Monday, November 12, 2018

Reading the direction of the signposts

No one can understand the main political questions of our time without an understanding of the state, and of its connection with classes and the class struggle.
The people who run this world are a small handful of industrialists, financiers who are multimillionaires and billionaires. They own the vast productive forces–the factories, the mines, the mills, the transportation and communication systems, and these people exploit the working class, the majority of the population, for their own private profit. The State–the police, army, courts, bureaucracy and similar institutions–is controlled by this capitalist class. Big Business consistently uses the police and the courts to break strikes and generally to put restrict the resistance of the oppressed who own little or no means of production. In short, the State is the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. We do not mean there is a dictatorship in this country of one or several men. It does mean there is a class dictatorship, usually concealed, where a tiny handful of profit-makers rules society and uses the State as their weapon to suppress working people. The capitalists do not openly admit their rule. Instead, they claim that this is a democracy where every voter takes part in running the government. The ruling class goes to great lengths to cover up their dictatorship under the mask of democracy, for it is extremely difficult for a minority of exploiters to rule by force alone. In fact, the employing owning class is no more willing to “share” power with the majority of people than it is to share the ownership of the means of production and wealth. For them to function as a capitalist class, they must exploit the working class; and to exploit the workers, who constantly resist this exploitation and oppression, they must use the state to suppress the workers.
Under the capitalist mode of production, the principal classes in society are the capitalist class and the working class, or proletariat. Their historically-determined production relations form the basis, the economic structure of capitalist society. The capitalist class owns the means of production, the workers work for this class for wages; having no means of production of their own, they are forced to sell their labour power for what they can get. They are thus an exploited class. The state is part of the superstructure (the most important part) erected on the basis of capitalist production relations to reinforce the power of the capitalists to exploit the workers.
Of course, the working class has been granted some democratic rights such as the right to vote, free speech, free press, etc. But these liberties, like everything else in capitalist society, mean one thing to the ruling class and quite another for the workers. For the capitalists, freedom of the press and free speech, as examples, mean the right to fill media with their propaganda and lies and to use them freely to debate with each other. For the capitalists, elections are a way to settle differences among themselves, while making it look like everybody has equal say. For the workers, democratic rights are the fruits of previous struggles, and we fight to preserve them for they make it easier to organise and mobilise for the day when the capitalists will be overthrown. Nevertheless,  civil and human rights for the masses are primarily a sham, a mask, to cover the despotism of the capitalists. This is especially clear when democratic rights come into conflict with the most basic “freedom” of bourgeois society–the right of the capitalists to their “private property” and to exploit the labour of the workers. The ruling class decides by struggle and compromise within its own ranks, and among its paid politicians, how it will maintain its system of exploitation over the people. And, as our capitalist rulers have extended their markets overseas and the wage system of exploitation throughout the world, they have ruined and impoverished the masses of people in every other country. The capitalist state is an instrument of the minority to suppress the exploited majority.
This situation can only be reversed by socialist revolution to overthrow capitalist rule.  The political bourgeois state–and all its rules and regulations aimed at enslaving the people–are abolished. The State as such will be replaced by the common administration of society by all its members. Once in power, the working class moves to socialise the ownership of the means of production-making them the common property of society–to resolve the basic contradiction of capitalism, to break down the obstacles capitalism puts in the way of progress and makes possible the rapid development of society. Socialism is a higher form of society than capitalism and is bound to replace it all over the world, just as capitalism replaced the feudal system of nobility and serfs. Since the working class and the socialist society built represent the interests of the great majority of society, the workers openly proclaim their rule and openly dictate to their former exploiters and tormentors. The majority rule of the working class cannot be exercised by deceiving the masses of people, but only by their active involvement in every part of the political life of society and raising their political consciousness. Socialism replaces capitalism where there will no longer be any classes, and, therefore, there will no longer be any need for any State. Socialism subverts the old order of dog-eat-dog,  and looking out for number one philosophy. Everyone in society will share equally in mental and manual work, in producing goods and services and managing the affairs of society and the outlook of the working class places the common good above narrow, individual interests. Goods and services can be produced so abundantly that money is no longer needed to exchange them and they can be distributed to people solely according to their needs. Socialism will show that people can do away completely and forever capitalism and all other forms of class society.
The capitalists like to pretend that capitalism is eternal. The fact is, however, that for the greater part of human history mankind lived in tribal society under a system of primitive communism, a system without classes, in which acceptance of the authority of the elders did not require a special coercive force but was freely given, and questions of paramount importance were decided by the tribal assembly. In those times there was no state. Nor did the notion of male superiority exist. Women took part in decision-making on terms of full equality with men.
The immediate goal of the Socialist Party is to overthrow the capitalist class and create a new social system where we, the people, will for the first time be our own masters. Socialism is a new system and is built on the ruins of the old capitalist system. Without private property – no economic classes; without classes – no state, no special elite with an armed force at its disposal to coerce and impose its rule and will upon others in society. Socialism is when the different social classes have disappeared and a free association of equals has emerged in which association the free development of individua1 character will be the necessary condition of the free development of all. As soon as capitalist domination has been put an end to we will have disarmed bourgeoisie opposing the expropriations.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

What Makes People Want The Deadly Effects Of Fentanyl?

