Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Freedom from Capitalism

 People are looking for an alternative to austerity and assumptions that “common sense” which “everyone knows” works such as lower taxes and privatisation are being increasingly discarded. The society in which we live makes it almost impossible for most of us to be healthy, happy, or wise, no matter how hard we try. How can we become more healthy when the environment in which we live is profoundly unhealthy? How nice a person can you afford to be in a world that is not nice, where competition and aggression are highly valued attributes? And how can people become wise when they are constantly being fed misinformation, distortions of the truth and downright lies fro Wealth, over-abundance, misery and suffering side by side! When will our fellow- workers see this glaring contradiction and recognise the remedy as the dispossession of the owners of the means of living, and the establishment of socialism?

The capitalist buys labour power at its value, yet robs the worker. The value of labour power depends upon the cost of production of the labourer, and the cost of production of the labourer depends upon his cost of living. Inside this, however, is the fact that standards of living for different types of workers vary, and standards also vary between one country and another. The capitalist aims at lowering the general standard of living to the lowest possible level.

The labourer, when working, produces a greater value than the value of his means of living, and the capitalist takes the extra value produced. Our correspondent argues that this is exploitation, but not robbery because the capitalist pays the labourer the value of his labour-power. In his eyes, only that which is illegal to-day is robbery. But although the capitalist pays the labourer the value of his labour-power, he does not pay him the value of his product.

We will leave aside the question of depressing the standard of living, wherein the capitalist obviously robs the worker of former advantages. It is to be assumed that the critic does not suggest the worker willingly agrees to wage reductions, etc. As the worker is deprived of wealth that he does not willingly give, he is plundered by force.

The workers fight for a larger amount of the total wealth produced but are defeated in the long run by the power of the capitalists. The capitalist shows his power by the giving and withholding of jobs, which signifies inviting the workers to produce on certain terms or starve. Dick Turpin used a pistol to force wealth from his victims; the capitalist uses the threat of starvation for the same purpose. The one method is illegal robbery; the other is legal robbery. In the present discussion the main difference between the two is the question of legality. There is another difference. Dick Turpin did the job himself; the capitalist pays others to do it. When Dick Turpin met with opposition he had only his own arms to call upon. When the worker resists the capitalist, the latter can call upon the State power to bring the worker to subjection and force him to produce.

The difficulty is that the mass of the workers do not realise that they are being robbed.

The original accumulation of the capitalists, by means of which they were able to obtain control of the means of production and subject the worker to exploitation, was also robbery. The plundering of the Eastern and Western countries, the plundering of the monasteries and the enclosing of lands by driving the original owners off, form the principal part of the capitalists’ early accumulation of wealth.

The capitalist deprives, plunders and strips the worker of energy, leisure, pleasure, the product of his labour, and a host of other things, and it is done by force, and secretly or clandestinely by gradual and imperceptible means. Therefore the capitalist robs the worker. The customs of savage society do not permit this form of robbery, but the laws of capitalist society do. Therefore it is now legal robbery.

It is true the capitalists rob and cheat each other, but the robbery of the worker is the basis of the system.

Irrespective of who gets in or the size of their vote, life for the working class will remain the same. Our poverty, our unemployment. our slums and mean living will still be with us for these are the constant realities of capitalism, however, we may perceive it. One of the most exciting prospects of socialism is that for the first time since the beginning of property society we shall regain control of our time, of our lives. If our fellow- workers would only understand that present social system runs for the benefit of our masters, and leaves us who do the work every day in more abject poverty. We could so easily be free from the anxiety of insecurity, free from the blight of never-ending toil.

SNP - Fake Promises

Scotland’s finance secretary has dampened hopes of a substantial pay rise for public sector workers, claiming he needed more money from the UK government. His remarks irritated Scottish trade union leaders, who believe Mackay is shifting the blame for a poor pay deal on to the UK government because Scottish ministers are unable to afford all their election promises.

Derek Mackay said his ability to offer Scottish nurses, police, teachers and civil servants the proper wage increase he had promised depended on whether Philip Hammond, the chancellor, increased public spending in the next UK budget.

