Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The Socialist Party is the Workers' Party

There is something more than a mere matter of wages. It is a question as to whether we have socialism or whether we living under an oligarchy or plutocracy. What we are aiming at, my friends, is to achieve economic freedom. What the Socialist Party is are aiming at is to achieve economic freedom. Under the present vicious system men have been robbed of the fruits of their toil. The Socialist Party proposes proposes absolute economic freedom for the individual and common ownership of all the means of production and distribution.  Every enterprise is to be carried out for the well-being of all and not for private profit.

The people must rid themselves of the whole brood of masters and exploiters, and take  possession and control of the means of production so that they can ensure comfort and security. The capitalist system must be overthrown, class-rule abolished and wage-slavery supplanted by the cooperative commonwealth.

The Socialist Party does not compromise. It has convictions and stands by them resolutely. We are on the eve of change. Men and women will soon free themselves from their industrial servitude. The day is dawning when humanity will unite in humanity’s interests, and when all shall work for the common good of all. There is but one way to relieve poverty and to free the people, and that is by making common property of all the machinery of the means of life. Socialism is  the emancipation of the working class from wage-slavery, and every person with intelligence enough to understand their interests will once and for all time sever ties with the pro-capitalist parties; and cast his or her lot with the class-conscious, revolutionary Socialist Party, which is pledged not to compromise but remain committed to the principles and goal of economic freedom. It is a question of capitalism or socialism, of economic despotism or economic democracy, and those who are not with us are against us. 

If only all the working class could and would use their eyes and see; their ears and hear; their brains and think. How soon this Earth could be transformed into a place filled with beauty and joy. No sane person can be satisfied with the present system.

We live in the capitalist system, so-called because it is dominated by the capitalist class. In this system the capitalists are the rulers and the workers the subjects. The capitalists are in a decided minority and yet they rule because of the ignorance of the working class. So long as the workers are divided, economically and politically, they will remain in subjection, exploited of what they produce and treated with contempt by the parasites who live off their toil. So long as people are content with conditions as they are, so long as they are satisfied under the leadership of those who are far more interested in feathering their own nests than in the welfare of their followers, so long, in a word, as the workers are meek and submissive followers, mere sheep, they will be fleeced, and no one will hold them in greater contempt than the very grafters and parasites who get fat on the people’s misery. Working people must take the initiative in uniting for effective economic and political action; the self-appointed leaders will never do it for them. People should no longer be deceived by the  their betrayers, who blatantly boast of selling out the dupes who blindly follow them. Such “leaders” lead their victims into a shambles and deliver them over to the exploiters.

The struggle for more wages will ever continue while the wage system lasts, until a more enlightened conception of our relation to each other when we come to see that we are really brothers and sisters and live in harmonious unity.  People must not only make common cause with those of their own nationality and their colour, but with people of all lands and all colours. The interests of the millions of wage workers are identical, regardless of nationality, creed, or sex, and if they will only open their eyes to this simple, self-evident fact, the greatest obstacle will have been overcome and the day of victory will draw near.

The Socialist Party is the party of the workers, organised to express in political terms their determination to break their chains and rise to the dignity of free men and women. It is this party the workers will develop their political power to conquer and abolish the capitalist political state and clear the way for industrial and social democracy. The prevailing economic system can only be abolished in two ways; namely, by securing control of government or by violent revolution. No sane man prefers violent to peaceful measures, and hence socialists rely upon the efficacy of a united class-conscious ballot to accomplish their end. The Socialist Party is a revolutionary party in the sense that its basic demand is the common ownership of the means of production and distribution and the operation of all industry in the interest of all the people. This will mean an economic democracy which can result only from common ownership, and upon this vital principle the Socialist Party differs diametrically from every other party. Between private ownership and common ownership there can be no compromise. One produces for profit, the other for use. One produces millionaires and beggars, the other social equals. One gives us palaces and hovels, robes and rags, the other will secure to every man and woman comfort and luxury, abolish class rule, wipe out class distinction, secure the peace of society, and make of this Earth for the first time a habitable place.

