour Party is irrelevant, except as a capitalist party of business offering some piece-meal reforms. Who produces all the wealth, manages and runs capitalism from top to bottom? The working class that is who. The Labour Party doesn't have to become a party of the liberal left, it is and always has been so, under the misapprehension that capitalism can be reformed in some meaningful way. It was never a socialist party but a reformist one.

“The Labour party has never been a socialist party, although there have always been socialists in it – a bit like Christians in the Church of England.” Tony Benn.

Corbyn/Sanders “Democratic Socialism” has never existed. You are describing reform capitalism with mixtures of state capitalism and regulated free capitalism. Those still retained waged slavery, production for sale etc. still essentially class societies with exploitation an essential component of it. Venezuela has damn all to do with socialism. It is a capitalism, with state capitalistic control of some industries and attempts to reform some of the hideous consequences of capitalism. No more socialist than Bismarck's Germany was.

Socialism/communism is a post-capitalist society which will not have any government over people but will be a commonly owned, democratic resource-based economy with decisions made locally, regionally and globally by the people themselves using recallable delegation where necessary in world bodies such as WHO. It has nothing to do with the Left wing state capitalist, Leninist nonsense of the former soviet blocs or the British state capitalist post-war nationalising reforms of capitalism, which serves as a useful straw man for capitalist politicians, to prevent workers engaging with the real case for socialism, a post -capitalist settlement of human affairs.

If you need a leader, strong or otherwise, you are a part of the problem.

" Rise, like lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number!
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you:
Ye are many—they are few!" (Shelley)

We then can dissolve all governments over people and elect ourselves to administer resources in a resource based free access economy without social classes or parasitic elites. We have the World to win, a post-capitalist society to make. We can dispense with nation states and all government over people, when we have a commonly owned, production for use, free access, post-capitalist society organised upon the tenet of, "From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs". Governments would wither away into an "administration of things", with recallable delegation where required.

Wee Matt

Come on, you champions

Today in France the final of the Euro Cup takes place involving players on salaries of hundreds of thousands a year and who are valued on the transfer market in the millions. Meanwhile, in Glasgow, the Homeless World Cup takes place where 48 men's and 16 women's teams involved. The aim of the competition is to inspire homeless people to change their lives, not to increase the coffers of bureaucrats and sponsors. 

Socialist Courier blog knows who we support. 

Saturday, July 09, 2016

If homo sapiens are to survive.

Pollution is the result of the profit-motivated system we live in. And so long as that system is allowed to continue, pollution will continue.  The pollution of water, food and air is caused by the greed for profit. This could be abolished if the resources of the countries of the entire planet could be organised rationally to produce a healthy environment. It is not a technical problem as some may imagine. It is a class and political problem. While capitalism remains, the resources produced by the labour of the workers will be squandered on wasteful production methods. All the resources for a world of abundance, without pollution, disease and squalor, exist at the present time in skill, technique and science. They cannot be used for constructive purposes till the capitalist system of profit-making is overthrown. Grim reality teaches that the alternative posed by Marx of socialism or barbarism has been transformed into world socialism or annihilation. Today’s environmental problems spring from capitalism’s reckless pursuit of accumulation without regard for human welfare. The super-rich has one basic goal in life: to make more and more profits. With indifference to the quality of working class life including the environment, it might be expected that the most industrialised and profitable areas where most workers live suffer the worst pollution.

We can replace capitalism with a rational and humane system – socialism. Socialism is a social system where social wealth is genuinely controlled by society and for the benefit of society; where the common good, not profits, becomes the chief concern; where the everyday working people become the rightful masters of society. We can improve our lives and society, and we can eliminate exploitation and capitalist injustice, by overturning the capitalist system. The socialist revolution has become a historical necessity and possibility. There is no other choice today but for the working people to organise to struggle and win socialism. If the working people, and not the corporations, controlled the great resources of our society, we could improve all our lives. We could end industrial pollution and chemical dangers while still guaranteeing a decent standard of living for all. Whose is the fault that it isn’t done? The capitalist class, and all who uphold the capitalist class and their accursed social system.

The socialist revolution is the most profound of all revolutions in history. It will be perhaps the most far-reaching than any in the whole experience of mankind. The hundreds of millions of workers striking off their age-old chains of wage-slavery will construct a society of liberty and prosperity. Socialism will inaugurate a new era for the human species, the building of a new world. The overthrow of capitalism and the development of socialism will bring about the immediate or eventual solution of many great social problems. Some of these originate in capitalism, and others have plagued humanity for centuries. Among them are war, religious superstition, famine, pestilence, crime, poverty, unemployment, racism, and national chauvinism, the suppression of woman, and every form of slavery and exploitation of one class by another.

