Sunday, March 29, 2020

What the Future Holds

When this pandemic is eventually contained and abates we cannot return to normal, because normal was the problem. This as an opportunity to restart society for a better future. We can rebuild our society in an egalitarian way, in an environmental conscious way. We can banish the politics of hate. There are endless possibilities that a post-COVID-19 future can offer us to change our world. Our present capitalist system is unsustainable, and it works for the interests of a few very rich people.

 For the sake of the future, we must build a sustainable, steady-state economic system, an economic system which ends inequality. Nature may have be involved in the birth of this coronavirus strain but the number of deaths depend on human action and how we organise our society’s economic structure. Much of government policies and the lack of medical infrastructure and resources has proven that global capitalist system is incompetent. The world face an almost unprecedented crisis due to the spread of COVID-19. We’re all in this together, and we will only get out of it together. That means a paradigm shift in working together. Open our eyes and start learning that we need to have a different political, economic and healthcare systems from this present one.

The Socialist Party is in favour of the common ownership of all the means of production and distribution: namely, the land, mines, mills, factories, and productive machinery, for the purpose of operating industry in the interest of the whole people. The Socialist Party proposes to establish economic democracy.  The earliest known system of society, of which there exist examples today in certain spots of the earth. Men and women lived together in groups known as gens or clans. These were units of a larger group called the tribe. This type of organisation is built up on kinship or blood relationship. There was no private property, and hence no classes. The land was owned and shared in common.

 State and municipal ownership of energy, transport, etc., are palliatives and meagre ones too. Those who talk about these as “socialism” in any sense at best confuse workers on what really constitutes socialism – namely, the social ownership and control of the means of production and distribution by the people and the ending of the profit system. 

Wage-slavery is the fact.

Who controls my bread controls my head

 The social revolution is the hope of the oppressed people. The Socialist Party holds that political understanding alone can help the people to crystallise their discontent into an intelligent, ordered. Never before has technology provided such favourable conditions for the spread of education and agitation. Many who have never taken the trouble to get even an elementary knowledge of the fundamentals of socialism, have convinced themselves that “socialism will not work” and, in fact, that “socialism is dead.” On the contrary, socialism still lives. If our fellow-workers want socialism, they must join the Socialist Party, and agitate, educate, and organise for socialism. Capitalism today can no longer satisfy their demands. Our goal is to win the greatest mass of workers to socialism. Political agitation is the struggle to raise class consciousness.

Capitalism is founded upon production for profit. Socialism is all about production for use. The Socialist Party does not confuse revolution and violence with one another. Violence and bloodshed do not make any movement revolutionary, and essentially they have nothing in common. Being a party which stands for the brotherhood of humanity, and directing its activities toward the attainment of general happiness and well being, the Socialist Party hopes that it will be accomplished by peace. Our party, the Socialist Party, is also aware of the fact that the success of the social revolution is guaranteed only when the minds of the people have matured for it. Therefore, our greatest duty is to educate and organize the working class so that it will become capable of carrying out this historic duty. But just as we cannot define the form of the revolution, neither can we determine the moment or its course. The Socialist Party works for the revolution when its struggles for the well-being, for the self-respect, and for the self-consciousness of working people.

The economic basis of present day society is the private ownership and control of socially necessary means of production, and the exploitation of the workers, who operate these means of production for the profit of those who own them. The interests of these two classes are diametrically opposed. It is the interest of the capitalist class to maintain the present system and to obtain for themselves the largest possible share of the product of labour. It is the interest of the working class to improve their conditions of life and get the largest possible share of their own product so long as the present system prevails, and to end this system as quickly as they can. In so far as the members of the opposing classes become conscious of these facts, each strives to advance its own interests as against the other. It is this active conflict of interest which we describe as the class struggle.

The Socialist Party seeks to organise the working class for independent action on the political field, not for the betterment of their conditions, but above all with the revolutionary aim of putting an end to exploitation and class rule. Such political action is absolutely necessary to the emancipation of the working class, and the establishment of genuine liberty for all. To accomplish this aim of the Socialist Party is to bring about the common ownership and democratic control of all the necessary means of production — to eliminate profit, rent, and interest, and to change our class society into a society of equals, in which the interest of one will be the interest of all. The political parties are as rotten and bankrupt as the system they uphold. They can maintain themselves and that. system today only by piling additional burdens upon the people. For the future they offer only more poverty and continual war. The evils of capitalism will disappear only with the destruction of capitalism and the building of socialism.

