Friday, December 29, 2017

Socialism Described

Economic and political developments in the world over the past few decades have resulted in stunning changes. The fundamental, underlying change, which is driving all others, is the tremendous advances in new technology and the growing application of that technology (computers and robotics) to the process of production. This technology is steadily replacing labour in the workplace, creating permanently unemployed/underemployed and driving down the wages of those workers who remain employed. New technology is throwing not only unskilled workers but increasingly they are skilled workers and professionals into insecurity. Most individuals are still very trusting of the capitalist system. They believe it is basically fair, express optimism about the economy even at the lower income levels, and believe that with hard work anyone can make it in the system. At the same time, they think that the system should be made 'fairer'.  But with the growing polarization of wealth and poverty developing there now arises a profound lack of faith in the government and the institutions of society.  People are feeling discontented and resentful about their deteriorating economic condition.  Every reform offered, from different angles and from different perspectives, serves the same end -- support of the capitalist system and the solutions of the ruling class. Many of these reforms serve no other purpose than to channel the fears into either hatred against minorities or against themselves and into unity with their class enemy.

The major issue in the world today is peace. Peace between different ethnic groups, peace between nations. What is the basis for strife if it’s not the division and redivision of scarcity? The control of scarcity is the foundation of social strife. Today that can be eliminated. We’re talking about abundance. We’re talking about entering a stage of development that’s no longer controlled by scarcity. We can talk in terms of abundance and that abundance obviously is here. There is plenty of plenty. Our troubles arise from material scarcity.

The history of all hitherto existing societies has been the history of class struggle. Now, when class struggle is over and when real human history begins. We create our history now, but under defined circumstances that limit our choices. In other words, we are not liberating ourselves. We’ve created our own history but it’s been a limited history. What we’ve created has been limited by the circumstances wherein we carry out our struggles. For example, the struggle against slavery couldn’t really end slavery, it could only transform slavery. We’re talking about an end to the struggle over allocation of scarcity. We’re talking about no longer having to struggle with getting a house.We will no longer worry about getting food, no longer worry about getting an education. We are going to do all the things that make us happy.

Marxism is not about the pursuit of ethics, morality or justice but an explanation on why we have solved the problem of production and now need to solve the problem of distribution so that human needs are satisfied. it’s based on the materialist analyses of capitalism and its effects on the working class and society as a whole. People who believe that socialism springs from some sort of jealousy are most likely just trying to express their discontentment with those ideologies by resorting to historically (and psychologically) inaccurate psychoanalyses of the intellectual leaders of those movements, which isn’t a very compelling argument against socialism. The Socialist Party is built on a political vision to free humanity from the oppressive economic system
Socialism will be a global society based on the common ownership and democratic control of the world’s natural and industrial resources. But how might this work? How will production, decision-making, and culture be affected?


There will be a complete transformation in the calculation of resources, and their production and distribution. In capitalism articles of wealth (commodities) are produced to be bought and sold on markets, at a profit. This trade in commodities generates: waste; pollution and externalities; overproduction and underproduction; built-in obsolescence; quantity over quality; crisis and booms; poverty amidst plenty; employment for some and a waste in human potential for most; and obscene wealth for the few.
With no commodity production and trade, there will be no exchange value and prices, just the inputs and outputs of resources and human needs. The decision-making process will aim to ensure there’s sufficient stock control to meet projected needs through calculation in kind.

This decision-making process will also configure: environmental impact assessments; a high standard of quality control and durability; positive recycling - where products will be deliberately designed so to ensure that they last longer and when they are passed their usefulness all their component parts are easily recycled into other useful products; and transportation miles for distribution of human needs so the shortest journey possible is covered. This efficiency of calculation will ensure the energy required for producing needs will be kept to a minimum and promote the production of renewable energy sources.


Here the system will be participatory delegate democracy. In capitalism, political parties represent the sectional interests within the capitalist class with all of them competing for political control of the state and its machinery of government. With no sectional interests to be represented when there is common ownership, there won’t be political parties or a state machinery. Nonetheless, major issues will be thrashed out with decisions being made on what’s the best course of action for gaining a successful outcome.
A bottom-up decision-making process involving voluntary participation cannot be imposed by a hierarchy or a vanguard or the concept becomes meaningless. The basic building block is the community or neighbourhood assembly, face-to-face meetings where citizens meet to discuss and vote on the issues of the day, not that there will need to be a vote on every issue as most of day-to-day work carried out will be routine. These assemblies elect mandated and recallable delegates who then link with other assemblies forming a confederated council, a 'community of communities'. The difference between this form of delegate democracy and our current form of representative democracy is that in a representative democracy power is given wholesale to the representative who then is free to act on their own initiative. In a delegate democracy the initiative is set by the electing body and the delegate can be recalled at any time should the electing body feel that their mandate is not being met, thus power remains at the base.


Due to the impact of common ownership on the global community, there’ll be even more of an increase in cultural choices and options than there is under capitalism. Unrestricted to the social conformity of private property relationships, individuals and communities will be able to focus on an ongoing celebration of freedom of expression - leading to an increase in cultural diversity.

Leisure activities are likely to increase in scope and decrease in size. Presently, with package holidays the most affordable way of taking a break from the drudgery and monotony of the production line or the office, they are the most popular form of holiday.
In socialism, where the principle of free access underpins the common ownership of the means of living, our options and choices on travel and holidays would be extended and influenced by what positive contribution we can make to the country we are visiting. And with package holidays and mass tourism a thing of the past, it is likely holidays in socialism would not be restricted within a timescale of 10 to 14 days of hectic hedonism, but transformed into a unique opportunity to stay in a particular location for as long as it takes to understand the history and culture of that region. In effect, the transformation in the social relationships from private property ownership to common ownership will radically alter our perception of culture, leisure, and travel.

