Monday, March 04, 2019


This is an era of change. New technology and Artificial Intelligence are replacing human labour with automated machinery. This system offers unemployment, hunger, homelessness, welfare cuts, and a plague of drugs. The world is in the midst of revolutionary change. The jobs we once knew are slowly disappearing. We are being replaced by robots, computers and other new technologies in our workplaces. The capitalists are defending their profits and domination by being ever more ruthless in their policies towards the workers and the new class of the dispossessed.  The system can no longer feed and house us or provide us with jobs. Despite the changes in working methods, the relations of production have not been revolutionised by computers any more than they were overturned by the assembly line, electricity, or the telephone: the owners still own, we still work for a wage. The pace of change is so fast, and the power shift, thus so far in favour of the boss, that it’s hard for workers to figure out how to take advantage of the new conditions on the office and factory floor.

We are faced with two choices – either acquiesce or overturn this system. We possess the technology developed enough to end hunger and all want – but only if it is taken from the exploiters and used in the interests of the well-being of all. We are an organisation based on the idea that the economic system should provide people with what they need. We are political party determined to struggle all-out for food, homes, jobs, education, health-care, freedom from terror and drugs. We seek to educate and organise our fellow-workers to wage war on the capitalist system and how society can be reorganised to put an end to poverty and injustice once and for all. Standing in the way of social progress and socialism is the capitalist class who control the destinies of billions around the globe. The conditions for the people cannot fundamentally improve without the overthrow of the ruling class.

Scientists feel that we have until perhaps 2050 before the multiple and massive environmental problems we face will become irreversible. After that, the planet will not support the existing global capitalist civilisation. The ruling class hope that market-based mechanisms and technological innovation will solve our problems.  Without the active participation of socialists with a clear program and concrete ideas, the environmental movement will not bring about the fundamental change needed to resolve the crisis. While some involved in environmental struggles may well guide them in a revolutionary direction, this is not an automatic process. We can shape our own destiny only by embracing Marx’s objective, the society of associated producers.

The Socialist Party’s objective is a society in which “the free development of each is a condition for the free development of all” as Marx says in The Communist Manifesto. This cannot be achieved by authoritarian methods. If self-emancipation is the goal, it must be the means as well. To cite the American socialist Eugene Debs, if a saviour can lead you into the promised land, he can lead you back out again too. The task of the Socialist Party is to help people see through the illusions of capitalism, to understand that we are faced with this stark choice of socialism or barbarism, and to encourage a vision of self-emancipation as both means and end of revolutionary socialist practice, the only means of creating socialism and the essence of what socialism would be. The Socialist Party must help develop the fighting capacity of the exploited through education and organisation and at every opportunity we must expose the capitalist system and uncloak our class enemy. Scarcely anyone but the Socialist Party nowadays trusts in the anti-capitalist sentiments of the working people or believe that they can in time participate in a mighty movement oriented toward socialist objectives. For adhering to these convictions and being guided by them, we are looked upon as ideological freaks and political fossils, ridiculous relics of a bygone era, dogmatists who cling to outworn views and cannot understand what is going on in front of our own eyes. We go against the overwhelming preponderance of public opinion and dulled class consciousness among the workers themselves. In holding to its revolutionary convictions, the Socialist Party is not reflecting a religious-like faith. Our ideas are derived from a scientific conception of the course of world history, a reasoned analysis and understanding of social development. Marxism has clarified many perplexing problems in philosophy, sociology, history, economics, and politics. Its supreme achievement is the materialist conception of history as an explanation of the key role of the working class in history. If the working masses cannot be counted on to dislodge the capitalists, who else can do that job? It is exceedingly difficult to point out another social force that could effectively act as a surrogate for the working class. The struggle against capitalist domination then looms as a lost cause and a socialist world becomes a Utopia. People who pessimistically envisage such a perspective of powerlessness must reconcile themselves to the looming prospect of the end of civilisation and the onset of barbarism. If members of the Socialist Party succumb to such sentiments of hopelessness, we might as well shut up shop. It is the capitalist rulers today have an arrogant faith in the longevity of their system. They firmly believe in an empire assured of perpetual dominion. Those possessing confidence in the longevity of capitalism rule out the possibility that the workers will become more combative and conscious of the nature of the system they confront. The world has hardly been a model of social peace and harmony. A resurgence of workers’ radicalism and militancy may come at anytime. The possibilities are so diverse that it is impossible to foretell where or how the breakthrough will occur.

The Socialist Party is engaged in a struggle to create a world, a socialist society, where people live from birth to death never having to suffer under the chains of wage slavery and end the exploitation of men and women forever. It is what all honest socialists are fighting for. We have no choice but to create a world free of exploitation and want. The working class can only be liberated through its own self-activity. The working class lacks the most basic mass workplace and community organisations, let alone socialist ones. The Socialist Party can help in the process of working class self-organisation toward revolutionary social change. We need socialism more urgently than ever. Being revolutionary does not mean picking up the gun, talking about class insurrection and the dictatorship of the proletariat. Nor does it mean endlessly reciting the works of Marx and Engels. Being revolutionary means acting so as to shorten the time left before a successful social revolution in which the working class take control over their own lives from the old exploiting classes. Anything that advances such a social revolution is by definition revolutionary, anything that hinders such a social revolution is anti-revolutionary. What seems like short-cuts to revolution can often be a dead-ends resulting in frustration and defeat. The working class has colossal tasks ahead of it. It confronts the most formidable and ferocious of adversaries. Yet it possesses the potential of a giant.

