Saturday, September 17, 2016

Leaders Need Followers

“But somebody has to lead," is the astonished declaration members of the Socialist Party invariably hear from those when we tell them there will be no leaders in socialism. The attitude of the Socialist Party toward leaders and the following of leaders seems to create a great deal of mental anguish for many of our fellow-workers. The leadership idea has cursed the working class movement from the beginning. At an earlier period those supporting the ideas had motives of benevolence, its later supporters have also benevolent motives—but the benevolence is directed towards themselves. They make stepping stones of their followers so to reach their own comfort and security.

What distinguishes the Socialist Party from the Labour Party and the host of leftist parties is our realisation that there are no short and easy cuts to socialism. No politician can help us: if we are going to improve things we will not do so by following professional politicians or leaders of any kind. We are going to have to act for ourselves to organise ourselves democratically to bring about a society geared to serving human needs, not profits. Only a party whose members understand and want socialism can work to that end and the growth of such a party cannot proceed faster than the work of spreading socialist knowledge. It is not new leaders that are needed, but a new system.

The media invariably preach the slogan of “Follow your leader" When these “leaders” sell out their followers the excuse is made that they were "bad” leaders. The simple fact is that wherever people accept “leaders” such acceptance always provides the conditions for selling out. Encouraging the following of leaders it is helping to sell out the workers, no matter who those leaders may be. Such is the lesson. "Trust and ye shall be betrayed.” The workers have still a fair road to travel before they will get rid of the superstition of "Leadership" or the dope of "good" and "bad" leaders. Workers haven't yet seen the possibility of a world without masters. The successful shepherd thinks like his sheep. So it happens that the "leader" can only lead where he is likely to be followed. Hence, so far is the leader from being in advance of the crowd, which he is only the reflection of its collective ignorance.

The Socialist Party objects to leadership because we see it as one of the biggest obstacles to the spread of socialist ideas. A leader can only offer to lead where he is likely to be followed. He is not really in advance of his followers because if he stops leading them in the direction they think is the best open to them they will soon desert him for another who will. People who are easily persuaded to think one way by a powerful personality can usually be persuaded by a more powerful one to change their minds.

Rosa Luxemburg explains, “the understanding by the mass of its tasks and instruments is an indispensable condition for Socialist revolutionary action—just as formerly the ignorance of the mass was an indispensable condition for the revolutionary action of the ruling classes. As a result, the difference between “leaders” and the "majority trotting along behind” is abolished (in the Socialist movement). The relation between the mass and the leaders is destroyed. ”

It is often asserted by the geniuses of the Left and other misleaders of the working class, that the worker to-day, and in the future, require the assistance and guidance of educated, intellectuals, both to direct their agitation and energies now, and to manipulate affairs. The workers, therefore, should not endeavour to obtain control of the political machinery themselves, but should place the professional politicians in that position of command and control and obey orders

According to your typical Trotskyist every political upheaval, every wave of strikes, would have resulted in the revolution but for the fact that workers lacked “revolutionary leadership.” The revolution is always round the corner. It is obvious that there is something lacking in a working class that is continually side-tracked. It is precisely because the workers lack socialist knowledge that reformist leaders rise to power. If the workers’ leaders do not represent the interests of workers, they do certainly reflect the outlook of the workers. When they do acquire Socialist understanding, the workers will not require leaders—revolutionary or otherwise. Unsound on basic theory, religious in their approach to historic development and arrogant in their contempt for the workers’ thinking capacity, Trotskyists believe that the intellectual few can lead the great mass of ignorant workers to socialism. But their concept of revolution is based on getting control of the political machinery without a mandate for socialism. They possess little recognition that only by patient discussion and argument can workers be persuaded to get rid of their ideas of dependence on a wages system and the institution of buying and selling and that society is run by a force outside of themselves. Leaders become identified with the ruling class—their interests are identical and in opposition to the working class, which can never be free, even in thought, while it submits to leaders.

Trotskyism simply reproduces and institutionalises existing capitalist power relations inside a supposedly 'revolutionary' organisation: between leaders and led, order givers and order takers; between specialists and acquiescent and largely powerless party workers. Even if such leaders on the Left wanted to introduce a socialist system they couldn't; they haven't the mandate and never seek it.

Despite the frustrated cravings of those wanting the "quick way" to socialism by the "right leaders", there is still no safeguard except the working class knowledge and understanding which makes them superfluous. They pray for "good" leaders, but there is no such animal. The leaders we are asked to support, and sometimes choose between, are a myth, created and maintained by--leaders. They are poor examples of honesty, integrity, even of humanity. They are not interested in truth, justice, or any of the grand notions they spout about. They exist, have always existed, will always exist, for one purpose only: to line their own pockets and empty yours. They are parasites on the social body, unwanted, unnecessary and destructive. To follow leaders is to hand over your heart on a platter, with knife and fork attached. It is an admission of defeat, acceptance that you are inadequate, in and of yourself. It is an act of submission and indeed an act of cowardice unworthy of the human animal.

To refuse to follow leaders is a liberating step, one which the working class has yet to take. When we realise that the post-scarcity world can be run very efficiently and healthily by democratic co-operation, that our own lives would be vastly better without states, governments, police, and all the trappings of leadership, we will collectively be in a position to make that step. And then we will see a revolution unprecedented in history.

One thing dreaded by the ruling class is an informed organised working class without leaders. The Socialist Party’s task is to make socialism clear to the workers, and we shall persevere with that task until the game is up for leaders—until there is no one to lead, until the “rank and file” are ready to go forward of themselves. The need for knowledge, lest we are duped, is constantly forced upon us.

You will find no “Great Men” in the S.P.G.B. The parts that its members play are varied, but no attempt is made to measure one against the other—the keynote is a co-operative effort, as it will be in socialist society. One of our objections to the existence of “Very Important Persons” is that it presupposes that some persons are accounted of little importance. We are a band of ordinary folk, but each is as unimportant (and therefore each is as important) as the other, whether chosen for speaker, secretary, organiser or election candidate. In working out his or her emancipation, the worker must study the conditions that surround and oppress them. He or she must look to "great principles." and not to "Great Men" in their struggles.

 Leaders come and go, but capitalism will go on until the very people who support and admire the leaders come to understand the social system they live under. The leaders always say that they stand for a world of peace and human dignity. But only when the system which needs the leaders is gone will their empty and cynical words become reality. Socialist ideas are not acquired merely by the experience of hardships and tragedy under capitalism. They must be propagated and learned. So long as the workers do not comprehend the necessity and meaning of a revolutionary social change they will have no choice but to leave their fate in the hands of "leaders." With the development of class-conciousness will come the realisation that they, the workers themselves, must take control of society. The Socialist Party has no leaders and argues that the only possible basis for a truly democratic society in which things are produced for need rather than profit, is the voluntary cooperation of free and independent individuals. Each of us can be our own leader. The greatest command is that over oneself.

The Socialist Party is the only political party in this country which insists that its membership understands and supports the principles of socialism. The Socialist Party is without leaders; it is a democratic party whose members cooperate and participate in the work of socialist propaganda in equal standing. Workers who despair of the apparently endless procession of cynical, futile leaders and candidates for leadership should consider the proposition that the alternative is not to switch their support from one leader to another but to join the socialist movement.

Robotic Conversations.

