Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Socialism Now More Than Ever

The two basic classes in our society, the working class and the bourgeoisie, are locked in a bitter struggle. The bourgeoisie represents the old system of exploitation and oppression. The working class represents the fundamental progressive force, the most consistent social force in the struggle to eliminate capitalism. It’s the capitalists that get rich by appropriating the fruits of our labour. At the end of a work week the worker collects his pay. The capitalists claim this is a fair exchange. But it is highway robbery. In reality, a worker gets paid for only a small part of the value he produced. The rest, the surplus value, goes straight into the boss’s pocket. he bosses get rich, not because they have “taken risks” or “worked harder,” as they would have us believe. The more they keep wages down and reduce the number of employees with speed-ups, the more they can steal from us and the greater their profits. And if the boss thinks he can make more profit somewhere else, he just closes his factory and throws the workers out on the street.
The idea that everyone can get rich under this system is a lie invented by the rich themselves. Under capitalism, the only way to get rich is to trample on someone else. This is why workers have only one choice: either submit to this wage slavery or fight it! Only socialism can respond to the just aspirations of the working class and the people. Working people will overthrow the capitalists and build socialism. 

Around the globe, the working class is in motion. The working class has always fought against the capitalists. There is a growing determination to overthrow this system of capitalist wage slavery and build world socialism. But although revolution is the main trend, we know that history proceeds through zigs and zags and that the struggle for revolution may suffer setbacks.

Our planet is rich in natural resources. It is capable of satisfying the needs of all its people. A handful of capitalists control our world and make fabulous profits off the labour of working people. All the major means of production - the factories, the mines, telecommunications and transportation – are concentrated in the hands of a few thousand capitalists who employ millions of workers. for the workers, the future is less and less certain. The exploitation and oppression gets worse every year. Our misery is created so a small clique of very wealthy individuals can continue to line their pockets. Capitalism is a system based on exploitation. A handful of parasites live off the backs of the workers and could not care less about their situation. The capitalists' spokespersons endlessly vaunt the merits of this system where “everyone has an equal opportunity,” and “democracy rules.” But the truth is that it is a hoax: a paradise for the rich and powerful, a trap and an illusion for the exploited and the poor.

The state is an economic tool by the wealthy. When the capitalists need to develop certain sectors of the economy that require large initial investments, when they need to protect certain industries that are essential to the entire ruling class (like transport), when they face bankruptcy or in sectors that produce little profit (health care hospital services), the state underwrites them them. Nnationalisation in no way mean the people control or benefit from these companies. It just means the workers of these nationalised companies are subjected to the same conditions as workers in private industry.

Prices rising faster than wages, redundancies and lay-offs where those out of work are piling up debts as our communities education, health care and transportation fall apart. And our cities are becoming more and more unlivable. To the great majority of its people the world is going to hell and politicians lying through their teeth. The capitalist rulers cannot continue to maintain capitalism without plunging into one war after another, in their quenchless thirst for more profit. They double-deal and double-cross others like them from other countries as the divide their ill-gotten gains and spoils. They keep saying they have solutions, but they all come down to one thing – we have to tighten our belts as they tighten the noose around our necks. They demand that the people sacrifice – and sacrifice some more. They tell us we will just have to get used to the fact that things are bad and will keep getting worse.

Things do not have to be like this, and people will never be satisfied living this way. All over the world people are rising up to fight back against those whose wealth and power have been built upon the backs of the world’s working people. More and more people are talking of revolution. At the very heart of this struggle is the basic conflict between the working class – the millions who have no means to live except through their labour, and whose labour is the driving force in society – and the capitalist class – the handful who do no productive work but live and accumulate billions from the labour of the workers, and continually grind the workers down in accumulating more. The working class possesses tremendous potential power to change the world, a fact that is shown every day in the process and product of its labour and in its many struggles against capitalism. It is the task of the working class to wield its mighty power to remake society to serve the interests of the great majority of the people.

