Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Socialism - Will it happen?

The likelihood of achieving socialism in the next decade or two is remote; and many of us (albeit very reluctantly) accept that the fundamental changes we are working for will not come about in our lifetimes. The missing factor seems to be the absence of socialist consciousness which can create the revolutionary desire for change.

 Socialists hate capitalism with our heads and with our hearts, that is,  on rational, theoretical, but also on emotional grounds, because we see in it an out-dated social system, an anomaly, holding back those wonderful developments of technology and material resources that our knowledge could turn to providing the well-being of the people. We see in it a social system that carries within itself slumps and wars, poverty amidst plenty, oppression and repression. Socialists want to end it as soon as possible. We aim at replacing the present capitalist system by socialism, understood as a system where there will be social ownership of the means of production and distribution. We envisage socialism as a society where material wealth will be in the hands of those who produce it, where the exploitation of man by man will be ended, where production will be used not for private profit, where a new relationship of fraternity will develop between people and where individual men and women will find totally new possibilities to develop their capacities. A revolution means a change in political power and social relations; it does not necessarily mean a violent bloody insurrection. Our aim therefore is a peaceful transition to socialism : though we have always made it clear that an aim is not a guarantee and that the form of the transition to socialism does not depend on the working people alone. We do not stand for violence, but if violence should be used by the old ruling class against the people, then the people themselves will, with all legality behind them, have to find appropriate methods to deal with it.

As much as any other social group, Left intellectuals are subject to myth and mystification concerning their political beliefs; and nothing is more striking than the romantic illusions which have enveloped so much of the left-wing. Some political activists seem to expect that there will be a massive spontaneous uprising of workers in protest against the cumulative burdens being imposed upon them to accommodate capitalism’s way out of its crisis. Unfortunately, this is only wishful thinking. It is not that spontaneous protests will not occur, or that militancy will not spread. That may well be possible. Certainly,  when workers are in protest and resistance affords better opportunities for the  educational work of Marxists than in times of social ‘peace’. Taking comfort in prophecies of workers’ rebellion is a trap just as much as taking comfort in the evidence that capitalism is in its final crisis.  In both cases, capitalist solutions will prevail unless and until the working class is prepared to cope with the situation effectively. Before it can do so, the working class must understand its interest as a class and be class-conscious united. It is fundamental that we do everything possible to promote the growth of class consciousness, unity and a sense within the working class of its own power. No one  can offer a blue-print of the future but it should go without saying there must be discussion and exploration. The enemy is capitalism. To defeat capitalism we need all our resources, and the issue of the labour moment is how best to bring them together in unity for the common struggle.

 It is no easy task under the conditions of today to build a socialist movement without illusions, that is able to confront the gritty facts of social and political life without falling into despair and cynicism. Only a proof of  a practical viable alternative will convince large numbers of people of the possibilities of supplanting capitalism.  Socialists have always recognised their obligation to give support to strikes and other industrial  struggles. Such an obligation is of a two-fold character: to defend the immediate economic interests of  our class and to promote class and socialist consciousness. The second half of this proposition is something that a serious socialist is always careful that its efforts to aid a given strike do not in fact become an obstacle to it and  socialists proceed with good judgment and common sense. The workers show very good acumen in rejecting the many messiahs who come along with all the answers. They have assimilated the lesson that the trade unions is a valuable weapon in their fight against the employers, in that these organisations deliver some of the goods. This is why they are reluctant to abandon their organisations just because some group of individuals tells them to do so – no matter how learned these intellectuals might be.

No point in the Socialist philosophy arouses such controversy as that of the “class-struggle” and “class-consciousness.”

Marx said many years ago that strikes cannot be interpreted in terms of how little or how much is won economically, but that there is also a political character to them. They are resistances to life in this society. Some battles are won, some are lost, but all can be learned from. In a capitalist society, more are lost than are won. Occasionally, workers win great victories; more often, they suffer great defeats. Still more often, there are modest victories and modest defeats.

In German Ideology Marx wrote that a revolution is necessary, not only because bourgeois society cannot be over-thrown in any other way, but because without it, human beings cannot be transformed to create the kind of society that a future society can be. You do not create revolutionaries and then make a revolution. You make a revolution and that, in his phrase, gets rid of all the crap of centuries. And short of the revolution, you cannot get rid of that crap. If, in order for a revolution to take place, one first had to get rid of the racism, sexism, and other forms of bigotry and division that are endemic in capitalist society, then the possibility of revolution does not exist.

Many understand working-class activity on the idea that consciousness leads to, or causes, action. It is just as valid to say that action leads to consciousness, But much more likely is that activity and consciousness interact in ways that are rarely predictable.

