Thursday, April 23, 2020

Scottish miner’s poem

Listen to their lies, listen!
Listen to their tear-filled speeches of suffering
and democracy – and scream

In your anger and your pain – scream
at those who speak of suffering and know
nothing but the cause,

For their only pain is their conscience – but no,
for they have none

Scream in your hunger,
as they burn the food of life,

For if it does not fill their pockets with gold
it will not be allowed to satisfy the gnawing
pain of starvation – burning in your belly

And scream in pain as they pierce your body
with the sword of oppression.

– But wipe away your tears of blood –
for their chains will never hold us
or their guns destroy us,

As we raise our red flag – of suffering and anger,
let us never see our children suffer through our fear,

But through our victory living as all should,
from poverty and misery – suffering and pain
Forever freedom.

Joe Owens, NUM Polkemmet Colliery

Overthrow capitalism and replace it with something nicer

There are essentially only ways for organising social production in the modern world. One of these is, capitalist. The champions of capitalist economy have the present on their side. The other, socialist, is still only a potential.

Planning is not equivalent to ‘perfect’ allocation of resources, nor ‘scientific’ allocation, nor even ‘more humane’ allocation. The premise and the promise of abundance is what the idea of socialism is founded upon. This concept plays a crucial role in the Socialist Party’s vision of socialism

Abundance removes conflict over resource allocation, since, by definition, there is enough for everyone, and so there are no mutually exclusive choices. There is then no reason for various individuals and groups to compete, to take possession for their own use of what is freely available to all. It is not necessary to regulate use through rationing by price. All private enterprise is out to produce as much as it can, to grab as much of the market as it can, for it is in sales that it realises its profits. So long as society is bound to commodity production, it is only through the market that its needs can be satisfied. Capitalist society necessarily presupposes exchange. Present-day society does not even concern itself with the needs of society. Profit is the motive of capitalist production. What passes for a planned capitalist economy is in reality only the economic dictatorship of the stronger against the weaker, where the poor become poorer and the rich richer. Capitalism has no socially beneficial way of resolving its basic contradictions because it may not overstep the profit interests of the capitalists.

Workers are able to manage production. Social control of industry is essential. Once common ownership and democratic control of industry are established it will be possible to proceed to the introduction of a planned economy. The transformation of work is the task of the socialist revolution by ending the exploitation and the pursuit of profits that make work the way it is at present. Under capitalism advances in technology are used to displace workers. We see the combination of millions of workers on overtime and millions on the dole. With socialist planning, the total work required will be shared equally and every technological advance will reduce the working hours that are needed. It will free working people to take an active part in the running and administration of society. Automation will be used to eliminate the most unpleasant and menial jobs.

Socialism stands for all that is best in life, for replacing fear by hope, narrowness and meanness by generosity and compassion, poverty by plenty, exploitation by co-operation and jingoism by comradeship. Socialism will be absolutely nothing like the former Soviet Union, or present day China and Cuba. Our alternative is not a police state. But nor would it be like the welfare states of Scandinavia. The central thing we want is freedom from fear. Losing your job may happen to you only a few times in your life, but the fear of it is with you every day. In another world we would make sure that those fears were gone, that everyone lives in security. It wouldn’t be a perfect world. There would still be some problems. Men and women would still have broken hearts. But it would be a far, far better world. No one can say that it is certain to come about. But we will win victories we cannot yet imagine. Socialism is rule by the working people. They will decide how socialism is to work. Because the working  people will control the great wealth they produce, they will be fundamentally able to determine their own futures. The end of exploitation of one person by another will be an unprecedented liberating and transforming force.  

Socialism is not some Utopian scheme. Capitalism has created the economic conditions for socialism. Socialism will not mean government control. The state serves the interests of the ruling capitalist class. Government involvement in the economy is state capitalism. When the government intervenes in the present economy, it does so to help, not harm, capitalism.