The great store of society’s wealth is created by the millions of workers who with their labour mine, grow, and transport raw materials, construct machinery, and use the machines to transform raw materials into finished products. The machines, raw materials and other means of production created by the workers are an important part of the productive forces of society, but the most important part is the working class itself without whose labour the means of production would rust and rot. But in the hands of the capitalists the means of production become tools for the continued enslavement and impoverishment of the working class. Production is on a massive scale, but with the present economic relations, the basic producers, the workers, are increasingly unable to buy masses of goods they have produced. Goods pile up and stare the workers in the face, for lack of one thing – money. Under the capitalist system, production only takes place if those who control production, the capitalists, can make profit from it. And they can make profit only by wringing it out of the workers, and constantly pushing their wages down to the lowest level, allowing the workers only enough to keep working and to bring up new generations of workers to further enrich capital.

Part of the workers’ labour covers the cost of maintaining themselves and their families–their wages–and the rest is unpaid labour that produces surplus value for the capitalists, the source of their profit. This exploitation of the workers to create private profit for the capitalists is the basis of the whole capitalist system and all its evils. Capital chases after the highest rate of profit, as surely as iron is drawn to a magnet–this is a law beyond anyone’s will, even the capitalists’, and it will continue in force so long as society is ruled by capital. Owning and appropriating a part of the total capital of society privately, each capitalist must try to enlarge his share at the expense of the other capitalists. Capitalists therefore repeatedly introduce new machines and technology to try to produce goods faster and more cheaply, in order to grab more of the market from their competitors. But this machinery and technology costs the capitalists additional money without bringing additional profit–which can only be gotten from the labour of the workers. So there is the constant tendency for the capitalists’ rate of profit to fall, which constantly leads to desperate attempts on their part to push the rate of profit up, to the highest level possible. Capitalists battle each other for profit, and those who lose out go under, even huge corporations can collapse. While each capitalist tries to plan production, the private ownership, the blind drive for profit and the cut-throat competition continually upset their best-laid plans, and anarchy reigns in the economy as a whole.

Capitalists constantly pull their capital out of one area of investment and into another, along with bringing in new machines to speed up production. Some capitalists temporarily surge ahead and expand while others fall behind or are forced out of business altogether. With each of these developments, thousands of workers are thrown into the streets and forced once again to search for a new master to exploit them. All this is why, from its beginning, capitalism has gone from crisis to crisis. And the way the capitalists get out of these crises only lays the basis for worse ones – they destroy goods and even the means to produce goods, scramble to grab up more markets, and a bigger chunk of the existing ones, and increase their exploitation of the workers. The strongest capitalists survive, and in surviving concentrate more of the means of production in their hands and hurl more of the smaller producers into the ranks of the working class. As capitalism develops, society more and more divides into two antagonistic camps–at one pole tremendous wealth and greater concentration of ownership in fewer and fewer hands; at the other pole tremendous misery for the millions who can live only by working for the owners and can work only so long as they produce profit for them.

Through all this, and especially in times of the sharpest crisis, the basic contradiction of capitalism stands out all the more starkly: production itself is highly socialised–it requires large concentrations of workers, each performing part of the total process and all essential to its completion, and it is capable of massive output on this basis; but the ownership of the means of production and the appropriation of the wealth produced is “private”–in the hands of a few, competing owners of capital. But so long as capitalism is not overthrown, it finds some way out of the crisis – temporarily.

Through a series of such crises large corporations have come to dominate and monopolise the major industries. Banks have increasingly merged their capital into industry, creating finance capital and monopolising credit as well, interlocking it with industry. Monopoly or duopolies has become the rule where competition once was, but competition still exists, and in fact grows more intense – between different monopoly capitalists within these countries and internationally, and between the monopolies and smaller capital that seeks to expand and challenge the existing monopolies. Anarchy and the chase of competing capitalists after higher profit remain in effect. The laws of capitalism remain in force, especially the commandment: “expand or die.” The market of the “home” country is too limited for the continued expansion of capital. So, backed by the military might of their governments, the monopolies penetrate into every possible part of the globe, not only or mainly to sell goods, but to exploit labour, grab up supplies of raw materials–for their own production process and to keep them out of the hands of the competitors-and to set up production in other countries to “secure” their markets.

The undeveloped or developing nations they have made into indirect colonies and distort their economies to fit their own profit drives, allying with the local landlords capitalists and government officials in these nations, and turning them into their junior partners in the plunder, keeping these countries in an enforced state of backwardness, in order to rob their resources and make profits . To back up this international robbery they ring the globe with their armed forces. These monopoly capitalists are modern-day imperialists, having empires far greater than the ancient Roman, Greek, Persian and Ottoman rulers.