When workers in one department of a plant walk out to protest some grievance, their objectives are usually quite limited. But if that walkout triggers the shutdown of the entire plant, working people are then likely to raise their sights. They have learned, through their activity, that their grievance (and, presumably, other grievances) is shared by fellow workers throughout the plant. They have also learned that not only are their grievances shared but their power is also shared and is made more substantial by being shared. Suppose that a strike at one plant triggers strikes, either at other plants of the same corporation or at other workplaces in the same city. Suddenly, what began as a simple departmental walkout has become a general strike and has attained a whole new political dimension, requiring decisions by workers or strike committees on such questions as what production should be allowed and what should be stopped, how to ensure public order, how to deal with government attempts to break the strike, and so on. Under those circumstances it is only natural that workers, made more and more aware of their own power, also find that deeply held grievances and long hidden desires rise to the surface and become expressed in ways that would have been unthinkable before the actual struggle had begun.

The conclusion, of course, is that as long as the workplace is a place of continual struggle and conflict, then massive social explosions are always possible. Not inevitable, not limited to this or that country, but possible anywhere in the industrial world.

Tightening the purse strings

53 percent of Britons said they will have to curb their spending in 2014 in a struggle to pay rising household bills in the UK.

About 58 percent of those surveyed also expressed worries over the effect of higher bills on their finances.

59 percent said they would reduce the amount spent on food, 37 percent said they would reduce the amount spent on gas and electricity, and 66 percent the costs of socialisng with family and friends.

Citizens Advice chief executive Gillian Guy said the research shows that “The soaring cost of living will force millions of people to cut back on basic necessities,”

Monday, January 27, 2014

Superior Intelligence?

One of the crazy notions that is currently held  by defenders of capitalism is that the owning class are wealthy because of their superior intelligence. So how do they explain a hyper-wealthy billionaire venture capitalist who has  compared the treatment of super-rich Americans to the Holocaust? Thomas Perkins, who is thought to be worth around $8bn, made the startling comparison in a letter to The Wall Street Journal in which he wrote of 'parallels' between the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany and what he describes as the "progressive war on the American one per cent". 'The letter, which was published by the WSJ earlier this week, begins: "Writing from the epicentre of progressive thought, San Francisco, I would call attention to the parallels of fascist Nazi Germany to its war on its "one per cent," namely its Jews, to the progressive war on the American one per cent, namely the "rich."' (Independent, 26 January) "Superior intelligence"? More like total dumb ass!

Too Poor? Well Die Then

Bayer's CEO has caused a furore in the press by an undiplomatic remark. 'The CEO of pharmaceutical giant Bayer has sparked fury after announcing one of the firm's drugs was for 'western patients who can afford it'. Marijn Dekkers made the inflammatory comments after the Indian company Natco Pharma Ltd. were granted a government licence to produce a copy of Bayer's cancer drug Nexavar which they will sell for 97 per cent less than the original product.' (Daily Mail, 24 January) What should be really "sparking a fury" is not Mr Dekkers comment but the whole system that allows a company to withhold treatment of life saving treatment because the patient is too poor to afford it.  RD

Revolutionary Socialism

 It doesn’t matter how a dictionary defines the actual word when the word “revolution” is used people tend to think of violence and bloodshed. Without explaining ourselves and our case we risk being seriously misunderstood. Socialists should be clear by what is meant by the expression “revolutionary socialism.” Socialists use the term “revolutionary.” to distinguish themselves from “gradualists” and “reformers”. We mean by “revolutionary socialism” the capture of the political power by the working class as opposed to the capitalist class. This is the essence of revolutionary socialism. So, then, by “revolutionary socialism” we do not mean an appeal to arms and insurrection.

The Revolution has a positive goal, that the workers take possession of all the tools of production. No serious-minded person would venture to predict exactly how the Revolution will come about. Revolution is not the act of a few persons; it does not take place according to a preconceived plan but is produced by uncontrollable circumstances which no individual can command. We should not, therefore, intend to draw up a blueprint for the future.

The capitalist class live in splendour by exploiting the working class through the daily robbery of the enormous wealth the workers produce. In contrast to this, exploitation, oppression, poverty and misery characterise the lives of the working class. The capitalist class is a small class composed of those who own and control the financial institutions and means of production – the land, raw materials, machines, mines, mills, factories and farms. The capitalists are as a class, a useless, dangerous, parasitic minority that can be dispensed with. The working class is made up of those who are deprived of the ownership of the means of production and therefore are forced to sell their labour power as a commodity to the capitalist class. It is this class which creates the wealth of society and from which the capitalists extract surplus value. The ranks of the working class also encompass the old and disabled workers and semi-permanently and permanently unemployed workers forced to live on wefare. The working class has the power in its hands to forge a new socialist society out of the ruins of the old capitalist one, and it alone is capable of running society in the interests of the great majority. Despite various theories of the working class “dying away,” being “bought off,” or losing its revolutionary potential, the working class is suffering more than ever before from capitalist exploitation and oppression and is growing in size world-wide. The international working class has “nothing to lose but its chains and a world to win.” Through its own emancipation, it will smash the chains of capitalism which bind the people of the whole world.