The socialist society will do away with the anarchy of capitalism. Democratically-elected neighbourhood assemblies and workers’ councils in every industry and district will manage public services and production. The vast technological and natural resources will help us with the re-construction of society. The only path forward is the socialist road. Today it is the ballot that we use against capitalism. Vote, then, for socialism.” Vote for the Socialist Party, the only party that keeps the revolutionary red banner unfurled. The prevailing economic system can only be abolished in two ways; namely, by securing control of the state machine or by violent insurrection. No sane person prefers violence to peace, and hence socialists rely upon the efficacy of a united class-conscious ballot to accomplish their end.

The Socialist Party is necessarily a revolutionary party in the sense above indicated, and its basic demand is the common ownership of the means of production and distribution and the operation of all industry in the interest of all the people. This will mean an economic democracy. Economic freedom can result only from common ownership, and upon this vital principle the Socialist Party differs from every other party. Between private ownership and common ownership there can be no middle way. One produces for profit, the other for use.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Socialism and COVID-19

The Socialist Party in the present grave health crisis solemnly reaffirms its allegiance to the principle of internationalism and global solidarity. The time is now to kick-start the future of humanity. Never before has there been such demand for compassionate political action. Let us be clear. Right now we can prevent a crisis turning into a  catastrophe. Fighting for a few and not for all is not an option. COVID-19 threatens us all. It affects us all. COVID-19 is preying on the vulnerable. It is exploiting the inequality that divides our world.

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the glaring structural economic inequities in capitalist society. Capitalism’s distorted priorities are on full display. Rarely has the capitalist principle that profits come before people been made this explicit. Those who seek to make their country “open for business” will worsen the coronavirus pandemic and demonstrate even more brazenly that their policies are consistent with the capitalist class’s well-established pattern of sacrificing human and environmental well-being at the altar of the market,

We need to act together. We must cooperate from our local communities to a global scale. In the land of CEOs, shareholders, and spreadsheets, there are no people, only human resources, a work-force not individuals.

The time socialist revolution is now.

The Socialist Party stands opposed to the system of exploitation and class rule which is upheld and strengthened by nationalism and patriotism. In every country, the working people are oppressed and exploited. They produced enormous wealth but the bulk of it has been withheld from them by the owners of the industries. It is the logical outcome of the competitive capitalist system.

 The Socialist Party emphatically rejects the proposal that the workers should suspend their struggle for better conditions. On the contrary, the acute situation created by the pandemic calls for an even more vigorous prosecution of the class struggle. Those who want to see socialism thrive work for socialism. Let all others get out of the way.

An industrial commonwealth

World capitalism is completely out of control. It is. as the Socialist Party has always said, a system of economic and social anarchy. Capitalism is an unplanned system. Each company chases after profits, quite without any care of how this affects others. Each nation-state (which is a gang of capitalist thieves dominating one territory) carries on regardless of the rest. International treaties count for nothing when it comes to it. Likewise, treaties of international friendship count for nothing. There are over 160 nations in the world today. All of them are capitalist; there could be no such thing as a "socialist country".

As a system, capitalism grossly under-uses the technology and potential for production that it has helped develop. 
The only way to take the abundant resources of the Earth and use them in an efficient manner is to establish a system of society based on common ownership and democratic control, where articles of wealth will be produced solely for use and not for exchange on a market with a view to the profit of a minority. Only then will crises, booms and slumps be a thing of the past and only then can production be geared to satisfying the needs of the inhabitants of the Earth.

Something is obviously very wrong with the entire system. Our separate struggles have a common enemy, and we must find a common focal point and mutual solidarity if any of us is to forge ahead, if any of us is to survive. So we arrive at the answers: The problem is capitalism. The solution is socialism. Let us struggle together as equals,  and comrades in the most rewarding and fulfilling of battles. The red banner of socialism is the flag of our hope.
What are we organised for? What is our object? The abolition of capitalism and for welfare of working people. The Socialist Party works for the coming of the cooperative commonwealth. The Socialist Party exists to arouse our fellow-workers from their dangerous apathy. We agitate, agitate, agitate otherwise despair will overtake. The Socialist Party condemns the competitive capitalist system. The future society comes only at the desire and with the consent of the people.

Is the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic moving us towards a common vision of a new social system? Does the market-based system of economics represent the best hope for a human future? Capitalist society is at an impasse. Capitalism is at a loss to handle COVID-19 without harming the economy. Hunger and poverty exists in the midst of plenty.Today’s society is sick, moribund, overripe for change. It is beyond redemption, beyond reform. No realistic  alternative exists except a thorough socialist reconstruction if the world is not to sink completely into a new era of barbarism. Deprivation and despair are an inescapable condition of existence for the working people under capitalism and they will continue until there is an ending to capitalist exploitation.