Nicola Sturgeon’s government has repeatedly promised to end the 1% public sector pay cap, particularly after she endured difficult exchanges with nurses and teachers who complained about their financial problems during the general election campaign. The Scottish TUC issued a statement warning Mackay it expected both governments to honour their pay promises.  Trade union leaders are pressing for an above inflation pay rise. They suspect Sturgeon and Mackay are shying away from using Scotland’s new income tax powers to fund higher pay, but the STUC said it ought to use those powers regardless of the UK government’s decision.

“The Scottish government has responsibility for 90% of public workers. Half a million workers are depending on the SNP government taking action now for a fair pay deal... Public workers won’t wait for Westminster.”the STUC said.

Monday, October 09, 2017

Class Struggle Reality

The class struggle arises in the economic field, but that the workers can only be victorious in that struggle by becoming conscious of their class interests and controlling political power. The objection is often raised that the workers are "robbed” in the process of production and that it is on the industrial field that we must fight for emancipation. These objectors do not realise that economic systems are controlled politically and that material conditions give rise to political institutions by means of which ruling classes dominate the economic world. The materialist view of history shows that the material conditions of production, etc., make necessary political machinery to govern or control the economic life of society. Every class struggling for control of the economic basis of society has to become politically supreme in order to maintain or obtain economic possession.  On the political field, the class struggle can be explained and driven home far more effectively than in the factories and offices, where the sectional rivalry between workers obscures the class line.  Practically all political activists who talk about socialism gained their ideas about the nature of socialism outside the work-place and inside political agitation.

We are often told that "economic power” is the key to the situation. The working class, however, have no economic power. The working class cannot live except by being employed by the masters. The instruments of production, as well as the products, belong to the employers, which leaves the workers in the position of constantly struggling for a job and wages in order to exist. It has been claimed that because the workers are necessary to production, their "indispensability" is an economic power. But the workers can’t live on their quality of being necessary to industry. And as soon as they enter into production, they do so on the employers’ terms. If “economic power” depends upon possession, as in the employers’ case, then it at once rules the workers out from “economic power. ” The employing class have to "back up” their economic possession by controlling the political machine.

The age-long efforts to prevent the workers having a vote, and the huge funds and resources used to maintain a capitalist majority, show how important a machine Parliament is for the ruling class. It is the seat of power. It is the main machine of the modern State, through which the armed forces are controlled. Before the workers can do anything with the State machinery, they first of all must win possession of it.  If that Parliamentary control is left in the hands of our enemies, the workers are without any means of taking possession of the machinery of wealth production, etc.

Our life in capitalism becomes more and more fragmented, more and more specialised. Capitalism is a system of society which divides people rather than unites them — capitalist from a worker, men from women, blacks from whites, nation from nation. It teaches us competition not co-operation competition for jobs, housing and something that approximates to a bearable standard of living. The division between capitalist and worker is inherent in capitalism — their interests are totally opposed and can never be reconciled. But the divisions between workers are not inherent —they are encouraged by the conditions in which we live and work but could be overcome through a recognition of our common class interests, our mutual inter-dependence and, above all, the need for radical change. The Socialist Party is striving for the real emancipation of humanity.

Sunday, October 08, 2017

It's A Barbie Nonsense

One might think the gents elected to office in Ottawa would be above thinking in sexist terms, well think again pally 'cos some of 'em are really goofy.

 Gerry Ritz, Tory MP for Lloydminster really put it on,(sorry folks couldn't resist it, but please keep reading I won't do it again), called Catherine McKenna, minister for environment and climate change ,''a climate Barbie''. 

Nor did his leader Andrew Scheer criticize him. Foreign Affairs minister Chrystia Freedland was laughed at for wearing a red dress and dismissed for her charm. The incoming governor general, Julie Payette, an engineer and astronaut was hounded over the details of her divorce and for having been found faultless in a traffic accident.

It makes one wonder when these clowns will ever wake up and realize that as far as brains, talent and inclination are concerned there are no differences between the sexes, but differences between people. I guess it will take a socialist society to make 'em see the light.

