Saturday, January 25, 2020

Under water in 30 years time?

Socialism - The revolt of the dispossessed

We are socialists who want the Socialist Party to participate in a fight for the principles of socialism. There are misconceptions about socialism. These do not surprise the socialist, because they are to be expected. Socialism does not say what it will do or what you shall do, but only that the people, the workers and producers, shall be master of themselves and do with industry and the proceeds of their toil what they may think best. 

Socialism is merely an extension of the ideal of democracy into the economic field. At present, industry is ruled by the owners of the means of production and distribution, who have literally the power of life and death over working people who are made helpless before the system. 

Socialism proposes to put industry in control of the people so that they may no longer be dependants on others for a job, so that they may be freed from the tribute of profit, and so that they may manage industry in their own way, as seems best to them and their communities.

 We do not exactly know not what the people will do when they control the means by which they make their living, but we believe they will use them in their own interest and with a reasonable degree of planning and thought. We can speculate that they can make it possible to banish want from the face of the Earth. They can make it possible for every family to have a home and will be free from insecurity for themselves and their children. They can make it possible for every child to have a good education, to be able to see the world. They can make it possible for every woman to be free economically, so that she may get along whether she marries or not. 

These are part of the ideals that the socialist cherishes. They are not mere visions, but are things that may be wrought into concrete form, whenever men and women shall have free access to goods and services. They have been impossible of attainment in the past, only because the earth and its fullness was held from the people by either political or industrial masters. 

 We have been so busy seeking to make a living that we have not been able to make a life. If socialism meant the solution of the bread-and-butter problem alone then it would be the most wonderful idea ever given to earth. If it meant the solution of the bread-and-butter problem only, it would surpass all other movements the world has seen, because it would mean an end of the slums and the sweatshops, of child labour.

But it will mean very much more than this. When the bread-and-butter problem is resolved and all men and women and children, the world around, are made secure from dread of war and fear of want, then the mind and heart will be free to develop as they never were before. We shall have a literature and an art such as never before conceived. We shall have beautiful homes. We shall have wonderful thoughts and sentiments never before imagined. Think the best of capitalism and it will be the worse of socialism which can only be possible when men and women are really free from the masters class.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Burns Night

It's coming yet, for a' that, that man to man the world o'er, shall brithers be for a' that."

The Socialist Party is the People’s Party

In the name of the workers the Socialist Party condemns the capitalist system.
In the name of freedom it condemns wage-slavery.
In the name of modern technology it condemns poverty and famine.
In the name of peace it condemns war.
In the name of civilisation it condemns the murder of the young, the old, the vulnerable.
In the name of reason it condemns superstition.
In the name of the future it arraigns the past.
In the name of humanity it demands social justice for every man, woman and child.

The Socialist party knows neither colour, creed, sex, nor race. It knows no outsiders among the oppressed and down-trodden. It is first and last the party of the workers, regardless of their nationality, proclaiming their interests and voicing their aspirations. It matters not where our fellow wage-slaves seek to break their chains or lighten the burden they carry upon their backs, the Socialist Party is pledged to encourage and support them to the full extent of its power. It matters not to what union they belong, or if they even belong to any union, the Socialist Party is with them through good and bad, in trial and defeat, until at last victory is achieved. In all the battles of the class war waged by the workers against their capitalist oppressors the Socialist Party has pledged to render them all the assistance in its power. These are the battles of the workers in the war of the classes and the battles of the workers, wherever and however fought, are always and everywhere the battles of the Socialist Party.

In the unceasing struggle of the workers with their exploiters, working people see this planet being turned into the private estates of a plutocracy as brutal and defiant as any privileged class that ever ruled; they see technology and misery going hand in hand: they see millions poverty-stricken all about them while a few are in luxury;  they see parasites in palaces and honest toilers in hovels: they see the politics of the ruling corporations dripping with corruption; they see vice and crime eating away at society like a cancer, and mental illness and disease sapping the mental and physical powers of the body social. We must cry out in protest, THIS IS ENOUGH! THERE MUST BE A CHANGE!