There is no point in talking about the misery of today’s society. Any person in full possession of their faculties will agree that our life is not a happy one. It is often said that the idea of socialism, a fine ideal , but is unfortunately unrealisable. When it is said that socialism, as an idea, is all very nice but is unachievable, no more is being said than what the theologians and philosophers, priests and statesmen have always said about change and progress. Why do you believe this? Because you cannot envisage anything other than brutality and ignorance, wickedness and foolishness in the world. Look around you. Modern industry has filled the whole world with its riches and yet it has created an unbridgeable gulf between the wealthy and the poor, between capitalists and workers.

We often hear the objection that work is so repulsive and harmful to health that nobody would undertake it unless he or she was forced to do so by necessity. This remark which is thought to be the greatest objection to socialism is rather the most conclusive argument in its favour. In a society for which the common welfare will be worth more than all the treasure of the world, in a society which will spare no cost to ensure that work is carried out in such a way that people can do it without harming their lives, in a society which will prefer not to have work done which is not justified from the overall human point of view, in such a society, such inhuman work as exists in our society based on robbery with murder, slavery, unreason and injustice will no longer exist. The more you find in our society such work which man only carries out through necessity, which in other words only a slave does, the more you ought to consider socialism, without which this work will neither be changed nor abolished, to be the indispensable condition for freedom, justice and humanity.

Why is the oppressed worker, the starving millions, promised a paradise in the future? Day by day workers are betrayed by politicians who try to mend matters by asserting that if they were not in power the workers would have been still worse off. This theory of the “lesser of two evils” is an important trump in the hands of the reformists. They make out that they are saving the  working class and the whole of humanity from unheard of calamities, but what they actually attempt to do is to save capitalism. The working class to a certain extent is now beginning to lose confidence in the miracle-working effects of the government. It is the task of the Socialist Party to facilitate, to hasten the process of the liberation from the reformist illusions, to win the rest of our fellow workers to the side of the class struggle.

Religious Intolerance

A severely mentally ill British pensioner sentenced to death in Pakistan after being found guilty of breaching the country’s blasphemy laws is being denied independent legal advice to help him appeal against the threat of execution.  The retired grocery shop owner was found guilty by a judge after state-appointed counsel failed to raise vital expert medical evidence proving he was unfit to stand trial for allegedly claiming to be the Prophet Mohammed in a series of unsent letters which were handed in to police by a man with whom he was embroiled in a property dispute. He had travelled to his birth country when he was released from hospital after being sectioned in Edinburgh. Among his grandiose symptoms, which included claiming to be a holy man, were delusions that he was being bugged by the British, Pakistan and United States secret services.

Lawyers representing Muhammad Asghar, 69, from Edinburgh, were told they could not see him in prison this weekend in defiance of his constitutional rights despite having pre-arranged a visit through the jail authorities. Lawyers urgently need to get Mr Asghar to sign a secondary power of attorney allowing them to lodge an appeal by Thursday. Even if the papers are filed in time he still faces up to a five year wait until the case is reconsidered by the appeal court in Rawalpindi. The appeal itself could take at least a further year.

Mr Asghar lived in Scotland for 40 years and ran a grocery shop in Leith. He was a well-known member of Edinburgh’s Muslim community and worshiped at the Shah Jalal Mosque and Islamic Centre in the city. It is believed he has two daughters still living in Scotland whilst his wife is said to be unwell and living in Rawalpindi. Mr Asghar, who has been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia by a leading consultant in Scotland and is believed to be suicidal as well as at risk of revenge attacks by religious extremists, has seven days to lodge an appeal against his sentence which has prompted international outrage from human rights organisations. As well as being partly paralysed down one side of his body following a stroke he also demonstrates little awareness that he is mentally ill.

Despite a 2008 moratorium on the death penalty in Pakistan there is growing international unease over the country’s sacred religious laws.

Dr Usama Hasan, senior researcher in Islamic Studies for the Quilliam Foundation said the restrictions were a legacy of British rule although they were tightened under General Zia’s military regime in the 1980s.
“This case shows once again why the blasphemy laws should be reformed. The irony is that they date back to the British times when they were meant to keep the peace between different faith communities and prevent communal violence,” he said. “It has become a different issue now and the blasphemy laws are supported by religious conservatives and the Taliban and their supporters because they want a harsh and narrow interpretation of sharia law,” he added.

Experts say it is impossible to defend someone accused of breaching the religious laws without being accused of blasphemy. It is claimed up to five judges presided over Mr Asghar’s trial before the sentence was handed down behind closed doors. Dr Hasan said pressure could be brought to bear on the case. “Most people know that someone who is mentally ill is not responsible for their actions. If the case was properly championed there would be a lot of support and sympathy.”

Polluted Scotland

Friends of the Earth Scotland has published league tables which they claimed identify Scotland's most polluted streets.

Hope Street in central Glasgow is named as the area with the most serious nitrogen dioxide (NO2) pollution problem in the country. High levels of NO2 are linked to asthma and other respiratory problems.

Market Street in Aberdeen is claimed to be the worst in Scotland for particulate matter pollution (PM10). Health experts say long-term exposure to air pollution caused by particulates is linked to a higher risk of heart attack.