It is impossible to “reform” capitalism. The only solution is to go forward, to socialise the ownership of the means of production and the appropriation of the products of production. This requires a political revolution, the overthrow of the rule of capital by the working class, which, in its socialised productive labour, represents the embryonic organisation of the future, socialist society. The working class as a whole never ceases battling for its day to day needs. This resistance to capital erupts in a great upsurge of rank and file struggle. Despite the divide and conquer schemes of the rulers, the unity of the working class is being built through these struggles. Increasingly united the working class is intensifying its mighty war against capital. For the workers, capitalist “freedom” means in essence the freedom to choose between toiling for some capitalist or starving - and in times of economic recession even the first choice can disappear.

Now is the time to overthrow the capitalist system and build a completely new kind of society. It has become possible for the people to finally take their place as masters of society and break all social chains enslaving the producers and shackling production itself.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

AAARG...Not another one

The political scene is really buzzing here in Scotland. The Labour Party is in turmoil. Nicola Sturgeon on a visit to Dublin, said her preference was for another independence referendum vote in the latter half of 2020.

The nationalist argument, as propounded by the SNP is very simple ― and wrong. The people of Scotland, the SNP say, suffer because they are misgoverned from England; what they need is an independent nation of their own so that they could begin to solve their problems. In fact the problems faced by workers in Scotland are basically the same as those in Britain or Ireland or any other country; they are caused by international capitalism and can only be cured by world socialism. The setting up of more frontiers in the world would be irrelevant and a waste of time. The simple truth is that capitalism will be just the same as far as the working class are concerned. What is required is another system of society, not new management for the old one.

 Members of the Socialist Party reject allegiance to any nation-state and regard ourselves as citizens of the world. We accept the boundaries between countries as they are (and as they may change) and work within them to win control of each State with a view to abolishing them all. Our aim is the establishment of a world community without frontiers.

The Socialist Party echo Burn's desire for the day 'That man to man the world o’er shall brothers be for a' that'. This will be a fact when the world's wealth, owned in common, can be utilised for the satisfaction of all mankind. 

When it is darkest, the dawn is not far away

Many have heard the saying, “socialism or barbarism” which is growing more and more into reality with the approaching consequences of global warming and the climate crisis. Socialism cannot be built on the ruins of capitalism by destitute beggars striving for bare survival. The Socialist Party always said that the future belongs to socialism despite what appears to be dim prospects when the very word “socialism” seemed to almost dropped out of the political vocabulary. The word's connotation has been with what existed in the former Soviet sector of the world when socialism has become synonymous with tyranny, a sad fate for a word which in better days was linked always with liberty. With the concept of socialism reaching rock bottom it had no place to go but up. And up it in popularity it has gone, without a doubt. The calamities and looming catastrophes of our current social system is forcing people to wonder if there is not some other way out and once again they are looking towards people who call themselves socialists if there is a socialist movement worthy of the name as an alternative to barbarism. There is a reawakening of interest in socialism. Many are willing to listen, for deep down they know there is something rotten with the way things are. There is an increasing recognition that what Karl Marx had to say a over hundred years ago has a good bit of application today, and shows people where hope lies. The new socialist movement will be based on people who can free themselves of their miseducation

The Socialist Party is thinking of a future in terms of sustainable development where humanity looks to understanding nature’s laws and working in harmony with them, rather than treating nature as the enemy. We do not believe in the permanence of capitalism. We aim to build – and we invite you to join us in building an honest party that tells the truth to the workers, a democratic socialist party with the goal of nothing less than the conquest of the capitalist world. All the material conditions for this victory of humanity are in place. Socialism on the order of the day and the workers’ revolution is the means to realise it. Political power is wielded by social classes through political parties. The transference of power from one class to another is not an automatic process. The party of socialism, facing a well-organised capitalist class highly conscious of its interests, must strive to excel the enemy in both organisation and conscious will. It cannot, if it is to reach the historic goal, be an amorphous all-inclusive society of undisciplined dabblers. A party with a vague programme, or, worse still, no principles at all, would be like a someone without ideas. People learn from all their experiences, whether positive or negative. More optimistic are we that out of the present ferment in the environmentalist campaigns and the coming radicalisation of the participants we see the emergence of a revolutionary socialist movement.