An article in the Toronto Metro News of July 27 focused on Ludwig the Robot, a creation by researchers at the University of Toronto and the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, headed by Frank Rudzicz, assistant professor of computer science.
Ludwig's function will be to converse with patients at a Toronto care centre who are suffering with Alzheimer's. As Rudzicz explained, "Ludwig assesses cognitive function continuously as he engages elderly residents in conversations and games. Each time he interacts with a patient, he learns how to do it better, by learning to recognize voices and ask follow up questions. Ludwig can converse about nearly anything, from news to sports, or a person's childhood. If the conversation gets derailed the robot is a of recovering or starting anew."
Since Ludwig is just off the assembly line it's too soon to know to what extent he will be effective. This may seem like a wonderful invention, but since we live under capitalism, monetary considerations cannot be overlooked.
It would seem like a new way to slow down Alzheimer's, but wouldn't it be better to find out if can be cured or, better still, prevented? One can be sure of one thing – that won't happen under capitalism. 

John Ayers.

The Newcomers

Around the world, millions of people are moving between countries. Most move to find jobs and seek a better life. Many flee repression. The ruling class want fellow-workers to believe that all their problems are caused by the immigrants – people who face exactly the same problems as the local working class, like unemployment, exploitation, domination and crime. In short, the ruling classes everywhere tries to teach hate and blame people, to scapegoat people who are exactly the same as them.  They are their brothers and sisters, people with whom they should unite to fight the ruling classes, the ruling classes of every country. The rich are left alone. Their money brings them passports and visas. The ruling class of one country recognises their fellows from other countries. They have things in common: privilege, property, profits and power. They share the same interest - keeping the working class in their “place”, doing what they are instructed...working for the bosses for low wages.

Migrant workers become the scapegoat for every problem the capitalist class has created. The conditions of the immigrants make them into cheap labour, which benefits the local employers and the immigrants get the blame for the local people’s unemployment, stealing jobs and low pay, undercutting wage rates.  The working class are divided between native and foreign worker, and lacking unity are unable to fight back against the bosses who have orchestrated the whole situation by using nationalism and patriotism as their weapons. These hide the class divisions in society and presents the local capitalists as friends and allies of their “fellow-citizens”.  Their exploitation and repression against the working class is camouflaged by the nation’s flag and national anthem. The employing class and its government appear to be defenders of the local population when the opposite is true. The owning class promotes nationalism to divide and rule.

Our fellow-workers must learn that we live in a class system and know what side they are on. Either it is to support the owners of wealth or defend the working class by which we mean those who work for wages and lack control of their lives, including the unemployed. Between the capitalist class and the working class, there is nothing in common. We, the majority, are ruled by the few for enrichment. We are told where to live, what to do, even how to think, who to hate and persecute. Everything the ruling class possesses has come from the toiling class and our higher wages and better conditions mean less profit in their pockets.

Only a socialist mass movement can change things. Only world socialist movement can make the fundamental changes in society: not by improving bits of our lives here and now, but challenging the whole class system, itself.  Only through a mass socialist movement can we create a new society, based on equality and freedom, a society based on production for use and distribution by need, democratic control of the communities and workplaces. It would be a global community, not a world divided into different nations, with endless recurring wars and oppression. The socialist movement does not mean in one country only, or of one nationality, or of one race, or of one gender. We mean a socialist movement that refuses to recognise the divisions imposed from above by the ruling class, a socialist movement that opposes all governments, a socialist movement that really stands for “Workers of the World – Unite!”

The Socialist Party is for class struggle. We oppose the capitalist class because it is a ruling class because it exploits and oppresses. We stand in solidarity with our fellow-workers in all countries and against the ruling elites of all countries. Instead of an endless parade of tyrants we seek a better world. We must wage a common fight against the ruling class. We must engage in a struggle for a new world - a world freed of capitalism.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Repudiating Religion

No socialist can be religious, for the former’s ideas are based on material knowledge and the latter upon idealist belief. The rational ideas which materialists have about the world can be verified by philosophical methods which can themselves be verified. That is not to suggest that materialists can establish scientific, unchanged and absolute truths but that we can make statements capable of scientific testing which can lead us to believe that a statement is probably factual. Thus, materialists argue that ideas are responses to matter and we can demonstrate our claim by analysing history. Religious faith cannot be disproved because its criterion of truth is not material, but supernatural. Belief in the supernatural force can only itself be verified by accepting the supernatural force as the means of verification. Faith is the central feature of Christian thought. A is true because A says it is true and we must not doubt the word of A because A informs us that it is sinful to do so.

Religion is an institution. It is organised. The blood of martyrs may have been the seed of churches, but the seed sprouted from the riches garnered by churches. As the Catholic Church was the bulwark of feudalism and the aristocrats, so today the evangelical churches of America justifies capitalism and shares in its fortunes. In the class struggle the dominant institutions, including the churches, support the ruling classes. Religion sanctifies capital and makes divine profit. Business and godliness go together. The capitalist does the Lord’s work.

Many churches are fully alive to the urgency of social questions, and even to the possibility of social revolution. They possess 2000 years of historical experience to know how to sway with public opinion. They have learned how to survive and even prosper. If you can’t beat them – join them as the current pope demonstrates. A world free from wars and poverty? The dignitaries of religion can no more provide the solution than could the politicians of capitalism with whom they are allied.

 To seek to abolish religion in a society founded on exploitation is futile. However, once a socialist society has been established the twin foundations of religion, ignorance and fear, will fade away. Socialism, by doing away with class exploitation and by developing to the fullest possible extent the unfathomed productive potentialities of new technology and robotics, hitherto hardly touched under capitalism, would make poverty and insecurity absolutely meaningless terms in an age of universal plenty. Whilst along with the competitive capitalism, war, the third partner in the unholy capitalist trinity, would necessarily pass into oblivion. The root causes of religion would thus disappear. The arrival of socialism means inevitably the definitive end of religion; which, deprived of all reason for existence, would become a mere anachronism in such a society. Religion is a social phenomenon in present-day society. Hence no amount of merely negative and critical propaganda can destroy it. Only the positive achievement of a classless society can do that by abolishing its causes. The war against the gods in the sky is equivalent to the class war against capitalists on the Earth.

Socialists are not atheists, insofar as we are not concerned to deny the existence of a phenomenon of which there is no proof, but materialists; our purpose is to explain the nature of the world and the position of human beings in it by means of reason and not faith. Socialists are not in favour of the banning of religions simply because they conflict with our ideas.

Radical Christianity
Whether a man called Jesus Christ lived or not is interesting, but not so vital as to destroy, or even damage the socialist case against religion and for the materialist conception of history. Workers who are suppressed and exploited under capitalism should keep their attention upon the real, material world in which they live; this is the only life we know we have and we must struggle to make it the best of all possible experiences. All religion is a diversion from the workers’ urgent task of abolishing capitalism and establishing socialism. Apart from this, there is no evidence which can stand up to a scientific assessment to indicate that there is a supernatural life or any of the other mumbo jumbo associated with religious beliefs.

History doesn’t move in smooth straight lines but by fits and starts, sudden breakthroughs and new pathways. 

The preacher from the 13thC Peasant’s Revolt, John Ball declared: “When Adam delved and Eve span, who was then the gentleman? From the beginning all men by nature were created alike, and our bondage or servitude came in by the unjust oppression of naughty men. For if God would have had any bondmen from the beginning, he would have appointed who should be bond, and who free. And therefore I exhort you to consider that now the time is come, appointed to us by God, in which ye may (if ye will) cast off the yoke of bondage, and recover liberty”

While widely associated with Thomas Müntzer, who was a radical theologian and rebel leader during the German Peasants’ War of 1524–1525, expressed the idea that the world belongs to everyone. It was their religious belief and they wanted to establish this principle. “Omnia sunt communia, ‘All property should be held in common’ and should be distributed to each according to his needs, as the occasion required. Any prince, count, or lord who did not want to do this, after first being warned about it, should be beheaded or hanged.”