Human nature

But wouldn’t all this be against human nature? No. Socialists make a distinction between human nature and human behaviour. That people are able to think and act is a fact of biological and social development (human nature), but how they think and act is the result of historically specific social conditions (human behaviour). Human nature changes, if at all, over vast periods of time; human behaviour changes according to changed social conditions. Capitalism being essentially competitive and predatory produces vicious, competitive ways of thinking and acting. But we humans are able to change our society and adapt our behaviour, and there is no reason why our rational desire for human well-being and happiness should not allow us to establish and run a society based on co-operation.
Needs have a physiological and a historical dimension. Basic physiological needs derive from our human nature (e.g. food, clothing, and shelter), but historically conditioned needs derive from developments in the forces of production. In capitalism, needs are manipulated by the imperative to sell commodities and accumulate capital; basic physiological needs then take the historically conditioned form of ‘needs’ for whatever the capitalists can sell us.
Social evolution suggests that no mode of production is cast in stone and the dynamics of change also affects capitalism as a social system. Studies of social systems with distinct social relationships related and corresponding to their specific mode of production have identified, for instance, primitive communism, chattel slavery, feudalism, and capitalism. All of these societies changed from one into another due to the contradictions inherent in that society and also due to technological advancement which each society found itself incapable of adapting to. Capitalism reached this point over a century ago. It’s time to move on to socialism. 

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Disproportion of Production. No Remedy — Except One

Can working people understand Socialist economics? A well-known contention against the case for Socialism is that learning about surplus-value is too tough for majority understanding to happen. Compared with the capitalist economics presented to the working class, it is child’s play. 

Yet, without doubt, there is a serious recession. Its causes are rooted in the social system under which we live. The capitalist ownership of the means of living means that all production takes place for sale and profit, and from this basic fact arise the staggering problems of the world. To feed the hungry may sound logical, but it is not the logic of commodity production. Instead, we have a chaos in which manufacturers and distributors must estimate their markets and hope that demand will not just continue steadily but expand. When it expands generally there is a boom, and every manufacturer naturally pushes on to the utmost. Ultimately the boom ends, because demand falls off or alters. This breaking-point is the crisis.

Whether a depression follows will depend on the number of industries affected. A slump in one industry affects others, of course; but at times it is possible for profitable companies to “carry” others. However, the entire process is an anarchic one, and a crisis is anything but the universal fall-down commonly depicted. To some extent the phrase “the market” is misleading. There is not one market for all commodities, but many different ones, even within the same industry. “The car market” comprises markets for cheap and expensive cars, small and large ones; rather than all companies competing in the same market, one market may prosper when the demand in others diminishes. These vagaries of production and markets are not consequences of a crisis, but part of the cause of it. Earlier this year a Labour Minister said the British car industry had been producing an unnecessary variety of models. This can be re-stated as that during the boom period the industry had flooded markets which were now refusing to absorb it all — but, as the Labour government is well aware, no political suggestion will alter the economics of the situation.

A crisis is “serious” when a large enough section of industry is affected to produce stagnation and heavy unemployment. There are always other sections which are relatively unaffected or even benefit by it (in the nineteen-thirties’ depression chain stores such as Woolworth’s and Marks and Spencer, selling very cheap goods, were highly profitable for obvious reasons). The record unemployed figure of nearly 3 millions at the beginning of 1933 represented 23 per cent. of all insured workers. Turned round, this means that three-quarters were still in work. However, the existence of an industrial reserve army of that size provided a powerful whip over the employed and a means of enforcing low wages.

A similar comparison can be made today showing the naiveté of Rippon’s suggestion that capitalists should complain about the state of things. Why should they? Many of them have full order-books and rosy balance sheets, and at the same time are handsomely obliged by the Government’s having secured the trade unions’ compliance in holding wages down. Insofar as firms go to the wall following a crisis, in general they are smaller ones — a process which also took place in the nineteen-thirties. If larger companies’ profits fall they pay out a larger proportion of profits in dividends, so that the shareholders’ incomes do not fall by an equivalent amount. The British Association’s Britain in Recovery, 1938, using Colin Clark’s estimates, said: “On the whole we may, perhaps, conclude that consumption by the rich was comparatively well maintained during the depression and expanded during the recovery”.

The spectacle of the anarchy of capitalism gives rise continually to the idea that it can be subjected to economic planning. Fundamentally crises are due to the imbalances of capitalist production: the seductive thought is that these imbalances can be diagnosed and rectified. Attempts at it have patently failed, and it is worth pointing out why none can succeed. First, all capitalists and politicians would have to agree on what the faults were. Such agreement is not only unlikely in ordinary terms; it is impossible for the reason stated, that one capitalist’s catastrophe is another’s good news. But even if it were possible, what then? The owning class would still have no choice but to pursue their interests — that is, to go on producing for the available markets even though knowing this is what leads to crises.

Economic phrases cover the condition of humanity. The anarchy of production means, characteristically, a bakery closing for want of business while people are in need of bread. The balance of trade, the state of sterling etc. are pseudo-concerns; the working class is asked to understand them so that it will be complaisant in being trodden on a bit more. What all workers can and must understand is that their interests are diametrically opposed to those of capitalism. In due course there will be a recovery from the present depression, gathering momentum towards the next crisis. Is this how you want to go on? Would not a society producing for use instead of markets be immeasurably better?

The Future Is Up To Us All

 The socialist vision never dies. It lies dormant until a new set of social struggles arise and brings it forth to guide the movement again. In all previous periods, human freedom could not be won because the means of production were not developed enough to make it realisable. Today, the objective material conditions exist for the reconstruction of society in the interests of humanity. The future depends upon an arousing and enthusing the masses with a vision of new possibilities -- the distribution of the wealth of society according to need. This vision is of a world without human want, without race and national hatred, without sexual oppression and human exploitation -- a world where an ever-inventive technology delivers full lives for all in a sustainable and healthy environment. The emancipation of the working class from the shackles of private property is the only way to save the earth and its people from destruction.