Sunday, March 03, 2019

Global Protest Against Global Warming

The Socialist Party has a position that it is capitalism which is the main danger to our planet and that a socialist society would be in a better position to look after it. The immediate well-being, safety and survival of the human species is of paramount concern. If socialism were to be established in the near future our first priority would be to rapidly increase the production and free distribution of food, clothing, shelter and essential medical supplies to those human beings in need and to end the miserable poverty caused by capitalism. It is clear, even for many non-socialists, that there is tremendous waste in modern society. So, if certain things e.g. food, shelter, medicine need to be made more available via increased production then it is beyond our capabilities as a species to do so while at the same time curbing needless production in other areas.

Climate change from global warming is the single most important issue we as a species are faced with immediately. We could see vast areas of this planet becoming uninhabitable very rapidly, with huge numbers of people unable to cope with severe climate change and simply dying. If we get this one wrong it could threaten most of our species with destruction. What is obvious to those of us in the Socialist Party, is that capitalism with its short-sighted inept politicians, will not address this issue with any degree of seriousness. Same old story, profits first everything else last. 

Capitalism could happily lead our species into extinction which is another pressing reason why we need socialism. The Socialist Party views the ending of poverty and trying to avert environmental disaster as being achievable at the same time. Marx predicted that the productive forces would transform themselves more and more into destructive forces if they were not liberated from the fetters of private property and profit.  The ever-increasing meaningless commodities of dubious quality has led not only to the pollution of the atmosphere, land and water but created global warming.

Socialism of recent years has lost in actuality by the fact of being postponed to a far-off future. When we talk about the inevitability of socialism, we assume that the workers will continue to struggle for their rights. Were they, on the other hand, to accept the word in a fatalist sense, and think that they could sit down tamely and wait till socialism came to them, they would soon lose all the rights that they have now and become mere slaves. Socialism can only come when the willingness of the workers to allow themselves to be exploited ends. When workers, both politically and economically, are so class conscious and so well organised as to make their exploitation impossible then capitalism ends. That is what we understand by social revolution, and our ideal – that of human brotherhood – is revolutionary, because it is only to be realised by the social revolution. Capitalism has produced a vast number of social ills, and it is very tempting for the politician, to deal with each of them separately and by itself. The more, political parties go on trying to remove theses evils by palliative measures, the more does it become clear that they can only be abolished by the abolition of capitalism itself. Socialism is the first social system in the history of mankind to be introduced by the conscious action of its creators. Capitalism is a structure which can absorb and integrate many reforms and which automatically rejects all those reforms which run counter to the logic of the system (such as completely free public services which completely cover social needs). You can abolish the structure only by overthrowing it, not by reforming it out of existence.

The workers can achieve the understanding that what the overthrow of capitalism is all about in the last analysis is for the associated producers to take over the factories and the whole industrial system and run it for the common benefit of mankind, instead of having it run for accumulating profit and capital for a few giant financial groupings locked in deadly competition with each other. The workers can build the actual organisation through which they can, tomorrow, themselves take over the administration of the economy and the state: freely elected community workers’ committees which will federate themselves afterwards locally, regionally, and internationally. That’s what the conquest of power by the working class really means. There is no other way to develop anti-capitalist consciousness among hundreds of thousands and millions of workers than along this road.
A global day of action is planned for Friday, 15th  March. There will be events in more than 30 cities and towns across the UK including Glasgow. 

In Scotland, many school students intend to walk out in protest at the lack of urgency shown by governments over the looming catastrophe of climate change. 

Slaves to the System

Socialism is revolutionary in that sense, that it is a totally new principle, fraternity and solidarity principle! It is revolutionary, since it demolishes the old foundation and builds on it a new one. But if revolutionary means what is commonly understand by the word, something which has to do with street riots, insurrection and looting, then socialism is far from revolutionary. The Socialist Party seeks to abolish the system, which is the root and source of evil, but this will not happen by killing some individual capitalists or bombing a few corporate HQs. Capitalism is based on wage slavery. The capitalists hire wage workers to produce wealth, give them part of that wealth in the form of wages and keep the rest. We do not sell our labour to the capitalists; we sell our labour power.

To illustrate what a wage slave is, suppose you owned a nice automobile and someone should say to you, "I want to use your car until it is all worn out. I will give it petrol and lubricator oil enough to keep it running until it can’t run anymore." Surely you would not agree to that. You wouldn’t allow anybody to use your car until it was all worn out just for petrol and oil.

But if you are a wage worker that is what you are doing with your body. The capitalists use you until you are all worn out and all they aim to give you is what the chattel slaves got, what the serfs got, what a horse gets, a bare living, and you are not even sure of that. How about your children? You parents spend many happy hours teaching your children how to walk and how to talk. Long years are spent upon their education. When they get to be wonderful young men and women with their eyes brightly shining like the headlights on a new car, and with their veins and arteries like the wiring on a new car, and their hearts beating without a murmur, like the smooth running of new engines, then the capitalists say to the proud parents, "We want to use your children to produce wealth for us and for our children. Just as we have used you to produce wealth for us, so our children want to use your children to produce wealth for them when we are gone."