Other quotes from early proponents of Christian “communism”

“The use of all things that are found in this world ought to be common to all men. Only the most manifest iniquity makes one say to the other, ‘This belongs to me, that to you’. Hence the origin of contention among men.” – St. Clement.

“What thing do you call ‘yours’? What thing are you able to say is yours? From whom have you received it? You speak and act like one who upon an occasion going early to the theatre, and possessing himself without obstacle of the seats destined for the remainder of the public, pretends to oppose their entrance in due time, and to prohibit them seating themselves, arrogating to his own sole use property that is really destined to common use. And it is precisely in this manner act the rich”. – St. Basil the Great.

“Therefore if one wishes to make himself the master of every wealth, to possess it and to exclude his brothers even to the third or fourth part (generation), such a wretch is no more a brother but an inhuman tyrant, a cruel barbarian, or rather a ferocious beast of which the mouth is always open to devour for his personal use the food of the other companions.” – St. Gregory. Nic.

“Nature furnishes its wealth to all men in common. God beneficently has created all things that their enjoyment be common to all living beings, and that the earth become the common possession of all. It is Nature itself that has given birth to the right of the community, whilst it is only unjust usurpation that has created the right of private poverty.” – St. Ambrose. (340-397 AD)
“The earth belongs to everyone, not to the rich.”  were also the words of St. Ambrose

“The earth of which they are born is common to all, and therefore the fruit that the earth brings forth belongs without distinction to all”. – St. Gregory the Great.

“The rich man is a thief”. – St. Chrysostom.

They Should Be Cheering Us

In late July media coverage was given what was called, quiet seriously, "a royal snub"; the decision made by, or on behalf of, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to avoid Ontario on their tour of Canada this fall.

Some folks were upset they didn't get a chance to cheer for them, but does it really matter where a couple of parasites go? Since they live on the wealth they've extracted from the working class, shouldn't they be cheering for us?

These folk and their tribe exist primarily as public relations ambassadors for the British capitalist class, and also because too many people feel a need to believe in someone "above" themselves. When one does that one gives power over themselves. It's better to work for a world where everyone can believe in themselves, where there will be no need for royalty at all. John Ayers.

The vision of socialism

We, socialists, believe that revolution will come from a politically educated working class, and from them alone. Not by a vanguard revolutionary party nor an enlightened leader. There can be no genuine revolution from above. Only we ourselves can liberate ourselves. We, thus, reject any kind of deformed socialism implying a transitional or “workers’ states. Socialism will only happen with the voluntary cooperation of each and every individual in society, and revolution will only be real if it is the mass of worker who supports it. Revolution can be achieved through an electoral process from within the bourgeois democracy itself, through a spontaneous and massive uprising of the people who overthrow government. Reformism, understood as the appliance of small changes to the capitalist system in order to better it and relieve injustice, does not approach the real solution of the problem (which is the ultimate removal of capitalism) and can even be counter-reactionary (in the classical stance of ’bread and circus' that keeps the masses calm while injustice unfolds).

Many folk have a fundamental misunderstanding of how socialism works. Their idea is that there will be a massive bureaucratic state (a mix between Scandinavian welfare capitalism and a 1984 totalitarian dictatorship) to impose constant wealth redistribution, essentially acting as a liberal philanthropist who will toss larger scraps down to the masses. This just goes to show how difficult it is for the overwhelming majority of us to think outside a capitalist bubble; this economic system has become as natural to us as the air we breathe and the water we drink. People rarely if ever imagine socialism as a system that involves the active democratization of social institutions and resources. Genuine socialism puts the creation of society’s wealth into democratic hands (as opposed to an oligarch’s or plutocrat’s hands), with the working class managing decisions and the capitalist class becoming obsolete. Co-operative production methods necessitate co-operative control. This cuts off inequality at its source and creates a freer population of people with greater power over their own destinies. It isn’t just some kind of idealistic pipe-dream. Capitalists are demonstrably obsolete already, and this fact is crystal clear even today within a wider capitalist economy. The Big Brother bureaucracy is actually a product of capitalism – more specifically, a result of its attempts to curb the contradictions and tensions innate to the system as a whole. Welfare reforms and “forced” safety standards in the workplace, for example, are attempts by the state to keep the wheels of capital ever-turning (though this doesn’t mean we should oppose them, as they usually help make life more bearable within the system). A more “human-faced” capitalism, dubbed “socialism” by conservatives and liberals alike, helps to dissolve revolutionary zeal and reposition focus towards reforms and contented feelings – “this is what they/we were fighting for all along!”

It’s also especially damning to capitalism-apologists who claim to be “anti-authoritarian” or “anti-state” – both because economic decisions are imposed on the majority in an authoritarian manner by capitalists and because the entire system requires a state to keep the gears turning, respectively. The “freedom” from government is found in capitalism narrative runs deep, and it’s one of the largest hurdles we socialists will need to traverse to get people on our side. Reforms granted from above work well within a system that already functions from above. But socialism is fundamentally a system that roots itself “from below”, all so that “above” and “below” can cease to exist. Democracy is the surest road to classlessness; we seem to understand this to a degree in the political realm, and it keeps us convinced of our supposed freedoms.

Anarchists/Socialists/Communists all seek the same goal: a class-free, state-free society, with an economy based in the principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need", where the workers organise themselves and run their workplaces, where property and wages are abolished, armies and repressive forces are dissolved, and representative democracies give way to direct, participative, democracies where the words "ègalite, libertè, fraternitè" and “government of the people by the people and for the people” fulfill their meaning. This goal is called socialism and communism and 'anarchy', all terms refer to the same. All over the world, wherever the idea of democracy has taken root, the vision of socialism has taken root as well.

We don't agree with the capitalist assumption that deprivation or greed are the only reasons people work. People enjoy their work if it is meaningful and enhances their lives. They work out of a sense of responsibility to their community and society. Although a long-term goal of socialism is to eliminate all but the most enjoyable kinds of labour, we recognize that unappealing jobs will long remain. These tasks would be spread among as many people as possible rather than distributed on the basis of class, race, ethnicity, or gender, as they are under capitalism. And this undesirable work should be among the best, not the least, rewarded work within the economy. For now, the burden should be placed on the employer to make work desirable by raising wages, offering benefits and improving the work environment. In short, we believe that a combination of social, economic, and moral incentives will motivate people to work. As long as workplace organisation is understood to be one where workers report to bosses, bosses who appropriate surplus value generated by those workers, then the state will always be necessary to curb inequality. Inequality is made by a system that puts management into autocratic hands, all held in place by a state that imposes private property law that turns us into lords and serfs, owners and non-owners, propertarians and the propertyess.

Shouldn’t our society be responsive to the needs of the people? Shouldn’t we settle for nothing less than a system that sets human freedom and equality ahead of destructive greed and hierarchy?