Dr Richard Dixon, director of FOE Scotland, said the research showed that air pollution was also a threat to health in smaller towns and villages. "We have air pollution problems in all of our big urban areas. Action is long overdue. We still haven't met health protection targets which we were supposed to meet in 2005 and 2010. But there are some surprising places in the results as well. For example, we're missing health targets in Crieff, in Perth, and even in small villages in some parts of West Lothian and North Lanarkshire. It's taken us a decade to talk about it, but do very little, and we need to see much more action if we're going to solve the problem and give ourselves the clean air we deserve."

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Football and Finance

Sport according to the dictionary should be "a pleasant pastime, amusement, diversion" - but this is capitalism wherein everything is distorted by profit. The extent of the risks faced by migrant construction workers building the infrastructure for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar has been laid bare by official documents revealing that 185 Nepalese men died last year alone. 'According to the documents the total number of verified deaths among workers from Nepal just one of several countries that supply hundreds of thousands of migrant workers to the gas-rich state is now at least 382 in two years alone.' (Guardian, 24 January) In their desperate efforts to make the world cup a financial success the Qatar owning class care little about the health and safety of the working class. RD

Living On A Pittance

The basic state pension will rise by £2.97 a week this year to be worth £113.12 a week.  But despite a fall in inflation in December, prices are still rising more than   twice as fast as the rate of pay.  And although there was a slowdown in the increase of fruit and meat prices, hikes in gas and electricity bills as well as rising petrol prices mean householders will continue to feel the squeeze. There are more than five million UK households living in fuel poverty, with people spending more than ten per cent of their income on energy to keep   warm. 'Members of fuel poverty alliance Energy Bill Revolution have written to Prime Minister David Cameron demanding that party leaders act on the "national scandal".  Age UK said least three million older people were worried about staying warm  indoors this winter, with six million anxious about rising fuel bills.' (Daily Telegraph, 24 January) RD

Dare to Be Free

The Wall Street and City of London money-sharks are riding high these days. The masters of capital, drunk with power, threaten and terrorise the people of the world. Capitalist society is built upon our sweat and blood, our misery and want. All our victories on the economic field are turned against us, and our economic slavery is reinforced by an absolute political dictatorship of capitalism. Thus our economic struggle must of necessity become a political one. The chain holding us down in wage slavery is our submissiveness.

There is a war raging between  the capitalist class and the working class.The war between the capitalist class and the working class is due to the system of wage slavery. The capitalist class is easy to identify. They are the handful of billionaires who own or control the factories, mines, fields and the banks. They are the class that owns and sells the products that we make and often cannot even afford to buy. We sell our labour to this class for a wage, and sometimes even short of that!

The bosses appetite for profits is looked after by the government. The government is run by the capitalists for the purpose of maintaining the flow of profits. This is done in a lot of ways such as tax breaks and subsidies. A system of courts and police protect the property and the profits of the capitalists from the struggling working class. Injunctions against picket lines and strikes. They all  government protect the capitalist right to dictate the terms of employment to us. Shrinking wages and threats of unemployment are the terms of our employment.  We have to eat. To eat we have to work. To work we have to work for the capitalists. To work for the boss we have to accept his terms. We are slaves of the wage system.

The workers movement includes those of us who are trying organise the whole working class under the banner of “An Injury to One is an Injury to All.” The socialist movement  aim to challenge the system of wage slavery itself. There is only class struggle and the screws are turned on us year after year. We are all one, all workers of all lands . We know not colour, nor creed, nor sex in the labor movement.  What keeps our class on the march to the goal is the solidarity of labour which will vanquish wage-slavery and humanise our working lives.

 Some say “The task is too difficult, the system is too big. I care only about my own factory, my own community, my own family and home.” But it is only by understanding how capitalism runs against the interests of all working people, of how capitalism must be fought by all the working class  and when people are armed with an understanding of capitalism as the enemy then we can we can make the revolution. Our only choice is to fight harder. Only by completely getting rid of this system of wage slavery and its law of profits and the system in which the capitalists own and control everything, including us and our labor can we advance to socialism. It is only by getting rid of the whole source of these problems, the system of capitalism, that we can build a new society run by and for all. If we stick to our principles we will be able to make revolution and to go forward to revolution, and to socialism.

A political party today must stand for  the freedom of the working class, or it must stand for capital and exploitation. It cannot possibly stand for both any more than it could for both freedom and slavery. The Socialist Party should be known for what it actually is and actually stands for. We bear no false label, carry no false banner, nor seek support under any false pretense whatsoever. We stand avowedly for the worker,  for the people who produce, who render needed service, and who are useful and necessary to the world. We do not champion the idea of a smaller capitalism, and side with the “little interests” against “big interests,” for it would still stand for the capitalist system and the perpetuation of wage-slavery.  The Socialist Party must stand fearless and inflexible and uncompromising for the working class upon the basis of the class struggle and wage the war against capitalism for the liberation of labor from its age-old bondage. The workers must go into politics on their own account, independent of all capitalist politics. They must take power and reorganise the economy on a socialist basis, eliminating capitalist wars, profits and waste, to ensure a rich living for all and provide security and ample means for the aged and infirm.  Socialism will bring undreamed of abundance for all people everywhere. The working class can open up the way to this new world. They are the majority. They have the power. All that is necessary is for the working class to understand it and to use it. The Socialist Party does not advocate violence. It advocates the organization of the working class to use its power at the voting stations against the capitalists. We firmly believe they will do so.