The parents ask, "What are our children to get for the use of their bodies during the precious years of their lives?" Answer, "Petrol and oil". A mere living wage. The endless chain that starts and ends with work. Work to get money, to buy food, to get strength to work. Every increase in the productivity of labour, every invention, every victory of science and triumph of genius in the line of industrial progress, only goes to increase the wealth of a parasite class while the workers are only supposed to get what slave classes always got, a bare living and often not even that. This is wage slavery, the foundation of capitalism. But capitalism is only a passing stage in the economic development of mankind

The Socialist Party objects to the existing form of society, now known to everyone as capitalist society. Why? Because a few people own the world and the factories and machinery of wealth production. These are the propertied class, including landlords, industrialists and financiers. Most other people have to sell their brains or muscles, in short, their labour-power, to this class for a return in money called wages. This class is the wage-earning class, or the wage-slave class. Wages are not based on the money value of the goods produced or services rendered by the slave-class, but reflect the cost of living. Robbery of the workers is the root of all the world’s troubles. Wage slavery is unable to give us security in our means of life. Production under capitalism is anti-social. It is anti-social because it operates against the interests of the producing class, the great majority. Capitalism is synonymous with violence and chaos. We, the workers, are many, though divided because of ignorance. They, the capitalists, are, few, but strong organisationally, ruthless in policy, grimly determined to increase in power and to perpetuate their dictatorship over the hopeless existence of a robbed class. The thoughtless might conclude that there is no ray of hope for the workers. Indeed, this despairing attitude is preventing many from acting for working class progress. We have reached an era where action may not much longer be delayed if we are to escape the heavy consequence unprecedented in the annals of mankind – global warming.

Society is not a fixed entity. It is an organism, not only capable of change but constantly changing. Everything in the universe, from atoms to solar systems, is continually moving, changing, transforming, developing; likewise, the history of the human race is nothing but a ceaseless change, a continuous development. In the course of its history classes are formed; these classes continually struggle for supremacy and, after prolonged struggle, one class succeeds another in the dominating position. The struggle continues until class divisions themselves are dissolved and a new, class-free society results. But although these struggles and changes are ceaseless, the apparent velocity of these motions greatly varies at different periods. There are times when whole series of important changes take, place so rapidly as to take one’s breath away, to be followed by long periods of apparent stagnation, when social evolution seems not only to be standing still but even to be going backward. Of course, this is only an illusion, for, as a matter of fact, historical forces are continually at work, only their manifestations are of a more spectacular nature at one time than at another.

The necessity of class education is imposed upon the working class by the facts of industry. That striving toward life—the will to live—which is inherent in every living cell of life, makes it necessary to educate the workers in matters that are deleterious to their health, detrimental to their lives and restrictive of their chances of survival. The capitalist system or any system in which one class lives at the expense of and by the deliberate exploitation of another, is opposed to the chances of survival of the workers. Their lives are lived at a hazard by the imposition of adverse working and living conditions. Their meagre share in the social division of the wealth produced by their labour is insufficient to sustain life. To neglect instruction in such vital facts is to mis-educate. And to fail to attribute the facts cited to their cause—a class system in society—is to lie by suppression of the truth. That is why education in class consciousness is necessary. Class systems are not eternal. They are an incident in the history of the human family. Class division is at war with the biological forces that make for humanity’s survival. That is why every class system in society has ultimately been overthrown by revolution. The necessity that gave rise to classes in society has passed. The socio-economic structure capacity to produce wealth has increased to a point where it is more than ample to provide sustenance for all. The final class-free society in which the workers will be the only class, embracing the entire human family, with ownership and control of the means of life in the hands of the collectivity. This is the final solution of social problems—industrial democracy.

Saturday, March 02, 2019

Wage-Slave Abolitionists

In the class struggle of the working class to free itself from wage slavery it cannot be repeated too often that everything depends upon the working class itself to take control of the productive forces and manage industry in the interest of the people and for the benefit of society. That is all there is to Socialist Party theory and what the Socialist Party is fighting for. There would be no “bosses” but instead—free men and women, employing themselves cooperatively under administrations of their own making, shortening the work day as machinery increased their productive capacity, building fit houses to live in, growing plenty to eat and creating leisure time enough to enjoy life in the full. This is not mere fanciful wishes from the Socialist Party.  All the workers have to do is to recognise its benefits and possibilities.

 Members of the Socialist Party are wage-slaves with their brains in working order, which means they are today the most fearless, persistent and successful agitators and the most optimistic people in the world. They are not waiting for some so-called “great man” or “good leader” to do something for them, but they are preparing to do all things for themselves. he workers do not want to be patronised any longer by intellectual “superiors.” They are organised upon the basis of mutual service and the superiority of all. The workers are in a great majority and without them every wheel would stop, industry would drop dead, and society would be paralysed. All they have to do is to unite, think together, act together, strike together, vote together, never for an instant forgetting that they are one, and then the world is theirs. They have but to stretch out their millions of brawny arms and trained co-operative hands and take possession. But to reach this point requires education and organization—these are the essentials to emancipation. The workers must organise their emancipation. They must unite in one and the same industrial union and one and the same political party. And the union and the party must be managed and directed by themselves, not from the top down, but from the bottom up. The Socialist Party is different; it’s different for one basic reason – because our Party is a Party of slaves. In this capitalist system we are wage slaves and we are determined not to be slaves any more. But that’s who we are. You go into the job market and basically you sell yourself. You don’t have to stand on an auction block or literally be held in chains like the old days, but it’s the same thing when you come right down to it, only under new conditions. You’ve got to go in there and sell yourself to a master, and everyone who’s ever clocked in knows that’s what it really is, slavery under new conditions: we are wage slaves. They pay us a wage and in turn for it they take and do with us whatever they want. They use us like beasts of burden, like extensions of a machine, to get as much work from us and money out of our work as they can.