Capitalism as a system operates in accordance with a handful of laws: The source of value is human labour. Commodities exchange according to the amount of socially necessary labour that goes into their production. Profit comes from surplus value -- unpaid human labour. This value is bound up in and borne by commodities. The commodities must circulate, that is, they must be sold. If commodities cannot be sold, the value in them cannot be realised, and the capitalist will not profit. Capitalists must strive for the maximum profit -- if not, they will be driven from the market by other capitalists who do achieve the maximum profit. And like all economic systems, the relations of classes of people in society must correspond to the level of development of tools and the people who use them. The rise of poverty today lays the objective basis for the consciousness of common class interests and the need for class unity and the impulse toward political independence. Governments around the world are also in the process of slashing long-standing social services, no longer sustaining the livelihood of its unemployed, disabled, or even its children. Our right to survive is gone. We face a combination of economic insecurity, social inequality with the dismantling of the Welfare State "safety net."  This situation cannot go on indefinitely and we should prepare for social explosions and radical revolts in response. The success of the revolution will not happen automatically. They must do so consciously.  

 The Socialist Party is a political party of people from all walks of life, united in a mission to awaken fellow-workers to the cause of their growing poverty. Our task is to bring a vision of a peaceful and prosperous world made possible by the automation and economic globalisation which, in the hands of the capitalists, threatens our existence. The Socialist Party educates and agitates for the transfer of economic and political power into the hands of the people so they can build a democratic, cooperative, communal society. We aim to change the thinking of our fellow-workers and open their hearts and minds to the necessity of revolution. Every debate today is, at its core, about the direction and future of society.  In every discussion, there is an opportunity to show that the root of the problem is private property and the solution is socialism. In this way, we can prepare ourselves to take the questions of the day and show how their actual resolution lies in the reorganisation of the economy and what people can do to fight for this. The Socialist Party is a small organisation. To accomplish our tasks we must grow and develop into a mass socialist party.  Our propaganda will mean little unless we develop the networks for the distribution of these ideas. This means creating an apparatus which is capable of producing and disseminating a variety of forms of propaganda. We need to build an infrastructure of study circles and forums, to produce videos for the internet.  We can teach the workers' movement which is scattered, diverse and searching for answers, educate about why our society is in crisis, what can be done to solve it and present a vision for the future. Socialist Party members can learn what they need to explain, persuade and prove to the people the dangers and possibilities of the situation today. With this knowledge and understanding, our members can participate in any activity in a way that raises the consciousness of those around them. In our fight for the hearts and minds of the people, we must use every available method to disseminate our vision of justice and prosperity. We must constantly look to other means, including that which technology is rapidly making available in order to realise our goal.

Beyond the darkness of the capitalist system, The Socialist Party foresee a bright future to save the planet. 

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Which side are you on?

Mankind is social, tending always towards co-operation and order. Each person is dependent on another for existence, for the satisfaction of physical needs, and emotional and mental ones, too; and has an interest in good relationships with others. The human concord that is churned as the heart of almost every religion and philosophy in the world is no more, and no less, than what human beings have tried to attain from the beginnings of social life. It is true that the property structures mankind has erected in social development have continually frustrated this striving, yet the fact of the striving remains. All men and women are social by nature—that is, by the fact of being human.

Capitalism is beset with an immense political and economic crisis, the likes of which it has not experienced in years.  Capitalism is tearing apart our families, our communities, and our opportunity for a better future. This chaos cries out for an alternative that will point the way forward in our struggle to build a society in which our hopes and dreams become a reality. For the first time in history, technology has given society the means to produce an absolute abundance and provide quality care for everyone. The new wealth generated by these changes is not being shared by all. Instead, obscene riches are being accumulated at one pole of society, while a more and more brutal poverty is created at the other. As a result, a confrontation between the world's rich and the world's poor is gathering momentum. Revolution, however, is not inevitable. It will depend on the consciousness of the millions who want to create a better world. We must gather our collective voice and collective strength now to develop this consciousness. Our society can move forward to a new stage of human development that cherishes and nurtures the lives of all. People are beginning to recognise a sense of economic and class identity. Their success will depend on a very broad consciousness of class and political interests.

Under capitalism the past dominates the present because of the means of production, developed from the past, and possessed to-day by the few, dominate the lives of the producers, and forms the general structure sod relations of society. With socialism, the means of production would be consciously manipulated for the benefit and happiness of the members of society. The past development and experience would then be used knowingly by the members of the socialist society for their well-being. This would be the domination of the past by the present as, instead of the members being dominated by a method of production, the method of production would be controlled by them.

The Internationale has long been the anthem of the workers’ movement throughout the world. While the red flag has been the people's banner. The red flag has been pulled down many, many times but only to be raised again. Why? Because it is the flag of the oppressed, the flag of those deprived of their freedom, their labour, who are forced into slavery and eventually into revolt. It will be raised again in a thousand places as the workers' struggle for socialist emancipation revives across the globe. The red flag is the symbol of humanity's kinship. we hold it high it as the inspiring standard in the great international fight against exploitation, and oppression.  The working class people proudly march together under one banner.

The Socialist Party's  goal is to build the new society by starting to educate our audiences. It will take our collective efforts to make the people conscious of the reality of achieving the brighter future for which they are already fighting.  We will challenge the ruling class on its destruction of countless lives. We will rely on the people striving for a better world to prepare for the struggles ahead. We will confront the specific questions faced by our people and demonstrate that the problem is private property and the solution is the reorganiSation of society on a cooperative basis. Together we will inspire the people with a vision of a world of plenty. Robotics and automation offer the capacity to free everyone from hunger, homelessness and backbreaking labour. Society can then devote the energies and talents of its people to satisfying the material, intellectual, spiritual and cultural needs of all. We will show how this vision can be a reality. When the working class which has no stake in the capitalist system assumes political control and transforms all productive property into public property, it can reorganise society so that the abundance is distributed according to need. A society built on cooperation guards the well-being of its people, not the profits and property of a handful of billionaires. We will empower the people with the consciousness to strive for this new society and instil confidence in victory. The struggle of those who have no stake in this system carries the energy to overturn it. All it lacks is the understanding of its historic mission and how to achieve it. Those who have no place in the current system will ensure that the interests of all of humanity are served.

