Tuesday, December 19, 2017


 Study because we will need all your intelligence.
Agitate because we will need all your enthusiasm.
Organize because we will need all your strength.”
Antonio Gramsci

We are socialists out of conviction because we see capitalism as harmful to the vast majority of the world’s people. This system we live under, by its very nature and grinds the working people, sets one group against another. Capitalism today as a destructive system that hurts, divides and exploits the vast majority of our people for the sake of profits and power for the few. We see in socialism a more just, more cooperative and more peaceful society. Socialists suggest an alternative which can meet basic needs of people and which is based on cooperation. Socialism offers a future free from the fears of poverty, sexism, racism, dog-eat-dog competition, joblessness, and the loneliness of old age, a society that allows each person to create and produce according to her or his ability and to obtain what she or he needs. We advocate and work for socialism – that is, common ownership and collective control of the means of production (factories, fields, utilities, etc.). We want a system based on cooperation, where the people build together for the common good. 

We see the primary task of the Socialist Party to be the building of a mass movement of the working class to strive for socialism. From this task arises the character of the organisation. People are our most precious resource.  We expect that as the Socialist Party grows, it will become richer and stronger, where members would and should develop social as well as political ties with each other. The organisation would have internal education, parties, outings, dinners, sports and the like, and would encourage an all-rounded development of its members. Men and women want freedom from misery, from exploitation, from the jackboots of the state, from living their lives in alienation and insecurity. People want freedom to become fully human, to develop all our talents and abilities. In the final analysis, we need a mass global socialist organization dedicated to welding together all the diverse struggles and resistance of the working class. We have no illusions that the Socialist Party will on its own become such an organisation, but one of our tasks is to help bring such a force into being when the conditions for it grow ripe. In the meantime, we will seek new members to push the road to freedom a little further into the new uncharted territory that lies ahead.

The principal function of the Socialist Party is to participate in the class struggle in such a way that the workers are educated to realise that it is their own political and industrial power which must lead to their emancipation as a class. The socialist revolution is not an endeavour of outstanding individuals or a select sect; rather, it is the endeavour of the exploited and oppressed of all lands. The working class is the commonality of the masses of people who are compelled to sell their labour power in order to survive. It is the only class whose liberation is impossible without the abolition of class society on a global scale. It is the class whose very functioning in the processes of modern society – based as they are in a collective process of production – predisposes it to reach an understanding of its own situation and the cause of its oppression, to combine with other exploited groups and classes for a common revolutionary struggle, and together with them to organise the life of post-revolutionary socialist society.

In the course of its evolution, capitalism has brought about an unprecedented rise of social productivity; based on the achievements of science and technology, capitalism has developed methods of production that require close cooperation of masses of human beings and make possible the creation of limitless plenty; in spreading over the entire planet, capitalism has created a global system that binds together all human beings across the planet in close mutual ties. But this development is based on the exploitation of human beings who are denied any control over the process of their labour, the means of their labour and the fruits of their labour, and are therefore denied control over the entire social process. In the capitalist system the products of human labour assume the form of commodities: everything is sold and bought – means of subsistence, means of labour, and even the brawn and brain power of human beings. Capitalism has created a system that enslaves and exploits. Capitalism is the foremost enemy of the socialist revolution: the revolution strives to overthrow capitalism, and the latter attempts to prevent and suppress the revolution. As the modern world is a single interlinked system, and as the privileged class in all countries have interconnected interests opposed to the socialist revolution, revolutionary socialists will act in mutual international solidarity, and to lend fraternal support to the struggle of every exploited and oppressed group of human beings.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Ireland's Scottish High King

In Faughart, County Louth, overlooking the border town of Dundalk, lies the remains of Edward de Bruce, brother of Robert de Bruce,  a Scotsman who crowned himself High King of Ireland. It was here in on October 14, 1318, that he met his end at the point of a sword.  Both countries original names where greater Scotia and lesser Scotia-Greater Scotia meaning Ireland and lesser Scotia meaning Scotland. 
 On May 26, 1315, Edward de Bruce landed on the shores of Larne with an army to overthrow English rule of Ireland. At first, he set his sights on laying siege to Carrickfergus Castle but the castle’s impregnable fortifications meant that he would have to look elsewhere.  De Bruce then turned his attention to Roche Castle, a formidable looking castle perched on top of a rocky outcrop. Bruce took one look at the Castle and decided that it would be virtually impossible to capture. So instead he headed to the nearby town of Dundalk which he proceeded to burn to the ground. 
After victories at the battle of Connor and at the Battle of Kells Edward de Bruce's forces looked unstoppable but then a foe came that de Bruce couldn’t defeat- the weather and famine. This led to the Scottish forces pillaging of the locals and had the effect of the turning many of the Irish against his forces.
At Faughart Co Louth on October 14, 1318, the weakened and depleted Scottish Army faced John de Berminghams force of 20,000.  De Bruce was advised that it would be prudent to withdraw his forces and wait for reinforcements but instead of retreating Edward decided upon a head-on full-scale assault. Predictably, the battle was a disaster.  A knight by the name of Sir John Maupas cut Bruce down and ended his short reign as High King of Ireland. The King was  beheaded, and his arms and legs were cut off and sent to the four corners of Ireland as warning to any other Irish who may have been thinking of rebelling against their English overlords. And so, ended the reign of Irelands Scottish High King.

The Best Thing To Dump For Collective Survival

Over 15,000 scientists tell us humanity is screwed if it doesn't lighten up on killing the biosphere. One leading scientists say, "We are in the throes of a mass extinction event that is anthropogenic. This is not something we can fix. If we lose 50 to 75 per cent of the species on the planet in this century — which is what scientists are telling us what will occur if we continue to operate as business-as-usual — if this happens, this can not be fixed." 