The Socialist Party is not a political party that says it represents everybody. We’re not a party that stands up and says we represent both capitalists and the workers, and preaches the idea of harmony between capitalists and the workers, because there can’t be harmony between the slaves and the slave-masters. There can’t be harmony between the exploited and the exploiters because the employing class lives by exploiting the workers – the capitalist lives by exploiting, that’s his whole existence. And we live for the day when we can break those chains of exploitation. We proudly and openly proclaim that are the party of the wage-slaves. We further declare that our class which is now in bondage is not going to put up with it much longer. We’re going to break those chains. We are one mighty class that represents the majority. We’re going to overthrow our masters.

Everybody knows the fact that, young or old, we have to struggle to get a job and once we get it, we’re driven even harder to keep it as capitalists are forever trying to make more profit for themselves out of our sweat. The history of our class is the history of struggle. We’ve been through this struggle to survive every day since we’ve been born. Our whole lives, our whole struggle is preparing us for the big struggle. No matter what they do, every time they beat us back and they bring down violence against us, we pick ourselves up and we go forward as we always have. We all should know about it and be proud of it, learn from it and build on it. We fight in unity with fellow workers in all parts of the world, fighting against attempts to throw people out onto the streets, to let them starve and fighting against attempts to cut wages, fighting to keep wages up, fighting against discrimination. Work is a struggle, life is a struggle, and winning our emancipation is going to be a struggle. This whole system of capitalism forces us to struggle, drives us to unite together to fight back. We learn through our struggle that by ourselves, as one person, we can’t accomplish very much, but when we get together and unite, we can move forward.

This is not a system that can meet the needs of the people. It’s not a system that even considers the question of how to meet the needs of the people. When the slaves start rebelling, they’ve got to throw a few scraps and hope they get people fighting among themselves for these crumbs so they can fasten these slave chains even tighter. The capitalists try to present their system as the best of all possible worlds. But we’re catching on to them that it is due to their capitalist system that we are enslaved, just the same as others like us in countries throughout the world. The so-called free enterprise system is built so the capitalist can be free – free to enslave and exploit us. That’s the only free part about it. Oh yeah, we’re free too, they give us a choice. “You are free to work for me or starve.” And when a crisis comes on like it is now, when they can’t make enough profit out of people, you aren’t even “free to work for me”– just starve. But as things develop and they can’t get over with “this is the best of all possible worlds”– then they come up with their ace in the hole: “Well, it’s the only possible world, so you might as well accept it because things can’t be changed.”

They force us to struggle, they take our blood every day – thousands of workers die on the job every year and millions more are injured. And when they can’t make enough profit, and when they can’t keep their system going just by exploiting us here, they try to put us in uniform and force us to go fight our brothers and sisters in other countries throughout the world. The possessing class talk about all people are created equal, but they don’t believe it. In fact, nobody can practice such equality as long as there are classes in society. As long as there is a situation where you either work for somebody or somebody works for you, how in the hell can there be equality? We can only get rid of all social inequality when we’ve done away with classes, done away with the situation where anybody has to work for anybody else, and we have created a situation where we all work in common for the common good of society and humanity. Under today’s conditions there’s only one class that can make use of these mighty productive forces – these large factories, these plants where there are tens of thousands of workers, and these machines created through the labour of the workers – can make use of this for the benefit of society. And that is the working class whose labour created them and whose labour makes them go.

We can’t do it as individuals, we can only do it in common. Because that’s how we built things – in common. You look at the car you drive, the shirt you have on or the chair you’re sitting on, or whatever else. You don’t know who mined the ore for your car, you don’t know who grew the cotton for that shirt. You’ve never seen that person. Nevertheless, it took all the cooperative efforts of thousands and millions of people to make all these things, to produce and distribute them. That’s basically what a society is about.

The Socialist Party is the party of emancipation. A party of wage slaves who are determined not to be slaves any longer, organised for the historic mission of advancing human society to a completely new stage, to end all the evils and suffering of this capitalist system.  Together with all our fellow-workers throughout the world we will free ourselves and help free all mankind.

Fight Capitalism, Not Just Effects

Our only real future lies with the working class in its fight to end the foul system of capitalism. Our survival is to put an end to the present system of capitalism, where the first and last issue is profit. Profit and more profit. Today profit rules, not the needs of the people. Capitalism is a system where those who have ownership of the factories, the mines, the mills, the land they sit on, the machines, and so forth have everything. It’s a system where those who have no other way to make ends meet except to sell their ability to work to the bosses, must labour to enrich the capitalist, and can work only so long as they do so. When the capitalist finds no further use for a worker, when he finds it unprofitable to continue paying his workers, the wage slaves are thrown out into the streets as additional figures on the unemployment lists. Under their system, democracy is for the rich, justice is for the rich, a good education is for the rich, and medical care is based on your credit-rating. The Socialist Party is an organisation which would help get rid of this system, and build socialism where the people’s needs will be in the first place, a political party which firmly states it is socialist and stands with the working class, and that the only road out of this hell is socialist revolution for class-free society.