Capitalism, based upon human exploitation, stands as the great barrier to social progress. Capitalism has checked the evolution of the human race. Socialism by abolishing the capitalist system releases productive forces strong enough to provide plenty for all and it destroys the whole accompanying capitalist baggage of cultivated ignorance, strife and misery. Socialism frees humanity from the stultifying effects of the present struggle for existence and opens up before it new horizons of joys and tasks. Socialist society will carry through many profound measures such as these that will organise of the economics of the world upon a rational and planned basis, and will systematically conserve and increase of the world’s natural resources and the beautification of the world by a new and richer artistry, eliminating the crowded congested cities by the combination of the conveniences of country and urban life, and the solution of many other great problems and tasks now hardly even imagined.

The day is not so far distant when our grand-children will look back with horror upon capitalism and wonder why we tolerated it so long.

From our archives

Party News from the January and March 1952 issues of the Socialist Standard

The Organiser of Kelvingrove Branch sent the following news of Branch propaganda activity.
   “Since the middle of August, the Kelvingrove Branch has had a very successful series of outdoor meetings. Two members who previously had not shown any great ability as speakers, have, with a little change of technique, managed to hold outdoor meetings at which on only one occasion, has there been less than 100 of an audience and, on every other, the audience varied between 150 and 300. Collections and Literature sales have been good and a number of regular attenders are beginning to come around. But, best of all, the success we have had, has put new zest into the Branch as a whole. Our meetings started off with attendances of about 3 to 4 party members and quickly mounted until at the last two we could count 15 to 20 members.

To those members who have tried speaking and then given up when they did not meet with immediate success; we hope our achievement will act as encouragement to have another go. It helps a great deal if one is big enough to accept constructive criticism from fellow members and, of course, if a deaf ear can be turned to members and relatives who deplore your lack of ability.

  During the election period, with the help of three "Glasgow City" comrades, we managed to push about 2,000 Election Manifestos through an equivalent number of doors. We would have liked to have done the whole Kelvingrove constituency, but to succeed in such a venture, we would have needed more members or the Manifestoes at our disposal on an earlier date.

   By holding meetings, attending opposition party meetings and canvassing from door to door almost 20 doz. S.S. were sold, this being the total amount of S.S. ordered by City and Kelvingrove.
  Taking stock of the past couple of months’ activity, we feel pleased, and look forward to next year’s propaganda season with renewed vigour and vitality—our recent success has acted like a tonic.”

In a statement addressed to the Working Class, Kelvingrove branch states, “ You have probably bought the Socialist Standard for the first time. Much of it will seem new to you and some of its contents may need explaining when compared with what you thought was Socialism. Our canvassers will be at your door again sometime in the near future to sell you another copy of the Socialist Standard or perhaps a pamphlet. But in the meantime, why not come to our Branch meeting in St. Andrew’s Hails, Door G, Berkeley Street, and find out a little more about Socialism. There is not time to waste, the need for abolishing Capitalism is urgent. Kelvingrove Branch meets every fortnight on Mondays at the above hall. The following are the meeting dates for February: 4th, 18th, and March 3rd, 17th and 31st. Time 7.30 p.m.“ The Kelvingrove Branch are continuing with their efforts in bringing to the notice of the Kelvingrove constituency the need for Socialism. In the month of December the sales of the Socialist Standard, through canvassing, increased again to 14½ dozen copies; nearly two dozen copies of these were the November issue.

So far about one sixth of the constituency has been canvassed and the number of members engaged in the task is six. These members canvass on an average of two nights each week. As time goes on the Branch hope to encourage other members who are a little self-conscious at "going on the knocker,” to take part. In the summer it is hoped to extend the propaganda work by chalking the area with suitable slogans advertising the Socialist Standard. It is our aim to get the Party well known in the district and in time to have quite a few more members of the working class understanding Socialism and joining the Party, to work for the achievement of Socialism.

Friday, July 08, 2016

Capitalism Is Always Capitalism…Same old same.