The means of production – the factories, mines, mills, offices, farms and  fields,  transportation system, communications, medical facilities, retailers, etc., will be transformed into common property. Private ownership of the  means of production will end. The economy will be geared not to the interest of profit, but to serving human needs. This will release the productive capacity of the economy from the limitations of profit maximisation. A great expansion of useful production and the wealth of society will become possible. Rational economic planning will replace the present anarchistic system. Coordination and planning of production will aim to benefit the people. Socialism’s main task will be to satisfy social needs. Socialism will open the way for great changes in society

Transforming the productive resources of society into common property will enable the working people to assume administration of the economy, managed democratically through workers’ councils and elected administrators to serve their own interests as well as society’s.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Socialists: Volunteers for humanity

We must use elections to place before the workers the demands of the Socialist Party in sharp contrast to those of the capitalist parties. We must make the most of the greater readiness of our fellow-workers to read political literature, attend political meetings and take part in political discussions to familiarise working people with the World Socialist Movement. We must use elections to teach workers the political nature of the class struggle, the connection between their employer and the state, the connection between their own class status and the capitalist economic system. The  masses vote for the capitalist candidates, because they are not yet ready for socialism. The working class as a class is still capitalist-minded. It must yet take its first steps as an independent political force.

The two main capitalist parties are as like as tweedledum and tweedledee in their support of the powerful financial and industrial interests of Wall Street. The workers who now want to vote for the Democratic ticket voted are to be duped again. Fundamental education on principle questions of socialism, the class struggle, etc. is missing, with the exception here and there of a socialist candidate who spoke for “socialism” in the socialist manner. The majority vote overwhelmingly for the capitalist system. But there are some who, thinking a little more clearly vote for socialism. It is far more important to present clearly in election campaigns that there is no lasting way out for the working class but the Social Revolution. The object of the Socialist Party at all times, is to educate and to organise. We put forward only the demand for the realisation of the Social Revolution. Our party is the party of class war, class against class, working class against capitalist class. We oppose the ideology of reform and placing poultices on the profit system.

We need no national barriers, the interests of the workers can best be promoted by international fraternity. We need no money we aim at producing wealth for all We need no wages; so long as workers are paid for their labour power others, who are non-workers, will receive the results of their labour. The means of production commonly owned and wealth brought into being for the enjoyment and well-being of mankind. That is our goal and eventually we shall make it. You may be under the illusion that peace and prosperity can be obtained in some other way. There is no other way. Socialism or capitalism that is the choice. Socialism rests on a straightforward, elementary fact that that there is in the world sufficient of everything for everyone’s requirements, and where it is not immediately available (as, for instance, cotton does not grow in England), it exists somewhere, or can be produced end transported. In other words, we have the raw materials, the crops, the factories, the transport, the labour, and the machinery (or the means of making new, extra machinery): all we need is a sane, simple method of setting all these to work, move, and be used by means of a co-operative interdependent plan.

In socialism, there won't be any need for a thing to “pay” anymore. If everything everyone requires is provided, that is all there is need to worry about. The worker— worker “by hand or brain”—need only contribute the amount of (physical or mental) effort required of him (or her) and all will be automatically entitled to whatever they require in the way of food, clothing, shelter, travel, etc., etc. We must look at the necessary activity of mankind as one process, not as we are encouraged to do under capitalism, as a host of different actions, most of them for different ends.The whole process can be summed up in the time-honoured phrase, “production solely for use instead of profit.” All needs, will be automatically met by the overwhelmingly plentiful production under a planned socialist economy. But it is a fact that the deliberate miseducation of the masses which is a fundamental part of the capitalist art of government has succeeded in presenting this as a major, practically insoluble.

The World Socialist Movement has stood like a rock for socialism; every other party has wobbled and gone after the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. When you find out that there is wrong in human society, check us out.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Lest We Forget


Obituary from the April 1996 issue of the Socialist Standard
Ian McDougall, a member of Glasgow Branch for 45 years, passed away in December.
He was a regular at the branch's propaganda activities until ill-health which affected his for most of his life made this impossible. Even so, Ian took up writing letters to the press and generally did what he could to spread the socialist message. Nor was illness allowed to quench his thirst for knowledge and he was a voracious reader up to the end.
Ian was a gentle person, and the only antagonism he ever permitted himself was towards capitalism. We extend our deep condolences to his partner Nan and her family.