Unemployment, dead-end jobs with lousy wages, discrimination, terrible schools, the constant threat of another rich man’s war and the continual destruction of eco-systems. These are some of the problems we face. Partial “solutions”, a few piecemeal reforms, never has and never will end these conditions, and it doesn’t answer the most basic problem people face under capitalism–that it is completely unable to offer them a life with a purpose. Years in a factory or some other job making some capitalist richer, or devoting their life only to raising a family and house, fighting to stay ahead of debt and with nothing their children except life in a system based on exploitation and oppression. This is the future the ruling class offers us, and what we have to look forward to in the years ahead so long as the capitalists’ rule. The only solution to this most basic problem is to overthrow the existing system–a revolution. The Socialist Party recognises that to wipe out this mad-house system requires not piecemeal reforms but one major thorough-going solution - revolution.

For most of our lives we have been preached to about the horrors of socialism, in the schools and colleges, in the media, from the lips of lying politicians. But who, or better yet, what class has been doing this; what class has been trying to poison our minds with anti-socialist venom? And what has been their purpose in doing this? It is none other than the rich ruling class, the source of all exploitation and oppression. It is the same class of people who try to present their system, where the masses of people catch hell each and every day, as the best of all possible worlds. They tell us it is natural for some people to be on top of other people. They say the best thing in the world is looking out for Number One (yourself), and to hell with everyone else. After all they say, that’s just the way it has to be. The ruling class hates socialism, they say it’s bad for the people. For the ruling class it is indeed bad, because socialism will end their blood-sucking ways. For the people, on the other hand, it is the beginning of a new era. It is not hard to see what the motive lying behind the anti-socialism is. The capitalist class has about as much interest in promoting the spread of socialist ideas, as a rat has in the spread of rat-traps. Under capitalism the workers are wage slaves, slaves of the bosses. The bosses run the factories in order to maximise profits. This means that they pay workers as little as possible, that they do not hesitate to maintain unsafe working conditions to save a dollar, and poor quality products are purposely produced in order to increase profits. History has shown that these conditions are always present under capitalism, and cannot be eliminated as long as there is boss-rule of the country

Throughout the world people are being screwed over in a thousand and one ways by the capitalist system. A capitalist has to exploit his workers in order to survive as a capitalist. Are we to fight the capitalists individually? First of all, in industrial battles that in the short run mainly affect one group of the people, think how much the strength and power is increased when all the people take them up. the most important thing for people to understand is that the only way to do away with the misery and oppression which capitalism breeds is to build a united and organised movement against the capitalists and for revolution. If is the task of the Socialist Party to go further and point to the broadest and biggest fight of all: that against the capitalist class for control of this
society. We don’t look for friends among the ruling class. Instead we support the daily struggles of the working class by promoting unity and solidarity, publishing the Socialist Standard that tells the working ’class side of the story, and working towards the revolutionary overthrow of the capitalist class.

Friday, March 01, 2019

Socialist Standard No. 1375 March 2019

To the Men and Women of the Working Class

The Socialist Party exposes the distortions, the lies, and crimes of those murderers and enslavers who have refused to treat workers as worthy of respect and having the dignity of human beings. We come to explain to our fellow workers the nature of the struggle in. which they are participating. To tell them of the principles for which we work and fight. To reveal what we are confident is the way out for our class from the horrid nightmare of the competitive struggle which sets nation against nation, class against class, and individual against individual. In opposition to all other parties—Conservative, Labour or nationalist—we affirm that so long as one section of the community own and control the means of production, and the rest of the community are compelled to work for that section in order to obtain the means of life, there can be no peace between them. The eyes of the world are upon you. The choice is yours.

Every man and woman of our class has to make a great decision. We choose whether capitalism with all its attendant miseries and horrors is to remain enthroned, or whether we intend to be free people. Indeed, we shall have to choose whether prefer to remain the tools of the employers and the slaves for their profits. The struggle between individual capitalists to realise profits sets employer against employer. The conflict between national groups of financiers sets nation against nation, and produces war. But despite their individual and national conflicts the whole capitalist class stands united in their common desire to exploit Labour. Hence under capitalism the freedom of the working class consists in the freedom to starve or accept such conditions as are imposed upon them by the employing class. But the freedom of the master class consists in their untrammelled freedom to buy Labour to create profit. Thus, the workers are not free. Neither owning nor controlling the means of life, they are wage slaves of their employers, and are but mere commodities. The propertied class created the State machine by conquering the rest of the community, hence arose the dual character of the class war, manifesting itself industrially through the Employers’ Federations, and reflected politically in Parliament.

The worker today is a wage-slave, bound by the pressure of economic wants to compulsory servitude to idle capitalist masters. We are obliged to sell our liberties in exchange for the means of subsistence. We are under the greatest tyranny of which it is possible to conceive — the tyranny of want. By this lash men and women are driven to work long hours and in unwholesome occupations, and to live in tenement rookeries in our city slums that for vileness would surpass the slave quarters of old. The person who has no work or is compelled to submit to wages dictated by a corporation, and is at the beck and call of a master for his or her working-day. Someone thus conditioned is far from free. The real restrictions today are economic. We are prevented from doing the things we would like to do, not by governmental restrictions, but by limited means. We would all like to take a trip abroad. No law prohibits us, but we are restricted by the lack of the needed material resources – money. Today workers are exploited. Socialism will abolish this exploitation. But it is not only freedom of labour but freedom from labour that socialists seek. With a rational re-organisation of industry, eliminating all the wastes of the present system, two or three hours a day or even a week would suffice to supply all the comforts and even luxuries of life. This would secure to the workers the leisure necessary to enable him to develop their faculties and which could be devoted to recreation and travel. There can be no liberty in economic dependence. Someone who is in want or in the fear of want is not a free. No-one is free if he or she does not possess the means of livelihood. As long as we must look to the pleasure or profit of another for a living we are not independent, and without independence there can be no freedom. Freedom will become the heritage of all as soon as socialism is realised, because it will guarantee to all security, independence and prosperity by securing labour to all and recompensing each according to performance. Socialism contains the only hope. True liberty and freedom can only be attained in the cooperative commonwealth. Wage slavery is obviously only chattel slavery in disguise.

