Monday, May 16, 2022


 The state has not always existed. There were societies which did without it, which had no idea of the state or of state power. At a given stage of economic development, which was necessarily bound up with the breakup of society into classes, the state became a necessity, as a result of this division. . . With the disappearance of classes the state, too, will inevitably disappear. (Engels)

The capitalists are the ruling class. But the class of capitalists is itself divided. We have small businesses and big business, small landlords and large real estate companies. The various capitalists have interests that conflict.

No ruling class has ever inscribed on its war banner: “We fight for the Greater Good of Our Class Interests.” That is, no ruling class has ever done so if it expects the mass of people to do the fighting for it. It always goes to wars for God, for country, for honour, for defence, for freedom – for an aim which is also shared by those who have to do the dying.


The first step in a class analysis is to understand the antagonism of the two basic classes: capitalist and worker. Racism, like nationalism, is the ideological product of class divided society. This ideology serves to divide the oppressed classes and strengthen the oppressors, a basic economic strategy designed to maintain a surplus of labour and prevent the unity of the exploited. All aspects of capitalist ideology that penetrate the working class must be struggled against and overcome. The establishment of a socialist society will go a long way toward the elimination of present-day racism until racism is wiped out entirely.

People have been taught to bow before the modern state with superstitious awe. The State has been looked upon as something sacred, as a “neutral arbiter,” standing above classes and mediating disputes between them. In reality, government institutions are dominated by representatives of the capitalist class and ensure their rule. The State is the product and the manifestation of the irreconcilability of class antagonisms. The State arises when, where, and to the extent that class antagonisms cannot be objectively reconciled. And conversely, the existence of the State proves that the class antagonisms are irreconcilable. The State is a special organisation of force; it is the organisation of violence for the suppression of the working class.

In socialist society, all means of production will be common property. There will be no classes and no class struggle. The consequences of class-divided society – racism, national chauvinism, male supremacy, the monogamous family based on property, etc. – will all have disappeared. There will be no wars, no armies, and no need for weapons of war, which will become historical curiosities. There will be no distinction between mental and manual work. Socialism will be a life of material and cultural abundance. Contradictions between people will remain, but these will not be antagonistic and will be resolved by mutual cooperation.

Forward to a socialist world, a society where peace, justice, equality and an end to poverty can be achieved.




Sunday, May 15, 2022

Abolish the Monarchy


Fewer than half of people in Scotland say they support retaining the monarchy, according to a major new poll that reveals the cultural divides emerging within the union.

Only 45% in Scotland said they wanted to retain the monarchy – with 36% saying the end of the Queen’s reign would be the right moment to move to a republic.

Only 48% of people living in Scotland are interested in the jubilee – fewer than said they were interested in the World Cup in December, despite the fact that Scotland have not yet qualified. This contrasts with 73% of people in Wales and two-thirds across England who are interested in next month’s events.

Who are our enemies? Who are our friends?

 Some fellow workers may have heard about the Socialist Party for the first time only recently, we are not a new party. Our programme is based on the principles worked out by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels over a century ago. Their teachings constitute a guide that can end the workers of their misery, and despair and eliminate the bloodshed of capitalism into a better world of socialism. We are their heirs. Our aims are far more radical than simple reforms and trade unionism. World society can no longer advance under the capitalist system. National boundaries are like a strait-jacket on industry. Environmental destruction is a most ominous warning that humanity itself faces extinction if the chaos and anarchy of capitalism continue. The only hope is to end capitalism and build a socialist society. With socialism, the rule of a privileged minority is ended forever. The national resources, transportation system, mines, mills and factories pass into the hands of the people. The Socialist Party is dedicated to the great goal of guiding working people out of the blind alley of capitalism and into the planned society of socialism. The road to socialism is the road to peace and plenty. 

The Socialist Party believes in the international solidarity of the working class. The interests of the workers extend across all frontiers. Every person who is against another war, who is against capitalist exploitation and capitalist oppression should join the Socialist Party. Here he or she will find enthusiastic, militant, and whole-heartedly devoted to the great historic task of freeing humanity from the chains of capitalism. The combined political power of these workers far exceeds the simple sum of their individual strengths taken one by one. This power gives new strength, courage and freedom of mind to the sincere worker who joins the Socialist Party – a life of the greatest satisfaction, the only life that is really worthwhile, a life dedicated to the struggle against capitalism and for the world of socialism. The class struggle and class warfare continue under all circumstances in capitalist society.