Rely on ourselves, not the politicians

Every day working people suffer the hardcore reality of few jobs, bad working conditions, ineffectual health care, dilapidated housing and poor education for our children. We can see our lives going down the drain. But there’s a growing consciousness that we don’t have to take things as they are. It scares the hell out of the rich to see workers uniting to fight for what we need, resisting their laws, their system of rule. The rich are trying to prevent more workers from joining this movement, trying to keep us under control. They really have no answer, no solutions as to how to better the lives of working people.

Only with socialism will working people have the means to collectively and democratically decide the direction their society will take and how they will participate in it. The capitalists hate and fear any sign of a fight-back. There is no kind of reformism which is going to provide a real long-term solution to the exploitation of the working class. In order for the working people to fulfil their historic role of abolishing capitalism and establishing socialism, it is necessary that they be organised as a class. We need cures to kill the infection but all the capitalists offer are more band aids. They offer no cure because they have no cure. Poverty and inequality are a natural part of their system and making a law to get rid of them is like trying to end cancer by making it illegal. For the capitalist there is only one law–the law of profits. The closing of companies, low wages, speed-up, and lay-offs are part of everyday life under a system where capitalists compete with each other by squeezing out as much wealth as they can from our labour. Only as long as the capitalists can make a profit from our sweat do they give us the “right” to slave for them. They dread the prospect of people that they will see that all our problems are a result, not just of a handful of greedy bosses, but that these problems are a permanent part of life under the ruling capitalist class and their whole rotten system.

Workers don’t need a crystal ball to see their future. The capitalists in their never-ending grasp for higher profits, are intent upon making the world a den of misery for a majority of working people. In contrast, the working class, if it were united, could not only stop the assault in its tracks, it could turn this country and this planet into a storehouse of plenty for all. The problem is that people accept capitalism and its logic and therefore see no alternative to the current mis-leaders who defend that system at all costs. A working class that does not see its own power today certainly doesn’t see that it can generate a real alternative to capitalism. Tomorrow, will be the time when all things including socialism will seem both possible and necessary. The revolution will not come through condescending saviours but through the actions and the consciousness of the working class itself. The Socialist Party's method is simply to tell the truth to our fellow-workers. Trying to reform capitalism is no solution for the working class. The reformists display little sense of the realities of capitalism; many believe that the growth of the welfare state will turn into a mixed or socialistic state as time goes on. The “welfare state” never meant raising people out of poverty and providing a better life for them and their families. It is one thing to defend all the crumbs, like state benefits, that have been won. It is quite another thing to pose more or better welfare as a real solution. The answer to unemployment and poverty is not welfare but a new society which will have real solutions for all, a new society based on human needs, not profits, using all the resources of society for the benefit of all. Faith that capitalism can be reformed is prevalent those intellectuals whose careers are based on the existence and expansion of the welfare state who compromise between the crudely greedy rulers on the one hand and the impoverished masses on the other. When push comes to shove they settle for the illusions in what capitalism can offer while accommodating to capitalist misery—on behalf of the poor. Thus reformism today means acceptance of austerity, cloaked in the illusions of a return to prosperity. They do not specifically name capitalism as the problem or call for revolution as the answer.

Today most workers know they are not doing well and that low wages, stringent working practices, multi-tier contracts, non-union shops, etc. are key to the attack on them. Employers' attacks will inevitably increase if we allow the system to continue who perpetrate a system that divides and weakens the struggle and saps the working class of its consciousness as to who the real enemy is. They purposely propose strategies which teach the working class not to identify with their class as a whole but with only one sector.

Food Emergency in Edinburgh

People in deprived parts of Edinburgh are facing the threat of food shortages as supplies at food banks across the city run “critically low”, the Edinburgh Food Project, a charity which operates seven food bank centres across the capital,has warned.