You'd think some of this sad news might wake up the swindling class trampling the workers to make a quick buck to stop and wonder about their lunacy.

But nope, the parasite class has proven beyond any doubt they can't do such a thing, let alone think about yielding to any sense of collective survival.

 It's time: Dump capitalism and dump them 

it's better for yours and my health.

For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC.

The future belongs to the people

What every worker must realise is that through trade union struggle we are not fighting the causes which is capitalism but only its symptoms. We are fighting against the effects of the system and not against the system itself. When we fight for a demand like a wage increase we are merely fighting against the effects of capitalism. Not merely that. We are demanding it from the capitalists. In other words, we envisage the continuation of the capitalist system. What trade union struggles really do is to fight to improve the conditions of the working class within the framework of the capitalist system. They do not challenge capitalism itself. That is why they degenerate to pure and simple reformism and, in the end, bolster up capitalism. Of course, every wage increase that is won by the workers is immediately offset by the employers by more intensive work, by stricter supervision etc. and by a general price increase. So that, usually the worker is back to from where he started. What all workers must understand is that their misery is due to exploitation carried on by the capitalist class. Trade unionism merely restricts their struggle to attempts at lessening this exploitation. It does not fight to end exploitation i.e. to end the capitalist system and replace it with socialism. This is the fatal limitation of trade union struggles. The Socialist Party nevertheless does not oppose trade union struggles nor its members refuse to participate in them. It is very essential to organise workers and help them to fight against the reductions in their working conditions and for their day-to-day demands. The vote was given to us by our masters for their own purpose; let us use it for our own. Let us demonstrate at that ballot-box the strength and intelligence of the revolutionary idea; let us make the hustings a rostrum from which to promulgate our principles; let us grasp the public powers in the interest of the disinherited class.

The Socialist Party knows that no leaders are going to pull the workers into socialism. As Marx stated, “The emancipation of the working class must be the class-conscious act of the working class itself.” An ignorant muddleheaded working class will never be able to act correctly or move in the proper direction no matter how brainy the leaders may be. “The day is past,” says Engels, “for revolutions carried through by small minorities at the head of unconscious masses.” The Socialist Party correctly holds that the political party must be a party of no compromise. Its mission is to point the way to the goal and it refuses to leave the main road to follow the small bypaths that lead into the swamp of reformism. Its skirts are clean. The red banner of socialism is held high, uncorrupted, and not dragged down into the mire of petty reform.

There are many points on which the Socialist Party takes a different stand from that taken by other organisations claiming to be socialist. There are differences on principle and therefore, necessarily, differences in tactics. If an organisation’s principles are correct, the tactics reflected must also be correct. If an organisation’s tactics are wrong, it is nearly certain that its principles can be nothing else but wrong. For this reason, if organisations differ on tactics, there is apt to be a like difference in the principles espoused by each. Principles are fundamental and by showing that the principles of those other so-called socialist parties are wrong, we can proceed to demonstrate the incorrectness of their tactics. And at the same time, by contrast, it will be conclusively proven that the principles and therefore the tactics of the Socialist Party are the only logical ones to be followed.

The first difference to be noted is hinged around the conception each has of its goal. The goal of the Left is a form of workers' government. The goal of the Socialist Party is socialism. The Left claims that in order to achieve the workers must first go through a transition period. Therefore their aim now is for this transition period. The goal being such, the tactics adhered to must be in keeping with the same. The transition period, we are told, will last until the last vestiges of capitalism are destroyed and in order to safeguard the interests of the working class during this period, we must have a revolutionary 'dictatorship of the proletariat.'

When the working class takes political power, according to the Socialist Party, it controls all that is necessary to run production on socialised lines. A 'dictatorship of the proletariat' is unnecessary, the workers being in a majority. There will not even be a rule of the proletariat because the act of socializing the industries automatically abolishes all classes and therefore the proletariat as a class ceases to be. In order to run the industries for themselves the workers must first secure complete power over and ownership of them. In order to accomplish this, they must organize so that it can be done in a thorough manner to avoid anarchy and chaos. If the Socialist Party’s analysis is correct, then it follows that the tactics reflected by this analysis are also correct. And by showing that the left-wing's goal is wrong, that automatically disposes of the tactics that organization advocates. 

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Freedom or Slavery - Your Choice

The Socialist Party endeavours to explain to our fellow workers the nature of the struggle in which they are participating. To tell them of the principles for which we work and fight. To reveal what we are confident is the way out for our class from the horrid nightmare of the competitive struggle which sets nation against nation, class against class, and individual against individual.
The struggle between individual capitalists to realise profits sets employer against employer. The conflict between national groups of capitalists sets nation against nation and produces war. But despite their individual and national conflicts, the whole capitalist class stands united in their common desire to exploit labour. Hence under capitalism, the freedom of the working class consists in the freedom to starve or accept such conditions as are imposed upon them by the employing class. But the freedom of the master class consists in their untrammelled freedom to buy labour to create profit. Thus the workers are not free. Neither owning nor controlling the means of life, they are wage slaves of their employers, and are but mere commodities.

The master class lives upon the labour of the working class, and use all the powers of government, nationally and municipally, in their own interest and against those who labour. The master class, the dominant ruling class, strives by every means in its power to keep the working class in such a state of subjection that the process of spoiling or robbing the worker of his earnings, may go smoothly on with as little risks or dislocation as possible. The working class on the other hand perpetually rises in protest against the incidental details of the robbery, organises to reduce the theft of the masters, and ever casts down its tools, and enters on a bloodless insurrection against the conditions of its servitude. These protests, these organised movements, these unarmed insurrections of labour, these strikes are the inevitable accompaniment of the capitalist system of society – they are the salient proofs that the members of the Socialist Party know what they are talking about when they declare that the normal condition of society is not peace, but war; that the class war is the one, great fact in the modern world. The Socialist Party affirms that so long as one section of the community own and control the means of production, and the rest of the community is compelled to work for that section in order to obtain the means of life, there can be no social peace.