Fact of the Day

One in three Scots has saved nothing at all in the last three months.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

A Cancerous System

Capitalism is a ruthless social system wherein profit is more important than human life. 'Older cancer patients are being "written off" because of their age, a leading charity has warned. Macmillan Cancer Support said some patients were being deemed as too old for treatment and were not assessed on their overall fitness.' (Guardian, 24 January) The figures showed more than 130,000 people in the UK have survived for at least 10 years after being diagnosed with cancer at the age of 65 or above, so why this lack of care? The answer is simple. Young workers produce the surplus value that the owning class depend on, so when they are productive they get health care but as they age they no longer produce wealth. Goodnight, granddad!

A Good Year for Some

Last year was another tough one for members of the working class. Welfare cuts, wage freezes and homes re-possessed was the order of the day. For members of the owning class though it wasn't all doom and gloom. Christie's, the world's largest auction house announced that it had made £4.54 billion from auctions and private deals around the world last year, up by 16 per cent on 2012. 'The auctioneer sold 58 works for more than £10 million each and more than 731 works for more than £1 million apiece last year. Chinese buyers fuelled the boom, spending nearly two thirds more on art than they did in 2012, as sales of Asian art rocketed by 44 per cent to £600 million.' (Times, 23 January) RD

Muster under our Banner

"A uneducated worker in revolt is infinitely wiser than the learned philosopher who tries to forge an apology for his chains."

Blessed will be the day that we do away with wage labour. Wage-slavery is the fact. They who buy and  sell on the labour market are alike in that they are brutalised by its inhuman traffic in  human beings. Without this commerce in human life the capitalists of all lands  would  perish from the Earth.

The union movement has proven itself to be a powerful instrument of a defensive character and as a force that poses the possibility of a fundamental transformation in socio-economic relations  from wage labour to a free association of labor and common ownership of its product socialism.  labor has won through battles on the picket lines and through the enforcement of the contractual But what benefit have been gained has often been lost, due, not only to the operation of the laws governing the capitalist system itself, inflation for instance, but to counter attacks by the employers as a class and those it controls in parliament. The employing class, through their agents in control of the entire state apparatus, have erected a whole network of laws and regulations designed to hamstring the labor movement. The result being a reduction in  union membership. Organised labor is not only weaker in relation to the growth of the work force but it is weaker from a strategic point of view. Trade unionism hasn’t yet really broken out of the basic industries or state sector into the service industries.  Large layers of these workers, poorly paid and helpless before the onslaughts of inflation, the dangers of sickness, all the insecurities that are products of capitalist society, have fallen prey to the capitalist- inspired propaganda that the union movement is a narrow, a sectional power bloc, insensitive to their needs and concerned only with its own welfare. Labour has suffered a series of setbacks.There is an element of truth in the claim that current unions have alienated the younger workers and failed the youth. The situation has led some to see the key problem as being largely organizational and to project structural changes as the solution. However, regardless of largeness or smallness or whether expressing an syndicalist, anti-political-orientation, has had little bearing on union success.

As Big Business attempts to narrow the area of collective bargaining, the trade unions must fight to widen it and to open up the entire process of capitalist production and distribution to their scrutiny. The workers have the right to know the secrets of a factory, of the corporation , of an entire industry, of the whole economy, built by their labour.

The working class and the employing have nothing in common. One class does all the work, produces all, suffers all the hardships necessary to accomplish the task. The other class owns, but does not know, nor cares to know, how to produce wealth, yet persists by rights that it labels “legal” and otherwise to live upon what it does not produce. There can be no peace so long as hunger and want are found among millions of working people, and the few who make up the employing class have all the good things of life. One class works long hours under conditions generally and necessarily established by and suitable to the masters of industry, receives low wages, so that there may be high dividends and profits for the masters. For it must be borne in mind longer hours mean greater wealth produced, low wages mean greater profits for the capitalists. Between these two classes a struggle must go on until the workers of the world organize as a class, take possession of the earth and the machinery of production and abolish the wage system. As long as one class performs no function in production only as parasites and social sponges, is too lazy and impotent to work, but lives in plenty—and our class, the wealth producers—produce all, makes all, mines all the minerals; in a word, makes life worth while and brings into being by its labor and travail all that life necessitates, and yet lives in want, is paid wages which at best and highest only represents a part of the entire product; a struggle is inevitable.Those who are serious and who respect themselves and their education will not dispute that labor with its hands and brains produces all wealth. As stated labour produces all wealth. Capitalism is based on the robbery of the workers. Those who own industries but do not work in them, pay wages to the workers and keep profits to themselves. But both, profit and wages, are only the product of Labor. Wages are part of the total product paid to labor. Profit, generally the biggest part, capitalists appropriate to themselves and call it their “legal share.” Socialists know nothing of “legal share” nor of “reasonable profits,” as all wealth acquired through capitalism is robbery.