The charity, part of the Trussell Trust Food Bank network, said it only had enough food for this week, and may not be be able to supply people with complete food parcels beyond that point.
Operations manager Bethany Biggar told The Independent donations of food were not sufficient to meet rising demand.
She said: “Until we have a benefits systems that’s caring, compassionate and supportive, a minimum wage covering the essentials, and a workforce that is reliable and secure, we will continue to support those who need us. We will not allow people in Edinburgh to starve.” She added the charity had no choice but to depend on the “generous support of the public” and without this, it “simply would not be able to help people living in poverty”. Ms Biggar said if the charity does not succeed in increasing stock levels now, its food parcels will be unable to meet that standard, which is why it is running an urgent appeal for public donations.
The charity had so far helped 11,402 people over the last 12 months, a 19 per cent rise on the year before. It had also been 4,530 food parcel requests between January and April this year – 47 per cent up on the same period last year.  Food parcels are made up of three daily meals and cover three days of supplies. Recipients of food parcels are entitled to collect food from the charity up to three times in six months.
The charity had received £4,800 in grant funding from the Scottish government to purchase fresh food, which was “just enough” to cover two of its food banks in Pilton and Craigmillar.
25 per cent of people (3237) helped by the charity experienced changes to benefits and delays to benefit payments, and this was one of the most common reasons for their dependence on food banks. But at almost 53 per cent (6002 people), low income was the most common reason, while others included homelessness, debt, sickness and domestic violence.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Socialist Party Solidarity

This is a crucial time for the working-class movement where workers express their solidarity with the struggles of their fellow-workers all over the world, when they re-pledge themselves to the fight for their rights and freedoms and to step up the struggle for the end of the exploitation of man by man. They say that the working-class movement has been defeated, that socialism has failed. But the question which they do not raise is: does the capitalist system which they are promoting, and which they say the people are accepting, does it solve any of the problems of the working people, either in any part of the world? The decisive question is whether or not a system solves the problems which face the people.

Do you want to perpetuate your own class slavery? Do you want to maintain and strengthen the capitalist government which has shown by its every act that it is nothing but the tool of the capitalist class and acts against the working class every time? Then cast your vote and your lives for the profit of the master class. The Socialist Party is for the abolition of capitalism and the emancipation of the workers from wage-slavery. The working class is still the decisive force in every country. We never abandon the socialist ideals, we are Marxists and we propagate our full views.

Labour is the source of all wealth. In the present society the tools of labour are the monopoly of the capitalists. That the working class is kept dependent on these is the ultimate cause of misery and all forms of oppression. The goal of the Socialist Party is therefore to abolish the existing mode of production (the wage system) and to allow the means of labour the present private capital, to be converted into the common property of society, at the disposition of all members of society, which is the only way of guaranteeing the worker full compensation for his or her work. The fight for the liberation of the working class from its present position, which is beneath a free people, is not a fight for new class privileges and prerogatives but for equal rights and equal obligations for all and for the abolition of class rule. A society based on exploitation is one in which one class, through its ownership of the means of production, is able to live as a parasite class, not producing, but living on the labour of—that is, exploiting—the other class. Socialism aims at giving a meaning to people's life and work; at enabling then freedom, their creativity, and the most positive aspects of their personality to flourish; reconciling people with themselves and with nature.

The capitalist class works overtime to convince workers that socialism has nothing to offer but a gray, bureaucratic world of robotic people. The reality is quite different. We as socialists want to replace the rule of a handful of exploiters, the capitalists, with the rule of the working class, the producers of the wealth of society. We seek to replace the anarchy of capitalist production, with its depressions and unemployment, with a planned socialist economy, based on the needs of working people. We fight for world socialism in which full equality for all will be a reality and not a hypocritical slogan. We stand for the fullest democracy for working people over the few, the handful of parasitic robber barons who rule today. We seek to subvert the domination of the employers over the workers. We are for the overthrow of capital, and the transition to a class-free socialist society. Working people have shown that their revolutionary spirit of rebellion cannot be crushed. The capitalist class, nor its lackeys among the working class, have succeeded in quelling the revolutionary spirit of the working people.