To all, The Socialist Party says. let us combine our efforts to educate and unleash a powerful movement that can deliver the promises of tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Wasteful Scots

Almost 60% of Scotland's household rubbish in waste bins could have been recycled, says Zero Waste Scotland.
According to a new report, its study found that 670,000 tonnes of waste that could have been recycled was discarded. That is the equivalent of more than 10 wheelie bins per household per year.
Food waste, old paper and cardboard, garden waste and empty glass jars and bottles made up 68% of everything put into household bins. Only 27% of food leftovers are put into food waste bins, despite more than 80% of homes owning one. Almost 15,000 tonnes of plastic drinks bottles were also incorrectly discarded.

A tale of our times (video clips)

To Change Everything It Takes Everyone

 Marxism started from the proposition that economics is first and foremost about the way in which society organises to fulfil its immediate material wants. He identified himself as a materialist, in opposition to the idealist thinkers who thought that history was determined by the will of a particular deity, the ruling sovereign or some abstract idea called “human nature”. Marxism describes how whereas in primitive tribal societies it was possible for individuals to produce the means of their own subsistence through hunting and gathering etc, with the technological advances brought on in agriculture and metallurgy there was a greater division of labour with people fulfilling more and more specialised roles. In order to satisfy their basic material needs people now had to produce not just for their own individual use but to exchange in return for other goods.

But how were people to determine the value ratio at which different products would exchange? Marx explained that this was done on the basis of their one common denominator - the amount of labour time that went into producing a particular article. This exchange value does not necessarily correlate to the original use value (i.e. the utility it possesses for human beings) - for instance, diamonds are of very little practical use, but still, realise a high exchange value since their extraction is a time-consuming and labour intensive business. Likewise, many things which have a high use value to human beings (such as air) do not command any exchange value. Exchange value is determined not at an individual level but in terms of socially necessary labour time; that is the average time across the whole of that economic sector and factoring in the existing level of technology and specialisation. Thus just because one worker takes 30 minutes to produce a watch which normally takes 10 minutes to manufacture does not mean that that watch will be able to realise 3 times the exchange value. Rather the watch-maker would have to work three times as long to produce enough goods to exchange for the same amount of other products. It is important to stress here that when Marx talked about the value of goods being determined by labour time this was not the same thing as price since prices are in a constant state of disequilibrium and fluctuate constantly above or below actual value.

Now as we know very early on in human history our societies evolved from being mere aggregations of free independent producers to class societies in which existed on the one hand a large majority of un-free or semi-free labour and on the other a small elite which produced nothing at all but reserved for themselves the task of ruling over the others. But how could they support themselves without labour? The answer of course was that they would forcibly expropriate the surplus labour of others. That is to say, all of the value created over and above that needed to meet the subsistence needs of the slave or peasant farmer would accrue to the slave-owner or feudal lord. This exploitation was transparent and obvious, which is why it could only be justified by recourse to some sort of claim of divine providence or simple brute force. The genius of capitalism was that in place of this overt exploitation it was able to introduce a far subtler, more form. In an apparently free and equal exchange the capitalist who owned the means of production would advance to the worker wages in return for gaining control over the workers’ labour power. Since all commodities exchange at a value which corresponds to the socially necessary labour time necessary to reproduce them and here the commodity being exchanged is none other than labour itself. Therefore the wages paid will go to meet the upkeep of the individual worker, as well as his family which ensures the continued survival of the labour supply. However unlike all other commodities (such as raw materials, plant machinery etc) labour is unique in that it is capable not only of imparting a portion of its own cost of reproduction into a finished product but of also creating new value. Over time tools or machinery will use up their accumulated reproductive value in the production process and have to be replaced, but not so labour. Thus a worker may work 8 hours a day but in 5 hours produce enough value to meet his or her subsistence needs. This means that the value produced in the other 3 hours is surplus value, and since the worker is remunerated only for the cost of reproducing his or her labour - not the full value of the goods or services which their labour creates - it will accrue to the capitalist as profit. Another way of thinking about it is to say that since all commodities exchange on the basis of the labour time that went into their production (including that needed to extract raw materials and build machinery, not just in their final manufacture) and yet the worker does not receive the full value of the commodity, clearly exploitation exists.

However, by treating labour as a just another commodity going into the production process alongside raw materials, tools and plant machinery the capitalist system conceals this exploitation in a process which Marx calls “commodity fetishism”. From this people derive the idea that the capitalist him or herself actually creates value too since they supply the materials and means of production, when in fact without the introduction of labour these commodities are unable to do more than conserve their existing value. The relations of exploitation which were readily apparent under feudalism - where the peasant worked so many days of the year on his own land to feed and provide for his own family, and the remainder on the lands of the local baron the proceeds of which went to maintain the feudal lord - are under capitalism completely obscured. Under capitalism - unlike feudalism or other forms of pre-capitalist society - commodities are converted into money form only in order to then be exchanged for other commodities. However, in the current epoch this entire process is stood on its head so that money or capital now is converted into commodities (means of production, raw materials etc) only in order to generate a larger amount of capital. If it did not require the crucial addition of labour power in order to create new value, but could simply increase its own value spontaneously then there would be no need for it to engage in the sphere of production at all. Clearly, though this is not the case. This is significant particularly when thinking about all of the current hype about the new “pure” form of financial capitalism, in which money supposedly breeds money without any reference to the real physical economy.