The employers well realize that once the workers begin to seriously organise as a class, with class hopes and ideals, and look out for themselves as a class, with interests distinct and opposed to all other classes, that once the spirit of solidarity takes firm hold in the hearts and minds of the workers, their (capitalists) occupation as parasites will be gone. The danger and fear of having to go to work to live is an ever recurring night-mare that occurs to them ever in their hours of great revelry and riot. They would if reduced to extremes, be willing to make any concession always with the feeling that they can successfully juggle matters so as to keep their privilege. Compromise and reform to maintain power has been the one great weapon of the capitalists. It is a weapon and a means whereby they seduce the rebellious spirit of the workers. A time serving policy. They have much to fear and dread from a workers movement that declares ‘No Quarter’. You,  members of the working class, have witnessed the blood of your fellow workers spilled , it seems,  to grease and spur the machines in the mills of our masters. Their lives sacrificed all because human beings are cheaper than the application of health and safety which cost money and would reduce profits. Human life destroyed.  It is now time lose our chains, to end our miseries, and to  gain the world for all the workers, a world fit for men and women to live their lives in freedom of love and leisure.

The Socialist Party bids all workers rally to its standard.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Profits Before the Planet

For years, European governments have tried to set the global standard for climate-change regulation, creating tough rules on emissions, mandating more use of renewable energy sources and arguably sacrificing some economic growth in the name of saving the planet. But now  European politicians seems to be hitting their environmentalist limits. 'High energy costs, declining industrial competitiveness and a recognition that the economy is unlikely to rebound strongly any time soon are leading policy makers to begin easing up in their drive for more aggressive climate regulation. On Wednesday, the European Union proposed an end to binding national targets for renewable energy production after 2020. Instead, it substituted an overall European goal that is likely to be much harder to enforce.' (New York Times, 22 January) After all the fine words and political posturing the representatives of the owning class are putting the profit motive as their priority and to hell with the environment. RD

Donations Gratefully Received

Great play is made by defenders of British capitalism about how democratic the system is even though we learn that members of a dining club with private access to David Cameron and other Cabinet ministers have given £43 million to the Conservatives in just two years. 'The details were revealed following criticism over Downing Street's refusal this week to say how many "secret" guests David Cameron has hosted at his grace-and-favour country home, Chequers. The Leaders Group is made up of donors who each give at least £50,000 to the Conservative party ever year and are rewarded with private dinners, lunches and drinks parties with the Prime Minister and other influential ministers.' (Daily Telegraph, 23 January) So the whole thing is quite democratic - if you are an unemployed worker all you need to do is fork out 50 grand and you can have a word in the ear of the policy makers. RD

The Socialist Object

There is a real question of confidence. The confidence of the organised labour movement and of the working class in socialism, producing for themselves and for the needs of the people. The only solution for the working class, the only way they can attain all their political and economic objectives is by the overthrow of the rule class and not by palliatives. Our aim is to rally workers who aspire to socialism. The day for social reform has passed, if it ever actually arrived. The capitalist class are far more thoroughly organised and far too powerfully entrenched not to be able to yield the few concessions demanded of them. The language of the Socialist Party dwells expressly and uncompromisingly, on revolution. Socialism is not a reform, it is a revolution. Therein is the difference between the Socialist Party and all others. Or principles declare our object to be the formation of a working class party; the abolition of wage slavery; severance with all capitalist and reform parties; abolition of class rule; the establishment of the brotherhood of man.

What is the meaning of capitalism? It is an economic term applied by economists and sociologists to the system of our civilisation, by means of which men achieve economic independence and have the privilege of living idly upon the labour of others, who produce a surplus value above that which they receive for their own sustenance. A capitalist is one who profits by this system. If he works himself, it does not alter the fact that he has an income apart from his labour sufficient to sustain him for life without working for a living, and therefore his is economically independent. The working class under capitalism live in hope of creating an income and of increasing it through the appropriation of the surplus products of others who labor. They would like to achieve economic independence in the same manner as the capitalist class. Capitalism divides society into two antagonistic forces, because it is based upon two sets of conflicting economic interests. They each desire economic independence. One of these forces believes that it is justly entitled to the economic independence which it has, but which it manifestly did not create; the other force believes that it is being unjustly deprived of that which it creates and which it never possesses. Private ownership of the means of production and distribution is the seed of capitalism, of which wage slavery is the most degrading feature. This seed brought forth a bitter fruit in the class struggle, but the Socialist Party declares its intention to be the abolition of wage slavery by the establishment of a system of cooperative industry, based upon the social or common ownership of the means of production and distribution, to be administered by society in the common interest of all its members and the complete emancipation of the socially useful classes from the domination of capitalism. In socialism, private ownership and exchange being at an end, money would lose the functions which it possessed under capitalism and would be redundant.