Monday, January 20, 2020

It’s a crazy system

The economic basis of society is changing more rapidly today than ever before in human history, and as the character of society and all social institutions change correspondingly. Change follows upon change in the mode of production and distribution. Cheaper and cheaper production, more rapid and still more rapid methods of communication and transportation are demanded to supply the world’s elusive and shifting markets. Everything must be done on a gigantic scale to be done successfully, or even at all, for in the operation of the remorseless law of competition the weak, the aged, infirm, and all who lack the latest modern equipment are driven from the arena by the more powerful rivals with  little compunction.

Socialism is revolutionary in character and worldwide in scope.  Socialism will mean the end of the present capitalist competitive system and the introduction of its economic successor, the cooperative commonwealth. The socialist movement is international because it is born of and follows the development of the capitalist system, which in its operation is confined to no country, but by the stimulus of modern production, exchange, communication, and transportation, is no longer constrained by borders and frontiers. The whole world is now the theatre of its activities. By this process all the nations of the earth must finally be drawn into cooperation, as the economic basis of human brotherhood. This is the goal of modern socialism.

The only issue concerning the Socialist Party is the private ownership of the means of production. It involves the whole question of political equality, economic freedom, and social progress. The alleged issues of the other parties are all rooted in the existing economic system, a system which they are obliged to preserve and perpetuate, and a system which the Socialist Party is pledged to abolish.  Political parties, like individuals, act from motives of self-interest. The platform of a party is simply the political expression of the economic interests of the class it represents.  The Socialist Party platform is an indictment of the capitalist system by the exploited working class, and its declaration in favour of common ownership of the means of production is the clarion call of economic freedom.

You will find between two classes a conflict of interest; their interests are diametrically opposite. What is good for one is not good for the other and it is this conflict that finds expression in the strikes. the capitalist buys labour as cheap as he can buy it and the employee sells it as dearly as he can sell it. Society has been divided into two classes as a result of this and we are living today under the capitalist system. Under this system labour produces, not for its own benefit, but for the benefit of its employer. It has employment only so long as the employer can find a profitable market for the manufactured goods. The result is that when the capitalist has manufactured so many of his goods that there is no longer a profitable market in which to dispose of them, he closes down his shops and his mills and labouring men are left, often to suffer or starve in the very shadow of the wealth that his labour has created.  Throughout the centuries the few have ruled while the many have served. The few lived a privileged and luxurious life of leisure while the many have borne the burdens, lived in poverty, and died in destitution. Labour is the great power that made the world what it is. Labour it is that fashions the ore of the hills into blade and tool; labour it is that gathers the fleeces and transforms them into myriad of fabrics; labour it is that bids the forest to fall and in its place builds the home and factory. Everywhere labour has been responsible for the advancement of mankind in every direction. Shall it then not come into its own? Is it not time that labour should receive its just reward?

Socialism would establish cooperation instead of competition. Socialism is opposed today by the capitalist and the small merchant who has hopes of being someday himself a capitalist. They who oppose socialism believe that it would take from those who have and give to those who have not. Nothing is more untrue. But we do want the Earth. Socialism is not anarchy; it is diametrically opposed to anarchy. Socialism believes in all for all, not all for a few. Socialism finds no fault with the individual but rather with the system. The earth is or should be an equal heritage for all that inhabit it. A man ought not to be dependent on any other man for work and a livelihood. 

 Political liberty is of no great benefit without economic freedom, and so the workers of the world are organising themselves for the overthrow of capitalism.

  Under the capitalist system men and women must fight each other to survive, under such conditions we cannot respect one another. Our economic conditions must always determine our conduct toward each other. Slavery was legal while it was considered an economic necessity; when it was no longer a necessity it was made illegal. Under the present system a man can’t walk up to you on the street and rob or kill you, but he can rob and exploit you by more subtle means.

The capitalists like to make fun of us and call us “crazy” socialists but they are the ones who are operating this madhouse of capitalism. The more one examines the capitalist system – which is the one the peoples of the world are living under – the more crazy it appears. Reason dictates that the people of the world unite to create international socialism – the world organisation for peace. The natural resources of the earth and the new products made possible by science, all can be used and distributed according to human needs – with common sense international planning by the working people of the world.