Unfortunately for most people around the world, the social system the world lives under today is capitalism, a situation in which the moneyed classes hold economic and political power. For that reason, almost all the rules governing international relations on the planet in the form of laws, social practices and traditions have a foundation convenient to the capitalist order. Everything on our small planet affects everything else. This interdependence is a harsh reality. We all face impending doom—and potential hope. How do people continue to let themselves get fooled time and time again?

One percent of world's population holds almost half its wealth. Some 18.5 million households around the world have at least $1 million worth of assets, for a total of $78.8 trillion – or about the same size as global annual economic output. That also amounts to 47 percent of total global wealth – based on holdings of cash, financial accounts, and equities, but not real estate – leaving the rest to be divided by the other 99 percent of the world's population. The elite one percent have steadily grown their share of global wealth from 45 percent in 2013 to 47 percent last year. Offshore tax havens hold some $10 trillion, an amount that grew to around 3 percent last year.

Capitalism will continue to appear to temper itself through myriad things -- socially responsible investing, social impact bonds, philanthro-capitalism and venture philanthropy plans that make investing in personal finance as a solution to poverty, etc. Those looking for meaningful change must move past those red herrings. The world’s unelected dictatorship of money rule 24/7, moving forward on a steady basis with its many-sided pillaging of the common good, its never-ending poisoning of the community well. We are fooled into accepting that every few years dropping our vote into a ballot box is an exercise in “self-rule”. Radical politicians are willing to rock the capitalist boat, but not to capsize it. Capitalism threat to life on Earth and we can no longer afford to be passive spectators.

Capitalism is synonymous with freedom … provided, of course, you agree that the first and foremost of the freedoms enjoyed by capital is that money can buy everything. When the ability of money stops those acquiring the goods to sustain life or turns necessities for life into a commodity that can be bought and sold, capitalism’s much-vaunted freedom disappears. There is always a struggle between the empowered rich and the poor who suffer the consequences of such control over the wealth of the planet. When conditions dictate, oligarchs and plutocrats make concessions to their “subjects” in order to prevent them from using their numerical advantage and organizing to disturb and upset the established order. For capitalism, the media is only considered democratic where capitalists are allowed to buy radio and television stations, newspapers, magazines and news agencies so they can see to it that what is disseminated serves its interests. These interests are the determining factors in the whole society. But when the ruling classes’ hegemony is in danger, they then support each other in defence of their exploitative interests.

Socialism is not about creating a society of saints and angels but about simply building a society where it is easier for people to do good, allowing all of us to express our full humanity. 

The Life League

Thursday, July 07, 2016

Capitalist collapse or socialist revolution

For many, a socialist future seemed to be almost at hand. But truth be told, the dream has faded. Many have lost confidence in socialist ideals and find refuge in the ideas of nationalism or religion (often both). Inarticulate workers were asking important questions but the only answers they received were from the forces of reaction, not revolution. Many were more fearful of fellow workers than of their own ruling class. When presented with their own power, many workers sought to abdicate responsibility and instead surrendered control to others. The ruling class left that dirty job to their lackeys to assume. Today the socialist aspiration that drove people into revolutionary action has gone and now people never seem to look beyond a change of political regime and gaining a slightly higher living standard.

Capitalist collapse or socialist revolution, there is no alternative. Capitalism is the strangler of human progress. There is no future unless we overthrow capitalism. The choice is barbarism or socialism. There is today an almost total absence of any thought about a socialist future. There is a need to make socialists. In order to save themselves and all humanity from the chaos, workers must know the road to the socialist future and take it resolutely. We retain a confidence in the socialist future of humanity. We retain an undimmed socialist vision of the future. To hasten its realisation is the greatest privilege for a man or woman in the world today.

To the pressing question, “How shall socialism be realised?” we must then give the answer: “By the growth of a conscious working class desiring socialism.” It implies the obligation of each one of us to help bring forward the organisation and the class-wide activity of our fellow workers, to hasten the development of everything that increases the intellectual, economic and political power of our class. Socialists must teach fellow workers the political nature of the connection between their status and the economic system. One thing is clear: Socialism can’t be built unless the majority of people participate in every phase of the socialist development. The unity of mankind is an age-old dream. Must this goal then be given up as an illusion? No, answers the Socialist Party, it can be achieved, overcoming of the divisions and conflicts among peoples in this world. Universal peace and fraternity cannot become real and secure until there are no rich draining the life-blood of the poor.  