The most elementary needs and demands of the people are unrealisable under capitalism. Do you want economic plenty, the utilization of the means of production for peaceful needs? Then you must campaign for socialism. Either chaos and destruction – or socialist reconstruction. Socialism is more valid, more essential than ever because it alone meets the problems of our times.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Who we are and what we do

The Socialist Party provides us with both an understanding of how capitalism operates and an exciting, revolutionary alternative which can work in everyone’s interests. The party works to build a movement for real change. The party has a democratic, leader-free structure. The Socialist Party’s goal is to build a movement to democratically replace capitalism with socialism. In the meantime, our role is not just to spread socialist ideas, but also to put some of these into practice, as far as we can. The party is organised according to principles which we would like to see expanded upon and developed in a socialist society: principles such as equal, democratic and leaderless decision-making, cooperation, voluntary work, and avoiding prejudice and discrimination. How these principles translate into the party’s structure is described in the rule book ( spgb/party-rules) and Standing Orders, which have been democratically agreed on and amended by members over the years. Our principles of equality, democracy and co-operation are central to how the Socialist Party operates. They should also guide how we relate to each other. Working well together is crucial to how the party runs. We’re all working for the same aims, and each of us has different skills and ideas we can use together to help grow the socialist movement. All party members have equal opportunities to contribute and have their say, which makes a refreshing change from the hierarchies and limitations we have to put up with elsewhere in our lives. The party has always welcomed open, honest discussion, and members are encouraged to question and discuss the party’s views, organisation and procedures. That way, our position can remain relevant and important in wider society, and the party can remain democratic and transparent.

As all party work is voluntary, it is carried out in whatever spare time members have. It’s recognised that we each have lives outside the party, and other commitments which impact on our time available for party activity. In our working lives, there is no conflict between being a party member and joining a trade union or similar organisation. However, many unions fund the Labour Party, and members can opt out of paying this as part of their union subscription. Unions aim to improve workers’ conditions within capitalism, but are not political organisations. Nor are tenants’ associations, parents’ associations and the like. Being involved with some other organisations, though, is not compatible with being a member of the SPGB. Party members cannot belong to any other political party, nor assist them by voting for them or writing or speaking for them (except when challenging their views in a shared debate, for example).  
The Socialist Party is like no other political party in Britain. It is made up of people who have joined together because we want to get rid of the capitalist system and establish a worldwide socialist society. Our only aim is to build a movement of socialists for socialism, and we don’t accept that reforms can lead towards socialism or substantially improve capitalism. We aim to encourage others to share our views and act for themselves, organising democratically and co-operatively, to bring about the kind of society that we advocate. Unlike other political organisations, the party doesn’t have a leadership, and so our policies and culture are shaped by the membership as a whole. The framework we have is really there to support our main work, which is to promote socialism.

We publish literature, we hold meetings and debates throughout the country, and we state our case wherever possible in the media. We organise weekend conferences, we contest elections, and we discuss our ideas with people wherever we can. Our views on how capitalism operates have been proved right time after time, and we offer a revolutionary alternative which can be run in the interests of everyone. The party also contests elections: local, regional, national, and previously to the European Parliament. The main aim of this is as a platform for publicity, while also utilising what democratic practices exist in capitalism. The party’s views on using parliament are discussed in more detail in the pamphlet What’s Wrong With Using Parliament? ( pamphlet/whats-wrong-with-using-parliament) 
Getting involved in party activity not only helps build the socialist movement, it can also be interesting and rewarding for ourselves. As well as meeting others and sharing our ideas and views, it’s a good opportunity to develop skills and knowledge we might not be able to make use of elsewhere in our lives. Many of us feel dis-empowered or alienated in our jobs, and contributing to the party can be a more fulfilling antidote. Because the Socialist Party is based on cooperation, everyone has an equal say and equal opportunities to participate, which can be a refreshing change from being in organisations with hierarchies.

The Socialist Party of Great Britain was founded in 1904, following a split from the Social Democratic Federation, Britain’s earliest political party in the socialist tradition. The SPGB’s founder members were disillusioned with the SDF’s reformist stance and authoritarian leadership, and this commitment to revolution without leaders has remained ever since. The SPGB comes from the ‘Impossibilist’ strand of Marxism, which stresses the limited value of political, economic and social reforms in capitalism. Impossibilism holds that reforms are irrelevant or counter-productive to the goal of achieving real emancipation through establishing a socialist society.