In an October 13th article the Toronto Star focused on the deadly effects of the powerful effects of the synthetic opioid fentanyl in Downtown Eastside, a Vancouver neighborhood where many residents struggle with poverty, addiction and health problems, both mental and physical. 

A woman, Sarah Blyth, was determined to slow down the spread of fentanyl, which has tainted nearly all illicit drugs in British Columbia and is now spreading all over Canada, so she started the first overdose prevention site in Downtown Eastside. She knew if she trained volunteers to administer the reversal drug naloxone it would save lives, but the major problem was it illegal. Blyth persevered until the authorities in Vancouver and B.C. decided to act by opening more overdose prevention sites.

 It sounds like a great story, but the trouble is that the efforts of Ms. Blyth and her fellow volunteers, however commendable they are, is like someone trying to stop the tide coming in with only a bucket. In 2017 there were 1,450 deaths from fentanyl in B.C. and this year the best month so far has yielded 133. At the end of the year they are expecting a record 1,750. 

The question should not be, " how can we prevent the spread of this drug'', but, '' What makes people want to take it?''
For socialism, 

Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC



The ribbons arrayed the honours displayed
The medals jingling on parade
Echo of battles long ago
But they’re picking sides for another go.

The martial air, the vacant stare
The oft-repeated pointless prayer
“Peace oh’ Lord on earth below”
Yet they’re picking sides for another go.

The clasped hands, the pious stance
The hackneyed phrase “Somewhere in France”
The eyes downcast as bugles blow
Still they’re picking sides for another go.

Symbol of death the cross-shaped wreath
The sword is restless in the sheath
As children pluck where poppies grow
They’re picking sides for another go.

Have not the slain but died in vain?
The hoardings point, “Prepare again”
The former friend a future foe?
They’re picking sides for another go.

I hear Mars laugh at the cenotaph
Says he, as statesmen blow the gaff
“Let the Unknown Warriors flame still glow”
For they’re picking sides for another go.

A socialist plan the world would span
Then man would live in peace with man
Then wealth to all would freely flow
And want and war we would never know.

(J. Boyle 1971)


The Socialist Party propose that all resources, all land and buildings, all factories and manufacturing, mines and mills, all means of transportation and communication, should be, not private property, but the common property of all.

We propose that production be made to serve the needs of the people rather than to serve the needs of a few parasites. We hold with science that production and distribution of goods can be planned. Planned economy on the basis of common ownership without any class division is called socialism.

When the Socialist Party speak of a society organised on the basis of planned production and distribution we mean something entirely different. What we have in mind is very simple, to do away with production for profit and distribute the fruits of increased production among all the members of society, to enrich the economic and cultural life of everyone and to ease their toil with the further improvement of technology and working methods, according to the latest advances of science which have shown what immense possibilities for the satisfaction of human wants are contained in the potential achievements of automation and robotics in its future growth. It reduces human labour to the easy task of a few hours a day. 
Let everybody work according to ability; let everybody receive from the common stock of goods according to needs. In socialism, there is no exploitation, no oppression, no insecurity, no poverty.  Life is made humane. With this begins the great ascent of mankind. This is capable of fulfillment. Socialists are the only realists.  Socialists are not against dreaming, but our dreams are real. We are practical dreamers. The socialist revolution, a socialist society, involves of necessity the self-administration of production and of society by the citizens and the producers of their own behalf and not by any self-appointed clique claiming to rule in their place. In the words of Rosa Luxemburg “Socialism by its very nature cannot be built by decree... Without general elections, without unrestricted freedom of press and assembly... public life gradually falls asleep, a few dozen party leaders of inexhaustible energy and boundless experience direct and rule... a dictatorship to be sure; not the dictatorship of the proletariat, however, but only the dictatorship of a handful of politicians, that is the dictatorship in the bourgeois sense…”

 Once class-free society is established, the State – by definition having as its purpose class exploitation and hence by now without function – “withers away.” There exists an “administration of things.” Engels wrote to August Bebel:
“As soon as there is no longer a class of society to be held in subjection; as soon as, along with class domination and the struggle for individual existence based on the former anarchy of production, the collisions and excesses arising from them have also been removed, there is nothing more to repress which would make a special repressive force, a state, necessary.”

Capitalism is a system of commodity production (that is, the production of goods for sale and not for direct use by the producer) which is distinguished by the fact that labour power itself becomes a commodity. The major means of production and exchange which make up the capital of society are owned privately by a small minority, the capitalist class (the bourgeoisie), while the great majority of the population consists of proletarians or semi-proletarians. Because of their economic position this majority can only exist by permanently or periodically selling their labour power to the capitalists and thus creating through their work the incomes of the upper classes. Thus, fundamentally, capitalism is a system of exploitation of the working class (the proletariat) by the capitalist class.