The message of socialism falls today upon eager ears and receptive minds. Prejudices are melting away. The Socialist Party is the only political party that proposes a change of system. Now is the time for the workers to develop and assert their political as well as their economic power, to demonstrate their unity and solidarity. The Socialist Party is the only party of the people, the only party opposed to the rule of the plutocracy, the only truly democratic party in the world. It is the only party that is pledged to cast off the chains of economic and political servitude. There is no hope under the present system. A worker who votes for the Republican or Democratic candidate, or the Labour or Tory party does worse than throw his of her vote away. He or she is a deserter and own worst enemy. The Socialist Party points out to our fellow-workers why their situation is hopeless under capitalism, how they are robbed and exploited, and why they are bound to make common cause against the  employing class. The education, organisation and co-operation of the workers, the entire body of them, is the conscious aim and the self-imposed task of the Socialist Party. Persistently, unceasingly and enthusiastically this great work is being accomplished. It is the working class coming into consciousness of itself, and no power on earth can prevail against it in the hour of its complete awakening. The handwriting is upon the wall. Preparing the way for the peaceable reception of the new order, is the World Socialist Movement, arousing the workers and educating them to take possession of their world, based upon the social ownership of the means of life and the production of wealth for the use of all instead of the private profit of the few.

The Socialist Party stands in this and every other campaign, for peace to prevail and for plenty for all in the land, to end the brute struggle for existence where the millions of exploited poor will be rescued from the clutches of poverty and famine. The social conscience and the social spirit will prevail. Society will have a new birth, and humanity a new destiny. There will be work for all, leisure for all, and the joys of life for all. Competition there will be, not in the struggle for existence, but to excel in good work and in social service. Every child will then have an equal chance to grow up in health and vigour of body and mind and an equal chance to rise to its full stature and achieve success in life.

These are the ideals of the Socialist Party and to these ideals it has dedicated itself to. The members of the Socialist Party are the party and their collective decision is the law. The Socialist Party is organised and ruled from the bottom up. There is no boss and there never can be unless the party deserts its principles and ceases to be a Socialist Party. The party is supported by a dues-paying membership. It is the only political party that is so supported. Each member has not only an equal voice but is urged to take an active part in all the party councils. Each local meeting place is an educational centre. The party relies wholly upon the power of education, knowledge, and mutual understanding. It buys no votes with false promises. For years working people have been deceived, misled and betrayed, and they are now hungry for the socialist message of emancipation.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Cross Talking About Crosswalking.

Pedestrian crosswalks may not be the most crucial problem capitalism has ever thrown up at us, but nevertheless it's still a matter of life and death, especially since 34 pedestrian's have been knocked down and killed on Toronto streets in 2019.

 In September a 17 year old was killed at an intersection where Councillor, Paul Ainslie has been asking for a crosswalk since 2014. Only 22 crosswalks have been put in during the last 5 years, but 700 have been requested. For once the good folks at city hall are not pleading lack of money, but the amount of time it takes to process the matter. First a request is made, then a survey is done on how many cross that intersection, and if approval is given, it takes an average of 9 months before shovels are in the ground, though we are not told why. Mayor, John Tory, said he was very concerned, but cautioned drivers to drive slower. 

Yet they still insist capitalism is the best of all worlds.

for Socialism 
 SPC Members

A 14 Carat Doozey.

 Now for our quote of the month and this one's a 14 carat doozey.

 David Olive, the Toronto Star's economic expert, mourns the loss of banker Paul Volcker in his article of Dec.14. The caption reads, ''Volcker was the greatest banker in history.'' Olive, ''justifies,'' that comment with the following, stating: ''As chair of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board from 1979 to 1987, Volcker curbed the U.S. money supply and nearly doubled interest rates, triggering the most severe economic downturn since the great depression.'' 