Socialism is based on the common ownership of the means of production and distribution which ends all social oppression by dissolving the hostile classes into a community of free and equal producers striving not for sectional interests, but for the common good. It is a cooperative commonwealth, liberating the individual from all economic, political and social oppression, to provide the basis, for real liberty and for the full and harmonious development of the personality, giving full scope to the growth of the creative faculties of the mind. Men and women in a socialist future will be able to recreate their personality from head-to-toe thanks to the steady reduction, and ultimately the total abolition, of all forced labour of production. The aim of the new socialist world is to bring about those conditions which will make both individual and collective creativeness the rule, rather than the exception, in human life.

Socialists demand the liberation of humanity – and of the individual within the framework of society – from alienation in all the domains of society. The aim is to obtain the real sovereignty of the masses, to destroy the division between those who are deprived of freedom and the ruling class who are not responsible to the people. The road to a harmonious and classless society has to pass through the gate of the world socialist revolution in order to eliminate the root causes of conflict between one part of mankind and another. Capitalist power can be abolished only by carrying the struggle to its conclusion on a world scale. A socialist future would guarantee the rational use of human creativity and resources.

Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Remaining True to Socialism

Socialism inspires hope. When the class-struggle is weak and workers’ resistance low, so is the appeal of socialism. But when apathy and despondency are dispelled, workers start expressing their anger and their hopes and dreams surface again. What seemed idealistic and utopian no longer seems so unlikely. As political action gets into full swing socialist aspirations come closer to reality. "I" begins to merge with "We." But when the revolutionary swing begins to weaken, socialism disappears from the horizon.

The Socialist Party holds aloft its ideas and rises above all compromise to be a party of truth. The facts and figures of widespread human privation and suffering; of political oppression and economic exploitation are available for all to know. They are plain to see unless you willfully close your eyes to shut them out. The Socialist Party has focused attention on the grave and real evils in the capitalist system that something needed to be done about. We now can understand that capitalism has degenerated to the point where it threatens us all with barbarism and destruction. Capitalism cannot feed the people; it cannot house them yet it can starve people; it can destroy homes. We have in capitalism a colossal concentration of wealth on the one side and poverty on the other side. We have in a world of stupendous riches unknown in all history: no abundance, no peace, no security, no full employment anywhere. Under capitalism, instead of construction, we have destruction. These social evils are not bred in the heart of mankind; they are bred by capitalism, and by nothing else. To succeed economically, the capitalist must accumulate; not that he wants to or doesn’t – he must accumulate in order to survive. To accumulate, he must be assured his profits. To profit, he must exploit labour. There is no other way. Capital always seeks to intensify exploitation. Capitalism is founded upon and cannot exist without the private ownership and control of the means of production by the few and it has brought society almost literally to the edge of a precipice, where it cannot guarantee security to the people, cannot guarantee peace to the people, cannot guarantee brotherhood to the people, cannot guarantee abundance to the people. Any social system which cannot guarantee those to the people stands condemned. The only way to replace capitalism is by socialism.

Socialism has gotten a bad name. Leninists and Labourites defined their socialism in terms of state-ownership and a command economy. They eliminated from their socialism its essence, its liberating element, its ability to unleash and mobilise all the human energies which a class-society corrupts. The Socialist Party holds firm to the principles of common ownership and collective control of the means of production by the whole people, by the producers. This is for us the fullest achievement of democracy: the assurance of material abundance for all by wiping out classes, by banishing all social fears which haunt us, so that mankind can devote itself to full free intellectual and cultural development. Capitalism cannot achieve the common good. The Socialist Party argues that workers must not cooperate with the capitalist class because the only basis upon which you can cooperate is to your disadvantage. On what basis can you cooperate with the capitalist class? By preserving intact the foundation of private property and so long as this basis remains fundamentally intact, ruling class power and domination remain intact. Capitalist competition continues leading to crises, poverty and war. The Socialist Party demands the common ownership and democratic control and management of the means of production and distribution for the benefit and welfare of the people as a whole. That is the socialist objective; nothing less than that suffices.

The world’s wealth is so enormous that there is enough to go round. It is possible for people to imagine a society where everyone can live in equality: where there was no need for exploiters and exploited, and where the means of production will be owned not by greedy individuals but by society. Why shouldn’t  workers engage in cooperation to decide what they produce, and to whom and how it is distributed? In such a cooperative society, production could be planned to fit everyone’s needs. Distribution – and everything else in society – could be organised socially. In a socialist society, there would be no need for anyone to fight anyone else. There would be more than enough for everyone, and it would be distributed not on the basis of who was the strongest but on the basis of who needed most. It is the working class who cooperate to produce the wealth, and they should take the means of production from the capitalist class, put an end to exploitation forever and run society on the lines of the famous slogan: ‘From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.’