Many on the reformist left claim that higher wages will solve all problems, when the problem is the wages system itself which condemns workers to be wage slaves for capitalism and to continually struggle for a living wage. The principal lesson from these struggles is that, by themselves, they will never solve the problem. Another year from now, and workers will be forced to fight precisely the same struggle again, just to keep close to their present standard of living. It is necessary to take the struggle forwards, to fight not – only for a living wage, but to fight for the complete overthrow of the capitalist system of exploitation, and for the establishment of the working class as the ruling class. There are no solutions within the capitalist system. 

The EU election and the Socialist Party response

The Scottish EU election results are in and makes difficult reading for those on the Left. The Labour Party was fifth with just 9.3% of the votes - down from 26% in 2014 and it means Labour will lose both of its MEPs in Scotland. The SNP has 37.9% of the votes - up from 29% in the last EU election. Brexit Party is currently on 14.7% of the votes in Scotland, with the Liberal Democrats on 13.9% and the Conservatives on 11.7%. (The Western Isles are still to declare but it is unlikely to affect the overall result.)

The Labour Party has always claimed to represent the interest of the worse-off but now finds itself deeply unpopular to the point of facing a crisis. The plain fact of the situation is that the Labour Party is in a fix. It is composed of individuals with a hotch- potch of ideas. Since capitalism came onto the scene political parties have lied and swindled their way into and out of power. The people who have been tricked have always forgotten the lies and the broken promises and have continued to vote for capitalism. So when the Labour Party candidate didn't get in, another fraud did.

The Socialist Party is rich in members who are politically mature and who have worked long and hard to establish and to nurture the socialist movement. Their reward is the satisfaction of working for a world of plenty, freedom and dignity. People work for socialism because it is right. Fellow-workers, we apologise to no one for our existence as a party. We have watched for years the baffled efforts and disappointed hopes of many in our class, acting in ignorance of the cause their problems and misery. It is our mission to make those factors clear, and we invite you to study our literature, come to our meetings, and ask us your questions. 

If you are a non-socialist you should think carefully about why that is. If – as will be the case with very many workers – you have never really thought about why you are not a socialist, never regarded yourself as a supporter of the capitalist system which enslaves you, then now is the time to consider your position. If you are an anti-socialist, then you have some obligation to tell us socialists why we are wrong. If you agree with what we are saying, then now is the time to do something about it: visit your local branch, place a regular order for the Socialist Standard. And if you agree with the Socialist Party, why not join?

Revolution is the Only Way

Today the struggle of all the people of the world is reaching new heights. Nothing is more fundamental to the politics of the Socialist Party than the working class, because only the working class can get rid of capitalist society and bring about socialism. There are reformists who deny that workers can act as a class to bring it about. A working class revolution differs from all previous revolutions. The workers revolution is the first revolution aimed at a consciously planned overthrow of existing society. Like other revolutions, the working class revolution grows out of class antagonisms, overthrowing all existing human relationships. Unlike previous revolutions that have taken place within national frameworks, the proletarian revolution can only conclude with the construction of a worldwide class-free society. Marx remarked that the dominant ideology in any society was the ideology of its ruling class, this is not static. Ideological control by the ruling class is not simply exercised by education, television and the press but continually flows from the daily reality of working class life, as everything is produced and judged for its profitability. Class consciousness can and does develop out of the class struggle in spite of, and against, the ideology of the ruling class.

For many years debate has raged in the workers movement as to which road the revolution should take. Capitalism is beset with an immense political and economic crises. The capitalists have more and more begun to shift the brunt of their problems onto the backs of workers. Fighting for partial solutions or a few piecemeal reforms never has and never will end these conditions. Only a total overthrow of the existing system–a revolution– can solve this, not a vague culture of reformism.

The Socialist Party makes it crystal clear where we’re coming from. If we were not for the goal of revolution this Party would have no reason to exist. We believe that events every day show the rottenness of this system and the need for revolution. We lay bare the ugly truth of capitalism behind them all and point the need to hasten along to its grave. We are talking about a social revolution by the class of people who are the enslaved class under this system, forced to sell their ability to work in order to live and who really and truly have nothing to lose but their chains by overthrowing this system. There is only the working class, that can go on and build socialist society. This is the type of organization that really serves the interests of our class, helping to accomplish the historic task of the working class–making socialist revolution, freeing all of mankind and to put an end to the present system of capitalism, where the first and last issue is profit. Profit and more profit. Today profit rules, not the needs of the people, which are put in first place under socialism, the rule of the working class.