The most widespread image of a so-called ‘socialist’ regime is one of state ownership and planned economy, directed by the ‘revolutionary’ party. This meant the virtual fusion of State and party, with the trade unions reduced to the role of a transmission belt for the State's requirements and  subordinated to purely a nominal role. Since the State was to be defined as ‘socialist’ and the party designated as ‘revolutionary’ the conclusion was that this was the same thing as power to the people. Of course, this was never the conception of Marx.

Reformist  generally accepted, without discussion, that the State represented Society as a whole; that its parliamentary institutions provided the means for popular opinion to express itself; and when that opinion became Socialist, or at least the majority of it, the State would become Socialist automatically. The State is not an autonomous, self-determined structure above the social and property relations of a particular regime. It is the fully conscious expression of the collective interests of the dominant class in a particular society, and takes the form of an articulated series of institutions.Therefore, to bring something under state ownership does not mean to ‘socialise’ it,  in the sense ,where ownership is transferred to the the whole society. To bring something under state ownership, simply by having the workers get their wages from the state rather than from private bosses, is not to transform social relations in a socialist sense. And genuine socialist planning  is to satisfy the real social needs of the working people and citizens, with decisions made democratically from the bottom up and vice-versa, in a process of interaction which is constantly readjusting. The path to Socialism is not through public ownership but through a fundamental change in class relations.

What socialism proposes is wealth for all and plenty of the good things of life for  everybody. A fine house to live in, nice furniture in it, and a lovely garden about it. A table spread with good things to eat. Abundance of clothes, comfortable to wear. Opportunity and means to travel all over the world. Leisure to rest, work and play . No poverty anymore with its filth and disease and crime.  With all these things, socialism assures a natural human development,  healthy men and women, a happy, energetic, progressive people.

You say all this is a dream? No, not dream at all, but an immediate possibility. By means of the vast new technology of this modern world, we can produce wealth enough for all without any trouble whatever. By means of  new machines  mankind can produce a hundred or a thousand times as much wealth as in the times of our fore-fathers. There is no doubt at all about this. Modern inventions have so increased the productive capacity of civilisation that there could be an  abundance of wealth by working only 3 or 4 hours a day. Socialism proposes to get this abundance for all.

In order to get this abundance for all we must take control of this vast new technologyand use them for producing new wealth for all instead of producing it for a few. The only reason we are not all well off now is that a few people own these great modern tools and refuse to let us work at them except when they can make a profit for themselves. If we collectively  owned these factories and mines and mills ourselves and all of us worked at them to produce wealth for our own use and happiness, all the troubles  of poverty would disappear at once. The only thing that lies between us and a world of abundance is this private ownership of the means of producing wealth. Therefore, what socialists intend is to take possession of the means of production and run them for the use of all. The Socialist Party seeks the abolition of wage slavery and establishment of the cooperative commonwealth. In every country, capitalism makes life harder for the workers to endure. Therefore, it generates the workers’ resistance. The world should be thought of as a combination of communes and regions that will  be self-administered  by its peoples. Upon socialism, depends the happy future of humanity and of civilization. The working class is called upon to save society from barbarism, the only alternative to socialism.

It is of no use to talk about what we propose to get nor even what we propose to do to get it, unless we know just how to do it. We say that people should come together in a political party and vote the capitalists out of power. It is easy as that. The Socialist Party appeals to our fellow workers on the ground of their self-interests, the ground on which all practical persons base their appeals to others. Being a very practical lot, we  indulge in no dreams or false hopes. We say to the worker - Come join our party, vote yourselves into power, use that political power to take back that which the capitalists have stolen from you, and then you will get all that abundance which modern inventions entitle you to. This is the object the Socialist Party,a  political party of the class conscious working class,  to gather together all those workers whose real interests lie in abolishing the private ownership of the means of production.

Making profits and leaving folk cold

Energy giant and Perth-based SSE, has revealed it expects profits to soar to £1.5 billion this year and that it will increase payouts to shareholders.

Just two months after a major price rise came into effect for its nine million customers, the Perth-based firm said it was on course to deliver a pre-tax profit increase of 8.8 per cent for the year to the end of March and would be likely to increase dividends handed out to its shareholders by 3 per cent. A price increase of £104.48 for SSE’s dual-fuel customers came into effect in November. The typical annual bill for SSE customers will be £1,304 by March, £13 higher than the UK average, according to comparison website uSwitch.com. Across the board, industry experts have calculated that the typical household utility bill has gone up by 168 per cent in the past decade.

MP John Robertson, who sits on Westminster’s energy select committee, said: “This is a disgrace. How can SSE possibly have another boost to their profits after losing so many customers? These energy barons are ripping off their customers and lining their pockets with the hard-earned cash of people struggling to pay their bills.”

Claire Osborne, an energy expert at uSwitch.com, said SSE’s announcement was “like waving a red rag at a bull”. She said: “This will come as a shock to customers who have been told they must wait until the end of March for their prices to be cut in line with the government’s levy reductions.”