Capitalism, more than any previous form of economic organisation, is a dynamic system whose fundamental laws of motion are competition and an inherent drive towards expansion. Since all production is subordinated to the need to accumulate more capital, individual capitalists must always strive to increase the level of surplus value they extract from their workers as well as to sell more and more commodities. An increase in surplus value can take place in one of two main ways: firstly through the increase in the duration of the working day (absolute surplus value), or secondly through an increase in productivity through increased levels of mechanisation, speed-up or a more specialised division of labour (relative surplus value). The first method (increase in the working day) is generally typical of capitalist development in a period of low technological development, such as Britain in the nineteenth century. It gradually lost its appeal as larger capitalist firms which could afford greater outlay of fixed or constant capital in plant machinery etc realised greater productivity from their workers, making each individual product or commodity cheaper to produce and in turn lowering the amount of socially necessary labour time to produce a specific commodity as determined across the whole economy. The smaller capitalists who relied on more traditional methods of surplus value extraction were as a result driven from the marketplace.

The irrationality of a system which is constantly overcome by crises of overaccumulation while having an innate inability to fully utilise productive capacity has never been clearer than it is today. That is why now more than ever it is imperative to arm ourselves with a coherent and powerful critique of capitalism such as only Marxism can provide.  

Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry whatever to you all

Although Christmas is the principle Christian festival it is, in fact, a lot older than Christianity and was appropriated by the early Christians from their pagan rivals. At the time Christianity was a feeble creed and needed to promote some sort of festival to attract new adherents—rather like the Young Tories laying on dances in a recruitment drive. Their most threatening competitors—the Mithraists— not unreasonably considering their time and place, worshipped the sun which was so vital to their existence and celebrated December 25 as the winter solstice the passing of the shortest day and the awakening of the life-giving sun.

In opposition, the Christians fixed on January 6 and it was not until the fourth century that they adopted December 25. By the Middle Ages, the Christian takeover of Christmas was complete, along with many heathen rites and symbols like the virgin birth and decoration with seasonable greenery. For some centuries the festival was a twelve day holiday, running until Epiphany, but the Industrial Revolution finished that, for as wage slavery became the dominant mode of exploitation labour time represented riches to the employers and such lavish periods of leisure were outlawed by capitalism’s morality of employment.

 The Socialist Courier blog does not wish its visitors a Merry Christmas. Instead, we send them the fraternal hope that they will learn that the world does not have to be as it is. Once again we who refuse to celebrate the festive season will be called kill-joys, even though all that we want to see is a society decent and co-operative and sociable enough for there to be no need to put aside one day for joy and happiness to prevail.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Xmas reality

Age Scotland said about 60,000 people over the age of 65 would experience the Chrismas Day without family or friends, a 50% increase in the number of Scots pensioners who will spend Christmas day alone since 2015.

The charity said the figures represented a surge in the "epidemic" of loneliness.

Brian Sloan, chief executive of the charity, said: "The epidemic of loneliness among older people is having a devastating impact on their health and wellbeing. While most of us are looking forward to spending the festive period with family or friends, it's sobering to think that 60,000 older Scots will have only their television for company. Many more will go for days without a visit or even a phone call from family or friends
About 80,000 people over 65 feel lonelier at Christmas time than at any other time of year, with those who have been widowed most at risk, according to the study. The same number see television as their only source of company over the festive period, with nearly one in five keeping it on all day because "it's lovely to hear human voices".

Food poverty is real

Poverty-stricken Scots are having to turn to handouts from food banks for their Christmas dinner. The Trussell Trust charity say they have seen a 48 per cent increase in the number of Scots coming through their doors in December compared to the rest of the year. Their Glasgow south-east foodbank is one of the busiest in Scotland.
Audrey Flannagan, who has managed the operation for six years, said: “We are seeing more people who are struggling due to universal credit, benefits cap or losing out on their child tax credit. Some are up to £50 a week down, which is a substantial amount when you have kids to feed... Most of the people are desperate and don’t have money to buy their kids presents, let alone fund a Christmas dinner.” Audrey said: “People who come here are at crisis point and have no where else to turn. That’s why we exist because people have no other way of feeding themselves. It’s heartbreaking, especially at this time of year.”
The trust have just reported their busiest year in Scotland with 76,764 packages of three-day emergency food supplies given to people in crisis – 24,142 to children. Trussell Trust data reveals that issues with benefit payments remain the biggest cause of referral to a food bank across Scotland, accounting for 42 per cent of all cases.
Scotland director, Tony Graham, said: “We are concerned that the ongoing impact of welfare reform – especially universal credit roll-out – combined with increased demand we traditionally see over winter, will leave foodbanks struggling to feed everyone who comes through the doors. Food banks in Scotland are already acting as an unofficial safety net, attempting to catch people let down by a welfare system that should be there for vulnerable families when they need it most. Not only would it be morally wrong for us to become a de facto arm of the welfare state, if welfare reform and universal credit roll-out continue unchanged, we simply will not be able to catch everyone that falls.”
People who are being badly let down by the welfare system and who have to choose between heating and eating.

This is real socialism

Capitalism is a system of commodity production (that is, the production of goods for sale and not for direct use by the producer) which is distinguished by the fact that labour power itself becomes a commodity. The major means of production and exchange which make up the capital of society are owned privately by a small minority, the capitalist class (the bourgeoisie), while the great majority of the population consists of proletarians or semi-proletarians. Because of their economic position, this majority can only exist by permanently or periodically selling their labour power to the capitalists and thus creating through their work the incomes of the upper classes. Thus, fundamentally, capitalism is a system of exploitation of the working class (the proletariat) by the capitalist class. In Britain and Europe capitalist economic relations (those between the class of capitalist employers and the class of wage workers) grew up within feudalism and became dominant with the overthrow of the feudal social order which took place in the revolutions of 1640 and 1688 in Britain, and later on in Europe.

For the workers, capitalism has meant widespread unemployment, accompanied by homelessness. At the same time, the exploitation of those in jobs has become more intense. Mass poverty escalates while multi-million fortunes are accumulated by the capitalist class. The development of exchange throughout history has led in the modern world to close ties being established between all the civilised nations on earth. The emergence of capitalism as a social system greatly accelerated this process. It also brought forth two powerful, antagonistic classes, the decisive classes of the system: capitalists and workers. Its international character meant that the struggle of the proletariat for its emancipation from class exploitation and oppression also became, and has remained, international.