Economic crises are due to the basic features of the capitalist system. One feature is the anarchy of production. Businessmen decide what kind of things to produce and how many to produce either individually or in small groups. Production is not planned by any coordination or cooperation. Over time, disproportions between the activities of various firms and different industries eventually occur. Disproportions in the economy affect the capitalists’ profits. When businessmen do not make the expected level of profits, they shut down production. Shutdowns, order cancellations, and bankruptcies can cause a chain reaction leading to economic paralysis, which is called a crisis. The effect of this unplanned method of production under capitalism causes either too many products or too few products on the market. No matter what the level of technology, how high the unemployment level, or how gorged the stocks of raw materials, the capitalist will sabotage production in order to make a higher profit. The level of production is determined by how much profit is to be made, not by the needs of the people who live under the capitalist system. Part of the chain reaction of the economic contraction is a falling level of working-class consumption. Another reaction is growing unemployment. However, it is the economic contraction which causes a decline in wages and working-class consumption and growing unemployment, not under-consumption by the working class that causes capitalist economic crises. If an organisation supports the line that under-consumptionism is the reason for capitalist economic crises then there is no need for revolution. All the working class has to do to solve its problems is to demand some tax relief and extra spending on the part of the capitalist state. As long as the capitalists are in control, production is based on profits, not social needs, and workers will never have cheap, abundant medical care, food, education,
leisure activities, and so on. Just having higher wages or less taxes does not make capitalists produce more. Total production may remain the same while prices rise even more–the old supply and demand trick. The underconsumptionist theory channels the working class away from class struggle and into dead-end reformism. Struggle is confined to making appeals through the system to this or that politician. It helps the capitalists to foster reformist illusions in the working class. Instead of arming the working class with the knowledge to fight the capitalist politicians who are always trying to lead us into the swamp of reformism, those Leftist groups offers an economic ideology for us to join the reformists.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

You Must First Eliminate The Cause.

That racist feelings are on the rise in Ontario cannot be doubted by anyone who lives there. So it was surprising that the Ford government disbanded 4 sub-committees of the Anti-Racism Directorate, these being the ones concerning racism directed against Jews, black people, Muslims and indigenous people. Also, they downgraded the minister to a part-time minister. 

Nevertheless, the poor downgraded guy, Michel Tibollo, said it wouldn't make any difference in the work of the directorate, which is hard to believe. Any government can spend a fortune on trying to eliminate racism, not that it would be so generous, but it would still be a case of fighting cancer with band-aids and aspirin. 

We Socialists know that to eliminate the symptom you must first eliminate the cause.

For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC.

Will It Be COOL MAN?

On October 17 the Federal Government honored their election promise and legalized the sale of Marijuana in Canada. The beneficiaries of this will surely be the big tobacco and Pharma companies. This whole deal is about is shifting production from small illegal businesses to big legal ones, who are taxable. 

As the tobacco and alcohol industries have shown mood-altering substances are very profitable and taxes come from profits. 

At the time of writing we don’t know exactly how it will play out. Will it be COOL MAN or just another crazy-capitalist cock up? -- we'll keep you informed. 

What we do know is society would be better off without a need for narcotics, booze, nicotine barbiturates and gambling.
For socialism,
 Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC.

The UN Inspects Scotland

Philip Alston, the United Nations rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights squeezed onto a school bench alongside a dozen children in one of Glasgow’s most deprived neighbourhoods and posed a question: “Who should help poor people?”
“The rich people,” Soroush, one of the children, shot back. “It’s unfair to have people earning billions of pounds and have other people living on benefits.”
After an itinerary dominated by meetings with politicians and charities, the world-leading human rights expert ended his week at Avenue End school, which serves some of the most deprived neighbourhoods in Scotland. In places like Craigend and Ruchazie about 30% of adults are on benefits and life expectancy for men is about a decade less than in the affluent south of the city.
The children were asked to jot down what being poor might mean for a person. John Adebola-Samuel, 12, quietly penned: “He cannot afford meals. He cannot buy trainers. He cannot watch TV.” John’s family relied on food banks for two years and for a long time he only took bread and butter to school for lunch. “I got hungry because I was smelling the other food,” he said. “I had to take my eyes away from it. The most unfair thing is the government knows families are going through hard times but they decide not to do anything about it.”
“When you see how austerity has panned out in this country and you see people in crisis far more often, that for me is a fundamental human rights issue,” said Judith Robertson, chair of the Scottish Human Rights Commission, who is backing a change in the law. “At this moment in the UK we have lost the idea that all human beings are equal and should be treated with dignity and respect.”
Alex Thornburn, a disabled man who has lived in poverty, told Alston at a meeting in Edinburgh that austerity policies “have sanctioned, stigmatised and de-humanised millions”. Extending human rights protections to welfare could change that, its advocates hope. Objectors say it could give rise to costly new obligations, which would require big changes to public finances and that it would give sovereignty over key policy issues to an international body.
The Citizens Advice Bureau provided Alston with unpublished figures suggesting 21% of 2,700 people who responded to an unweighted open survey had gone a whole day without eating and 40% admitted running out of food.
Bill Scott, the policy director for Inclusion Scotland, a group for disabled people, told him about a woman who had chronic physical and mental health problems who said she had sex for money after her benefit was stopped following a work capability assessment. She hadn’t eaten for nearly a week but was deeply ashamed. “She couldn’t live with herself,” he said.
Karen Reid, 35, a single mother of four in the deprived Pilton neighbourhood - close to affluent Stockbridge and the elite Fettes College public school - told the Guardian how she last worked nine years ago, struggled with depression and once drank so heavily she suffered permanent nerve damage to her hands and feet. Her disability allowance has been stopped, costing her family £600 a month.
“Things are going wrong and they are getting worse,” she said.