The capitalist state has not always existed any more than the capitalist class itself has always existed. Before the advent of capitalist democracy, there was the feudal state of the Middle Ages – the political-armed fist by which the then powerful landowning nobility ruled over and extracted wealth from the toil of the serfs. The young capitalist class undertook the revolutionary overthrow of the feudal state and the establishment of something entirely unknown in that age, namely their own capitalist state. The capitalist classes in the various countries did not – and could not have – accomplished their revolution by themselves. It was the seething discontented masses of serfs, worker, and townspeople who carried the capitalist revolution on their shoulders, fought the tyrants, gave their lives for liberty, equality, fraternity. To the rising capitalists, liberty, equality, fraternity were ideals they wanted for themselves alone. They had no thought to grant the lower classes liberty, equality, and fraternity. To the ruling class, the revolution ushered in a period of capitalist masterly over the subject classes, in place of the rule of the aristocracy.

Rally to the support of the Socialist Party which stands for the interests of the working class, seeking to capture the political power necessary to make the instruments of Labour the property, not of a class, but of a free people in a free social order, the world socialist republic. We appeal to fellow workers to rally around the only banner the red banner of socialism. Cast off all your old political affiliations, and organise and vote to conquer society in the interests of its only useful class – the workers. Let your slogan be, the common ownership of the means of life, your weapon the political organisation of the wage slaves to achieve their own emancipation.

The eyes of the world are upon you, fellow workers. The choice is yours.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Dicing And Slicing. Why Not BE Done With It?

One million Ontarians are on welfare. The recent report called A Roadmap for Change calls for a 22 per cent increase in welfare spending over the next three years costing an estimated 3.2 billion a year. It recommends a housing allowance akin to a voucher, a pharma-care and dental assistance plan for the working poor as well as those on welfare and proposes a rock-bottom poverty line of $22,000 for a single person and 30 per cent more for the disabled.

 As fine as this may seem, it doesn't mean a party running for office will get elected if it promises to implement such a plan. Our intrepid friends at the Toronto Star have done their research and concluded many will vote against such proposals, considering them a waste of money. They will, the Star's reporters assert, want their needs taken care of first, like hydro rate deductions, child care subsidies and a reduction in income tax.

If we take the above seriously, it means a program to considerably reduce poverty will not get its advocates elected, and even if they are, the next bunch who attempt to administrate the daily running of capitalism may abolish some of it; Mike Harris's government of the 1990's, which,' 'sliced and diced'' welfare payments, being an example.
So where does that leave us?
 It's significant that none of the major parties promise to abolish poverty because they've learned they cannot. All they can do is take steps to reduce it. So why not have done with all parties who stand for capitalist society, which by its very nature creates poverty? Why not have done with capitalism. So why not organize and work for a society where poverty and welfare payments will be a thing of the past?

For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC.

Socialism is the only alternative

What is the meaning of capitalism? Capitalism is an economic term. It is applied by political economists and sociologists to the economic system of our civilisation, by means of which men achieve economic independence and have the privilege of living idly upon the labour of others, who produce a surplus value above that which they receive for their own sustenance. Capitalism refers to the system. A capitalist is one who profits by the system. If he labours himself, it does not alter the fact that he has an income apart from his labour sufficient to sustain him for life without labour, and therefore his is economically independent.

Socialism was born of the class antagonisms of capitalist society, without which it would never have been heard of; and in the present state of its development, it is a struggle of the working class to free themselves from their capitalist exploiters by wresting from them the tools with which modern work is done. This conflict for mastery of the machinery is necessarily a class conflict. It can be nothing else.

Capitalism is responsible for the insecurity, the poverty, misery, and degradation of the ever-growing majority of working people. The Socialist Party declares its object to be to firstly organise the working class into a political party to conquer the public powers of the State now controlled by capitalists so to abolish wage slavery by the establishment of a world system of cooperative industry, based upon the common ownership of the means of production and distribution, to be administered by society in the common interest of all its members. The Socialist Party perceives clearly the nature of the class struggle and takes its stand squarely and uncompromisingly with the working class in the struggle which can end only with the utter annihilation of the capitalist system and the total abolition of class rule. We respect the honest effort of any, no matter however misguided, to better social conditions, but we have no patience with the frauds and quacks who in the name of “brotherhood” betray their trusting victims to the class that robs them without pity and without shame.

The Socialist Party opposes to the existing form of society, now known to everyone as the capitalist society. Why? Because a few people own the world and the factories and machinery of wealth production. These are the propertied class, including landlords, capitalists, and moneylenders (bankers). Most other people have to sell their brain-power or body-power, in short, their labour-power, to this class for a return in money called wages. This class is the wage-earning class or the wage-slave class. Wages are not based on the money value of the goods produced or services rendered by the slave-class, but on the cost of living. We have seen an unprecedented crash in wages, and wage-levels are still dropping. Workers, whether in town or country, are compelled to pay for permission to live on the earth; the houses, shops, factories, etc., which were built by the labour of our forefathers at wages that simply kept them alive are now owned by a class which never contributed an ounce of sweat to their erecting, but whose members will continue to draw rent and profit from them while the system lasts. As a result of this, the worker in order to live must sell himself into the service of a master – we must sell to that master the liberty to coin into profit the physical and mental energies.