Sunday, January 19, 2020

Scotland's Dirty Air

Most polluted streets for nitrogen dioxide in 2019

Glasgow Kerbside (Hope Street) - 55.63
Edinburgh Nicolson Street - 48.81
Dundee Seagate - 43.90
Inverness Academy Street - 43.32
Dundee Lochee Road - 42.50
Edinburgh St John's Road -41.93
Figures in mcg/m3. The European Ambient Air Quality Directive set a limit for NO2 of 40 mcg/m3. The deadline for compliance was 1 January 2010.
In Inverness the data shows increases on 2018 levels of pollution and the Highland capital has now breached the legal limit for NO2. Significant increases in pollution were also recorded in Falkirk, Perth, Bearsden, Broughty Ferry and Byres Road, in Glasgow's west end.

FoE Scotland said the provisional data also indicates Salamander Street in Edinburgh has breached the legal limit for PM10, recording a figure of 19.44 mcg/m3. The Scottish annual statutory standard for PM10 is 18 mcg/m3. The deadline for this standard to have been met was 31 December 2010.

The Economics of Insanity

Capitalism is not an efficient way of supplying crucial human needs. Just by virtue of being human, are entitled to certain basic conditions of freedom and dignity which have to be respected by others. That’s something the Socialist Party hopes everyone can accept. Yet, we live today in a capitalist world, and capitalism has completely transformed the meaning of political rights and their relation to economic and social rights. Capitalism has created a separate economic sphere with its own rules and its own forms of power; and political rights have been emptied of economic and social content. The system has produced a whole new set of social problems which belong specifically to capitalism.  

Under the capitalist system basic goods and services are produced for and obtained from the market. But above all, it’s a system in which the main economic actors, workers and employers, are dependent on the market. Market dependence is the essence of the system. This unique way of organising material life has had a relatively short history. Other societies have had markets, but only in capitalism is dependence on the market the fundamental condition of life. This means that a wide range of human activity is subject to the market and determined by its requirements in a way that was never true before. In capitalism, the workers who supply our goods and services are market-dependent because they live by selling their labour-power for a wage. In other words, labour-power has become a commodity. Capitalists depend on the market to purchase labour power and capital goods, and to sell what the workers produce.

Workers are paid for their work. That seems just the opposite of peasants exploited by landlords, peasants who pay some kind of rent to the landlords. But do workers in capitalism really get paid for all the work that they do? What are they actually paid for? They’re paid for their labour power for a certain period of time, not for what they actually produce during that time. Whatever the workers produce belongs to the capitalist, and the capitalist appropriates the difference between what the workers are paid and what their products or services will fetch on the market. So capitalists appropriate the surpluses produced by workers in the form of profit, just as landlords appropriate surpluses from peasants in the form of rent. Karl Marx called this, exploitation. Capitalism, however, means a very specific way of extracting surpluses from workers — it’s not done by means of direct coercive force but through the market.

The fact that capitalists can make profit only if they succeed in selling their goods and services on the market, and selling them for more than the costs of producing them, means that making profit is uncertain.

Capitalists have to compete with other capitalists in the same market. Competition is, in fact, the driving force of capitalism — even if capitalists often do their best to avoid it, by means, for example, of monopolies. But the social conditions that, in any given market, determine success in price competition is beyond the control of individual capitalists.

Since their profits depend on a favourable cost/price ratio, the obvious strategy for capitalists is to cut their own costs. This means above all constant pressure to cut the costs of labour. This requires constant pressure on wages, which workers constantly have to resist. It also requires constant improvements in labour productivity. That means finding the organisational and technical means of extracting as much surplus as possible from workers within a fixed period of time, at the lowest possible cost.