If one looks at the history of the socialist movement, there is not a lot of useful literature which shows how to build a socialist society. Rather there is a long record of what not to do. The question of vital concern to every worker is what will happen to the capitalist society if it is not replaced by socialism. We already see the trend of capitalism that political and economic power becomes concentrated in the hands of fewer and fewer hands. Every country is now ruled by a tiny handful of enormously powerful capitalists. They dominate and dictate all economic life. They rule the lives of the workers. The capitalist class, those holders of stocks and bonds, receivers of profits are unproductive and superfluous to society - a parasitic class. They act as a leech which systematically drains the life-blood of the economy.

Competition for the market in which profit is realised has always been the hallmark of capitalism. Competition means the absence of organisation and planning in production. It means blind production for the blind market – what socialists call “the anarchy of production.” Businesses compete with each other not only on a national scale but all over the world. The growth of capitalism does not eliminate competition or its evils. It intensifies them at home, and above all on a world scale. The competition is fierce and ruthless. It is all the fiercer and more ruthless because the area in which it takes place grows smaller and smaller.

The government is the executive committee of the capitalist class as a whole. If it fixes wages and prices, it fixes them in the interests of the most powerful economic class in the country, the capitalists. That, is why, every time an economic balance sheet of government intervention in the economy is drawn up, it is found that the capitalists are stronger and richer, and working people are weaker and poorer. The growing regimentation and oppression, the violation and elimination of democratic rights and institutions, affects all the population, outside the ranks of capitalists themselves. The unemployed and others on benefits are maintained by the government and are at the government’s mercy. They are ordered to take any job, regardless of wages or working conditions, which it instructs them to take. The results for all mankind are appalling.

The conquest of capitalism, the rule of the working class, the inauguration of socialism - that is the aim of the Socialist Party. That is the task of the working class. That is the road to human freedom. In the hands of the working class rests the greatest responsibility in history, the greatest possibility for human advancement ever known. we alone can restore progress to society. We alone can bestow all humanity with freedom, equality, and abundance. We alone can give labour respect and dignity. We alone can release science from the fetters hobbling innovation. Almost the entire world stands ready for the emancipation of the working class. The working class is the only consistently revolutionary class. It is, therefore, the only consistently democratic class. Democracy is inseparably linked up with the struggle for socialism. Upon socialism, depends the happy future of humanity and of civilisation. The working class is called upon to save society from barbarism, the only alternative to socialism.

Socialism is being abandoned and its validity challenged primarily on the ground of the viability of capitalism. That capitalism is doomed due to climate change is now perhaps more widely acknowledged today than before but the socialist alternative is still not being accepted. This rejection of socialism in our day takes place not so much on the ground that capitalism is viable as that the socialist perspective is not. Members of the Socialist Party are frequently asked “Prove to me that socialism is inevitable and I will join.” What is asked of us, an answer cannot be given? Precisely because it represents a new stage in human history, despite capitalism bears within itself the seeds of its own destruction, socialism can only be established only by conscious, deliberate, efforts by the working class which must make its own history. Capitalism creates all the conditions which make the advance to socialism possible; and in the sense that the advance to socialism is a necessity for the further progress of society itself, the only way in which to preserve civilisation. 

The end of capitalism may be inevitable, but the advent of socialism isn’t. We may speak of the historical necessity of socialism since without it human society cannot continue to develop. If society is to continue to develop, socialism will inevitably come. The choice is not one between capitalism and socialism. The foundations of capitalism threaten to collapse. The choice to be made is between socialism and barbarism. 

Friday, November 09, 2018

Scottish Poverty

Campaigners have called for more action to be taken to help the one million people in Scotland living in poverty.

The Poverty Alliance said that 230,000 children are included in the one-million figure
Tracy Gilmour, a former social worker and mental health officer, said: “I’ve been living on income support since I had to stop working because of my mental health 18 months ago.

“The benefits I receive aren’t enough to meet my family’s basic needs and I carry around guilt at not being able to provide them with everything they deserve. The pressure and demands of daily life are a constant battle. It’s exhausting having to hide it from my two daughters and to constantly make excuses for why we can’t do things.
 A simple request for a school trip payment is enough to make me feel like we’re sinking and losing our grip.”