It doesn’t have to be like this

Letter to the Editors from the April 1996 issue of the Socialist Standard

Dear Editors,
We have a choice. But who are we? We are the working class, a majority suffering from the manipulation and intimidation of a privileged minority. Why do we let them get away with it? We have a choice!
They keep on telling us with their own devious brainwashing techniques, through schooling, university education methods and other more sophisticated types of propaganda, how to be good little citizens in this ever-changing world of technology.
How nice it would be if all the tales of leisure and pleasure were true; alas, for the majority of us. the reality could not be more harsh, despairing or demoralising.
I relate my own personal experience as a victim of the society which we all inhabit.
I have recently parted company with my employer of some six years, to find myself depending on state handouts to support my wife, two children, mortgage etc. A story familiar, no doubt, to many thousands of families. My income more than halved.
The irony is that with less money now than I have ever had in the last 16 years of selling my mental and physical skills to the highest bidder, not forgetting the necessity to purchase essentials like food to eat. clothes to keep warm, the feet remains that I have never—throughout my working life—experienced such feelings of overwhelming satisfaction, and pleasure which I derive from simple things in life (as we know it), like being able to go to a library, taking a stroll in the park, enjoying the local wildlife, all at no direct expense. The true value of some of the most breathtaking scenery in this otherwise spoiled, war-torn world is awesome.
I have just left behind sixteen miserable years of being stuck in a fume-filled factory churning out poxy pop group fly-posters, laboriously and repetitively standing in front of a manual hand-operated printing table, sometimes for up to fourteen hours a day, in order to achieve a decent wage to be able to "afford” essential commodities and appliances like cookers, washing machines, fridges, etc. or other less necessary items like portable CD players, and that other all-mod-con, the glorious television, on which programmes of interest are few and far between. I used to waste many an hour glued to the likes of Dale Winton, churning out his usual "camp” (or should it be crap) style of innuendo and obscenity. all in the name of entertainment.
The more I think and wonder at the complexity of the world-wide capitalist system which the majority of us have to endure, and the minority have on their side, the more I ask myself, why? Why do we continue to restrict ourselves to its unforgiving grasp?
It doesn’t have to be like this. We have the power, the resources, the technology and the communication skills to free ourselves from its relentless torture, but only we the working class can do it The master class will not volunteer to do it for us. They depend on our skills, our labour. Let us not be denied the true fruits of these labours. Throw down your shackles, fellow workers, rid this world of the ongoing bloodbath that we see. night after night on our TV screens.

It’s time to choose life over death

Socialism is a society where the associated producers are the masters of the process of production. Socialist politics seeks an emancipatory future worth fighting for. The Socialist Party is convincing the majority of workers that a better future is possible. It holds a vision of industrial freedom and abundance. For the first time in the history of humanity—the possibility exists to produce not only enough for the plentiful consumption of all members of society, but also to offer each person sufficient leisure so that culture - science, art - is not only the preserve and  monopoly of the ruling class but transformed into the common property of the whole of society. Socialism makes emancipation and freedom possible for all of society. Socialism will develop automation and the technology to dramatically reduce the labour needed for providing the necessities of life. Socialists will take over the machinery of production - not switch it off. All of society will enjoy extended free time.

Critics of the Labour Party are rapidly increasing in number. We find that under Labour Party governments there exists capital, exploitation, wage slavery, armies, police, prisons, unemployment, wars, kings and queens, House of Lords,  prime ministers, profits, taxes, poverty, plutocrats and parasites of all kinds. All of which entitles one to ask in comparing it with the present capitalist system of government: "What is the difference ?" If this is all the Labour Party can do, compare to the socialist object, then ask yourself is it worth while bolstering up these fakers even through your trade union affiliation. Clearly something more is needed than the Labour Party.

There is, perhaps, no other epoch in history so murderous  and brutal as the present. Even the days we call the "Dark Ages" have no records of men, women and children slaughtered wholesale. Herod has been out-Heroded by dozens of petty war-lords. Nero fiddled while burning a city, a modern general burns scores of them. When will you join with us in waging the only war worth while—the class war—in order to dethrone capitalism's thieves and inaugurate the socialist co-operative commonwealth? If you acquiesce in the continuance of capitalism, and accept the possibility of more wars, then some of you will pay with your lives.

The Socialist Party alone maintains its hostility to all forms of religion. It considers all religious beliefs to be incorrect and a barrier to the acceptance of the socialist case. Therefore one of the tasks of a socialist is to show the falsity of religious ideas and not to compromise with them. A socialist cannot be religious, and when socialism is established religion will be dead, for the overwhelming majority of the world’s population will have become socialists. If anyone remains who wishes to keep his or her rosaries or sing hymns they will be tolerated. But a world of enlightenment and security will not provide fertile soil for the growth of religious ideas, which flourish in the rubbish heap of misery and ignorance.