The contradiction between the social character of production and the private character of appropriation is the basic contradiction of the capitalist system, impelling its development and giving rise to the motive force of capitalist society, the class struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. It also manifests itself as an antagonism between the high level of organisation in the individual factory or enterprise on the one hand, and on the other, the anarchy of production prevailing in the social economy as a whole. The anarchy of production is the tendency of capitalist producers, in general, to produce to the maximum without regard to their competitors or to the capacity of the market to absorb their production. Technological development under capitalism, stimulated by competition, together with other conditions favourable to the concentration of capital, leads to the steady growth of larger enterprises at the expense of many small ones. At the same time, it reduces the employers’ demand for human labour, which lags behind the supply, resulting in the development of a large pool of unemployed, a ’reserve army’ of labour, and in the intensified exploitation of those in work. The existence of such a reserve army enables capitalism to expand rapidly in ’normal’ times, providing a ready-to-hand supply of extra labour in boom times which can be laid off whenever it suits capital. It can be seen, then, that while technical progress brings about the greater productivity of labour and increased social wealth, it cannot get rid of the evils of capitalism or solve the problems of the working class. Rather, it intensifies them. Only socialism, which results from the class struggle of workers against capitalists, can solve them. Production is socialised to an ever-greater degree while the means of production are concentrated in fewer and fewer hands. Social production and the socialisation of labour are enhanced by the advance of technology, creating a material basis for the transformation of capitalism into socialism i.e., classless society. That is, it becomes both possible and necessary for the working class, the main and decisive productive force in capitalist society, to carry out a social revolution which it is the historic mission of the working class to accomplish. By replacing private ownership of the means of production by common ownership, by transforming the anarchy of production which is a feature of capitalism into planned production organised for the well-being and development of all of society, the socialist revolution will end the division of society into classes and emancipate all of humanity from all forms of exploitation of one section of society by another.

In Britain, the Independent Labour Party was formed in 1893. Marxists called it the “Independent of Socialism” party as it was never Marxist or revolutionary; it was, as Frederick Engels called it, “the bourgeois Labour Party”. So despite rhetoric about the early Labour Party being more “socialist”, there was nothing genuinely socialist about them. It was all phony propaganda. What left-wing Labourites seek to establish is state capitalism, not socialism - the capitalists are still the ruling class, and the working class was still the exploited class. The Labour Party in its early years relied on the working-class for its support and most of its members were working people. To some, this is taken as a sign that Labour was a workers’ party. Yet whether a party is actually a political party of the working class does not depend merely on a membership of workers but also upon the people who lead it, its programme, the content of its actions and political policies. The history of the Labour Party that we have outlined shows that it has never been a genuine workers’ party. Time after time workers’ living conditions and democratic rights have actually got worse under Labour governments.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Socialism is Our Destiny

 The objective of the Socialist Party is the socialist revolution. This can only be achieved when the majority wage class war to overthrow the capitalist’s state power in order to establish socialism. It is necessary for the people of the world to unite for the socialist cause. The conditions are ripe for propagating immediately the socialist revolution. Worldwide, the forces of production have rapidly grown to an immense scale on the basis of advanced technology and a well-educated workforce and are crucially interdependent on a world scale. 

Yet the avaricious character of capitalist appropriation knows no bounds. The drive of the corporations to accumulate and concentrate constant capital and cut down variable capital for wages is reducing the market in all types of goods and generating one crisis of over-production after the other, resulting in the financial strangulation of the people. The bourgeoisie has the illusion that it can solve its problems by accelerating the privatisation of state assets, deregulation and trade and investment 'liberalisation' It has run amuck in trying to dismantle the social services of its own state and to blame the working class for the ravages of the system of capitalism.

There is great confusion in the world today over the question of what is socialism. Our aim is to try to clear some of this up.

In the mid-19th century, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels penned a series of books that reflected on this change, developed a theory for explaining social change and political revolution. One of the key insights of Marxism was to identify political revolutions as rooted in wide struggles for power among social classes. On this basis, the revolutions above can be distinguished. The earlier ones are revolutions led by the rising capitalist class against feudalism. The later ones reflect the growth of the working class with the industrial revolution. They express the working class struggle for power against the new capitalist rulers. When feudalism was overthrown, and “free” capitalist society emerged, it at once became apparent that this freedom meant a new system of oppression and exploitation of the toilers. Various socialist doctrines immediately began to rise as a reflection of and protest against this oppression. But early socialism was utopian socialism. It criticised capitalist society, it condemned and damned it, it dreamed of its destruction, it indulged in fancies of a better order and endeavoured to convince the rich of the immorality of exploitation. However, utopian socialism could not point the real way out. It had not explained the essence of wage-slavery under capitalism; it did not examine the process of social development; it did not identify a social force capable of creating a new society. These were developments that Marx and Engels provided. It was the stormy revolutions everywhere in Europe, and especially in France, accompanying the fall of feudalism, that ever more clearly revealed the struggle of classes as the basis and the motive force of the whole development. Not a single victory of political freedom over the feudal class was won except against desperate resistance. Not a single capitalist country evolved on a more or less free and democratic basis except by a life and death struggle between the various classes of capitalist society. Marx was able to draw from this the deduction that world history revolves around class struggle. Marx and Engels repeatedly exposed the way people fell victims of deceit and self-deceit in politics until they learned to discover the interests of some class behind the moral, religious, political and social phrases, declarations and promises. They argued that the supporters of reforms and palliatives will always be fooled by the defenders of the old order until they realise that every old institution, however barbarous and rotten it may appear to be, is maintained by the forces of some ruling classes. They insisted that there is only one way of defeat these classes, and that is to find in the very society which surrounds us, the forces capable of sweeping away the old and creating the new. The task of socialists was not to concoct utopian schemes but to enlighten and organise these forces for this struggle. Marx and Engels transformed socialism from a Utopia into a science. For the first time in history, they armed the working class with a fully-developed scientific theory.