For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & all contributing members of the SPC

Against Reformism

The Socialist Party holds to a vision of world solidarity where men and women are in control of their own destinies. In socialism there will be no social organ of coercion — in short, no state, not even a so-called "workers' state" — and so no police, no armed forces, no courts, no prisons, no machinery to coerce people to do what they might not want to do.

Socialism will be a state-free society in which people will co-operate, on the basis of common ownership and democratic control. to produce what they need as individuals and as communities. This co-operation will be entirely voluntary and so will have to be undertaken because people want to because they realise that it is necessary and in their best self-interest. In other words, because they have a socialist understanding.

Clearly, since such a society can only function with the voluntary co-operation and conscious participation of its members, it can only be established by people who want it and who understand all its implications. By definition, socialism cannot be established by a minority. It is just absurd — a contradiction in terms — to suggest that some minority could force the majority to co-operate voluntarily. The main features of socialism are world community, common ownership, democratic control, production for use, free access. Socialism is an immediate possibility. All the conditions for its establishment are present except one — precisely the majority socialist understanding we have been discussing. In other words, as soon as this last condition is met. as soon as a majority of wage and salary earners want and understand socialism, it can be established immediately, without any so-called "transition period".

Fellow workers, the only remedy for your precarious and poverty-stricken condition is to be found in the recognition of your class position. You must recognise that you are mere cogs in the industrial machine, that you are permitted to work only so long as there is profit to be derived from your labour. You must understand what you want and how to get it; then there will be no room for labour "leaders." You would not need to be led. and you could not be misled. You must organise then inside the Socialist Party, and work consciously for that revolution which will replace poverty and misery for those who do the world's work with plenty for all.

The Socialist Party shows that the road to socialism does not lie through “palliatives,” and that even where each measure may affect a slight improvement in the lot of any workers, they are by their nature simply patches on a rotten fabric, and consequently in no way installments of the new society. In short, nearly all so-called palliatives do not ameliorate; and even where they may do so, the economic development of capitalism progressively produces ill effects that ever outstrip every palliative effort, and make the need for Socialism more imperative.

Further, even were the work of the Socialist Party simply an attempt to cause the enactment of reform measures that would appreciably benefit the whole working class, it would first be necessary for the Party to conquer the power of the State. Thus even for reform worth the name, a revolution would be necessary, whereas socialism could be had at the same price. Moreover, the workers could be more easily united as a whole for socialism than for a programme of sectional, mutually conflicting, pettifogging reforms.

These are some of the reasons, together with the important fact that the economic trend makes socialism the only practical proposition, that makes it impossible for The Socialist Party to put forward a reform programme.

The task of the working-class party is the conquest of the governmental machinery and forces, for socialist ends. Consequently, support is only useful to the party on that understanding. To pander to the reform mania would attract non-socialists and weaken the party, while the absence of positive or useful result would spread disgust and apathy.

A reform programme is, in fact, fraudulent, particularly from the socialist standpoint. Therefore, while willing to secure any amelioration or help possible for the workers in their fight against capital the Socialist Party realises that socialism transcends all else, and stands distinct from all other parties on a programme of Socialism and nothing but socialism. No palliation could be effective enough, in view of the necessary conditions of the development of capitalism, to put back the hour of emancipation to any appreciable extent. It could only demonstrate once more the helplessness of anything short of socialism. What does put back the hour of emancipation is the false hope in reform assiduously fostered by astute capitalists and ignorant or corrupt Labour politicians. The sooner the working class learn the lesson of the working-class movement the quicker shall we have started on the road to our emancipation. That lesson, surely, is that the position of our representatives in Parliament must be one of absolute independence from any pro-capitalist party, and that such independence most be based upon their hostility to capitalist parties.

The working class, having learnt that capitalist exploitation is the source of their social evils and their enslavement, will seek to emancipate themselves and solve their social problems by the abolition of capitalism through the establishment of socialism. Parliamentary action must always be guided by that object, and no compromise with the enemy is possible or desirable. The essential factor is the education of the workers in the principles of socialism, for on the “rank and file” rests the responsibility of a “leader’s" shortcomings. The failure of the Labour Party to “make good" is useful in showing how it can not be done, but is a useless waste of time to those of us who knew it could not be done that way.