It's time for all of us to reflect on how fortunate we are.

 We do not live in a society that has no banks, inflation and depressions, 'cos if we did we wouldn't be able to thank Mr.Volcker for his wonderful contribution to humanity.

for socialism -- 
SPC Members

We need the Socialist Standard

Give a person a copy of the Socialist Standard and you have given that person a three-hour lecture on socialism. This appeal is addressed to all members and sympathisers. The Socialist Party is experiencing grave difficulties in the distribution of the Socialist Standard. Our many readers would doubtless be anxious if they thought that there was a danger of the Standard “packing up.” There is no immediate danger of this happening, but rising costs of production, together with increasing difficulties of distribution, are causing not a little worry.

Does this mean anything to you? You may have come in contact with our paper or organisation quite recently, or you may be a supporter of one of the traditional left-wing; whichever category you come under we ask you to give your immediate and serious attention to this appeal.

In the fight for socialism the Standard has been one of our most effective means of propaganda. It has enabled us to deliver our message not only in this country, but in all parts of the English speaking world.

The need for the Standard and its possibilities are now greater than ever. Owing to the rapid industrial developments of the past few years the minds of thousands of workers are in a state of unrest, and need but an understanding of the principles of socialism to convert their aimless discontent into a state of ordered enlightenment, and so add their strength to the revolutionary movement.

Unfortunately, our powers of propaganda are limited, the circulation of this journal is not as large as it might be, and the expense of its publication is still a drain upon the general funds of the Party. But there is the possibility of making the Standard self-supporting. A thousand new readers will accomplish this object, and that secured, progress will be easier and more rapid.
 As the written word is our major form of propagating socialism, all comrades can participate in distributing socialist literature and so help the Party and themselves to bring about a greater understanding of our case by our  fellow workers. Working people who carefully read THE SOCIALIST STANDARD and become acquainted with the aims and methods of the Socialist Party  are bound to realise, sooner or later, that the path marked out is the only certain way out of wage-slavery.

Political parties must be judged by their record—our record is contained in the Socialist Standard first published in September, 1904, and in each successive issue right up to the one you are reading now. No other political party in this country has handled the case for socialism in line with Marxism, that job was, and is, the job of the Socialist Party Whether or not this job is to be tackled with increasing vigour really depends on YOU—because the Party is as strong, and no stronger, than the efforts of our members and friends make it. 

There is no need for me to dwell on the difficult conditions under which the Standard is produced these days. We leave that to your imagination, knowing that you will understand and respond speedily.

Some members in Glasgow intend a drive to increase Socialist Standard sales. Details to follow in due course.

We feel confident that every friend of the Socialist Party is going to see to it that we win this critical battle in our history. 

Let the campaign commence!

Hurting the vulnerable

More than half of new claims in Scotland for the UK Government's disability payment have been refused, according to analysis.

The figures produced by the Scottish Government suggest tens of thousands of people with disabilities have completely lost their benefits.

Since the Disability Living Allowance (DLA) was replaced by the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) in 2013, 167,000 new claims in Scotland have been unsuccessful - accounting for 54% of all applications.

Meanwhile, the share of new claimants awarded PIP has decreased since its introduction from 74% in 2013-14 to 56% in 2018-19.

The data suggests 39,000 people in Scotland have lost their disability completely - at a cost of between £1,200 and £7,740 a year - after losing their DLA entitlement before being reassessed and refused PIP.
30,000 people had went through a "stressful" appeals process since PIP's introduction - 21,000 of those going to court.

Shirley-Anne Somerville, the Scottish Government's Social Security Secretary, was critical of the findings, saying. "For disabled people, the stress and anxiety of the application process and face-to-face assessment process are already hallmarks of the UK Government's welfare reforms.
 Now this latest analysis shows that those most in need in our society are less likely to get help or have to fight through the courts to get what they are entitled to. Tens of thousands of disabled people are facing greater hardship because they have completely lost their benefits."