A shopkeeper in order to live must sell his goods for what he can get, but a worker in order to live must sell a part of his or her life, nine, ten, or twelve hours per day as the case may be. The shopkeeper, if lucky, may get the value of his goods, but the worker cannot get under the capitalist system the value of his or her labour; we must accept whatever wage those who are unemployed are willing to accept at his job. This is what is call wage-slavery, because under it the worker is a slave who sells himself for a wage with which to buy rations, which is the only difference between this system and plantation slavery where the master bought the rations and fed the slave himself. There is only one remedy for this slavery of the working class, and that remedy is world socialism, a system of society in which the land and all offices, railways, factories, canals, workshops, and everything necessary for work shall be owned and operated as common property. There is only one way to attain that end, and that way is for the working class to establish a political party of its own; a political party which shall set itself to elect to all public bodies working men and women resolved to use all the power of those bodies for the workers and against their oppressors. In claiming this we will only be following the example of our masters. Every political party is the party of a class. What is wanted then is for the workers to organise for political action on socialist lines.

The Socialist Party points out that there is no alternative for the working class other than socialism. Socialism is rule by the working people. They will decide how socialism is to work. This was how Marx and Engels defined socialism. To use the word “socialism” for anything but working people’s power is to misuse the term. Nationalisation is not socialism, nor does a mixed economy. Nationalisation is state capitalism, with no relation to socialism. The task of the Socialist Party is to help the transfer of power from capitalists to working people. The time is arriving when every man and woman of our class will have to make a great decision. We shall have to choose whether capitalism with all its attendant miseries and horrors is to remain or whether we intend to be free.

Wealth Distribution

Friday, December 15, 2017

Breathing Problems. Breathing Solution.

Toronto Public Health Department estimates that air pollution causes 1,300 premature deaths and 3,550 hospitalizations each year. Motor vehicle traffic is the largest source of air pollution in Toronto.
Studies show that people living close to busy roads are more likely to have breathing problems, heart disease, cancer and premature death. The most susceptible are children, seniors, and people already sick. Traffic-related pollution is a mix of nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and volatile organic compounds. Though tailpipes spew out the most some comes from wear and tear on the asphalt, tires, brake discs and brake pads.
So whose for deep breathing exercises folks?

The very nature of life under capitalism, especially employment, make cars a necessity.

 So why not get rid of crapitalism before it gets rid of us?

For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC.

The sacredness of property

Workingmen of all Countries, Unite!” are the stirring words that close the “Communist Manifesto.”  In the struggle to liberate mankind from the reign of classes forever, unlike the capitalists, the interests of the working class are not tied to any particular country. Its struggle takes place on a world-wide scale to defeat the capitalist class on a world-wide scale. The consequence of this principle is that it means the simple solidarity of one worker with another, irrespective of nationality and readily support the struggles of workers in other lands. Nationalism helps bind the working class to the employers of its nation.  Socialism unites the working people of the world against the bosses. 

The Socialist Party is the partisans of the working class. We also advocate for fundamental system change.  Change never comes from elections alone, but it almost always proceeds through electoral battles for political power. The authors of the Communist Manifesto linked socialism and democracy together as end and means. The “self-conscious, independent movement of the immense majority, in the interest of the immense majority”, cannot be anything else but democratic, if we understand by “democracy” the rule of the people, the majority.  “The first step”, said the Manifesto, “in the revolution by the working class, is to raise the proletariat to the position of ruling class, to win the battle of democracy.” Only the revolution that replaces the class rule of the capitalists by the class rule of the workers can really establish democracy. Capitalism, under any kind of government, is a system of minority rule, and the principal beneficiaries of capitalist democracy are the small minority of exploiting capitalists. Marxists defined socialism as a class-free society—with abundance, freedom, and equality for all; a society in which there would be no state, not even a so-called workers’ state. The Communist Manifesto said: “In place of the old bourgeois society, with its classes and class antagonisms, we shall have an association.” Note that well: “an association”, not a state—“an association in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all”

Although, the Socialist Party strives to replace capitalism with socialism, we also accept that it is both possible and essential to fight now within capitalism to defend and improve the conditions of the working people. The Socialist Party's aim is socialism because socialism is the only way to end the class divisions in society. Capitalist expansion entails political patronage and public plunder. Capitalism can well afford to extend a limited measure of democratic liberties without too great fear that its rule would be challenged. Socialism comes not as a remedy for the evils of existing society, but as alternative principles for a new society. The task of creating a free society is the mightiest to which humanity has summoned itself, and it is a task which now presses urgently upon us. No person is free so long as he or she is dependent upon some other body. Private ownership of property, of its productive machinery, means private ownership of the people. Who sells his or her labor-power for wages sells themselves; for his or her labour-power is life. The wages system is merely an advance in the slave-system, but it is no fit system for free men and women. We build, instead, on a sure foundation for the commonwealth, the common freedom, the common abundance and well-being of all men and women. Nature offers resources enough for the abundance of life for countless billions of human beings.

Some say that socialism might be the answer for a society of angels and that we must wait till we have a better brand of a person before we can have socialism. All of which is very much like saying that it is not safe to cure a sick person of illness until he or she gets well. It is a strange belief that makes men and women regard what they know to be elementally good as dangerous in practice, and what they know to be elementally wrong as practically safe. Socialism proposes to abolish that slavery and competition which capitalism sends with all its forces into making people brutal and dishonest. The whole influence of competition and capitalism is to war against empathy and liberty, and to make all that is worthy of human life impossible.