The Socialist Party affirm that all land, mines, factories, all means of transportation, and all other social and welfare service shall become the communal property of the people. Social classes thus being abolished, no person shall have the power to employ another person for private profit. The only hope for the human race is in socialism, that system of society that gives to every individual, without regard to race, colour or sex, an equal opportunity to develop the best within themselves.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Our Immediate Demands

“Our demands most moderate are – We only want the earth!” James Connolly

In the last few months, vast sections of the working class have struggled against and struck blows against the capitalist class. The history of the working class has been a history of unremitting struggle against exploitation and oppression by the capitalist class. The working class come into existence by the forcible driving of the peasants from the land. The landless peasants were then forced to work at starvation wages in the factories. The ruling class, while in the main using lies and deception to exploit and oppress the workers of our countries as well as working people all over the world, has never shrunk from brutalising workers. But where there is oppression there is always resistance and the working class has never been cowed. The spirit of the workers has always been never to capitulate. The working class has time and time again supported the struggles of its class brothers and sisters around the world. Why then has the mighty force of the working class so filled with the spirit of rebellion and international brotherhood, never overthrown their oppressors and exploiters.

Working men and women, do not forget for an instant that the great struggle in which you are engaged is a class conflict, and that the lines must be sharply drawn in every battle, whether on the economic or the political field. The slavery of your class is responsible for your chains and never until your entire class is emancipated can you escape from the iron grasp of your capitalist masters. As far the class struggle is concerned, there is no good capitalist and no bad worker. Every capitalist is your enemy and every worker, your friend. You have got to stand and act as one. Solidarity is our strategy, and socialism points unerringly the way. Day by day the class-conscious socialist movement increases in power. It scorns all compromise. It firmly holds every inch it conquers. It cannot be intimidated nor frightened by threats. It is pursuing its historic course and come what may, it will press on and on until the goal is reached and labour rules the world.

Under chattel-slavery the slave was bought and sold and became the property of the buyer. Under the system of wage-slavery, to which workers of all races in all capitalist countries are subjected at present, the LABOUR or LABOUR POWER of the individual worker is bought, a wage is paid to the worker by the employer, and the employer only takes an interest in the welfare of his workers in so far as it helps him to make profits out of them.

Under chattel-slavery the slave was oppressed and exploited by the slave master and slave rebellions took place time and again led by the instinctive surge to freedom. The wage-slaves — workers of today — are exploited and oppressed by the capitalist employers. As under the system of wage-slavery, so under capitalist slavery, workers are constantly struggling for better conditions and for the ABOLITION OF CAPITALIST SLAVERY in all countries. The struggles of the industrial workers and oppressed colonial peoples take on more and more a bitterly conscious fight against exploitation and imperialist slavery, for that OVERTHROW of this FINAL slave system of the government and for the establishment of a society controlled by the workers and all toilers. The emancipation of humanity from all forms of slavery and oppression is the historical TASK OF THE WORKING CLASS AND CAN ONLY BE REALISED BY THIS CLASS. The capitalists freed the chattel-slaves in order to transform them into wage-slaves; the WAGE-SLAVES WILL FREE THEMSELVES, IN ORDER TO FREE HUMANITY. Working people have shown that their revolutionary spirit of rebellion cannot be crushed. The capitalist class have NOT succeeded in quelling the revolutionary spirit of the working people. It is necessary to take the struggle forwards, to fight for the complete overthrow of the capitalist system of exploitation, and for the establishment of the working class as the ruling class. There are no solutions within the capitalist system. The spirit of our time is revolutionary and growing more so every day. A new social order is struggling into existence. The old economic foundation of society is breaking up and the social fabric is beginning to totter. The capitalist system is doomed. The signs of change confront us upon every hand.

The Socialist Party is the only party that stands against the present system and for the rule of the people; the only party that boldly avows itself the party of the working class and its purpose the overthrow of wage-slavery. So long as the present system of capitalism prevails and the few are allowed to own the world’s industries, the toiling masses will be struggling in poverty. Private ownership and competition have had their day. The Socialist Party stands for common ownership and co-operation. The one is Capitalism; the other Socialism. The one industrial despotism, the other industrial democracy. The workers who have made the world and who support the world, are preparing to take possession of the world. This is the meaning of socialism and is what the Socialist Party stands for. We demand the machinery of production in the name of the workers and the control of society in the name of the people. We demand the abolition of capitalism and wage-slavery and the surrender of the capitalist class. We demand all children born into the world shall have equal opportunity to grow up, to be educated, to have healthy bodies and minds, and to develop and freely express the best there is in them in mental and physical achievement. We demand complete control of industry by the workers; we demand all the wealth they produce for their own enjoyment, and we demand the Earth for all the people.
A rat race is for rats. Were not rats. Were human beings.” Jimmy Reid