Saturday, October 07, 2017

Pie In The Sky

 In The Guardian's 27 September 2017 article, Jeremy Corbyn: neoliberalism is broken and we are now the centre ground, informs us that Corbyn's tax reform platform in the UK is high sounding better news for many workers in Britain as well as the rest of the planet. Rent controls, taxing developer's unused land, 'ending austerity, abolishing tuition fees, and scraping the public sector pay cap' – all music to some workers' ears. But what about this blind alley of reforming old capitalism? 

To good to be true? The globe is a big place, and no one has to look far to learn how capitalists easily move capital country to country, seeking higher and higher returns on capital; the exploitation of the great unwashed and washed alike, endlessly tossing up more human miseries, social degradation, pollution, social strife and inequalities . . . These are ubiquitous features of capitalism functioning in its usual disgustingly healthy way. 

We wish Corbyn and his company of reformists well, who wouldn't, but as long as capitalism is around it is 'pie in the sky' hoping it will ever run in the interests of workers. The point is to dump capitalism altogether.

For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & all contributing members of the SPC.

Friday, October 06, 2017

Not A Pretty Picture.

Our good friends at the Toronto Star ran an article in their Sept.9 edition which focused on the "benefits" of working for temp. employment agencies, most of which was an exposure of Toronto's Fiera Foods bakery. It made clear that for many of the working class wages and working conditions haven't improved much since the industrial revolution, especially since Fiera aren't the only ferocious exploiters around. 

Since the article is two and a half pages long I would recommend, dear reader, to check it out, on page one, the star.com. There is though one aspect I want to draw your attention to, that of the problems of compensation for injuries on the job. The company doesn't pay up because they say the worker is employed by the agency. Over the last ten years, the injury rate for temps who work with machinery has been double the rate of permanent workers who do. Though exact figures are not available, many temps who are injured do not make claims for fear of losing their jobs. There it is folks, not a pretty picture, but please read the Stars expose.

George owns a coffee stall at the mall across the street from my building. He told me he had worked for ten years in kitchens for low pay, no benefits or holidays. Whenever he asked a boss if he could have a two week holiday the answer was all the same and needs no translation,"Sure you can but I cant promise you'll have a job to come back too". So George never took one. Wanting to be his own boss George opened the coffee stall. Now he works twelve hours a day, six days a week and doesn't take a holiday because he needs the sales to make the business pay. 

That's life under capitalism for most of us, every which way your screwed

For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & all contributing members of the SPC.

Thursday, October 05, 2017

The No Solution Remedy

Gods buddy, Justin Welby, a.k.a. the Archbishop of Canterbury was reported in the London Sun, September 6, as pretty p.o.d about the wage inequality in U.K. Mostly the dear old Bish mouthed off really fierce at the heads of the Financial Times Stock Exchange paying themselves more than 150 times their average employees wage.

Bishy, previously an oil exec. said,''Between 2010 and 2015, when many workers were seeing their pay fall in real terms, the median pay for directors in FTSE 100 companies rose 47 per cent. The seemingly runaway nature of high pay among the richest and most powerful bears little relation to the experience of the majority of people".

Boy! does this guy catch on fast. And just how does Mr. Bishy suggest we fix the problem? To sum up his long and garbled discourse briefly its simply tax the crap out of the rich dudes. Therefore the government which, let's face it, is the executive committee of the capitalist class would have more loot in its pathetic attempt to administrate a chaotic system, like B.F.D. Exploitation, war, poverty, unemployment and all the other niceties of capitalism would continue no matter how much the parasites are taxed. Nor would their political stooges do what he wants, if anyone did anything in this matter Mr. Welby should be doing stand up comedy. The old Bish would be better advised advocating a world where wages wouldn't exist.

Steve, Mehmet, John & all contributing members of the SPC.

Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Film Review Watch The Trailer

From World Socialist Party New Zealand, Moggie Grayson gives us his review of the movie, The Young Karl Marx -

Hello Comrades,
At this year's Film Festival in Wellington I went along to see "The Young Karl Marx". If you haven't seen it yet, I can thoroughly recommend it. It deals with Marx and Engels from their first meeting through to when they published The Communist Manifesto. It was mostly filmed in Europe and the dialogue is mostly in French and German. A few people commented that they had difficulty reading the sub-titles at the bottom of the screen, so I wouldn't recommend trying to watch it on a small T.V. screen, unless you can get a DVD that has been dubbed into English. If you get the chance to go and see it at a cinema I'm sure you will find it absorbing. I was hoping to find a review of it in The Standard, but maybe it hasn't made the Film Festivals in your neck-of-the-woods yet. You can find reviews of it on the internet.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dz-1BLjQlHo

Yours for Socialism,
WSP NZ - Save the planet - its the only one with chocolate!

Wha's Like Us????

Victim Support Scotland said 5708 charges were made relating to hate crime in Scotland in 2016-17.

Among them were 3349 racial, 673 religious, 1075 LGB, 40 transgender and 188 disability hate crimes.

Victim Support Scotland are also calling for the recognition of hate crimes against the homeless, elderly, asylum seekers and refugees, gypsies and travellers.

The charity who aid victims believe many more go unreported. Now they are calling for action to help those people suffering bigoted abuse in silence

Who Owns Scotland?

A study into who owns Scotland's land and the impact that has on the people who live there is to be carried out by the new Scottish Land Commission(SLC).
It has been estimated that fewer than 500 people own half of all privately-owned land in Scotland.
That is one of the highest concentrations of land ownership in Europe.
SLC chief executive Hamish Trench said: "Scotland does have an unusually concentrated land ownership pattern."
There is no definitive list of who owns what in Scotland and that inevitably leads to questions about transparency. Malcolm Combe, a specialist in land law at the University of Aberdeen, said: "At the moment Scotland has a wholly unregulated land market, which means to say it doesn't really matter where you're from or where your company is based.
"Some people say that is absolutely fine and that allows for inward investment and this kind of thing. But there are some issues in terms of transparency and accountability."
Analysis by land reform campaigner and now Green MSP Andy Wightman has estimated that half of the privately-owned land is in the hands of 432 people.
Community Land Scotland policy director Peter Peacock said: "Scotland has got very, very unusual land ownership patterns with very few people owning vast amounts of land. That has big societal implications. It concentrates power in a few people's hands and it concentrates wealth."

Not well in Scotland

The 2016 Scottish Health Survey shows that 35 per cent of those living in the most deprived areas smoke cigarettes. This is three times higher than those living in the least deprived areas (11 per cent).

Researchers also found differences in levels of physical activity in relation to deprivation. People in the most deprived areas of Scotland are less likely to be physically active than those in the least deprived areas. Just over half (54%) of people in the poorest areas meet the Scottish Government’s guidelines for physical activity, compared with three-quarters (74%) of those in the least deprived areas.

findings demonstrate that people in the most deprived areas are twice as likely to have two or more risk factors than those living in the least deprived areas.

Joanne McLean, Research Director of the Scottish Health Survey at ScotCen Social Research said: “The persisting health inequalities in the Scottish population is a matter for national concern. Improving the health outcomes of more deprived people in Scotland is one of the most important challenges for public health professionals and policymakers to address in the coming years. Given that people in more deprived areas are more likely to have multiple health risk factors, now may be the time for a more joined-up approach to public health interventions than we have previously seen.” “The relatively poor diet of Scottish children compared to adults is also a worry. Our research highlights the need for public health professionals, policy makers and families with children to do more to improve poor eating habits amongst children”

Monday, October 02, 2017

Work for Socialism — All else is vain.