Lords of capital and lords of land will exist and despoil the earth with economic and military wars until the disinherited of the world arises to take possession of its inheritance. What the Socialist Party means by class-consciousness is that nothing can hide the hideous fact that one class of human beings are living off another class, that the capitalist class is helping itself to the products of the producing class. So long as workers are willing to be a mere wage-slaves, so long as we are led about by politicians, our conditions worsen. Fellow-workers must achieve their own liberty if it is ever to be achieved. Liberty cannot be handed down by superiors to inferiors; it has never been so achieved, and ought not to be so achieved. If liberty were something that could be endowed upon one class by another, presented as a gift, it would vanish in the night. Men are not free until they have won and established their own freedom and power. Socialism comes not to destroy, but to fulfill all the true ideals of liberty. It comes with no attack upon property, but rather to save the property from the attacks and ravages of a system that is the destruction of all that makes property sacred; for the property is sacred only as it serves the highest uses of all mankind in common.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

The rich-poor divide

One percent of Americans held 39 percent of the nation's wealth in 2016, compared with about 22 percent in 1980.

 Meanwhile, the average annual income for the bottom 50 percent of Americans has stayed at $16,000 per adult over the last four decades, adjusting for inflation.

Most of the increase in wealth at the top has been due to fast-rising incomes among the very richest Americans; while annual income for the one percent has shot up by 205 percent since 1980, the top .001 percent of Americans—only about 1,300 households—have seen their earnings go up by 636 percent.

The top 10 percent of earners hold about 37 percent of wealth in Europe, and the income share captured by the richest one percent in the region has only risen from about 10 percent in 1980 to about 12 percent in 2016

Vacant homes

More than 37,000 homes in Scotland have been left vacant for six months or longer in the past year, according to the latest official statistics.

As of September 2017, there were 1410 more homes left long-term vacant across Scotland than in 2016 - an increase of around 4% on 2016.

Homes are categorised as long-term vacant if they have been empty for at least six months.

These figures do not include second homes or properties with unoccupied exemptions for council tax.

The Wrong Addresses

Toronto City officials recently announced their expanded services for the homeless, this winter. This will be five short-term-visit centres, providing warm meals, sleeping space and staff with
information on how to obtain permanent housing.

The total of beds for the homeless will be 5,656. The response to this largesse was swift and critical, which came under the heading of totally inadequate. 

Rafi Aaron, of the Interfaith Coalition to Fight Homelessness, said,''The answer lies in the creation of more permanent shelters with support services that address the root causes of homelessness, such as mental health and addiction and a major increase in low income and affordable housing options.''

 I guess it wouldn't occur to folk like Mr. Aaron to address the cause of mental health and addiction, or for that matter, homelessness itself.

For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC.

Chaotic Persistance

Mark Lowcock, UN's humanitarian chief, told its Insecurity Council. on October 30, that 13 million people in Syria, who have fled their homes because of the war, have limited access to basic needs, such as food and health care.

Yet people persist in telling me a socialist society would degenerate into chaos.

Hooray for Capitalism.

For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC.

Saving Humanity

The strongest man is the one who is the least isolated; the most independent is the one who has most contacts and friendships and thereby a wider field for choosing his close collaborators; the most developed man is he who best can, and knows how to, utilise Man’s common inheritance as well as the achievements of his contemporaries.” Errico Malatesta

The Socialist Party stands for the overthrow of capitalism and the construction of a world socialist system. By socialism, we mean a system in which the means of production and distribution is commonly owned by society is democratically controlled by its members. Only socialism can rid the world of poverty and inequality, stop wars, end oppression and exploitation, save the environment from destruction and provide the conditions for the full realisation of human creative potential. A system under the democratic control of the people is the only basis for establishing a class-free and sustainable society based on the principle “from each according to their ability, to each according to their need”. The Socialist Party stand in the tradition of the socialists who opposed Leninism Stalinism, and Trotskyism and we fight today to reclaim the democratic, revolutionary politics of Marx and Engels. Socialism cannot be achieved by reform of the current system only through the revolutionary overthrow of the existing order workers defeat the capitalist class and permanently end its rule. For capitalism to be overthrown, the majority of the working class must be won over to revolutionary action and the socialist case.  The emancipation of the working class must be the act of the working class itself. Socialism cannot come about by the actions of a minority. The struggle for socialism is the struggle of the great mass of workers to control their lives and their society, what Marx called “a movement of the immense majority in the interests of the immense majority”. We support those workers' movements such as trade unions that tend to improve the position and self-confidence of workers and of other oppressed sections of the population as the basic defensive organisations of the working class.

All recorded history is the history of class struggles and consequent evolutionary changes in the form of society; the class divisions and institutions varying from age to age according to the current economic basis, and each form being superseded by another when its mission is fulfilled. Today this is truer than ever. Under the form of society dictated by modern capitalist production, the means of life are concentrated in the hands of a small privileged class, which exploits the propertyless working masses, appropriates all the product of their labour reduces them to the lowest and most servile level of existence that will permit them to continue working and reproducing their kind, and in addition obtains, by virtue of that economic supremacy, control of the entire state power. This regime of contradiction between ‘social production’ and ‘individual appropriation’, of irreconcilable antagonism between masters and man, employers and employed, property owners and proletarians – the class struggle of today – has brought mankind into unprecedented conflict, misery, and chaos – a veritable abomination of desolation and terror. But it is fast approaching a crisis entailing its overthrow which will lead to an emancipated world, a society of economic and social equals wherein class divisions, privileges and disabilities will for the first time in history be impossible; a system of social ownership of the means of production industrially administered by the workers on an organised and harmonious plan, ensuring from every man according to his capacity and to every man according to his needs, under the motto “All for each and each for All”.