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Police Killings Of Various People

With all the uproar going on recently about Black men being shot by police, it's easy to forget it just 'ain't' Blacks alone. 
According to the Washington Post of July 22, 533 people have been shot and killed by police in the U.S. this year. More than half were armed with a gun, and only a quarter killed by police were Black. What makes the police seem so racist is that some of the shootings were videotaped and uploaded to the internet.
Anyone can clearly see that, though capitalism will not collapse economically, the horrendous pressures this misery-inducing system puts on people will inevitably cause tremendous unrest resulting in riots all over the place.
The Blacks who are protesting and the cops they hate have one thing in common: they are both members of the working class, and like other workers are subject to the same pressures of poverty, insecurity, and crime capitalism creates.
It's time to stop rioting and to work harmoniously, Black, White, Red, and Yellow, together to have done with a system that causes such division, pressure, and hate. 
John Ayers.

What is Socialism?

It’s been a long time in coming but socialism is finally back on the political scene. It’s no longer an anachronism. For the first time in decades, socialism is out of the closet. Socialism is no longer a dirty word (the “S-word”). However, it is incumbent upon the Socialist Party that we should put some meat on the bone. We have to have our model post-scarcity society heard above the clamour and confusion of every claim to be socialist. Being green and progressive is not enough.

Who Owns What?
Socialism is the common ownership by all the people of the factories, mills, mines, transportation, land and all other instruments of production.

Who Benefits?
Socialism means production to satisfy human needs, not as under capitalism, for sale and profit.

Who Runs Things?
Socialism means  the control and management of the industries and social services by the workers through a system of delegated and recallable democratic administration processes based on their worldwide economic organisation. In socialism, all authority will originate from society, integrally united in various self-managed associations. In each workplace, the producers will elect whatever committees or representatives are needed to facilitate production. Within each shop or office division of a plant, the workers will participate directly in formulating and implementing all plans necessary for efficient operations. Such a system would make possible the fullest democracy and freedom. It would be a society based on the most primary freedom—economic freedom. For individuals, socialism means an end to economic insecurity and exploitation. It means workers cease to be commodities bought and sold on the labor market and forced to work as appendages to tools owned by someone else. It means a chance to develop all individual capacities and potentials within a free community of free individuals. It means a class-free society that guarantees full democratic rights for all the people.
Socialism will be a society in which the things we need to live, work and control our own lives—the industries, services and natural resources—are owned in common by all the people, and in which the democratic organisation of the people within the industries and services is the government. Socialism means that government of the people, for the people and by the people will become a reality for the first time.

What Socialism is Not…
Socialism does not mean government or state ownership. It does not mean a one party-run system without democratic rights. Those things are the very opposite of socialism. "Socialism," as the American Socialist Daniel De Leon defined it, "is that social system under which the necessaries of production are owned, controlled and administered by the people, for the people, and under which, accordingly, the cause of political and economic despotism having been abolished, class rule is at end. That is socialism, nothing short of that."
Remember: If it does not fit this description, it is not socialism—no matter who says differently. Those who claim that socialism existed and failed in places like Russia and China simply do not know the facts. Socialism has never been tried Socialism has never existed. It did not exist in the old U.S.S.R., and it does not exist in China.

How We Can Get Socialism
To win the struggle for socialist freedom requires enormous efforts in organisational and educational work. It requires building a political party of socialism to contest the power of the capitalist class on the political field, and to educate the majority of workers about the need for socialism. It requires building economic organisations to unite all workers into a class-conscious industrial force, a One Big Union, and to prepare them to operate the tools of production.

Socialists are fighting for a better world—to end poverty, racism, sexism, war and environmental disaster. The Socialist Party’s position, in brief, is that the workers can only advance towards socialism in the light of socialist knowledge. A class-conscious socialist working class presupposes the acceptance and understanding of the essentials of socialist principles by a majority of the exploited class. And if the workers would turn their attention to socialism, the whole form of the class struggle with the employing class would change. So far, despite heroic fights by trade unionists against wage reductions, the employing class have never had reason to fear that the working class was turning away from their belief in the capitalist system. But when a considerable body of workers learn the lesson that no reformist policy or party is of any use and begin to understand and support the demand for socialism, we can confidently anticipate a less aggressive and less cheese-paring attitude on the part of employers. They will, when that time comes, be anxious to surrender part of their wealth in the hope that by so doing they may stave off the day when they must yield it all. We shall then be well on the way to the acquisition by a society of the means of wealth production now privately owned by a privileged class. So who have the workers to turn to in their fight against the class that lives off them? Only themselves. They are in the vast majority and able at any time to vote out the system that plagues us all. It may seem disheartening that they still won’t listen to the small voice of the Socialist Party who urge them to do so. But our voice will continue to be heard because it speaks historic fact and logic. Marx argued the case for a future society without buying and selling, wage-labour or capital. That alone is the object of the Socialist Party. 

The Price of Death

The cost of burying a loved one has risen by 8% in the past year, while the cost of a cremation went up by 11%.

Citizens Advice Scotland said the average cost of a basic burial in Scotland, excluding undertakers fees, was now £1,373.

A local authority cremation costs on average £670, the organisation said. The cost of cremations rose significantly, with Highland Council increasing its fees by 59% in just 12 months, becoming the most expensive in Scotland at £849.

The most expensive council area for a basic burial was Edinburgh at £2,253, while the least expensive was the Western Isles at £701. East Dunbartonshire had the second highest burial fees at £2,088, while in neighbouring West Dunbartonshire it was £1,364.

Socialism - a movement for abundance

Capitalism has now outrun its usefulness to human development. Having fulfilled its purpose, it now hampers the power of the productive forces which could be at our command. Humanity can have the  world in which wealth is turned out in a cornucopia of abundance, freely available to everyone the world in which human interests come first in everything. What prevents this is the continuation of the social relationships of capitalism. To change them needs a social revolution. This revolution will be the first conscious one, by and in the interests of the majority, in human history. To bring about the change to socialism by a democratic political act needs a working class who are informed and aware about capitalism and about how socialism will abolish the problems we suffer under today.

Capitalism rests on exchange, the means of production are private property and the owning class draw a profit from them by selling what is produced at the highest price competition permits. People who possess nothing sell their labour as dear as competition permits and get wages which allow them to buy what they need to live. It is clear that such a system cannot exist with abundance since this suppresses profit. In fact, only products and services which have some value can be sold. But only scarce products keep their value and sell at a profit. Abundant products have no value: they are given and taken; they are not sold.

It is thus a truism to say that abundance does not exist: it will never exist in a capitalist society since production is not motivated by the desire to satisfy consumption but by that of realising a profit. When this profit becomes impossible, production stops. It is then said that there is a crisis, even if many consumers lack the bare necessities. The magnificent scientific achievements of new technology and automation have made abundance appear in all the industrialised countries, upsetting their economies from top to bottom since these can only function with a “scarcity" of products and services. This obviously requires explanation: At the present time, money is almost as indispensable to existence as air to the lungs. But money doesn’t fall from heaven; it is production as a whole which distributes it in the form of wages and profits. The pursuit of money being thus at the centre of our concerns, we do not grow corn to have corn, but to have money; for if we don’t gain any money then we don’t sow any more corn. Similarly, all other agricultural, commercial and industrial enterprises are only viable to the extent that they succeed in bringing into their tills more money than they pay out. When abundance appears, workers are sacked since there is no more work to give them. But they then don’t buy the products and these, remaining at the charge of the producers, make their profits disappear: he who can't buy ruins him who wants to sell! People then complain about “overproduction", for this is what everything that cannot be sold is called. But chronic overproduction, is that not abundance? So goods are not produced in abundance quite simply because they would not be able to be sold. The exchange economy must be replaced by an economy in which wealth is no longer produced to be exchanged but is produced instead simply in order to be distributed to human beings to satisfy their needs. This new economic system can be called the distribution economy. Under this system the means for producing wealth are to cease to be the private property of individuals and to become the common heritage of all the members of society; the wages system was to be redundant. From the moment when production has become the property of society as a whole, the economic process can no longer be carried out by a series of exchanges (which imply individual or group property of the products exchanged) but only by allocation (or distribution.)