The Socialist Party exists to substitute knowledge for ignorance and organisation for chaos. So long as the wages and profits system lasts no section of the workers can afford to abandon trade unionism, but it is equally true that the trade union movement holds out no possibility of solving the problem of working-class servitude. Many of our political and industrial opponents claim that the “day-to-day struggle,” i.e., the succession of work-to-rules and strikes, even occupations leads of itself to the workers’ emancipation. So long as the workers in the main regard their affairs from the so-called “immediate” standpoint, defeats are inevitable. The “immediate” interests of the workers are invariably sectional interests. The political party of the workers can only express the general interests; the interests the workers have in common, irrespective of local or industrial variations;, in other words, the interests of their class as a whole. As such it stands for solidarity between the different sections and the rendering of mutual support wherever possible in the defensive warfare waged by means of strikes. Its special function,, however, is to point out the limited value of this warfare, and to emphasize the fact that the fight carried on along these lines only is a losing one. So long as the workers are content to struggle for a subsistence wage only, that is the most they will obtain, with their security growing ever less. The Socialist Party summons them to struggle for possession of the means of life. Instead of voting sectionally every now and again for a cessation of work, we counsel the workers to vote as a class for the abolition of the system whereby they are compelled to work for the profit of a few, the present owners of the means of life. We call upon our fellow-workers to organise to obtain control of the political machinery, which has served their masters so effectively. Socialist education is the only solution of working-class difficulties. When the workers realise that, in spite of all the differences in their respective conditions, they are one as slaves, then only will they feel the need and possibility of emancipation, and act accordingly.

Although owing to such bad conditions which exist among the workers, one is much tempted to devote undue attention to reforms, it cannot be too often or too strenuously asserted that all and every reform possible in capitalist society would do next to nothing in the end as the capitalist class has always shown that it knows full well how to force back with one hand what it is compelled to pay out with the other. It is surely significant that after all the years occupied in obtaining reforms, that it should be even now a debatable point as to whether the workers as a class are any better off to-day than they were at the beginning. Even in the case of such apparently obviously desirable reforms as state maintenance - or, as it is watered down to, state feeding of the children and the relief of the unemployed, it is fairly clear that the capitalist class will take care to benefit more itself than the workers by the greater exploitation of the young, by reason of their more fit condition making them better producing mediums, and from having their reserve army kept by the state for them. And it must not be lost sight of that a reserve army of unemployed is a necessary condition of capitalist society.

Brutal as it may seem to say so, it is clear to us that the only purpose of reforms is to put off the day when the workers will come by their own. The workers will always be badly fed, housed and clothed so long as they are robbed, and robbed they will be so long as capitalism lasts.What interest we had in reforms has vanished. We have been disillusioned by watching its effects and results. The failure to get any substantial gain from these sources is not accounted for by the good or bad actions of individuals but by the conditions of the problem itself.  The Labour Party is in our opinion but a bulwark against the real movement — the only one of any use to the proletariat — i.e., the socialist movement.

The Socialist Party disdains to conceal our principles. We proclaim the class war. We hold that the lot of the workers cannot to any appreciable extent be improved except by a complete overthrow of this present capitalist system of Society. The time for Social tinkering has gone past. The Socialist Party knows that reforms or measures palliative of capitalism can only be obtained while the master class rules in so far as capitalist interests are thereby served; and since capitalist interests are directly opposed to those of workers in all essential points of wealth and leisure, it is obvious that the measures passed by capitalist representatives will have for object the maintenance or extension of their system or the intensification of the robbery of the workers upon which they depend. It is then a fraud for a candidate to pretend to be able to obtain measures in the workers’ interests from the capitalist class in power. The workers can get nothing of their own until they are able to take it. No person is a socialist who throws out such fraudulent sops or promises as bait to prospective voters, for besides that it must lead workers to disappointment and apathy and aid their enemies, it is obvious that as far as sops or promises are concerned the master class can, and does when it needs to, always out-sop the would-be member. Hence it is of supreme importance that the workers rely upon themselves and concentrate all their energies on the capture of political power for socialism, for all else is illusion.