Over the decades, the Socialist Party has provided a clear, thorough analysis of world events, based on an understanding of society’s economic and class basis. We have consistently opposed every war, highlighted how the systems in the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea and elsewhere have just been variants of capitalism, and called for equality between the sexes and between people of all ethnicities.

While the party’s principles have stayed unchanged, we have shaped our methods and perspective over the years, with all important decisions made by majority votes from the whole membership. We have always aimed to be as democratic and open as possible, believing that everyone should have an equal say and equal opportunities to participate.

And we believe that by working together, society can be transformed to benefit everyone. We are aiming for a democratic revolution to establish a classless, stateless society based on directly satisfying people’s self-determined needs and wants. Services, industries and agriculture would be owned and managed in common, with free access to what they produce and provide being available to anyone. And since capitalism is a global system of society, it must be replaced globally, and by the vast majority of people.

The Socialist Party has a long history, but our views and aims are more important now than ever. Our stance gives both an explanation of and a solution to today’s problems, such as threats to the environment, poverty and divisions between people. The more we can spread our ideas, the more we build the socialist movement. 

Branches are the main way that the party is organised, and are important for socialists to keep in contact with each other. The more members who contribute to their branch, the more views and experiences can be drawn on to further the party’s work. All members are on an equal footing, reflected in the democratic way that branches and their meetings are run.  If a member doesn’t live near a branch, they will be in Central branch, which also includes members living overseas, particularly in countries without a companion party. Branches have a Secretary (to organise meetings, including the agenda and minutes) and a Treasurer (to maintain the branch bank account), and may also appoint other roles such as a Literature or Campaigns Secretary.

Branches run business meetings which discuss activity, nominate members for election or appointment to party posts and committees, and discuss and propose items for the two party-wide meetings held each year, Conference and the Autumn Delegate Meeting. So, branches are of vital importance in how the party runs. Without decisions made by branches, members can’t get nominated for particular roles and changes to rules or procedures can’t be proposed. Branches also organise activities, which can include talks, reading groups or debates with other political organisations. Street stalls, leaflet drops and attending events run by other group can also be effective ways to engage with people. Branches are also encouraged to arrange social events or walks, art workshops, practical projects or visits to places of interest. The Socialist Party has a vital role in building a movement towards a new society based on equality and freedom. And we all have a vital part to play in this campaign. Along the way, we can meet new people, learn more and develop our skills.

Adapted and abridged from our members handbook

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Capitalism is in survival mode.

The Covid-19 pandemic challenging our planet is simply the latest crisis and certainly will not be the last, even if we do create a socialist world.

In 2008 capitalism teetered on the brink of the abyss, its structural flaws exposed for anyone who cared to look. The 2008 crash almost broke the global financial system. It was saved and the bankers were saved from their incompetence through bail-outs by a mystifying something called “quantitative easing”, a “magic money tree” reserved solely for the banks and the large corporations. Its fruits were not shared our in the ensuiung austerity and spending cuts. 
Now, the plan is for another “magic money tree”, needed to deal with the disastrous economic toll wrought by the virus. This time some of it will be offered to working people. Not because capitalism suddenly cares about the homeless and those reliant on food banks. 
Capitalism is an amoral economic system driven by the accumulation of profit for the owners of capital. Governments will try to conceal for a little longer the fact that capitalism will try to buy our continuing deference to a system that cannot cope with the coronavirus. The government will dip into the wealth that has been extracted from us over the many past decades. It won’t work to shore up the capitalist system indefinitely. The ray of hope that can be gleaned is the willingness of so many people to stand vigilant against wrongdoings and misinformation.
Our current patchwork of social service coverage leaves people to gamble with the outcomes of their health and their economic future. It should now be obvious that it is in our own self-interest to want everyone in our communities to be healthy and secure if only to protect ourselves. What is called for is a systemic change. The status quo is no longer acceptable. We must understand the interconnectedness of all on our planet. Unless we acknowledge this kinship we all share, our future is in doubt. We must wake up to the reality that we are one human family. That we are all Jock Tamson’s bairns. The world socialist movement is about us, ALL of us.
Response to the pandemic and economic collapse are already showing change is possible. Our fragmented, unequal and for-profit system is being seen as the problem. When this crisis subsides we need to demand that we do not go backward. It has demonstrated that we completely transforms our healthcare, economic, and environmental systems and much more.