Parliamentary elections provide an opportunity for the capitalist class to apply their ability to deceive the people. At every election, we are asked to choose between capitalist parties offering minor variations of the same diet of falling wages, reduced social services, poverty and desperation for many, and support for wars. The working class has made repeated attempts to elect representatives to parliament but the capitalists have been adept at co-opting and corrupting these. After all, parliamentary democracy is a fundamental capitalist institution; the capitalists created parliaments to secure their power after the defeat of feudalism centuries ago. They set the rules and know the game backward. The reality has been while Labour politicians talked about socialism, in practice, they carried on running capitalism. They did introduce certain reforms which ameliorated the effects of some of the worst features of capitalism in the spheres of health, housing, and family support. Collectively, these became known as the ‘Welfare State’ – but they were not socialism. The essential feature of capitalism, that very thing which makes the system one of exploitation and robbery of the mass of wage workers by the ruling class of capitalists, namely the private ownership of the means of production and exchange, this remained untouched. There are many workers who have belonged to the Labour Party, and some who still belong, though far fewer. But this by no means makes it a political party of the workers. All their ‘socialism’ amounted to was state capitalism, in which the state was controlled and run by the capitalist class.

The Socialist Party does not shy away from the electoral struggle, however. We do not seek salvation in the false promises of the capitalist parties nor offer false hope of a reformist road to socialism. We see the election as an opportunity to criticise capitalism. Every political party defends the interest of one class or another in society. On all questions, in every battle, the Socialist Party defends the interests of the working class and works for its victory over the capitalists. We believe that socialism will be brought about by workers’ own efforts, our struggles in the workplace and in society. As Karl Marx put it: “The emancipation of the working class is the act of the workers themselves”.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Granite City Prejudice

There was 144 incidents of prejudice and discrimination recorded in Aberdeen in a six-month period this year, BBC Scotland has learned.
Figures in the report by the Grampian Racial Equality Council (Grec) show, between 1 April and 30 September, the largest group targeted was Polish. 
70% was verbal abuse.
In 64% of cases, the incident was motivated by race, with 19% linked to sexuality.
The majority of perpetrators were of Scottish origin. The youngest perpetrator was 11, the oldest 78.
The youngest victim was eight years old and the oldest 65. 

Scotland's productivity

The Office for National Statistics found that, last year, the Glasgow City Council area generated more than £20bn of economic output for the first time.
The figure of £20.3bn was 3% up on the previous year.
The City of Edinburgh's economy grew slightly faster, at 4.6%, but fell just short of the £20bn mark.
Measured as output per resident, Edinburgh was ahead of Glasgow, by £39,330 to £33,120.
However, both were well behind Aberdeen, with output per head of £46,150.
Of the four home nations, Scotland grew the slowest, at 3% in cash terms, while the UK as a whole grew by 3.7%.
Output per head in Scotland was £24,800, while across the UK as a whole, it was £26,339.
The highest output per head was in London at £46,482

Socialism is the Alternative to Capitalism

The aim of the Socialist Party is the revolutionary overthrow of the capitalist class and its replacement with socialism. Every political party defends the interest of one class or another in society. The Socialist Party defends the interests of the working class, and works to prepare its victory over the capitalists. Our Party’s role is to educate, organise and agitate the working class. The primary task of the Socialist Party is the political education of the working class. Through our campaigns, we explain the true nature of the system that oppresses workers and the need for socialist revolution. Our Party bases itself firmly on the theory of Marxism and the worldview of historical materialism. Marxism shows how the working class is exploited by the capitalist class; why capitalism must be overthrown and replaced by socialism. Our Party struggles firmly against all distortions of Marxism. The Socialist Party is the only one to represent the interest of the working class. It is the party that defends the cause of all the working people.

A handful of capitalists make vast profits on the labour of the working people. All the major means of production - the factories, forests, farms, fisheries, and mines are in the hands of a few hundred capitalists. Capitalism is a system of exploitation. A handful of parasites live off the backs of the workers and could not care less about their situation. Every bit of the capitalists' vast wealth was stolen from the working people. The capitalists get rich from the fruit of our labour. At the end of the week/month, a worker collects their pay. The capitalists and their apologetic flunkeys claim this is a fair exchange. But it is highway robbery. In reality, workers get paid for only a small part of what they produce. The rest, the surplus value, goes straight into the hands of the capitalists and their flunkeys. The bosses get rich, not because they have "taken risks" or "worked harder," as they would have us believe. The more they keep wages down and get fewer workers to do more work, the more they can steal from us and the greater their profits. If the bosses think they can make more profit somewhere else, they just close their factories and throw the workers out on the street.

Capitalism is a system of economic anarchy and crisis, plagued by periodic economic recessions, which are becoming more serious and complex. It is the very nature of each business to try to maximise its profits by pushing production and cutting expenses, especially the pay of workers. Prices tend to go up and wages down. The result is that companies find they cannot sell all they have produced, and they lay off workers. This only worsens the situation and the economy sinks even further. Economic crises are aggravated by speculation, hoarding and other schemes of the bankers, financiers, and industrialists. Each tries to profit in the short run, but their individual greed eventually throws the whole system into turmoil, leading the working class and people to suffer. This anarchic system wastes a great deal of social wealth. Money is diverted from the expansion of production and social services into speculative frenzies. Useful products and crops are routinely destroyed to keep prices and profits high. Massive industrial plants sit idle as the investors and CEOs decide they can make money in other ventures. Capitalism is an obstacle to the further advancement of the material well-being of society. It is unjust, wasteful, irrational and increasingly unproductive. In the face of economic crisis, capitalism has always tried to put the burden of the crisis onto the shoulders of working people. It uses wage freezes, social contracts, cuts in benefits, increases in taxation, cuts in expenditure on health and education, and handouts to businesses. For working people the future is less and less certain. Wages fall or remain stagnant while hours increase and working conditions deteriorate.