This social revolution is the objective of the Socialist Party, the end towards which every step it takes must directly tend. The task is no mere pastime; it is a battle. We cannot deny the war between the classes, or to pretend it can somehow be peacefully resolved by an armistice.  So elemental, it is a conflict which can be ended by nothing short of the world wide destruction of the capitalist power.  It is time for our fellow-workers to hearken to the call, to discard its futile reformism, to jettison their leader’s careerism, opportunism and cowardice, full of doubts and fears, clinging with pitiful faith to capitalism, hoping against hope, sceptical of the working people upon whom they depend, they spread their pessimism like a poison into the workers themselves.  How familiar their wavering.

It is time to recognise the vital necessity of the fight and to unite all our forces in countering the class enemy, organised and unified by solidarity so as to deliver, in cooperation and coordination, the knockout blow to a hated class and system. The Socialist Party bids all class-conscious workers rally. Political parties are the product of the class struggle. In a class-free society which has rid itself of the remnants of vested class interests and associated ideology, there will be no political parties. They will be unnecessary. But we have not yet achieved a class-free society. We are in the midst of a society torn asunder by class struggle, and the political parties of necessity express and reflect the interests of classes in conflict. The working class is the custodian of socialism, of all further development of mankind. The capitalist class is no longer a progressive class. It cannot lead mankind forward. It can only drag it backward. Based upon private property, it has long-since fulfilled whatever progressive role it had to play in the development of society. Capitalism now fetters the productive forces, drags society into desolation and catastrophe.

This is the plain fact which we socialist understand this above all is no messiah or elite group can save mankind but there is but one possible hope: Socialism. Should mankind make the wrong choice, there will probably be surviving individual members of the human race to again start up the weary path through the countless ages of barbarism until eventually we once again reach civilisation.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The School Gap

The gap in educational performance between rich and poor pupils in Scotland gets wider as they progress through primary school, official data has revealed.

By the time they reach P7 wealthier children have pulled further ahead of their poorer peers in basic skills such as reading, writing and numeracy.

The annual school figures show that poorer pupils are still struggling to keep up.

The 2016-17 statistics, based on teachers’ judgements, show that the gap in numeracy skills between the richest and poorest pupils widens from 14% in P1 to 20% in P7. In reading the gap increases from 17% to 20% over the same period, while, in writing it widens from 18% to 22% and in listening and talking from 12%  to 17%.

The number of teachers in Scotland has risen by 543 in the space of a year, now standing at 51,513. However, the number of pupils has also risen to 688,959, meaning that the ratio of pupils to teachers has fallen slightly to 13.6, with the average class size remaining static at 23.5.

This is the Socialist Party message

The capitalists try to present their system as the best of all possible worlds.  The system is built so the capitalist can be free to enslave and exploit us. The capitalist class says revolution was good in the past when they were making it, to give themselves the political power to bring about their system. But then they want it to stop. But now things have reached a new stage where for the first time in history the working class, which represents the majority of society, is not only going to do the fighting but is also going to take the benefits and use them for the majority of society and for mankind as a whole.  From 1904 until to-day the Socialist Party has delivered the same message day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year and still the workers let themselves be led up the blind alleys of disappointment and despair, following leaders with pathetic trust on the painful march to a promised land that always remains over the hill.

Is the Socialist Party message so hard to understand? No! It is the very essence of simplicity. The workers produce the wealth of the world, the capitalists own it. Just as the workers hand over what they produce to-day to the capitalists, they could keep it for themselves if they wished to do so. The capitalists perform no useful task in wealth production, they are just parasites. They take the fruits of the workers' labour because the workers let them, and the workers let them do so because they are duped by the myth that the capitalists are necessary. The aim of the capitalists is to force or cajole the workers into the submissive attitude of willing slaves, heaping up wealth for others to enjoy, and flattery and promises, cant and hypocrisy will be instruments used to secure this end. It is not remedies for particular social diseases that we need but the removal of the source of all social disease—the legal figment that enables the capitalists to live on our backs. The legal arrangement that because a man has money he, therefore, has the right to exploit his fellow men is a social agreement that has not always existed, and it can be abolished at any time that society decides to take this step. Society includes everybody, both workers and capitalists, and the workers are the great majority in society. The workers of the world can control their destinies once they shed their delusions and cast off the useless burden of capitalist privilege that they have borne upon their backs for so long. But the work they have to do must be done by themselves.  The only path is knowledge of what we are, wealth-producing slaves of capital, and what we can be, freely associated workers owning in common our means of production and using them to supply the needs of all, without the intervention of privilege of any kind except youth, age or sickness

The history of mankind can be described as the history of the efforts of human communities to free themselves from the constraints always imposed by the necessity of meeting their daily survival needs and reproducing the species.  This statement sums up historical materialism. The purpose of socialist revolution is not to restore a “natural order of things” that was somehow got rid of at some point in history. The various forms of society in the past have been the responses worked out by men and women to surmount the problems of how to survive and reproduce. Chattel slavery was just as “natural” a practice as is capitalist exploitation today. The purpose of socialist revolution is to provide today’s society with a form of organisation that corresponds to the material possibilities open to us today and that satisfies the current conditions that the history of mankind has taught us to consider most appropriate to the well-being of humanity. Contemporary society has the objective material capacities – in the developed societies, at any rate – to put an end to capitalist exploitation and all the forms of oppression that it perpetuates. This is the basic and primary reason for working for socialism.