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The Socialist Party Condemns Capitalism

“The monopoly of land drives the worker from the farm into the factory, and the monopoly of machinery drives him from the factory into the street, and thus crucified between the two thieves of land and capital, the Christ of Labour hangs in silent agony.” Ernest Jones (Chartist)

Socialism has come to be applied to any activity of the state or municipality in an economic direction, irrespective of what the nature of the activity or the state concerned is. Hence any industrial or commercial enterprise undertaken by a governmental body is labelled Socialism nowadays. It does not mean socialism. The State is an agent of the possessing class and industrial or commercial undertakings run by governmental bodies are run in the interests of the ruling class. Their aim in all cases is to show a profit, in the same way as any other ordinary capitalist enterprises. This profit accrues to the possessing class in the form of relief from taxation, interest on loans, etc. In other words, these industrial undertakings are run for profit and not for use and their employees are little, if at all, better off than those of private employers. For socialists, poverty and squalor are unmitigated evils. Socialism involves a complete revolution in all spheres of human life. After workers have overthrown the capitalists we will establish socialism. The capitalists use their state to protect their interests. The enormous waste of capitalism will be abolished.

The “lesser of two evils” line is exactly what the name implies – choosing the lesser evil within the existing social system. The type of person who pursues this line are people who don’t understand that the real alternative is socialism. For them to pick the lesser evil is progressive, that is, to the extent that they think it is anti-capitalist, and pro-working class. For socialists to pursue this policy by not pointing out the true alternative to capitalism is mistaken. They betray their duty to the working class.

Workers are wage slaves who survive only by selling their labour power to the capitalists. Capitalists own the means of production and pay workers for their labour power. But the working class produces far more wealth than it receives in income. The difference is the source of capitalist profits. The worker is employed only as long as he or she helps create profit for the employers. The capitalist class owns and controls the means of production, distribution and communication. The working class owns none of these, and therefore workers must sell their labour power to the capitalist for wages in order to live. The worker creates a product of value, part of which is returned to him as wage, and the rest of which is taken from him by the capitalists as profit. Thus, is created the basic antagonistic contradiction between worker and capitalist, since the interest of one is, and has to be, directly opposed to the interest of the other. This most fundamental of contradictions will not end until capitalism with its private ownership and/or control of the means of production is itself ended, and replaced with socialism. The only way to abolish the capitalist exploitation of labour and the decadent society built on this foundation is to destroy the state power of the exploiting class

Without the trade unions the workers would be a mere rabble of broken-spirited and utterly degraded slaves, and there would be little hope of their redemption. Trade unions did almost magical work in giving them solidarity, strength, and political effectiveness.  Strikes have slightly increased wages, slightly reduced the hours, and slightly improved the general condition of the toilers, and may continue to do so in the future, but almost certainly to a lesser extent than formerly. But the Socialist Party always wishes to make very clear and convincing is, that no strike in the past has dealt any effective blow at the system that persistently crushes workers down; and no strike can emancipate themselves.

The Socialist Party stands for the overthrow of capitalism. It demands a new form of society run by the working people. In socialist society, all means of production will be common property. There will be no classes and no class struggle. The consequences of class divided society – racism, national chauvinism, sexism, will all have disappeared. There will be no wars, no armies, and no need for weapons of war, which will become historical curiosities. There will be no distinction between mental and manual work. Socialism will be a life of material abundance. We appeal to you then, fellow-workers, to rally around the only banner that symbolises hope for you– the crimson banner of socialism. Cast off all your old political affiliations, and organise and vote to reconquer society in the interests of its only useful class – the workers. Let your slogan be, the common ownership of the means of life, your weapons the industrial and political organisation of the wage slaves to conquer their own emancipation. Freedom lies within the grasp of the wage slave, we need but the mind and knowledge to seize it.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019


Always, there are groups in protest against some aspect or other of this social system. CND’ers come into this category. They leave intact the very thing which spawned nuclear weapons  –the private property basis of Capitalism –so their cause is hopeless.
Supposing the Bomb could be banned. If two Nations, possessing the necessary technical knowledge, should quarrel seriously enough over the things wars are really fought for – markets, sources of raw materials, strategic Bases, etc. –and even supposing they commenced fighting with ‘conventional,’ ‘moral’ weapons, would not the losing side set its scientists to producing nuclear weapons in order to stave off defeat? If history is anything to go by, the side which was winning would use the Bomb and justify this by claiming it had brought hostilities to a speedier conclusion.
It would require several volumes to deal with every ‘solution’ which CND’ers have dreamt-up over the years. From World Government or alignment with the ‘uncommitted Nations’ (some strange bedfellows in this lot), to ‘disengagement’ and the farcical ‘Steps Towards Peace,’ every straw has been clutched at.
Anyway, even if it were possible, Capitalism minus the Bomb would not solve the problem of war; a world based on the common ownership of the means of wealth production, alone, will do that. So, being after something fundamentally different, we have no alternative but to oppose CND.
One final point. We do not deny the sincerity of many campaigners; the energy and ingenuity they displayed in tackling a job they considered important provided further proof that once working men and women get on the right track Capitalism’s days are numbered.
 Vic Vanni, 
Socialist Standard
April 1966

The heart-break of capitalism, the joy of socialism

The Socialist Party believes that only when the whole of the working class rid ourselves of the employing class, their parties and their system, can the people stand up’ and build socialism to begin to control their lives. Socialism is not the conquest of the state by a political party: it is the conquest of society by working people through industrial and political action. Socialism is not State Capitalism, which is simply a means of protecting and promoting capitalist interests and more easily oppressing the workers. Socialism is not government ownership or control of industry. Socialism is the transformation of the State, not the enlarging of its functions. Socialism is not some Utopian scheme.