If socialism loses its essence it ceases to be socialism and became something completely different. It becomes a reformed capitalism.

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Too Many People? 5/5

In troubled times, all of us seek ways to make sense of the world. The way people think about hunger is the greatest obstacle to ending it. A centuries-old debate has recently heated up: just how close are we to the earth's limits? Worries about global food shortages are nothing more than apocalyptic scenarios. The conventional wisdom is that world hunger exists primarily because of natural disasters, population pressure, and shortfalls in food production. These problems are compounded, it is believed, by ecological crises and global warming, which together result in further food scarcity. Ergo, hunger exists simply because there isn’t enough food to go around.

Not everyone has adequate access to the food they need, and this has lead to large-scale hunger and malnutrition in the world. In 2009, more than one billion people worldwide were considered to be undernourished; this means that one in every six persons suffers from hunger every day. Around a quarter of all children under 5 years of age suffer from acute or chronic symptoms of malnutrition; during seasonal food shortages and in times of famine and social unrest, this number increases. According to some estimates, malnutrition is an important factor among the children who die from preventable diseases and infections, such as measles, diarrhoea, malaria and pneumonia. The vast majority of the undernourished people live in Asia and the Pacific. This region, which is home to 70% of the total population of the developing world, accounts for almost two-thirds of the undernourished people. A quarter of the undernourished are in Sub-Saharan Africa, which is also the region with the highest proportion of its population undernourished.

There is enough food in the world today for everyone to have the nourishment necessary for a healthy and productive life. Yet people go hungry even when there's plenty of food around. Often it's a question of access - they can’t afford food. Chronic hunger has a range of causes, but global food scarcity is not one of them. Only when we free ourselves from the myth of scarcity can we begin to look for hunger's real causes.

According to the World Food Programme, we produce enough to feed the global population of 7 billion people. And the world produces 17% more food per person today than 30 years ago, and the rate of food production has increased faster than the rate of population growth for the past two decades. Abundance, not scarcity, best describes the world’s food supply. Even though the global population more than doubled between 1961 and 2013, the world produces around 50 percent more food for each of us today—of which we now waste about a third. Even after diverting roughly half of the world’s grain and most soy protein to animal feed and non-food uses, the world still produces enough to provide every human being with nearly 2,900 calories a day. Clearly, our global calorie supply is ample. Enough food is available to provide at least 4.3 pounds of food per person a day worldwide: 2 1/2 pounds of grain, beans and nuts, about a pound of fruits and vegetables, and nearly another pound of meat, milk and eggs — enough to make most people fat! The problem is that many people are too poor to buy readily available food. Even most "hungry countries" have enough food for all their people right now. Many are net exporters of food and other agricultural products.

There is plenty of food in the world. Production of cereals (wheat, rice, millet etc) in 1985 reached 1799.2 million tons, enough to offer everyone in the world well over the recommended minimum of 2.500 calories per adult per day. And that is before you’ve even begun to count the calories in vegetables, nuts, pulses, root crops and grass-fed (as opposed to grain-fed) meat.

There’s little relationship between hunger and the availability of land. Holland has 1.117 people per square mile and Bolivia (just 12, yet the Dutch are one of the best-fed people in the world and the Bolivian poor among the world’s most undernourished. We think of India as overpopulated yet it has 568 people per square mile, less than Britain’s 583. And Africa may have the world’s greatest food problem - but it isn’t for the lack of land. At the moment only a quarter of Africa’s potential arable land is being cultivated. Thanks to continuing increases in crop yields, the world's farmers are harvesting hundreds of millions of tons more grain each year on tens of millions of acres less land than they did in the 1970s and '80s. For instance, according to USDA figures, the world was producing 1.9 million metric tons of grain from 579.1 hectares of land (a hectare is 2.47 acres) in 1976. In 2004, we got 3.1 million metric tons of grain from only 517.9 hectares of land. This is quite a jump.

The United States Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) provides financial assistance by "renting" the land from the farmers so that things like grass and trees can be planted there instead of crops.