Marxism holds that the life of human society is in the final analysis determined by the level of development of the productive forces. It can be described as the first rigorously study and scientific vision of society. Marxism does not hold that the existence and development of societies are determined absolutely, that they have no freedom? If it did then it is misleading to hold out the prospect of revolution, for in the final analysis it would be the determinism of the productive forces that counts. Men and women can make plans for their individual and collective existence. The development of societies does not follow a predestined, predetermined course. Societies can act on and influence their development. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Humanity is one

 There is nothing that fuels the socialist movement more than capitalism’s own troubles, the displeasure, disaffection, and anxiety it produces. The fundamental driving forces behind the movement for Socialism are the rigours, the hardships of a working-class existence under a social system that turns out wealth unlimited and permits only a minority to enjoy it. This contradiction makes fools or knaves out of all supporters of capitalism who pose as champions of working class desires.  People are getting ever closer to understanding that they live in an economic system that is not for them. Our fellow-workers will sooner or later realise that capitalism—i.e., the private ownership of the means of wealth production and distribution—is the cause of their poverty and its attendant evils and that any and all reforms within capitalist society will do nothing more than to bring about some slight amelioration of the poverty problem. The socialist movement can be regenerated. In this capitalist system, we are wage slaves and socialists are determined not to be slaves anymore. They pay us a wage and in turn, for it, they take and do with us whatever they want. They use us like animals, like a machine, just another tool to get as much energy and money out of our labour as they can.  The Socialist Party is not a political party that says it represents everybody. The Socialist Party does not say it represents both capitalists and the workers, and preaches the idea of harmony between capitalists and the workers because there can’t be harmony between the slaves and the slave-masters. There can’t be harmony between the exploited and the exploiters because the slave-master lives by exploiting the workers – the capitalist lives by exploiting, that’s his whole existence. And we live for the day when we can break those chains of exploitation. The Socialist Party is the party of the wage-slave. We proudly and openly proclaim that. And more than that, we proudly and openly proclaim that our class which is now in wage slavery is not going to put up with it much longer. We’re going to break those shackles. We are one mighty class and we intend taking power throughout the world for the first time in history.

The natural instinct of human beings is towards cooperation and sharing, but, distorted by capitalism and its dog-eat-dog competition and ideology of nationalism, self-interest has become the pre-eminent behaviour trait. Nationalism in one country begets its echo in others. The world is besieged by a range of problems, many if not all of which are firmly rooted in the outdated socio-economic structure of capitalism and which threaten the survival of the human race and the planet.   This capitalist system of wage slavery doesn’t allow us the choice of whether or not we are going to struggle. Everybody knows the fact that we all have to struggle to get by. The history of our class in this country is the history of struggle. Work is a struggle, daily life is a struggle, and winning our emancipation is going to be a struggle. We all should know about it, learn from it and build on it.  This whole system of capitalism forces us to struggle, drives us to unite together to fight back. We learn through our struggle that by ourselves, as one person, we can’t accomplish very much, but when we unite together we can move forward and gain a better understanding so we can break these chains.

Our society has to be re-built to meet the needs of all. The employing class doesn’t consciously organise production and they can’t consciously organise production for the needs and the interest of society as a whole. The capitalists are not thinking about the interests of society, they’re not thinking about what people need. Each one of them is thinking about one thing, and the first question they’re all asking when they see anything, whether it’s a person or raw materials, a machine, or whatever – the first question they ask is, “How can I make money out of it?” That’s the whole name of the game and that’s how they try to run society. And those are the ideas they try to put into everybody’s mind – that you are either a slave or slave-master, you are either working for somebody or else you’ve got to make somebody work for you. Each of them is in competition with the other, and each of them is constantly trying to make it over on the other and sell more than the other one. And in doing this they are constantly introducing new machines and throwing workers into the streets, trying to make the products faster and undersell their competition. There’s only one place you can make money – that’s out of us. So they drive us harder to make more money for them. And each of them tries to expand production as if there were no limit to it – until it runs up against the limits of this set-up itself. A tremendous gulf develops between what’s produced under these conditions and what we can buy with the wages we get from them. So the whole breakneck pace turns around. They lay us off and, those left get driven even harder, and so the gulf gets bigger and so it goes, as we see now.

This is not a system that can meet the needs of the people. It’s not a system that even considers the question of how to meet the needs of the people. When the slaves start rebelling, they will throw a few scraps and hope that it gets people fighting among themselves for those.  Under the present relations, this is the way it is. But this is not because of any forces beyond our control that cannot be changed. It’s simply and only because of the economic relations and economic system of capitalism that we live under, and because of the rule, the dictatorship, of this capitalist class.  Come election time they’re all for the working man and woman. They’re all for us say, “I’m a worker just like the rest of you all.”

The only solution is the ownership and democratic control of the means of production and distribution by the working class, to be administered in the interests of the community as a whole. With this understanding clearly established in the mind of the working class, we shall be standing on the threshold of a new and happier era in human history.

Regardless of nationality, race, colour, and political and religious creeds, the working class has always been inspired by one idea—the overthrow of capitalist society, built on slavery, exploitation and violence. In this struggle of labour against capital, the working class can win only by mustering all their forces against the common enemy.  This is why for the working class, in order to save itself from economic exploitation and enslavement —unity is imperative. There is but one power that can save mankind from being plunged into catastrophe. That power is the working class if property organised and determined to fight all who would oppose and prevent its complete emancipation.  When workers flex their muscles, capital quakes. As individuals, we are powerless to change things. We can’t use that two feet of conveyor belt before us by ourselves. The forces we have at our command in society, these machines and everything else that make society run, cannot be run by individuals working against each other, just for themselves. We have to cooperate. But together we are not powerless. In fact, we are the most powerful class in history. We are the class that’s going to transform all of society and advances humanity to a whole new higher level of social evolution.   

Monday, December 11, 2017

Socialism NOW!