There is a law of capitalist production which ordains that human labour-power shall be in constant competition with machinery, and shall as constantly be displaced and defeated by its formidable rival. And there is a law that, notwithstanding that the result is bitter as blood to the great working class of the world, yet must working-class intelligence and working-class strength go on improving and developing this machinery of production, to their own undoing, as long as the capitalist system of profit production shall prevail. There is a further law—a law of wages—under governance of which wages are determined by the cost of subsistence under certain prevailing conditions. There are many other stated laws controlling the economic movements of man, and much more, doubtless enough, awaiting human recognition and enunciation. The knowledge of these laws is of vital importance to the workers. Such knowledge alone can explain to them how, and in what circumstances, the wealth of the world is produced— and who can it more closely concern than those who produce it all and who enjoy so little of it? Such knowledge is the only sure foundation of Socialist faith—our pillar of fire by night, our pillar of cloud by day—the one unerring index where all else is confusion. The reformer is a reformer only because he is ignorant of the existence of the laws governing social growth, or because he fails to realise their universal applicancy, and the unbending potency with which they reduce all human wishes, as far as they are in opposition to them, to merest empty vanity.

In their ordinary everyday life the workers sell their labour power to the capitalist class who own the means and instruments of production. The wages they receive in return are very often not enough to live on. What the workers produce over their wages enables the capitalist class to live in luxury and idleness and increase their investments, and is the primary purpose of capitalist production. To increase their profits the capitalist class use every device; they install labour-saving machinery, appeal to social feelings and national prejudices to get as much work as possible from the workers at as low a wage as possible. To improve their standard of living, even maintain it, the workers must struggle continually. Between the working class and the capitalist class, there is a fundamental conflict of interest. To sell their goods the different sections of the capitalist class come into conflict over markets. They also come into conflict over sources of raw materials and strategic points controlling trade routes. The experience of the recent natural calamities around the world has shown that people have not lost their energy or their impulse to cooperate under adversity. These forces can be harnessed to everyday jobs by abolishing the private ownership of the means of production—the source of the conflict of interest in modern industrial society—and establishing the common property of the means of living. Then there would be a community of interest: the many would not work in the interest of the few; everyone would be working for the benefit of all—as during the floods—for the benefit of humanity. A society based on a community of interests instead of on an antagonism will be conducive to co-operative behaviour and not, as at present, place obstacles in its way. Only with the establishment of such a system will wars and crime lose their purpose and hence their existence.

Sunday, October 01, 2017

Socialist Standard No. 1358 October 2017

Reformism - Homeopathic 'Socialism' - watered down 'socialism'

There exists an idea that small doses of 'socialist' measures can have a curative effect on the problems caused by capitalism and eventually lead to a socialist society.

It requires 'socialists' advocating revolution yet relying on amelioration and palliatives as the method of achieving it without any serious change to the ruling elite. These do not produce small effects but, in fact, produce no effect. Let us be very clear, socialism means revolution and that means a radical change in daily life. We cannot change society and at the same time not change society. Too many who style themselves 'socialists' assure us that every little adjustment to how society runs is socialism. They describe such compromises and concessions as socialist actions but if everything that political reformism does is called socialistic, socialism becomes to mean nothing. In all those "immediate demands" of the Trotskyists, their  'revolutionary' platform seldom contains any demand that a pro-capitalist party might not accept and promote in the overall interest of capitalism, 'in the name of socialism'. These camp-followers of the Left have much to say about socialism but nothing to tell about it. They use radical sounding terminology and language for revolutionary actions but the use of 'revolutionary' words and phrases does not demonstrate a revolutionary position.  In truth, the progressive ideals of the working class have usually been adopted by their exploiters and then directed against our fellow-workers while the left-wingers sing the same song as the apologists of capitalism that genuine socialism is incompatible with human 'nature'. The openness of the socialist movement to welcome all who profess to be its friend and ally has done the utmost damage and continues to prove a hindrance to the socialist movement.

 The Socialist Party must be judged by its decisions, its acts and the reasoning that have used to reach its conclusions. The Socialist Party will be judged by what it is doing and not by what it is promising to do. If the gradualist 'socialist' and the reforming capitalist expend the same energy doing the same things, they inevitably merge and become one. Only by differentiating ourselves by our activity can we distinguish ourselves as distinctive. The Socialist Party describes itself as the political expression of the working class. Only through a socialist political party can the unity of our class be brought about, rather than by the division of sectional trade unionism, its exclusiveness, and its nationalism.