According to a 2009 report published by the FAO, about 400 million hectares of African savannah are quite suitable for farming--but only 10 percent of that land is currently cultivated. Called the Guinea Savannah Zone, this stretch of arable land winds through 25 African countries. And, even though Africa has a dire history of war and unstable government, things have recently begun to look up for many of these nations, which means this land is more likely to be cultivated in the future. According to the FAO, "Africa is better placed today to achieve rapid development in agriculture than either northeast Thailand or the Cerrado when their agricultural transformation took off in 1980 . . . There are a number of reasons for this: rapid economic, population and urban growth providing diverse and ample domestic markets; favourable domestic policy environments, improved business climates in many countries; increased foreign and domestic investment in agriculture; and the use of new technologies."

the real reasons for Africa's food problems are no mystery. Africa's food potential has been distorted and thwarted.

* The colonial land grab that continued into the modern era displaced peoples and the production of foodstuffs from good lands toward marginal ones, giving rise to a pattern where good land is mostly dedicated to the production of cash crops for export or is even unused by its owners. Furthermore, colonisers and, subsequently, national and international agencies, have discredited peasant producers' often sophisticated knowledge of ecologically appropriate farming systems. Promoting "modern," often imported, and ecologically destructive technologies, they have cut Africa's food producers out of economic decisions most affecting their very survival.

* Public resources, including research and agricultural credit, have been channelled to export crops to the virtual exclusion of peasant-produced food crops such as millet, sorghum, and root crops. In the 1 980s increased pressure to export to pay interest on foreign debt further reinforced this imbalance.

* Women are principal food producers in many parts of Africa, yet both colonial policy and, all too often, ill-conceived foreign aid and investment projects have placed decisions over land use and credit in the domain of men. In many cases that has meant preferential treatment for cash crops over food crops, skewing land use and investment patterns toward cash crops.

* Aid policies unaccountable to African peasant producers and pastoralists have generally bypassed their needs in favour of expensive, large-scale projects. Africa has historically received less aid for agriculture than any other continent, and only a fraction of it has reached rain-fed agriculture, on which the bulk of grain production depends. Most of the aid has backed irrigated, export-oriented, elite-controlled production.

Because of external as well as domestic factors African governments have often maintained cheap food policies whereby peasants are paid so poorly for their crops that they have little incentive to produce, especially for official market channels. The factors responsible for these policies have included developed country dumping of food surpluses in African markets at artificially low prices, developed country interest in cheap wages to guarantee profitable export production, "middle-class" African consumer demand for affordable meat and dairy products produced with cheap grain, and government concerns about urban political support and potential unrest. The net effect has been to both depress local food production and divert it toward informal, and therefore unrecorded, markets.

Until recently many African governments also overvalued their currencies, making imported food artificially cheap and undercutting local producers of millet, sorghum, and cassava. Although recent policy changes have devalued currencies, which might make locally produced food more attractive, accompanying free trade policies have brought increased imports of cheap food from developed countries, largely cancelling any positive effect.

* Urban tastes have increasingly shifted to imported grain, particularly wheat, which few countries in Africa can grow economically. Thirty years ago, only a small minority of urban dwellers in sub-Saharan Africa ate wheat. Today bread is a staple for many urbanites, and bread and other wheat products account for about a third of all the region's grain imports. U.S. food aid and advertising by multinational corporations ("He'll be smart. He'll go far. He'll eat bread.") have played their part in molding African tastes to what the developed countries have to sell.

Thus beneath the "scarcity diagnosis" of Africa's food situation lie many human-made (often Western influenced) and therefore reversible causes. Even Africa's high birth rates are not independent variables but are determined by social realities that shape people's reproductive choices.

India ranks near the top among Third World agricultural exporters. While at least 200 million Indians go hungry," in 1995 India exported $625 million worth of wheat and flour, and $1.3 billion worth of rice (5 million metric tons), the two staples of the Indian diet. In the early 1970s, Bangladesh came to symbolise the frightening consequences of people overrunning food resources. Yet Bangladesh's official yearly rice output alone-which some experts say is seriously under-reported - could provide each person with about a pound of grain per day, or 2,000 calories.' Adding to that small amounts of vegetables, fruits, and legumes could prevent hunger for everyone. Yet the poorest third of the people in Bangladesh eat at most only 1,500 calories a day, dangerously below what is needed for a healthy life. With more than 120 million people living in an area the size of Wisconsin, Bangladesh may be judged overcrowded by any number of standards, but its population density is not a viable excuse for its widespread hunger. Bangladesh is blessed with exceptional agricultural endowments, yet its 1995 rice yields fell signficantly below the all-Asia average. The extraordinary potential of Bangladesh's rich alluvial soils and plentiful water has hardly been unleashed. If the country's irrigation potential were realised, experts predict its rice yields could double or even triple. Since the total calorie supply in Bangladesh falls only 6% short of needs, nutritional adequacy seems an achievable goal. Brazil exported more than $13 billion worth of food in 1994 (second among developing countries), 70 million Brazilians cannot afford enough to eat.