The Socialist Party believes there is a way to overcome the world's economic and social problems and it is to replace the capitalist system with a socialist one. The only way to end poverty, unemployment, environmental destruction, war is to take society out of the hands of the capitalist class. The Socialist Party's objective is the socialist reconstruction of society. In a socialist system, commonly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprises would become the dominant form of ownership in our economy. For socialism to work, the working people must be intimately involved in helping to run the country and industry. Workers would be involved in management and in decision making at all levels. Socialism and democracy go hand-in-hand.

Right now the earth is producing more than enough to feed every human being — both on a global scale and within the countries associated with starvation. Enough grain is produced to provide everyone with ample protein and more than 3,000 calories a day. However, over one-third of this grain is fed to livestock. People are not hungry because food is scarce or because there are too many people. Pressure on the environment does not come from demands to produce more food — there is already enough.

In Mexico, where at least 80 per cent of the children in rural areas are undernourished, livestock — mostly for export to the USA — consume more basic grains than the country’s entire rural population. However, the system of ownership and control in agricultural production and the market economy prevents everyone being fed. The capacity to produce food is immense yet a large proportion of the world’s population lives in conditions of abject poverty and deprivation. 700 million people go hungry throughout the world. Hunger, deprivation, and homelessness are not limited to the under-developed world but increasingly hitting the poor in the rich countries. In the United States, about 40 million people are classified as “hungry” but no one can argue that this is because not enough food is being produced. Hunger exists in the face of plenty.

It is revealing that the assertion that hunger is caused by “over-population” is so widespread. It says a lot about how ordinary people are regarded. People are pictured as an economic liability when, in reality, all wealth begins with people, with human labour. The blame for growing poverty, hunger, and environmental degradation should not be placed on the poor and hungry, the victims. It should be placed on the pursuit of profit. Capitalism is based on the exploitation of labour and nature. Land, natural resources and energy sources are exploited at one end of the production process and the waste-absorbing capacity of the environment at the other end. The primary cause of the spiralling human and environmental crises on our planet is not the growing world population but capitalism’s unfair global economic policies. If “too many people” cause hunger, we would expect to find the most hunger in countries which have the most people in each area of land producing crops. But no such pattern exists. In reality, a food system where a few are in control inevitably under-uses and misuses food-producing resources. Throughout the world, larger landholders consistently produce less per hectare than the small producers. The environment is not being destroyed because people are trying to produce more food to feed growing populations. It is being destroyed because production is directed into the most profitable areas, regardless of the impact on humans or the environment, by predatory corporations which have concentrated control over food-producing resources in their hands. In Africa, large tracts of land perfectly suitable for permanent crops such as grazing grasses and fruit or nut trees have been torn up to make way for cotton and peanuts for export.

The best approach to combat poverty, world hunger, and ecological degradation is not through population control but through the fairer distribution of wealth and resources. It is not growing populations that threaten to destroy the environment, but forces of capital. Because of the nature of capitalism, millions starve to death each year — or survive year after year in a chronically malnourished state — because they are too poor to constitute an ‘effective demand’ on the market, and so they get nothing.  The root cause of today’s global crises is the globalisation of the market economy. Capitalism makes every effort to conceal this.

It was St Ambrose (340-397 AD) who said:
Nature furnishes its wealth to all men in common. God beneficiently has created all things that their enjoyment be common to all living beings, and that the earth become the common possession of all. It is nature itself that has given birth to the right of the community, while it is only unjust usurpation that has created the right of private property.”

The right of private property, the right of a few to own and control the means by which all must live, the right of the owners of the means of production to utilise it to exploit the rest of the community in the interest of their personal profit, the right to determine what shall be produced and how, regardless of the misery and wretchedness of those who produce it.

In the wake of that principle, that so-called right, came slavery, in which the multitude toiled in chains that a few masters might live in luxury; feudalism, when a handful of nobles feasted and wallowed in idleness on the enforced labour of others; then capitalism, when the masses were herded into factories, to get the wherewithal to live, while the product of their labour was appropriated by the new lords of capital. The right to private property, the right to exploit, the right to rob, the right to over-produce and cause crises, the right to compete, and cause wars. The basic cause of capitalist ills, and the basic answer? The abolition of the right of private property, and instead the common ownership of the means of production, so that all may enjoy the fruit of their labour, and consume it, thus eliminating the crises of over-production, and the crises of military wars. For there is no other way. It is capitalism or socialism.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Roma "Child Sex Scandal"

The Socialist Standard highlighted the persecution of the Roma, particularly in Eastern Europe. But the scapegoating also exists here in Scotland.

A charity group which works to support Roma communities in Glasgow has hit out at claims children as young as primary school age are being forced into prostitution on the streets of Govanhill. Friends of Romano Lav (FoRL) have now released a statement which blasts the "spurious and unevidenced" allegations. Members say they have "not encountered any instances of the child protection issues" highlighted this week. "They would say that," is the response. It's a no-win situation for Roma community workers. If you don't speak, you will never influence or integrate. If you speak, you will not be believed.

Police Scotland said there was "no information or intelligence to substantiate the concerns" 

 The Times recent lurid investigative report by journalist Marc Horne stated that ‘children [are being] sold for sex on the streets of Govanhill’. Yet this claim was not supported by evidence taken to the police, but rather on pub gossip and local hearsay. . The nature of the reporting on Govanhill was remarkably similar to the moral panic over the case of ‘Maria’, supposedly ‘stolen by Gypsies’ in Greece in 2013. That the Roma have a proclivity for selling their children is a racist story that follows them. It is a story hundreds of years old; it is a story that always finds new traction. When the Roma began moving to Sheffield in 2013, newspapers reported that a Roma family tried to sell a child to a chip-shop owner.