The Socialist Party favours a system of free access, of goods being freely available for people to take according to need from the abundance which is technologically possible now but which will only become socially possible once capitalism has been replaced by socialism. With common ownership and economic democracy, a socialist society would produce things to satisfy human needs and not to make a profit. Anyone who believes that capitalism can ever be made to work more humanely is being both naive and idealistic. In socialism there will be no waste or want as production will be solely to satisfy human needs and desires. n socialism, the maxim “from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs” will transform the character and quality of human existence. People will be able to choose the sort of work they most enjoy and be creative to the best of their ability. People will be glad to give their best and take the best of everyone else. in socialism work will become the ultimate form of art. In socialism we will be building houses, for instance, with a mind to safety, comfort and elegance rather than as now when houses are knocked together with maximum scrimping to lower costs and thereby increase profit. Price and profit dictate in capitalism what pleasure and purpose will dictate in socialism. In socialism, there will be an abundance of everything pleasant.  In return for his or her work, everyone in socialism will have free access to all that is produced, to all services and all entertainments. People will take according to their needs, or more accurately their self-determined needs. As socialism will be a propertyless, money-free society people will no longer have cause to be greedy or acquisitive. Greed, like envy and theft, is an axiom of capitalism.

Apart from the unshackled use of industrial technology on the earth’s resources, people in socialism will also be able to benefit from the work of millions of men and women who had previously been employed in socially useless work under capitalism. The multitudes for instance, who were being trained by their governments in the savagery of war, or who were building death-machines, or who were stockbrokers, insurance men or bank employees—the list is extensive. Plus those who, under capitalism, were involved in absolutely no work whatsoever, like the unemployed, tramps and, of course, the aristocracy. For the same reasons that people will be producing such an abundance, production will enjoy paramount efficiency, and, for the greater part of their time, people will be able to do exactly as they please. In socialism, education will be voluntarily undertaken by children and adults because it will be a fascinating and useful pursuit. People will attend schools and colleges to cultivate their interests and refine their thoughts. They will, not, as now, attend to be inculcated from childhood with an orthodox framework of thought, nor will they attend to apprentice themselves as a better caste of wage-slave. Again, on a similar issue, in socialism, science will be used to assist humanity in its pleasure, safety and welfare. It will not be used to invent something like the nuclear bomb.

In socialism, the natural beauty of the earth will be uncontaminated by industrial toxic waste. The earth is polluted in this way now as it is a cheaper and therefore more profitable - means of disposal than others. The interests of the whole community will be catered for under socialism and not the interests of a profit-hungry minority. Socialist society will be void of instability and insecurity. People involved in administration will have the same standing as everyone else, and no reason to try and usurp power. Even if one or two maniacs wanted to, there would be no unemployment or poverty on the back of which anyone could ride to power. People in socialism will have no use for leaders. The terrifying threat of war will be unknown in socialism because there will be no artificial national boundaries, and no governments to squabble over international markets.

Socialism is yet unborn. We will not see the birth of it until workers choose to consummate their experience and knowledge to obtain socialist consciousness and the necessary gestation period of education, agitation and organisation have been gone through.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

For a worldwide socialist society

Working people spend a major part of our lives working for the benefit of another class. We sell our abilities to the highest bidder and lose something irreplaceable—our time. We’ve little control in the organisation of our working life, in what we produce, the quality of what we make and so on. We pass hour after hour, every day, engaged in monotonous, repetitive drudgery which mean little to us but which help give our masters, the capitalists, a life of freedom.  And what can we have instead of this wage-slavery? A worldwide socialist society where we won’t be supporting any parasite owning class and we won’t be wasting our time making weapons, working in finance and the like. We'll democratically manage our own work as society requires and we'll only turn out the best available and possible.  We can achieve security, abundance and fulfilment in a socialist society. This is why we say nothing short of socialism will do.

The ownership of immense wealth by a small minority is very often the result of inheritance. So if social privilege is a reward for merit, the only merit which is being referred to is the wisdom of a baby such as Prince George is to be born from the womb of a royal parasite rather than a worker. According to this theory, Prince William’s son, who will never need to go out and sell his royal labour power, is being rewarded for his initiative, enterprise and intelligence. The fact that he is as yet illiterate is quite beside the point. Social parasitism is not confined to the aristocracy. A parasite is an organism which lives by feeding off other live organisms. Such is the position of the entire capitalist class. They can only accumulate capital so long as the majority of people will produce wealth and receive a price for their labour power which is less than the value of their product. The exploitation of the working class by the capitalist class is the social equivalent of biological parasitism. The capitalists get their money and power by hard work -Yes, by our hard work.

Oh, for sure the apologists for the capitalist economic system will bring forth the example of the self-made man. But they also have become wealthy by employing and exploiting the labour of others. Richard Branson did not pilot the jets of Virgin Air. Occasional members of the working class do manage to make their way in to the exploiting class, but they can only ever do so by riding on the backs of their fellow workers. Most people are born and die in a class which subjects them to the dictates of the labour market. Capitalism causes poverty because it limits workers’ access to wealth. Wages and salaries determine how much members of the working class can eat, where we can live, and every other aspect of our social existence. Under the wages system, all workers are impoverished in the sense that we are denied ownership and control of the means of wealth production and distribution. The only way to end poverty is to abolish classes and this can only happen when what is now the property of private capitalists or the state is transferred to the common ownership and democratic control of the whole community. Being hired and fired is a part of working class culture and always will be so long as we allow capital to use us when and where it wants. Our class must one day make the capitalist system the victim of the biggest redundancy of all.

The Socialist Party repudiates any programme of immediate demands, on the grounds that such programmes do not serve as a means of organising for socialism but thrust the socialist objective into the background, and attract non-socialist elements. While it is true that workers have to struggle over wages and conditions this must be confined to the industrial, trade union field, separate from the political. Some reforms may be of sectional or temporary benefit but this in no way equals the effort required to achieve them. The capitalist class often offer concessions both to improve the productive capacity of workers and to quiet social unrest. But a growing socialist movement will bring more concessions to the working class than any amount of pleading or agitation for reform. We have seen the alleged Labour parties gain mass support and political power and once they are in government we have learned that capitalism cannot be run in the interest of the working class. Outside parliament the working class movement brought forth movements that claimed it was possible to get socialism by industrial action, by-passing Parliament. Bitter reality has shown the fallacy of this views. Whoever controls Parliament controls the armed forces and police, and in prolonged strikes, the suffering of the workers far outweighs any discomfort to the capitalists. But syndicalist ideas still linger on. The Bolsheviks of 1917 saw the birth of the Leninist theory of revolution. In a predominantly capitalist world and lacking both productive capacity and the acceptance of socialist ideas by the population, the only way Russia could develop was along capitalist lines. A repressive state capitalist regime masquerading as socialism developed, adding to the confusion and misunderstanding of workers and thus making the spread of socialist ideas that much harder. The lesson is that the most important part of revolution being the working class it must first be ready. It is impossible to get socialism without first making socialists.