Too often, people who produce the world’s food are unable to feed themselves and their families. The FAO estimates that about half of the world’s hungry people are from smallholder farming communities. Though reducing hunger might seem like a job for large-scale agriculture, the UN has called for a greater focus on the potential of small-scale farmers to reduce global hunger rates. The UN’s special rapporteur on the right to food, Hilal Elver, has called for governments to shift subsidies and research funding from large agribusiness to small-scale rural farmers, who are already feeding the majority of the world. Industrial agriculture relies on patented seeds, manufactured fertilisers and pesticides, and large-scale machinery. The production increases of “industrial agriculture” are no myth, but this model of farming is not sustainable and has already proven unable to end hunger. With a narrow focus on production, it fails to take into account the web of relationships, both those among people and those involving the natural world, that determine who can eat.

The industrial model also ends up accelerating the concentration of control over land and other resources that lie at the root of hunger and of vast environmental damage. Tightening control of land is also true in the United States where farms are being squeezed out so that only four farms remain today for every ten in 1950. And despite the vast output of US industrial agriculture, one in six Americans is “food insecure.” Worldwide, the model’s unsustainability shows up, for example, in topsoil eroding at a rate 13 to 40 times faster than nature can replenish it; and the run-off of chemical fertilisers has created more than 400 aquatic dead zones. While industrial agriculture has not ended hunger, fortunately, there are proven pathways—such as agroecology—that help to end hunger by protecting the environment while enhancing equity, food quality, and productivity.

In many parts of the world, farming practices that minimise or forgo manufactured pesticides and fertiliser are proving effective. Called organic farming or agroecology, the approach involves much more than the absence of chemicals. Agroecology is an evolving practice of growing food within communities that is power-dispersing and power creating—enhancing the dignity, knowledge, and capacities of all involved. Agroecology thus helps to address the powerlessness at the root of hunger. It builds on both traditional knowledge accrued over millennia by peasants and indigenous people and the latest breakthroughs in modern science. Its practices free farmers from dependency on corporate suppliers and thus reinforce the dispersion of power, including for women. While some studies indicate that industrial agriculture produces higher yields than these alternative practices, many small farmers adopting ecological farming in the Global South are enjoying yield increases, some quite dramatic. In any case, this model of farming—one that views life’s multiple dimensions as connected and interacting—has multiple benefits beyond productivity. It not only avoids the negative and unsustainable environmental and health impacts of the industrial model but also contributes to addressing climate change. It both reduces emissions, relative to the industrial model, and increases carbon absorption.

Growing more food will not end hunger: people go hungry even in a world of plenty. The root causes of poverty and hunger are the uprooting of peoples from their land and livelihoods. Only raising the living standards of the poor and increasing the social and economic status of women will end hunger and lower fertility rates.

Monday, July 04, 2016

Too Many People? 4/5


The belief in overpopulation is an ancient one. In the days of the Roman Empire, some held that the earth was worn out, and population growth too great. For some folk there is always too many of "the wrong kind" of people; these may be blacks, whites, Asians, the lower class. The proponents of the myth have a static view of history. They assume that population will increase wildly, but the food supply will remain static. Yet as we've seen the population of the United States doubling, the number of farmers has decreased, and the food supply has increased dramatically. Many farmlands have returned to timberlands because they are not needed. The static view of history leads to an end-of-the-world mentality. A society that sees no future has no future. What is amazing is the willful blindness of many to the possibilities and potentials open to free men and women.

We have been bombarded for decades with the idea of overpopulation and food scarcity. It all seems logical and credible, right? Well, think again. All the "doomsday" prophets of the "population bomb" have been proved wrong time and time again. The utility of the population myth is a justification for the inhuman miseries inflicted upon people by the ruling class.

The world’s population is declining. Those are fighting words in most circles but it’s the truth, and it’s occurring right before our eyes. How can that be when the world’s population is over 7 billion? That’s a lot of zeros!  Well, the proof is in the statistics. Let’s begin with what we know about fertility rate.  To achieve perfect replacement, humans must have 2.13 children per woman.  Some women have more children while others have fewer, but 2.13 is the magic number to maintain a steady population. More than 90 countries (the USA and Canada among them) are currently experiencing a birthrate under that magic number. People are simply not having children.