Please remember this: the rich are our enemy

Reformists never learn. Despite all the evidence to the contrary. They still hold faith that societies can shape capitalism that can regulate itself better, to produce a kinder, more tolerable society. But if this is possible, why has it never happened up to now, at least not for any length of time? The fact is that capitalism can’t be reshaped so as to put human values before market values. It has to put profits first and its economic mechanisms impose this on any government which may have other thoughts. In order to retain power, the possessing class teaches the idea that capital and capitalism have always existed. They seek to convey the idea that capitalist class society and capitalist exploitation will continue to exist forever. In other words, it is a system of society which is natural and eternal, and there is no use, anyone, thinking of making fundamental changes in it or replacing it with any other social system. This idea is false and has been developed only to maintain the capitalist class economic and political control. It is a system of hideous absurdity, a destroyer of social wealth, the eliminator of human happiness, security and life itself. The wondrous productive machine which capitalism helped to create, if rationally organised, could easily supply the needs and comforts of all, proves to be a mechanism that degrades the people to poverty, wretchedness, suffering, and iniquity.
Capitalism robs us of those things which make us truly human: socialism is the re-appropriation of those powers alienated from us under class society. The worker whether the business which employs him or her is owned by foreign shareholders or not. He or she can live only by persuading some firm or other to buy the person's working ability and wherever he or she works they will receive, on a broad average, the same wage. Perhaps, at times, a glimmering of the facts gets through to the workers and sets them realising that "their" nation does not belong to them. That a very small minority in the world own almost anything that is worth owning, whilst the rest spend their waking lives in work to keep things that way. That the majority scrape along with the shabby and tawdry whilst the few can have—literally—the best. The best clothes, houses, food, holidays. The best chance of living a worthwhile life. And—final irony—they can have all this without needing to work for it. They can leave that part to the lazy, loyal working class. Why are they loyal? Because they think that they have some stake in the country of their living, which gives them a common cause with the capitalist class. And what does this stake amount to. About the biggest and most valuable thing that most workers are ever likely to own is a house. And what agonies they must go through, to get it! Every capitalist concern, whatever the nationality of its shareholders, is in business to make profit. It is, indeed, to make more profit that they invest overseas.
The Socialist Pary seeks a better world founded on common ownership, equality, and democracy, to meet all mankind’s material needs, to raise his or her personal and individual development to the greatest possible height. The Second International or the Third International traditions have come to dominate what passes for socialist thinking that they are now regarded as a refutation of the principles of socialism and cause for redefining socialism. The Socialist Party was well aware of the dangers of a concentration of economic and political power within the hands of an all-powerful state. It claimed that state ownership could only end in some form of bureaucratic despotism. State property is administered by ministerial officers, and these are, by the nature of things, a hierarchy and chain of command. State ownership is a means of controlling and regimenting workers. These officials involved in the administration of the state do so as representatives of those who control the State. So we need to remember that the State and social ownership are not the same thing. One cannot equate the state with society. The change from the one social system to the other will be the social revolution. The political state throughout history has meant the government of a few over the majority. 
 Socialism will administered by the whole community, a true democracy. Socialism will require no political state because there will be neither a privileged property class nor a downtrodden property-less class: there will be no social disorder as a result, because there will be no clash of economic interests; there will be no need to create a power to make law and maintain order. As Engels wrote, the state will wither away. Engels states that ‘man...has become master of his own social organisation’.

Thursday, November 08, 2018

Only If They Were Auditioning For A Movie!

The working class elect people to run capitalism or try hard, but some don't have a clue where it’s at, which is obvious by the dumb things they say.

 A typical case being the comments made about the cost of groceries by soon-to-be ex-Premier of Quebec, Philippe Couillard on Sept. 20. 

With the brilliance and clarity of genius, he said a family of an adult and 2 teenagers could be fed on $75 a week. 

What he didn't say was only if they were auditioning for a movie part as concentration camp inmates.

 Dalhousie University Prof. Sylvain Charlebois set Couillard straight by saying in Quebec it would be $149 a week. 

To bad thanksgiving (for what?) is over, then starving people could have eaten that enormous Turkey.
For socialism,
 Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC

The SPGB and Marx

Many have observed that there has been a lull in the class war and therefore believe that it is all over and the ruling class has won.  Workers always have to struggle to get by and always have to fight to keep up their living standards. The greatest danger the capitalists are faced with is the steady spreading of the knowledge of the class struggle that must exist in a society divided into masters and slaves. To meet this spreading understanding the master class uses various agents and agencies to mislead the workers, to hide the facts of the case or to strenuously deny them, and to endeavour to increase the confusion of thought existing among those who are beginning to have a faint glimpse of the truth. That is well worth remembering. One great difference between the master class and the working class is the clear grip that the former haveof the insecurity of their position as a ruling class. The workers in a large number of cases have not even grasped the fact that a ruling class exists, and so are quite puzzled at the various social actions going on around them, the effects of which they feel without understanding the cause. But a small number at present are beginning to understand that there is some connection between the evils they suffer from and the fact that they have to work for an employer. This understanding is confused and even vague with many at the moment, but its existence is beyond dispute and causes a good deal of uneasiness among the elite. The cleverest of the master class is always on the look-out for new methods to meet this danger. They and their agents began to popularise the term "socialism" by tacking it on to every little reform or intervention in the market taken by the Government. Various attempts have been made to trick the workers into believing that socialism meant taking part in the internecine quarrels among the capitalists.