Citizens Advice Scotland spokeswoman Sarah Beattie-Smith said: “At a time when so many households are still struggling with high bills and public confidence in the energy companies is so low, it’s very disappointing that SSE have chosen to put their shareholders ahead of hard-pressed consumers.”

Socialist Courier wishes to inform Ms Beattie-Smith but making profits is what capitalism is all about.

SSE chief executive Alistair Phillips-Davies said It is encouraging that SSE is on course to deliver real growth in the dividend and increases in adjusted earnings per share and adjusted profit before tax.”

 Npower chief executive Paul Massara claimed prices were high because the country’s “old and draughty houses” waste so much gas and electricity. His house won’t be, we wager!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Fantastic? For Some Maybe

Many members of the capitalist class weep salt tears about the plight of the working class but here is one who more accurately reveals their real view about the gap between rich and poor in capitalism. Kevin O'Leary, an investor on the US version of Dragons' Den, Shark Tank, was shockingly upbeat about the world's poor during a TV interview this week.'Acceptable responses to an Oxfam report stating that the world's 85 richest people hold the same amount of wealth as it's 3.5 billion poorest include 'shocking', 'despicable' and 'probably ought to do something about that'.But not for businessman O'Leary, who responded during US show The Lang and O'Leary Exchange: "It's fantastic, and this is a great thing because it inspires everybody, gets them motivation to look up to the one per cent and say, 'I want to become one of those people, I'm going to fight hard to get up to the top.' (Independent, 22 January) No tears from Mr O'Leary then!

Everything is possible

We live in a world controlled by a system which allows a small minority to oppress the great majority. This is capitalism which brings about great inequalities in living standards with more poor people now in the world than ever before, starts murderous wars and steals the resources of less developed countries while all the time causing perhaps the irreversible devastation of our natural environment. Either we get rid of this outmoded and decrepit system or it will destroy humanity. People know that capitalism is now useless  but few can see a way forward to a better type of society. The only viable solution is to achieve socialism, a classless and stateless society on a world scale where people do not exploit each other and where we live in harmony with our  environment. To create a socialist world it is necessary to overthrow the rule of capitalism and this can be done only through revolution.

All the capitalist parties, even those who call themselves socialist or workers’ or left-wing parties are dedicated to the continuation of the capitalist system of wage slavery and  are against the interests of the working class. The struggle cannot be one simply to remove one government and replace it by another government. The working class must  struggle for putting an end to the capitalist system. It is the capitalist system of exploitation and oppression, the system of wage slavery, that is the source of all the problems facing the working class. Revolution is not only a possibility, it is a necessity in order to prevent the continued destitution of the people.

The present economic crisis has shown that workers can take taking increasingly militant and powerful actions against the attack on their most basic rights and in defence of their conditions, wages and livelihood. This struggle must be deepened strengthened and escalated with workers workers taking the initiative in their own hands and relying on their own strength, unity and organisation. What millions and millions of men and women are calling for from the depths of their collective consciousness is an immediate radical change in the political and economic situation. They don’t worry over complicated doctrinal considerations, but with a sure instinct they call for the most substantive solutions: they expect much. They won’t be satisfied with a modest  concessions.

We proceed from an understanding that history is going somewhere. This separates us from most people who seem to think that history is going where the strongest social or political force is taking it. Where history is going depends on what is possible. What is possible, in the final analysis, depends upon the tools with which people create their means of life. This is historical materialism. The point is that although decent people may long for a better life and strive for a better life, they cannot get it until the material conditions, especially the tools, change and thus allow for it. The capacity to produce abundance for all is here, it is now. The struggle of the new world has broken out.

We should be filled with gloom and doom in the midst of the economic recession where the eventual ‘recovery’ will be for the bosses only but nevertheless there should be optimism and enthusiasm for the future.  The current economic crisis is incapable of showing any kind of real “recovery,” “boom” or even a distant light at the end of its tunnel for most people. For the working class hardships and suffering are only one side of the picture. The more important side is the growing resistance and struggle  for liberation, freedom and socialism that is promising a better day ahead. The past years certainly demonstrated this fact. For every act of repression and oppression by the capitalists there were dozens of examples of rebellion, resistance and revolution on the part of the people. For every effort to divide our struggle, there were new steps taken toward unity. The ruling class has been shaken by a new awakening on the part of workers. The realisation that the crisis is real and is here to stay for a long time was burned into the minds of many. The bosses’ attempt to make the workers pay for the crisis was increasingly met with strikes and other forms of rebellion  which often reflected the rank-and-file distrust with both the union leadership as well as the bosses.

The whole of society is being affected culturally, politically as well as economically. These are the things that are shaping the consciousness of millions.  we are not blindly optimistic. We can see that all is not rosy and that the road ahead is a tortuous one. Every class battle gives new hope  that the labour movement itself will change. From essentially a trade union struggle, it will change into a politically conscious movement against the capitalists and into a revolutionary socialist movement. The dawn of socialism, created by the workers and for the workers, is rising on the horizon. Turn toward it and let the socialist dawn inspire the final struggles ending forever all misery, dictatorship and war.