Socialism is Social Democracy – People Power

Is the goal of socialism simply a projection of an idealistic notion, a utopian aspiration, an unrealisable dream? Cynics mock when they first come across the Socialist Party’s revolutionary proposition. We are depicted as the painters of a pretty portrait of an unobtainable future, rather than informed critics of the real world. Our idea of a future society arises from the potentiality of producing abundant wealth which has been created by capitalism but cannot be achieved within the limitations of a profit system. For so long as a single child starves for lack of food or a single drop of working class blood is shed in a war over property, the struggle for socialism remains the most urgent challenge of our time. Reformism presents an absurd promise to tackle thousands of social problems while leaving the cause of these problems intact. Capitalism is inevitably exploitative and undemocratic and its crises; housing problems, pollution, starvation, unemployment and wars are symptoms of the system and cannot be eradicated independently of the cause. The socialist answer to capitalism does not embrace utopias or gods or states or leaders or reforms.

Socialism will be the first ever social democracy in the sense that there will be no governments, authoritarianism or imposed morality. The limited political democracy of today will be expanded into a full social democracy. All aspects of society, including the production and distribution of wealth, will be subject to democratic social control. The coercive state machine and government over people of class society — with the armed forces and police, the judges and gaolers — will be replaced by the simple democratic administration of social affairs. Those chosen by society to carry out administrative functions on its behalf will not be in any special privileged position. They will not have at their command any means of coercing people. Nor will they be materially better off than anyone else since, as we shall see next, in socialism everybody will have free access to the wealth they need to live and enjoy life. The community will make decisions, using the advanced machinery of communication which is now available. In a social democracy, the needs of minorities will be accommodated, including the needs of those who are critical and opposed to socialism. For the first time in the history of human society men and women will live in a humane society designed to meet their needs. In the socialist society, the means of producing wealth will be democratically owned and controlled by the community, without distinction of race or sex. The wages system, which we have demonstrated to be a system of exploitation, will be replaced by an economy in which each will give according to his or her abilities and each will take according to his or her needs. There will be free access to all wealth, without the need to buy what already belongs to you as a member of society. With the abolition of property money and barter will no longer have any use. There cannot be socialism in one country, just as there is not capitalism in one country. The present fragmented world system must be replaced by a united world system. The evils of racial and national division, which now split the working class, will give way to a common social bond linking every man, woman and child on the face of the earth.

The socialist case proposes uncompromising political revolution. Having recognised that capitalism is a system of class exploitation, that the working class constitutes a majority of society, and that the capitalist class owe their hegemony to the consent of the working class, socialists advocate the withdrawal of working class consent to capitalism. Once workers understand and desire the abolition of the present system they must organise themselves for the political, democratic conquest of the state machine, including the government and the armed forces. It is to this sole end that the Socialist Party is organised. After the socialist revolution, there will be no classes, for all will stand in equal relation to the means of life. The state will cease to exist as there will be no privileged group for governments to maintain and no private property for the police and armies to defend. There will be conscious human co-operation to meet the needs of the world community. The world will, at last, belong to its inhabitants as a whole.

So to sum up, the essential features of socialism are that the land, industry, transport and communications will have become the common property of the whole community. This means that classes will have been abolished, everyone having an equal say in how the means of production are used. There will no longer be a propertied employing class, nor a propertyless working class. Wages will not be paid or received as nobody will be in a position either to buy or to sell a human being’s ability to work. There will simply be people, free men and women, co-operating to produce what they need. Wealth will be produced solely and directly for human use. It will not be produced for sale, but for people to take according to their needs. Goods will not be priced, nor will people’s consumption be limited by the amount of money they have. There will, in fact, be no need for money in a socialist society, as the principle “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” will apply.

Free distribution of wealth is now possible because modern industry and agriculture can turn out an abundance of the things people need. A world of plenty is now possible. There is no need for any man, woman or child in any part of the world to go hungry, be badly clothed or live in slums. The technical problem of producing plenty for all has been solved for a long time. The problem now is that the present social system, capitalism places a fetter on production because it operates, and must operate, according to the rule of “no profit, no production.” What the world suffers from today is not over-population, but the chronic under-production that is built into capitalism. Not only does world capitalism hold back production, but it also misuses and wastes the resources of the world. Think of the waste involved in armed forces and of the destruction of wars. Think of the waste of commerce and finance — of banks, insurance companies, salesmen, ticket collectors, accountants, economists, cashiers. Only a minority of the world’s population is actually engaged in producing useful things. Then, of course, there is the deliberate destruction of wealth that is carried out every year in order to maintain prices and profits: the bonfires of coffee and cocoa, the pouring of milk down coal mines, the dumping of vegetables in rivers, the feeding of butter to pigs.

Socialism, where people will cooperate freely to produce an abundance of wealth from which they can take freely according to their needs, is not only possible but is also the only solution to humanity’s problems.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Paper Doctoring

The Toronto Star, with its usual reforming zeal, has investigated complaints made about the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB). Its article of July 23 claims the number of complaints made to the provincial watchdog about Ontario's worker compensation system is up 20% over the past year. Nearly 600 complaints between last April and March of this year, a jump from 2014/15 when there were 480 grievances against the board.

141 complaints have been lodged since March.

Doctors, labour groups, and injured workers' lawyers are demanding an investigation. They allege the WSIB ignore the diagnoses of victims own doctors which leads them being "kicked off benefits."

The Star has detailed allegations of unfair and unlawful cost cutting measures that include the use of so-called 'paper doctors' who review injured workers' files without examining them in person and wrongly attributing accident victims symptoms to pre-existing conditions so as to reduce compensation.

To quote Aidan MacDonald of the Injured Workers Consultants' Community Legal Clinic: "It's a pretty good indication to the ombudsman that external intervention is needed. Injured workers are just being cut off benefits.

They're being denied treatment that they need, they're being denied medication that they need."

Such news to workers is not surprising. Those who attempt to administrate capital. John Ayers.

Understanding the system

The Socialist Party has a very clear and practical conception of what is meant by socialism or communism; to us, both these terms mean the same thing. By socialism we mean a fundamental change in the economic basis of society, that is the way in which the members of society are organised to produce and distribute the things they need to exist. It means a world-wide social system where the entire productive and distributive resources of the planet are commonly owned, consciously controlled and democratically operated by the world community as a whole. It means a society where social wealth is produced solely to meet the needs of the community, on the basis of free and equal access by all, without money or any other medium of exchange taking place.

This contrasts sharply with capitalism. Its underlying features are the class ownership of the means of wealth production and distribution by a small minority of people in all countries of the world, and the exclusion of the great majority of people from any significant ownership and control of these means. Having little or no resources at their disposal, the working class majority are forced by economic necessity to sell their working abilities to the capitalist minority in order to live. Wealth produced by the workers takes the form of commodities which are sold on a competitive market with a view to profit for the capitalists. In return for selling their labour power—which itself becomes a commodity—workers receive payment in the form of wages or salaries. However, in the process of production generally, these payments represent less than the value which the workers as a class create, and the difference between them is surplus value, which the capitalists repeatedly accumulate and which is the source of their monetary profit, realised through sales.

So capitalism is a class-divided, profit-generating system governed by impersonal market forces and not the needs of the human community. The useful, producing majority are in a subordinate position of wage slavery, whilst the useless, non-producing minority enjoy a privileged unearned income from their economic exploitation of the workers. The capitalists wield power through their control of governments, together with the legal and military might of the state machine. This apparatus ensures that, firstly, workers are legally robbed when they produce wealth and, secondly, it conditions them by force and ideological persuasion to accept these social arrangements as necessary, inevitable and. indeed, natural.