The socialist movement is unable to prescribe one set of action since this must necessarily be different in different lands, varying with time and place and dependent on prevailing and diverse circumstances our fellow-workers find themselves in. But it is clearly our priority to encourage the working class everywhere in its opposition to the employing possessing class. The Socialist Party stands for the principle of world solidarity, placing the interests of humanity, as a whole, before and above the nation. When we speak of solidarity we mean that the no one person can emancipate him or herself without emancipating all people. Our liberty is the liberty of everyone. We are not truly free unless all men and women are our equals. It is as the First International expressed it - the emancipation of the workers is not a local or national problem but concerns workers of all lands.

Socialist politics are not politics in the ordinary sense of the word. Success lies in struggle and not in moralistic appeals to the better nature of our oppressors. The Socialist Party advocates class war against the master class.

Our aim is not merely for ourselves but for our children and grandchildren. our goal is not simply for this country but for all the world. We stand determinedly against the entire capitalist class and against the whole power of the State. The final struggle will be a political one to capture the State from the grasp of the capitalists and with that political power having been acquired, private and state-owned property can be transformed into common property and economic democracy established - socialism.
The Socialist Party tries to argue that its radical solutions are not to be postponed for a far-off future and that it will not tolerate unnecessary delay. We are unwilling to accept socialism by installment plan. The Socialist Party is not a reformist party but a revolutionary party that recognises social emancipation can only be achieved through waging class war. The socialist movement can have no part in in the grim game of reformist politics. Nothing of importance or substance can be accomplished by such opportunistic ploys,  for the vast machine of State runs as exactly as before and those who maintain the machine remain in power. Nothing that upsets business efficiency is permitted.

The social revolution seeks as its goal the end of the capitalist regime and the end of classes. Socialists aim to build a new world out of the old and it can only be achieved by the revolutionary resolve of men and women. You cannot make socialism without socialists. We are not seeking catastrophes for what use are they to us. The cooperative ideal may well be innate to humanity and lie latent within us all but it will only be through experience and education that it will manifest itself in actual practice at  a societal level.

The whole point of socialism is to produce with the least amount of resources, the greatest amount of products to guarantee the well-being of all by means of free associations, infinitely varied to meet the needs of communities. We live at a time when technology has created the potential for abundance but we exist in an era of austerity.

The world rightfully belongs to us all. It is now time we claimed it. It is also time to take back the real meaning of socialism so that it once more means what it once did before the distortions - a cooperative commonwealth.

The political task of the Socialist Party is not an easy one but it is do-able. In these days of despair and desolation, our priority must be to make a socialist society as thinkable and to constantly discuss and debate its possibility. The Socialist Party is not reluctant to talk about real socialism.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Recent Reading

The Lost City of Z" by David Grann Doubleday, 2009, recounts the authors attempt to find exactly what happened to explorer Percy Fancett, who disappeared while trying to find ancient cities in the Amazon jungles. Though Grann was unsuccessful, he did succeed in finding the cities. Grann quotes a spokesperson for the Brazilian Transport Ministry that "loggers on road B R 163, employ the highest concentration of slave labour in the world." 

Grann notes that Indians are frequently driven off their land, enslaved, or murdered. So despite the tremendous advances, we've made in our technology nothing fundamentally changes in life itself, but under capitalism how can it?

What I can also recommend by Mr. Grann is his most recent work, "Killers of the Flower Moon," ( Doubleday.) Grann describes the shock U.S. capitalists received when, having forced the Osage Indians onto some barren land in Oklahoma, they become overnight millionaires when oil was discovered there. Like, "How are we gonna steal it from them now we've made them the legal owners?"

For socialism, 

Steve, Mehmet, John, and all contributing members of the SPC.

Life In Capitalism Is Always Dangerous

The white supremacist riots in Virginia on August 11-12, which is what they were, even if they said it was a rally, show that prejudice is alive and ill under capitalism. 

Some of the white nationalists cited Trump's victory as validation for their beliefs and his critics pointed to his racially tinged rhetoric as increasing America's racial tension. 

Furthermore, he wasn't in a hurry to make a public comment about it; though the most amazing comment was from Jesse Jackson, "We are in a very dangerous place right now."

Life under capitalism is always dangerous. Hey Jess, wake up and smell the stink. 

John Ayers.