Capitalism has created the economic conditions for socialism. Today there is social production but no social ownership. Socialism will bring common ownership of social production. It is the next step in the further development of mankind. Socialism will be won through the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism and the capture of political power by the working class. With socialism, the working people will take over the economic forces developed by capitalism and operate them in the interests of society. This will bring a qualitative improvement in the lives of the working people. Because working people will control the great wealth they produce, they will be fundamentally able to determine their own futures. The end of exploitation of one person by another will be an unprecedented liberating and transforming force. Socialism aims at giving a meaning to people's life and work; at enabling their freedom, their creativity, and the positive aspects of their personality to flourish. These are not aspirations about some hazy and distant future. Socialism is autonomy, people's conscious direction of their own lives. Exploiting societies persist because those whom they exploit help them to survive. Socialist society implies people's self-organisation of every aspect of their social activities. Socialism implies that the organisation of a society will have become transparent to its members. Inside socialism, people will dominate the workings and institutions of society, instead of being dominated by them. Socialism will therefore have to realise democracy for the first time in human history. Socialist society will provide a socialist solution to the problem of centralisation.

The word ‘socialism’ is more than the name merely for a new system of economic relationships. Socialism means the ending of exploitation of man by man, a society without class antagonisms, in which the people themselves control their means of life and use them for their own happiness. Socialism is not inevitable. What has been termed its ‘inevitability’ consists in this, that only through socialism can human progress continue. But there is not and cannot be any absolute deterministic inevitability in human affairs, since men and women make their own history and chooses what to do. What is determined is not their choice, but the conditions under which it is made, and the consequences when it is made. The meaning of scientific socialism is not that it tells us that socialism will come regardless, but that it explains to us where we stand, what course lies open to us, what is the road to life.

Socialism means a class-free society, and a class-free society means that a privileged minority of the population are not in a position to enjoy the national wealth, while the majority live only on their labour to produce it. It means especially that privileged individuals who do have excess income cannot invest it in the instruments of production with which others work, thus reducing them to a position of fixed subservience. It means an end of rent, profit, and interest on stocks and bonds, an end of “surplus value,” an end of the exploitation of labour. Marx placed at the very basis of his system the assertion that the workers being the lowest class in society, could not emancipate itself without emancipating all mankind, and he described socialism in consequence as “the society of the free and equal.” The Socialist Party desires the realisation of a humane human community.

The Socialist Party rejects the policy of state ownership and rejects the idea that state capitalism is a phase of socialism. The larger part of reformist propaganda and practice in the past have been implementing state capitalism, often misleadingly designated as “state socialism”. Whenever the state nationalised an industry, whenever the state imposed its control over industry, workers naively accepted this as anti-capitalism, and as a symptom of the growing importance of socialism and the transformation of capitalism into socialism. This is not so. What was passing away is not capitalism, but laissez faire capitalism. What has come about has not been socialism nor an “installment” of socialism, but a brutal and typical expression of capitalist power and supremacy. Socialism is not state ownership or management of industry, but the opposite. When socialism conquers, its first act is to abolish the state, its parliamentary regime and forms of activity. State capitalism is not socialism and never can become socialism. The institutional developments of capitalism do not bring, they never can bring, socialism. State capitalism accentuates and sharpens class divisions, by arraying against working people all sections of the ruling class merged and united. State capitalism regulates and directs capital and labour. The working-class stands against the unified capitalist regime. The workers set themselves against the state, the state against the workers; the struggle becomes more intense and general, the antagonisms more acute and irreconcilable. As the state imposes its control over industry, the working-class challenges that control, contests the authority and force of the state, and itself gradually acquires the power of control over industry. The challenge under the impulse of events develops into the social revolution. The social revolution becomes a fact when the people has acquired sufficient consciousness of its control over production to establish that control in practice.

A lure is offered to the workers to “democratize” state capitalism, transforming state capitalism by “democratizing” the government, placing it in the hands of “the people.” State capitalism is fundamentally and necessarily undemocratic; it cannot be democratised, it must be abolished by the proletarian revolution. The coming of Socialism is a process of violent and implacable struggles, not a dress parade of amicable transformation. The concept of “transformation” in practice doesn’t transform capitalism, it transforms the workers’ movement into a caricature of socialism and a prop of capitalism. Socialism rejects “co-operation” with the capitalist, in industry as in politics. One phase of state capitalism is the policy of trying to maintain industrial peace, and this is attempted alternately by coercion and cajolery. One means of cajolery is an arrangement by which the workers may “co-operate” with the employers in the consideration of matters affecting a particular industry or factory. The state tries to compel this co-operation, making it an impliedly compulsory affair, and it becomes the function of the government to bring the workers under the sway of the capitalist in ways that strike at the independent action of the workers. Autocracy in government is supplemented by a sham democracy, by apparently giving the workers a share in the regulation of their conditions, but which actually is an illusion, as the power of the employers sets it at nought. The purpose is to run the militant spirit of the workers into the ground, to disorganise their independent action.