When children are well nourished, vaccinated, and treated for common illnesses, the future is more predictable and parents make decisions based on the expectation their children will live. In Thailand, for example, child mortality rates started going down in 1960, and around 1970 – after government investment in a strong family planning program – birth-rates started to drop. Thai women went from having an average of six children to an average of two in the course of just two decades. This pattern of falling death rates followed by falling birth rates applies for the vast majority of the world. Human beings are not machines. We don’t reproduce mindlessly. We make decisions based on the circumstances we face.

Just to be clear: there is a big difference between overcrowding and overpopulation. No question, there are hundreds of mega-cities around the world with woeful infrastructure problems. Shitty city-planning and inhumane development do not mean the world is overpopulated. Sure, some places are way too crowded, but that hardly means we have a global overpopulation problem.

The world already grows enough food for 10 billion people. The world production of grain and many other foods is sufficient to provide at least 4.3 pounds of food per person a day. We don’t have a scarcity problem. We have a distribution problem. High populations are in fact an advantage: more hands to do the work! Our problem is not about numbers. People who claim that population growth is the big environmental issue are shifting the blame from the rich to the poor.

World hunger is extensive in spite of sufficient global food resources. Therefore increased food production is no solution. The problem is that many people are too poor to buy readily available food. The market responds to money and not to actual need. Even in countries with excess food production millions are starving. According to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, In 1997, 78 percent of all malnourished children aged under five live in countries with food surpluses. Even though 'hungry countries' have enough food for all their people right now, many are net exporters of food and other agricultural products - abundant food resources coexist with hunger. The belief that world hunger can be solved by increasing food production is an unsubstantiated myth. It has lead to policies by international organs that have supported farming policies that in practice have boosted production of expensive export foods on the expense of production of basic foods for the population. The world's food supply is abundant, not scarce. In Costa Rica, that only has half of Honduras' cropped acres per person, the life expectancy is 11 years longer than in Honduras. Hunger is not caused by too many people sharing the land. In the Central America and Caribbean region, for example, Trinidad and Tobago show the lowest percentage of stunted children under five and Guatemala the highest (almost twelve times greater); yet Trinidad and Tobago's cropland per person -a key indicator of human population density - is less than half that of Guatemala's. In Asia, South Korea has just under half the farmland per person found in Bangladesh, yet no one speaks of overcrowding causing hunger in South Korea. Surveying the globe, we can find no direct correlation between population density and hunger. Population in India is growing swiftly in which about 49,000 individuals are added per day and 18 million a year. By looking at the population data it is clear that still about 70% of Indian population lives in villages. 40% of Indians are younger than 15 years of age that means lack of skilled and actual manpower. By 2020 average Indian will be 29 years. Dependency ratio of India is just 0.4. It is the measure of the productive age group which again is very low.

If 5% of the United States were converted into urban area with a population density of 6,000/km2, and 45% were converted into suburban area with a population density of 2,000/km2, with the remaining 50% left for rural area, parks, and farms, there would be enough room for 3 billion in the urban areas, and 9 billion in the suburban areas, for a total population of 12 billion. This is in the US alone. This scheme could be extended to the other countries and continents for a total population of around 100 billion. Everything between the Arctic and Antarctic circles can be potential targets for colonisation.

A future of overpopulation is one of a number of hoary old objections to progress and longer, healthier lives. It has been raised over and over again throughout recent history, but like all other Malthusian concepts, it was wrong then, and it's just as wrong now. Common Malthusianism - the idea that a given resource (such as living space or food) will run out in the future based on extrapolation of present trends - stems from fundamental misunderstandings about economics, human action, and change. We create change in response to our environment; our self-interest leads us to constantly strive at the creation of new resources where old resources are becoming scarce.

Socialists do not consider themselves as optimists nor pessimists. Our ideas about humanity’s future viability are entirely conditional. We have no way of knowing whether we as a global family can change our hearts and minds and alter our behaviour quickly enough to avert the unthinkable. A call to action should not wait for a guarantee of success. What some presently view as "overpopulation" is more accurately described as crushing poverty amidst the potential for plenty and resources left unused. This is the result of CAPITALISM - it is not a matter of counting heads.