What is it that the Labor Party advocate? Revolution? Radicalism? Reform? Well, no—it is respectability! This is the logical end of the Labour Party's road to power via capitalist policies. It is the end which the Socialist Party foretold over a hundred years ago when Labour Party members were busily dubbing us the Impossibilists.

While we strongly sympathise with all real struggles against the employers' attacks, we never cease to urge upon the workers the need for class-consciousness for ending this system of society altogether, by political control. A General Strike tactic as a means of emancipation must surely fail, for the working class are propertyless, and if they cease work deprivation stares us in the face. All acquainted with daily life know the terrible misery that a strike entails; the suffering on the faces of the helpless children and struggling wives,  the crammed pawn-shops: these remind us that strikes hurt the workers as well as the masters. A sectional strike has those at work helping those who are out. But when all the workers strike even that help fails, for they are all in the same boat. True, a general strike may paralyse a nation but we all depend upon continual production, and cessation means pain upon the most vulnerable—we have no stores, no reserves. Our masters have.

 For the workers, the capitalist treadmill will last for as long as the working class chooses to put up with capitalism.  Many claim Marx’s “predictions” did not come true.  Has the control of industry become more and more concentrated into fewer and fewer hands? Has the proportion of capital invested in plant, machinery, and equipment grown more and more in relation to that spent on living labour? Has the process of capital accumulation proceeded, not smoothly, but in fits and starts, periods of rapid growth ending in periods of slump? Have the rich got richer? Have more and more of the old 'middle classes' become employees? Has the peasantry declined? Has the proportion of wage earners in the working population gone up? Have money-commodity relations spread more and more into all aspects of life? Has the economy become more and more international and globalised? Need we continue?

The Socialist Party doesn’t blindly adhere to everything Marx said and did. In fact we criticise him on some points, for instance, his taking sides in wars and his support for some nationalist movements. We recognise that, because he was politically active at a time when capitalism had not yet fully built up the material basis for a world socialist society, he took up positions on day-to-day issues which are no longer relevant today now that capitalism has done this. The reason why we continue to refer to Marx’s views on capitalism and history is not that it was him who put them forward but because he happened to be the first person to “lay bare the laws of motion of the capitalist mode of production”. The conceptual tools he developed for analysing capitalism (value, labour-power, surplus value, constant capital, variable capital, rate of surplus value, rate of profit, etc.) are still useful today. Similarly, with the tools he developed for analysing past and present societies and social change (forces of production, relations of production, economic base, political and ideological superstructure, class, class interest, class struggle, etc.).

It is true that Marx’s expectation was that the working class would become more and more class-conscious and that when a majority had become socialists they would take political action to abolish capitalism and establish socialism and that this hasn’t happened. But because it hasn’t happened yet does not mean that it never will. If that was true then capitalism would last forever. But it is of paramount importance that we advance to the next system in an orderly way. If we are not careful we may extinguish all life on the planet before socialism can be established and lose our chance of finally controlling our destiny.

Why are we the enemy of capital, national and international? Because the capitalists own the means whereby we live. All that we own is the power to labour. In order to live we are compelled to sell this to those who own the necessaries of life. It is they who decide whether we shall live or not. It is here where the interests of capitalists and workers are opposed. It is from this the class war springs, with its strikes and lock-outs, its police and bayonet charges, its hellish punishment of the workers.

Poverty, unemployment, almost all the evils we are subjected to, arise from this fact of ownership by a class of the means of life. It comes to this, that in order |that we may exist at all, it is necessary first of all to obtain their permission. If the workers desire to be free and to abolish the class war with all its evils, they must organise themselves as a propertyless class against the property-owning class on the political and industrial fields, and seize from the capitalists their political power, thereby clearing the way for the freedom of the whole human race. This is the work the Socialist Party has set out to accomplish, but it can only be done when the workers decide to do it. Therefore we appeal to ALL to endeavour to understand our Declaration of Principles with a view to accepting it and joining us, so that the day will be appreciably nearer when we shall smash up this rotten and inhuman system, and institute a healthier, happier, peaceful, and truly prosperous state of society. Democracy means participating in the running of affairs, not following leaders. The only kind of politics that is going to work is a do-it-yourself politics aimed at abolishing the profit system.

Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Scotland's ageing population

Scotland's ageing population poses a "real risk" to the country's budget in future, a Holyrood committee has said.
The working-age population is set to fall from 2018 onwards, alongside a big increase in the number of over-75s. 
Scotland's economy is forecast to grow more slowly than that of the UK for each of the next four years and the Scottish Fiscal Commission said a "key factor" behind this was demographic change and population growth, with the number of people in the 16-64 working-age bracket set to shrink in the immediate future.
Finance committee convener Bruce Crawford said "The bad news is that while our ageing population is not new, it is set to accelerate from 2021, and this is happening faster than rest of the UK. In the longer term, all future Scottish governments will need to respond to the pressures this creates."