The Socialist Party has consistently opposed the profit system, no matter how its supporters or apologists have tried to disguise it as something else. In this country and the United States of America, for example, the classic free market form of capitalism developed with the ownership and control of resources in the hands of predominantly private shareholders holding legal property rights backed up by the state. In Russia, starting with the Bolshevik seizure of power in 1917, another form of capitalism came into being: the state-managed variety. This soon spread to most of Eastern Europe and as far afield as Cuba and China. The rulers of these countries, using the rhetoric of Marxism and the theories of Lenin, labelled these countries communist or socialist, but in reality, they were state-capitalist systems of class monopoly and control, where the state itself was the collective employer of wage labour. A minority of top officials in these '‘communist’’ parties personified the capitalist class: they directed the production of goods and services which did not belong to the "people" but were sold within a buying and selling framework.

Once we rid ourselves of the idea that the capitalist economy can be rational or benevolent, we can quickly move towards rejecting the whole concept of the exchange economy. According to the economists, the market is an arena for trading commodities, where various groups and individuals express their preferences among comparative, complimentary and exchangeable goods that have relative utilities. The dynamics of the market mechanism include competition, promotion, and balances of the utility-quality-price triangle, but only with respect to commodities, not with respect to the whole economic cycle and industries in society. Markets are promoted as, under conducive conditions and all things being equal, in circulating goods widely, improving standards of quality, responding to consumer feedback, and encouraging innovation in fair competition. The market economy is an economy that puts the market at the steering wheel of the entire economic life of society: production, relations of production, redistribution, and development provision services. The main idea is based on the postulate that market mechanisms can be self-regulating - i.e. self-monitoring, self-correcting and self-sustaining - and therefore should not be regulated by social or political authorities.

Marxist economists, however, hold contrary views on the market and describe it as anarchic.

(1) Land is not a commodity because it is another word for nature. Humans did not create or devise land; the other way around sounds closer to the truth. When the value of land and its utility is determined by the market it is commodified (i.e. made into a commodity) irrespective of the many complexities that entangle humans and their natural and built environment which cannot be reduced to simple 'property value'. Generally, the market price of land is called 'rent' and some other words, and in its absolute versions leads to the disintegration of nature and all sorts of violations of environmental balances and long-standing socio-ecological relations. The alarming ecological degradation in the planet today is largely related to practices of land commodification normalised by the market economy.

(2) Labour is a form of human activity, an extension of the human themselves, combining their physical, intellectual and psychological effort and springing from skills and knowledge earned through learning and experience. Labour cannot be a commodity unless you take a human being and own/control their effort in a particular time and place. Commodifying labour has an element of commodifying a person's existence in a particular context, for which the price is paid and determined by others with power. The price of labour in the market is called wage, salary, etc.

(3) Money was created by human societies as a medium of exchanging commodities, but not as a commodity itself. Money took many forms (of currency) throughout history, from salt to minerals to tender paper, yet always as a way to exchange various commodities in the market using a standard method of payment, but not as a commodity itself. The idea of 'buying money with another money' seems automatically ludicrous to our sensibilities for that reason. However, the market economy succeeded in making a huge 'market' for the activity of selling and buying money across the globe---through interest rates, debt financing, derivatives markets, foreign exchange markets, and other  related financial transactions. In such markets, money can literally get you more money without any productive work (value addition) or genuine commodity exchange taking place. Folks can get richer for no other reason than that they are already rich.

When a majority of the world's workers understand what socialism is and want it, they can organise themselves to take the necessary democratic political action to abolish the capital/wage-labour relationship and bring in common ownership of all resources, democratic control by the majority, and production solely for use in accordance with their self-defined needs.

Socialism is a vision of a world freed from artificial, market-based restrictions which will allow human beings to live in peace with each other. With the problems of social living solved, we will be able to determine for ourselves the kind of relationships and lifestyles most suited to our changed conditions, relationships not imposed from above but freely chosen by ourselves.

We need socialism

Things are changing, and not always for the better. Within capitalism our basic needs are met only as a means to improve our productive efficiency and not for their own sake; they are measured as costs. Human beings are not ends in themselves; they are but instruments in the productive machine. Commercial and costing values take precedence over human values. We are continuously subjected to a barrage of advertising for products of positive harm to the human constitution. Ad campaigns encourage the invidious distinctions we make between ourselves. We are encouraged to ape our supposed betters. The world of advertising is an escapist dream world. This is life today; people treated not as human beings but as machines. Socialists reject the present degrading social system lock, stock, and barrel; we will have nothing to do with patching it up and making it more efficient. We want men and women to free themselves from this existence and set up a truly human society in which the productive machine will be used to satisfy the many and various needs of people. What we want is a new society in which the commodity and cost status of human beings will be ended.

The socialist analysis of society has many unique features in that our analysis fits in with reality, with the material experience of society. No other analysis explains the wars, the poverty, the numerous social problems of capitalism. The socialist analysis is based rock-firm on the principle that capitalism’s problems spring from the nature of that social system and that they can be abolished only by ending capitalism and replacing it with socialism. This principle stands because capitalism itself is essentially unchanged, as it has to be. Thus a socialist party must be uncompromising and consistent, at all times pressing the case for the social revolution.

 Socialism means different things to different people. To some, it means social reforms, to others state ownership of industry, to others the kind of one-party state that exists in Russia or China. Very few people, however, view socialism in the same way as the Socialist Party. We possess a clear definition of socialism; it will be a society of common, not state or private, ownership of the means of wealth production and distribution; there will be democratic and not minority control of social affairs; production will be solely for use rather than for sale or profit; there will be free access by all people to all goods and services, without the fetters of the money economy. All of that is clear and anyone who cares to go back to 1904 will find all of our literature advocating the same principled and unequivocal socialist aim. There will be no state in a socialist society. The state is the body which has existed for as long as property society has existed, in order to defend the propertied ruling class against the propertyless majority. Socialism will be a classless society, without exploiters and exploited, rulers and the ruled, coercion and submission. There is no point in having a state unless there are people to be bullied and coerced.  Once the capitalists have been stripped of their power to exploit workers economically there will be no need to control them with a state: there will be a classless society without the need for a body of class rule. There will be no classes, no banks or exchange controls or capital, and no money—for what use could money have in a society where everything belongs to everyone? Our appeal is to those who are committed to the concept of a self-organised majority revolution without leaders to abandon their opposition to the working class forming a political party to contest elections and eventually win control of political power, not to form a government but to immediately abolish capitalism and usher in the class-free, state-free, money-free, wage-free society that real socialism will be.

Capitalism means the whole economic system of buying and selling which keeps a small minority extremely rich and powerful and the vast majority, all those who depend on a wage or salary, relatively poor, problem-ridden and powerless. This system has as its lynch-pin “profitability” which “sacrifices on its altar the interest of peoples”, brings insoluble problems such as unemployment and corruption, and prevents the realisation of the abundance of goods and services which modern technology is capable of producing. The way out of the mess is through the abolition, by democratic means (by people consciously voting for it) of the present “exchange economy” and the introduction of what CAN BE termed a “distributive economy of abundance”.  Therefore those few already conscious of the need for such a change must make an immense effort to spread their ideas and educate people to accept them

We are told by the defenders of capitalism that the ordinary person in the street would not be intelligent enough to take over the running of society from top to bottom. In fact, it is the workers who run society now — from managers to doctors to coal miners — but far from using their abilities for their own benefit, they use them for the benefit of the privileged few who own and control the means of wealth production and distribution. It is not new leaders that are needed, but a new system which puts human needs, instead of the hunger for profit, first. It is to advocate a new system of society, not new and superior leaders. Our alternative to capitalism is socialism, which will only be achieved when the majority of the working class understand and realise the need for it. Socialism will not be brought about by workers following some self-appointed vanguard.