Capitalism is a system where those who have ownership of the factories, the mines, the mills, the land they sit on, the machines, and so forth have everything. It’s a system where those who have no other way to make ends meet except to sell their ability to work to the bosses, must labor to enrich the capitalist, and can work only so long as they do so. When the capitalist finds no further use for a worker, when he finds it unprofitable to continue paying his workers, the wage slaves are thrown out into the streets as a statistic on the unemployment figures. Under their system, democracy is for the rich, justice is for the rich, a good education is for the rich, and healthcare is based on your pocket book. This is exactly why people formed the Socialist Party to build an organization which would help get rid of this system, and build socialism where the people’s needs will be in the first place. The Socialist Party is an organization which firmly stated it was Marxist and stood with the working class, and that the only road out of this hell hole was revolution, socialism(class-free society). The only solution to this most basic problem is to overthrow the existing system–a revolution. This is exactly why the main glue that holds the Socialist Party together, an organization to turn the system right-side up, not to fight particular problems of capitalism. It recognizes that to wipe out this mad house system requires not piecemeal solutions but one major thorough-going solution.

The Socialist Party says we should try to educate people about socialism boldly at every step and refute that we would scare people away and turn them off. When all was said and done, it is like telling a person dying of thirst that he or she is not ready for a drink of water–not quite yet anyway. People are being messed about in a thousand and one ways by the capitalist system. Are we to fight the capitalists individually? Are we to fight them sectionally and not united as a class? Are people are only interested in those issues which affect them personally, that people will only support a struggle if it can be proved that they will gain some immediate return? People can see a bigger picture. This fight against the whole capitalist class must be supported by all the people. People do support the broad struggles being waged against the capitalists by all different kinds of people. If is the task of socialists to take this even further and point to the broadest and biggest fight of all: that against the capitalist class for control of this society. The most important thing for people to understand is that the only way to do away with the misery and oppression which capitalism breeds is to build a united and organized movement against the capitalists and for revolution, targeting the capitalist system as the problem, and pointing to the solution, socialism, where the working class completely changes society in their interests, removing capitalism as we would a cancerous tumour.

Sunday, May 26, 2019


The Socialist Party is the workers' party. It is our Party. It is the Party which is our hope. We fight for its welfare. We fight to preserve it for revolutionary socialism. It is our organisation. People strive to achieve a purpose through organisation of like-minded persons. We in the Socialist Party share the same ideas. Therefore, being together in our party, we act together through our party.

What aims does the Socialist Party urge the working class to adopt? What actions does it urge them to take. The Socialist Party's aim is to inspire the working class towards the conscious, effective struggle to overturn the outlived, rotten system of, capitalism in order to replace it with the democratic rule of the workers which will reorganise society on a socialist basis, free of class exploitation, oppression and inequality. These ideas representing the yearnings of the oppressed and exploited everywhere. The Socialist Party is an organisation of revolutionary socialism, of socialist internationalism.

Capitalism has reduced mankind to a state of chronic misery, poverty, insecurity, fear, periodic carnage, insane luxury for the few, hunger and degradation for the many — a state that simply cannot continue if mankind is to progress, to save humanity, this putrid wound on its body must be removed. When you fight capitalism you are doing what is right and just from the point of view of your class interests and of the future of humanity. You are fighting to forever abolish exploitation. The rule to be soon established is let each person work according to his ability; let each person receive from the common stock of goods according to his needs. This is socialism. Mankind changes under such conditions. Soon the State is no more needed. In a class-free society there is nobody to suppress or keep in check. Men and women do not need the big stick of the State. They manage their affairs without the State force. Compulsion of any kind is repugnant to socialists. No-one may make a wage-slave of another; no-one may hoard up goods for oneself that one does not require and cannot use; but the only way to prevent such practices is not by making them punishable; it is by creating a society in which no-one needs to become a wage slave, and no-one cares to be cumbered with a private hoard of goods when all that one needs is readily supplied as one needs it from the common storehouse. Mankind is free when all things that nature and mankind produce are free in abundance.

Capitalism is highly organised and will defeat the workers’ revolution again and again, unless the workers are organised efficiently.