Scotland Playground for the Rich

Almost a fifth of Scotland’s entire land mass is a grouse moor, and despite popular perception these moors are not natural.
The land is intensively managed to create a habitat suitable for one species, the red grouse, which is farmed to be shot for fun and entertainment.
In order to support sport shooting in Scotland, intensive land management techniques are employed to ensure estates yield large numbers of grouse to increase bag sizes at commercial shoots.
This includes heather burning, rigorous predator controlmountain hare persecution and unnecessary construction of roads and tracks, among others, all of which have wider negative social, environmental and welfare impacts
Broadcaster and naturalist Chris Packham is backing the campaign,  explained, “There is no doubt that we all deserve, need better uplands, a prosperous place for wildlife and people – and that is far from impossible. But making that turn will need a suite of skills and energies and that’s why I am keen to help inaugurate this partnership. Dead, burned and barren has to go – Scotland’s hills should be alive.”

Nobody can change a world they don’t understand

For the Socialist Party, abundance is not the complete satisfaction of all conceivable material needs (it is hard to see how that would be possible) but providing for all our basic and secondary needs. There is no reason to hold that our vision of socialism and a sustainable environment are in conflict. Our focus is with the free development of human capacities, not with the growth of material production and consumption for its own sake. It is not just a question of taking over and reproducing the existing form of economic organisation as it exists under capitalism. Tackling climate change means demonstrating that the solution requires the reorganisation of society, that we face not technical but economic barriers. Partial demands under capitalism run the risk of being subverted by capitalism. It points to the limits of reforms under capitalism and the necessity of a revolutionary transformation of society. Concentrating upon lifestyle changes is in danger of taking us away from a real onslaught on the political structures of capitalism and towards the cul-de-sac of changing individual behaviour. Capitalism which operates for maximum corporate profit cannot halt its march to destruction even if some of the 1% do recognise the need for reforms. It requires replacing capitalist profit with production for real human need, and a substantial transformation of how we live and work, in ways that only a fundamentally democratic and fully participatory society can hope to achieve. There isn’t time to waste.

The most critical issues facing mankind's future on the planet have generally not been treated as a priority and the “solutions” proposed are the wrong ones. An ecologically rational society is incompatible with capitalism. We cannot slide into suggesting that capitalism reforms could avoid ecological catastrophe. Capitalist production and “the market” cannot and will not halt climate catastrophe. The struggle to halt environmental destruction and capitalism itself must be waged simultaneously. Decarbonisation is simply incompatible with the most basic imperative of capitalist production. That imperative is growth — meaning the growth of production for profit, whether or not such growth enhances or degrades human lives, the viability of life on Earth, or anything else. The absolute urgency of cutting way back on fossil-fuel consumption is going to require, inevitably, a reduction in growth in that sense — although if properly organised, not necessarily a reduction in production for human needs. The production of war materiel and plastic wrapping is profitable, in a way that clean water for two billion folks who can't pay “market price” may never be. In a capitalist market economy, each unit — each enterprise — must profit at whatever expense, or die. Honorable intentions make little to no difference. And each capitalist nation-state can be expected, under DDP or any similar project, to advance the interests of its own leading businesses' and industrial corporations' interests.

Our society is based on private property, which means that a few people own the means of life. This leaves a lot of people who are virtually propertyless. and who therefore have to work for the few owners. In this work, they create a surplus which must be sold so that the capitalists can realise their profits. These profits are used by and at the discretion of the international, wealthy ruling class. Capitalism can be attacked coldly, with fact and arguments on economics, history and the rest. This does not mean that we do not see through the cloying mess of moral standards and human values which capitalism foists on us. It is useless merely to try to be humane; for many, an uphill struggle to implement a reform has been followed by capitalism's unhappy knack of encroaching upon the reform, when it clashed with some sectional economic interest. No, we need a bigger change than that. Something to make human beings free and secure. 

 Anger and outrage seem to have lost its usefulness as a call to action in these times of mounting despotism.   Ignorance is growing as the corporate-controlled media is use as a tool of domination and when political education is not viewed as central to politics itself but substituted by banal sound-bites and vacuous sloganisation. Unapologetic for the widespread horrors, gaping inequality capitalists have joined in the discourse of hate and culture of cruelty and our fellow-workers offer unquestioning obedience to the powerful "strongman" who advocate patriotism, racial and ethnic cleansing as the "protection" of the superiority of a select national group.

The Socialist Party wants a new social system based upon the common ownership of the means of wealth production and distribution. We are not in favour of capitalism of any sort because we know that, whatever efforts are made to reform the system, it will continue to produce problems like poverty and war. Our critics offer only the old plea that we should drop our work for socialism until we have sorted out one more of capitalism’s problems. We have heard this plea many times before, from organisations which were worried about unemployment, or fascism or some other side-effect of capitalism. Indeed, some of these organisations have had the chance to apply their reformist ideas. How have they turned out? The Socialist Party has always stood for the social revolution which will sweep away capitalism and all its false social values. This will be the complete, only and once-for-all cure for the problems of capitalism. To stand for anything less could mean that we would end up by supporting the very thing which we originally professed to oppose. 

We need a world socialist movement which brings together all the various single-issue campaigns drawing together all the threads that connect them.  In addition, we need clarity that crosses borders. Our choice is to continue to accept capitalism as a given and try to squeeze whatever crumbs it might be willing to let fall from its table. Or Radically change direction and begin to build a global movement that can transcend capitalism once for all.

Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Dundee redundancies

Michelin is to close its tyre factory in Dundee, the city's largest employer, with the loss of about 850 jobs, confirming that it would leave the city by 2020.
The company said the factory was "unsuitable" given current market conditions and it would not be financially viable to invest further. Michelin said the Dundee site has suffered because of a shift in the market towards low-cost products from Asia. The company praised its Dundee employees' dedication but said that in spite of that and its own "continuous efforts" the plant could not be saved.
The union Unite has said the closure would be a "hammer-blow" to the city.

You Get The Pie Crumbs, What’s To Complain About?

So finally, at a few minutes before the deadline on September 30, the leading joe boys for their respective, if not respected capitalist classes in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico worked out a NAFTA agreement. 

It was as if one said, ''Here's your slice of the pie buddy, and yours too my fellow partner-in-crime'', and one said, ''Thanks but what about the working class?" The others looked on in amazement and yelled, ''WHO?'' ''You know the poor dumb schmucks who create the wealth we are carving up between us so their bosses and ours can live high on the hog.'' “Oh! those twits, well don't worry about them - while we eat the pie so crumbs may fall off the table that they can fight for!''
For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC.

Our policy is simple -Socialism

If you proclaim yourself to be “anti-capitalist”, it is a good idea to have some idea of what capitalism is and understands that the abolition of capitalism involves the disappearance of money, wage-labour, commodity production and buying and selling generally and that Marx does not distinguish between communism and socialism. You would have thought that the main aim of an anti-capitalist movement would be to end capitalism and establish socialism. Apparently not. Many in the “anti-capitalist movement are not anti-capitalist as such but more anti-‘globalisation’, or perhaps anti-neoliberal, or even just opposed to particularly malignant corporations. They assume that the detrimental effects of the capitalist system can be eliminated by taming global corporations or by making them more ‘ethical’, ‘responsible’, and socially conscious, by legislation and regulation. The aim seems to be to bring pressure on existing governments to introduce reforms and to change their policy so as to tame multinational corporations and/or return to the state interventionism. Coherent anti-capitalists should be campaigning for socialism not changes of policy.

Labour has always stood for step-by-step reform and the Socialist Party opposed Labour when they claimed to be working for socialism by running capitalism. Labourites accept capitalism as a desirable economic system, aims to gradually improve the economic position of workers by providing welfare policies (health, education, social security, old age pensions, unemployment benefits), and by so doing alleviating the inequalities  of unbridled capitalism. Reformism is alive and well and in complete control of the Labour Party. And, if it comes to power again, it will again fail to deliver the promised goods. Some pioneers of the Labour Party used to think that it stood for peace, security and prosperity. That was their dream. But what was the reality? The Labour Party will stand foursquare behind the war effort of British capitalism. A future Labour government would e as keen to protect the interests of the British capitalist class as is the Tory government we have at present. No worker should waste his or her time by voting for a Labour government. The Labour Party aims for power to run British capitalism. And no party has yet succeeded in doing that to the benefit of the majority.
It is only too easy in these days for the working class to succumb to the promises (not a few made in all sincerity) of left politicians. Wealth is not created by market forces; at most it is only distributed by them — unequally and to the benefit of those who own the means of production.  Socialism does not mean state industries run on capitalist lines. Socialism means a system of society in which the means of production are owned by society as a whole, a system in which goods will really be produced for use, not for sale and profit-making, and in which there will be no such thing as an income from the ownership of property, whether as land, buildings, plant, shares or Government bonds. There can be no such thing as compensation if Socialism is to replace Capitalism. What the owners now possess is the right to an income from property, the right to live without working, the right to exploit the labour of the working-class. There can be no Socialism unless and until the means of production and distribution are taken from them and made over to society for the use of all. The former owners will then enjoy the fruits of associated labour on an equal footing with all other members of society, neither privileged nor suppressed, but as equals. But there can be no compensation. You cannot abolish exploitation and at the same time give the exploiters something equivalent to their former right of exploitation. A slave-owner, deprived of his slaves, could be given property rights of another kind under capitalism. But abolish capitalist wage-slavery and you end exploitation for all time and for all persons.
 People should have a proper understanding of capitalism’s class structure—what it is, how it operates and what it does to us. Simply—class is determined by a person’s economic standing and interests. Those who have to be employed—at whatever job—for a living are members of the working class. Their interests are the same as those of all other members of that class and opposed to those of the one other class, who as a class employ and exploit them. In this process capitalism’s class structure is protected and perpetuated. Whether Labour Party  politicians understands this or not is another matter.
The Labour Party will take office if opportunity arises, determined to apply its numerous and complicated schemes for reorganising industry, raising wages, abolishing unemployment, etc., while retaining all the essentials of capitalism. It will retain rent, interest and profit, the wages system, buying and selling, and the struggle for foreign markets, and will leave the capitalist class still possessed of their property rights, their right to exploit the working class. The penalty for the working class is appalling to contemplate.