To keep this process going requires regular investment, the reinvestment of surpluses. Investment requires constant capital accumulation. So there’s a constant need to maximise profit. The point is that this requirement is imposed on capitalists, regardless of their own personal needs and wants. Even the most modest and socially responsible capitalist is subject to these pressures and is forced to accumulate by maximising profit, just to stay in business.

We can talk as much as we like about corporate social responsibility. But capitalism itself puts severe limits on that. The need to adopt maximising strategies is a basic feature of the system and not just a function of irresponsibility or greed — although it’s certainly true that a system based on market principles will inevitably place a premium on wealth and encourage a culture of greed.

The need constantly to improve the productivity of labour generates constant improvements in technology and what’s conventionally called economic growth. But the same market pressures that make it so dynamic also have contradictory effects. Capitalism is prone to constant fluctuations and business cycles producing continual periodic crises.

Capitalism may be efficient in producing capital, and it’s certainly true that capitalism has generated great material and technological progress. But there’s a huge disparity between the productive capacities created by capitalism and what it actually delivers.

Production is determined not by what’s needed but by what makes the most profit. Everyone, for instance, needs decent housing, but good and affordable housing for everyone isn’t profitable for private capital. There may be a huge demand for such housing, but it’s not what the economists call “effective demand,” the kind of demand with real money behind it. If capital is invested in housing, it’s most likely to be high-cost homes for people with money. That’s the whole point of capitalism.

Where production is skewed to the maximisation of profit, a society can have massive productive capacities. It can have enough to feed, clothe, and house its whole population to a very high standard. But it can still have massive poverty, homelessness, and inadequate health care. You only have to look at the United States, where there are some of the highest rates of poverty in the developed world and where tens of millions have no access to affordable health care. What possible excuse can there be for that in a society with such enormous wealth and productive capacities?

Capitalism is inefficient in another sense too. With its emphasis on profit maximisation and capital accumulation, it’s necessarily a wasteful and destructive system of production. It consumes vast amounts of resources; and it acts on the short-term requirements of profit rather than the long-term needs of a sustainable environment. All aspects of life that become market commodities are outside the reach of democratic accountability. They answer not to the will of the people but to the demands of the market and profit.

Capitalism is unique, because unlike any other system before it, the capitalist doesn’t need direct coercive force to get access to the worker’s labour.

Workers aren’t legally dependent on capitalists. They’re not slaves or serfs. They’re not in conditions of debt bondage or peonage. They’re obliged to work for capital not because they’re compelled by the capitalist’s superior force, but because they need to sell their labour power for a wage just to get access to the means of subsistence. This means that economic and political power have been separated in a wholly new way.

It doesn’t mean that the capitalist market can exist without support from the state. If anything, capitalism needs intervention by the state in some ways more than any other system, just to maintain social order and the conditions of accumulation. But the economic power of capital is separate from political power in two senses: the capitalist’s power over workers doesn’t depend on privileged access to political or legal rights, and possession of political and legal rights by workers doesn’t free them from economic exploitation.

The second major point is that the capitalist system is driven by certain inescapable imperatives, certain compulsions, the economic imperatives of competition, profit-maximisation, constant accumulation and the endless need to improve labour productivity. These really are imperatives. They’re not just choices made by greedy capitalists. They’re conditions of survival for capital. When we talk about the capitalist market, we’re talking about compulsions, necessities, not simply opportunities and freedom. And much of human life is driven by these imperatives. They drive not just production and the allocation of labour and resources but many aspects of life outside the workplace, even down to the most basic organisation of time.

There’s no such thing as a capitalism governed by popular power, no capitalism in which the will of the people takes precedence over the imperatives of profit and accumulation, no capitalism in which the requirements of profit maximisation doesn’t dictate the most basic conditions of life. The essential condition for the very existence of capitalism is that the most basic conditions of life have been commodified, turned into commodities subject to the dictates of profit and the “law”’ of the market. Every human practice that’s commodified is outside the reach of democratic accountability.

Capitalism has certainly marginalised and impoverished many people, and it continues to reproduce poverty even in developed economies. But there’s no doubt that it has tremendously improved material conditions in general and raised the standard of living for vast numbers of people throughout the world. The point, though, is that it has also produced distinctive problems of a kind that never existed before, even in more prosperous economies. The basic point is that market dependence in capitalism means that people have lost non-market access to the means of production and the means of subsistence.