People live in misery so a small clique of very wealthy individuals can live in luxury. The idea that everyone can get rich under this system is a lie invented by the rich themselves. Under capitalism, the only way to get rich is to trample on someone else. There is only room for a few capitalists - at any time the great majority must work and be robbed. This is why workers have only one choice: either submit to this wage slavery or fight it! This exploitative and oppressive system, where profit is master, has choked our entire society with economic crises, political reaction, and social decay. The drive for profits holds thousands hostage to hunger and want; it has poisoned the very air that we breathe and water that we drink; it spawns cynicism and violence, drugs, crime and social devastation. The problems of capitalism - exploitation, the anarchy of production, economic crises and the whole system of injustice - arise from the self-interest of the tiny group of monopoly capitalists. Capitalism, nevertheless, has created the economic conditions for socialism. Today the whole system of production is socially interdependent, but it is controlled by private hands. In place of private control of social production, there must be common ownership if society's problems are to be addressed. Socialism will be won through the overthrow of capitalism - the seizure of political power by the working class. Having overthrown the capitalist class, the working people will take over the economic forces developed by capitalism and operate them in the interests of society. Socialism will be a better society, one which will present unprecedented possibilities for the improvement of common peoples' lives. Because working people will control the great wealth they produce, they will be fundamentally able to determine their own futures. The end of exploitation of one person by another will be a resounding liberating and transforming force. Socialism will not mean government control. Today we often hear of government control of the railways or post office as "creeping socialism". But the state serves the interests of the ruling class.

The economy will be planned to serve human needs rather than simply profit and luxury consumption by the rich. This will release the productive capacity of the economy from the limitations of profit maximisation. A great expansion in useful production and the wealth of society will become useful. The means of production - the factories, forests, farms, offices, transportation systems, media, communications, retail chains will be taken into common ownership. Private ownership will end. The personal possessions property of people will be left alone. Rational planning will replace anarchy. Coordination and planning of the broad outlines of production by public agencies will aim at building an economy that will be stable, benefit the people and steadily advance. Redirecting the productive capacity to human needs will require a variety of economic methods and experiments. There could be a combination of coordination. A socialist economy must uphold the basic principles of social ownership, production for the people's needs, and the elimination of exploitation. Factories and other productive facilities will be modernised to eliminate backbreaking labour and ecological damage. Productivity gains will be used to shorten the working day and improve living standards, rather than create unemployment. Construction of housing, schools, medical, cultural and sporting facilities for working people will be a priority. With socialism, goods and services will be distributed on the basis of from each according to their ability, to each according to their need. No longer will investors and landlords live off the labour of others. Every person will get the opportunity to contribute to society as much as they are able. Transforming the main productive enterprises from private to common ownership will allow workers to manage democratically their own workplaces through workers' councils and elected administrators, in place of the myriad of supervisors and consultants today. In this way, workers will be able to make their workplaces safe and efficient places that can serve their own interests as well as society's.

To make revolution and put an end to capitalism, the working class must have a clear strategic plan and must determine who are the main enemies. Standing in the way of social progress and socialism is the capitalist class. In making the socialist revolution, the capitalist class is our main enemy. Our foe is the ruling class who hold state power and is responsible for the hardships facing our people. Against this minority stands the vast majority of the rest of the population. The conditions of life for 95% of the people cannot fundamentally improve without the overthrow of the ruling class of capitalists. The working class is daily thrown into conflict with the capitalist class. The capitalists are the ruling class. They are our enemy in the fight for socialism. Through their ownership and control of the means of production they control the economic life and live off the profits they squeeze from the working class. Through the Tories, Labour and Nationalist parties the capitalist class uses the government for its own ends. Through its control of the State, the capitalists make the decisions which affect the whole of society. However, for all its power, the capitalist class is not a totally united class. There are divisions between domestic and foreign capital, between monopoly and non-monopoly capital, between state and private capital.

The working class is composed of all wage-earners - mental and manual, urban and rural - whether in basic industry, manufacturing, service, farm, sales, domestic, clerical, public or other jobs. The working class is composed of skilled and unskilled, employed and unemployed. Some workers earn more money than some in the so-called middle-class, but they are still members of the working class because they must sell their labour power to survive. Despite its huge numerical advantage, the powerful potential of the working class has been frustrated by division and lack of class consciousness. The majority of workers at this time do not understand the need for fundamental change to society. They have difficult lives but do not see how their problems can be resolved. They want an improvement in their lives and often struggle against their employers, but do not yet see the need for revolutionary change. There are also workers who are generally content with their station in life or feel that, even though things could improve, capitalism is the best system. They do not favour change and many are affected by national chauvinism. These workers normally agree with the capitalist class on major domestic and foreign policy issues.

The struggle for socialism will mainly be a protracted legal one, but the working class cannot chain itself to the rules established by the ruling class. The working class must make preparations to defend itself from attack and be able to adopt different tactics in the case of class war. We are internationalists.  

Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Crisis Society

 Workers have to deal with the buying and selling in different ways from capitalist. Capitalists must sell the products in order to realise a return of their capital investment. Workers must live on the wages paid which requires them to be careful and search around for what are often called bargains.
Socialists want a society where people would take the goods they need from the store when needed and no money or bargains or Black Fridays or gimmicks or financial distress or frantic promotional and discounting would be necessary.  
The comments below extracted from the "Sarah Butler - The Guardian - 21 December 2017" under the title " UK retailers in financial distress" expresses a worry by retailers that shoppers are wising up to gimmicks which might not appear as good as they first appear.
 Nearly 45,000 retailers are in financial distress this Christmas as a snowy weekend and the squeeze on consumer spending power hit sales after the Black Friday rush.
Julie Palmer, a retail expert at Begbies Traynor, said retailers had faced a particularly disappointing few weeks of trading following the apparent success of Black Friday at the end of November.
"The increasingly frantic promotional and discounting activity we are seeing this week across the high street is simply not having the same effect on consumers as it once did," she said.
"UK shoppers are savvier than ever and prepared to search online for the best deals, having grown wise to the gimmicks and discounts on offer in store, which many now realise may not be as good as they first appear."