Our whole miserable and aimless existence can be traced back to the social system under which we live. The basis of this system is the use of the productive machine to create articles for sale for the market with a view to profit. The problem of production has been solved long ago; scarcity is no longer a necessity. However, the vast productive forces of the world have yet to be harnessed to the satisfaction of human needs. Instead, they are used only where a profit can be made and controlled by a minority to the detriment of the vast majority of us. We who make up this majority do all kinds of work—in mines, on ships, in factories, shops, offices, and schools—but we have one thing in common: we are every one of us sellers of working power.

No piecemeal tinkering will solve all our problems; what is required is a social revolution—a change in the basis of society which will allow the productive machine to be used to satisfy our many needs. This is not a utopian dream. The productive resources of the world are quite sufficient to allow men and women to free themselves from their present degradation. We can construct a world society which will be a community in the real sense of the term, in which we can treat others as fellow human beings; in which we can assert the balance between human beings and society and society and nature; in which we can live a truly human life. The Socialist Party rejects reformist policies and advocates social revolution. Capitalism cannot be made to work in the interest of the workers; those who claim otherwise are not realists — they have been wrong every time.

Socialist society will be a society where there will be no money and free access to all the wealth produced; no buying and selling will take place because no private property will exist. Instead, the means of wealth production will be commonly owned and democratically controlled. Wars, poverty, class division and the environment from which leadership emerges will have gone forever. The need for socialism is more urgent now than ever, as capitalism advances towards environmental crises that could possibly wipe out much of the human race.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Elections – yes or no?

Engaging in the bourgeois democracy process and contesting elections has always been the position of the Socialist Party of Great Britain and the World Socialist Party of the United States. It has brought us up against those who disagree and who otherwise would have been comrades such as Proletarian Party of America and the council communists such as Paul Mattick.

The SPGB position as it presently stands is that this should not be an either/or issue. Neither action is exclusive but extra-parliamentary activities should be engaged alongside electoral action in a coordinated complementary strategy.
We suggest a read of the SPGB pamphlet (if you have not already done so)

Having fought and died for the ballot, we tend to forget it is not the X on the voting paper which counts but the person's consciousness behind it. We want the working class to take over the State and convert it into an unarmed democratic administration of things. We want to see an end to capitalist class rule not the breakdown of society. The workers en masse don't need to create a different and more democratic decision-making structure from the ground up. What they need to do is to take over and perfect the existing, historically-evolved structures. We don't need to construct a socialist society from scratch; this is not the way social evolution works; there will be a degree of continuity between what exists now and what will exist in socialism as there always has been between one system of society and another.

We are not utopian system-builders. You don't abolish the state, getting rid of your control of your society at the point of actually having won the thing, and then play at utopias. You grab it and hang on against anything and everything the capitalist class, nationally and internationally, throws at you. During this process also you are transforming the institutions you hold from capitalist into socialist ones. People recognise it will be by both parliament and non-parliament means to socialism. It is the democratic result that we want. Our case for Parliament is that it is the most efficacious application of the workers' will to establish socialism. We seek the least disruptive method of revolution and in the UK, at this moment in time, parliament is that route. It is by no means a universal one size fits all prescription.

Socialists appreciate that many people focus are engaged in all kinds of worthy projects and struggles, but why do they often focus on the ephemeral and ignore the serious issues and their consequences. The Socialist Party seeks to conceivably become a lasting democratic participatory organization preserving and enriching the movement for social change. We also expect many new organizations to emerge from neighborhoods and workplaces but, alas, we are not there yet. The SociaIist Party endorses both electoral and social activism without letting either be exclusive political strategies. The Socialist Party seeks to capture the state for the purpose of abolishing the state which will ‘wither way’ and be replaced merely with an ‘administration of things’. There is no necessary clash between socialists and anarchists in their conception of future society – both are state-free.

Unable or unwilling to look beyond the short-term horizon of the next election, politicians are essentially prohibited from taking a long view of things. To avoid making hard decisions on the environment costs are pushed into the future, glossed over by an optimism on the technological innovation and market mechanisms. From this perspective, there is no need for urgent change. We must, therefore, reinvent democracy at the ballot box. The Socialist Party rejects the need for a ‘vanguard party’ to capture the state through forceful means, instead calling for the democratically mandated institution of socialism via the mechanisms of parliament. The Socialist Party argue that the state under capitalism is merely an instrument or tool of the capitalist class, meaning that politicians (knowingly or unknowingly) can only enact laws and policies that furthered the narrow interests of that class. We do not think that political representatives of the ruling class will advance the genuine interests of the working class.  Socialism is the alternative to the capitalist mode of economy. What is needed is a revolutionary movement, driven by the working class, which would dismantle the capitalist state, abolish private property, and establish socialism which means ‘from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs.’ Various revolutions have taken place, masquerading as socialist, but none Marx nor any Marxist would consider genuine.

One of the most common objections to the Socialist Party’s vision is framed in terms of ‘human nature’. The criticism is that free access and production for use sounds all very nice in theory, but it would not work in practice because generally human beings are too weak in character, selfish, or lazy to be able to function without being ruled over either by employers or government with their structures of laws, deterrents, and incentives. We view people who are capable of living co-operatively without coercion. And indeed there is much evidence indicating that societies based on cooperation rather than competition are most likely to prevail in the long term. Our case denies that there is such a thing as a fixed ‘human nature’ that we are born with. Granted, human beings are products of a long evolutionary history that doubtless shapes our psychological constitution, but ultimately we are free to choose how we behave through our decisions (which means we have no pre-determined nature, as such – humans are neither inherently good nor inherently bad). Socialists can turn the human nature objection on its head, arguing that even if it is true what our critics claim in human beings are inherently weak and greedy, that is all the more reason not to uphold the concentrations of power. Socialists recognise the reality that structures and systems within which we live deeply shape and influence us. It is all well and good to try to ignore the state or to ignore capitalism, such as to ‘build the new world within the shell of the old but from the perspective of socialism may be naïve. Establishing environmentally sound public transport networks or extending bike lanes, creating co-operatives and credit unions, are more readily achievable in the short term via state policy. Likewise, looking towards a crisis or collapse situation for capitalism may not be at all an unrealistic scenario  but it would be the case where the the state would be strengthened and reinforced to maintain and administer the most basic social services and infrastructure (e.g. electricity, water, hospitals, food rationing etc.). A complete societal breakdown and the suffering such would bring would prove counter-productive for any socialist revolution. The Socialist Party believes it is better to plan and design a post-scarcity economy rather than rely upon the crises of capitalism to deepen and intensify further.

If a mass movement is what is needed and desired then recognising the importance of ‘presenting’ our visions in the best way possible is an issue that cannot be dismissed as secondary. Socialists need to think about how best to ‘brand’ our political perspectives. We have to be as clear as possible. We need to be heard and that means understanding different audiences and adapting our language when we need to. In other words tailoring our message and using a diversity of mediums to express our ideas yet somehow managing to remain united under one banner.