When people are in direct possession of land, for instance, and when that possession doesn’t depend on success in the market, there isn’t what I’m calling market dependence or market imperatives. What we see in the history of capitalist development is the loss of that kind of possession. We see either complete dispossession for the majority, or the imposition of conditions that make possession dependent on success in the market, which for many people ultimately leads to dispossession.

We also see the destruction of communal networks — village communities, and so on — which traditionally gave people some kind of support in times of need. In the earliest days of capitalism, in England for instance, this meant among other things the loss of customary rights to the use of common land, in the famous process of enclosure. It also meant a change in communal values and changes in the way the law was applied. It meant new legal definitions of property in which any traditional commitment to a basic right of subsistence was replaced by the imperatives of profit. As capitalism developed into its industrial form, there were also measures, like changes in the system of relief for the poor, designed to uproot people from their local communities, to increase the mobility of labour. It means the privatisation of just about everything. It means what some people have called a whole new process of enclosure. It can mean outright dispossession of small landholders, or it can mean the imposition of economic policies that force producers to abandon strategies of self-sufficiency in favour of export-oriented strategies, the production of single cash crops, and so on. It also means, as it did in the early days of capitalism, the break up of various social networks which people have relied on for support.

The basic principle of the capitalist system is the isolation of individuals and their naked exposure to market imperatives. It means eliminating everything that stands between people and dependence on the market, everything that makes them autonomous from the market. And when social life is driven by market imperatives, it’s also subject to the cycles and crises of the market. For example, dispossessed workers, who depend on selling their labour-power for a wage, have nothing to fall back on when the market doesn’t need them. It’s not hard to see how this has created new social problems.

Social services and welfare safety-nets are vulnerable and precarious not just because of changing political fashions but for a more fundamental reason, and that’s because it’s in constant tension with the imperatives of capitalism. It’s the imperatives of capitalism that make these rights necessary, and it’s capitalist imperatives that constantly threaten them. How do we challenge those imperatives? It’s hard to see how we’ll ever overcome them completely without moving beyond capitalism and the commodification of labour-power.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

The Insanity of Economics

Humanity have had centuries of scientific and technological progress that it ought to be easy to make give ourselves a reasonable and comfortable life. Instead, humanity is in the grip of capitalism which impels us to tear our world apart, turning our own human productive powers against ourselves, transforming them into forces of self-destruction. Set against one another, we are reduced to a state of powerlessness. Today’s society is devoted a huge part of our energy and ingenuity to lying and cheating, to hurting or killing each other. 

Scientific and industrial activity has been devoted to fabricating the means to kill, torture and maim human beings. In every part of the world, there has been a drive to expand industry and to apply ttechnological discoveries to agriculture. The consequences, however, have never been what was intended. They include the destruction, not only of natural ecological systems, but also of older forms of social and community life. Society is increasingly divided. Those at the bottom are deprived of decent housing, education and health care. In turn, this condemns them to a life of unemployment or of the most degrading work. The market, of course, is what links the whole world together. Money really makes the world go round, determining every aspect of the life of society as a whole as well as the lives of individuals. From politics to football, from music to newspapers, every activity is driven by the thirst for money, which does its own thing, almost as an independent force.

 Human beings, equipped with the means to control the natural world, are bereft of the power to control their own lives. At the same time, they are in the grip of forms of thinking which make the resulting inhuman ways of living appear perfectly ‘natural’. Since they lead increasingly fragmented lives, how can they possibly grasp the true nature of the situation as a whole? The failure of all previous attempts to liberate ourselves is taken as proof that there is no such way to a successful revolution. Ideas which were developed as part of the struggle for the freedom of mankind from exploitation and oppression were debased and used by cynical capitalists and politicians to promote their power and to hide their privileges. More and more, people are dominated by the thought that there is no way out. We can collectively alter our way of life. We can make this possible.