We have witnessed the complete bankruptcy of capitalism as a social system. Why has the bankrupt system of capitalism survived? Why has the scourge of hunger and poverty inflicted mankind? Why have the devastations of one  war has been followed by another and another. There is only one answer to these questions, and it has been given by history: Bankrupt capitalism has survived beyond its time, and inflicted untold evil on the world, primarily because of the betrayal of the principles of socialism by those who pretended to speak in its name. Pseudo-socialists, intervened to play their tragic role of deception, sabotage and betrayal. They continued to preach socialism in words, but in practice they placed themselves at the service of the capitalist class. We of the Socialist  Party have nothing to do with these brands of so-called “socialism” or “communism.” We are orthodox, Marxists because we know that Marxism is the only revolutionary socialism of the working class, and that is the only genuine socialism. History has demonstrated the spuriousness of every other brand. Marxism is a theory of social evolution which affirms that capitalism is obsolete and bankrupt and that it must be, and inevitably will be, replaced by a higher form of social organisation which Marx and Engels called socialism.  

The socialist society will eliminate the exploitation of labour by removing the capitalist ownership of all the means of production, distribution and communication. The working class owns none of these, and therefore workers must sell their labour power to the capitalist for wages in order to live. The worker creates a product of value, part of which is returned to him as a wage, and the rest of which is taken from him by the capitalists as profit. Thus is created the basic antagonistic contradiction between worker and capitalist, since the interest of one is, and has to be, directly opposed to the interest of the other. This most fundamental of contradictions will not end until capitalism with its private ownership and/or control of the means of production is itself ended and replaced with socialism.

Marxism teaches that socialism will not fall from the skies. Neither will it be gained by any appeals to the goodwill and compassion of the capitalist exploiters, as the Utopians, who preceded Marx, used to think, and as some people still seem to think. Socialism can be realised only as of the outcome of the class struggle of the workers. Many people become frightened by the immensity of the tasks, or crushed by adversity to the point of losing their moral and intellectual backbones, and losing sight of the main line of social evolution. This ‘lost generation’ has forgotten, if they ever learned, the supreme lesson of both world history. This is that the forces making for the advancement of mankind have overcome the most formidable obstacles and won out in the end. The idea, that people capitalism is the happy final chapter of human history, is but a repetition of the prejudice prevalent in both feudal and slave societies. Without a scientific long view of history, it is impossible for peoples at a given stage of culture to relate their past with their future; thus they accept their presence as given and unchanging.

To the establishment of socialism we pledge all our efforts.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

For a socialist world


Join the only battle

Where no man can fail,

For whoso Fadeth and dieth,

Yet his deeds shall still prevail

William Morris

To this inspiring task, we summon all who are oppressed by capitalism. Only world socialism can give us peace and plenty. Look how the capitalist world always totters on the brink of destruction. Working people continue to suffer yet  mankind produces more with less labour. Capitalism has left the workers in hunger and want and sickness and despair. The capitalist parties and governments are as rotten and bankrupt as the system they uphold. They can maintain themselves and that. system today only by piling additional burdens upon the people. For the future they offer only war, continued insecurity and increasing reaction.

The single most decisive event in the social and political history of mankind will be the coming socialist revolution. This revolution will end this terrible period of the death agony of capitalism with its social decay, hunger, wars, and bestial bigotry, and open the socialist era of abundance, peace, and harmony – of truly human civilisation on a global scale.

The myriad evils of capitalism will disappear only with the destruction of capitalism and the building of socialism. The Socialist Party dedicates itself to urge the workers of the world forward to socialism. The struggle for socialism will be an arduous one, for the capitalists will not  relinquish their power and privileges to the people and only by wresting the state power from the capitalists can we begin the task of building a new social system. What will the people of the future think of a society where the workers lived in constant fear.

Socialism will do away with the anarchy of capitalism. Democratically-elected councils of workers and citizens in every industry and district will manage the factories and public services. The vast technological and natural resources of society will help us avoid the bitter years of construction. Freed from the fetters of production for profit, the technologically-equipped factories will pour out their products without interruption: the productive forces will leap forward to provide almost undreamed-of plenty. No longer will the food be ploughed under or dumped to keep up prices.

You can count on a shorter workday, and there will still be an abundance. Enlightened citizens of a free and prosperous socialist world will not be narrow-minded, ignorant, and selfish isolationists, but will regard themselves as citizens of the world, concerned with all the affairs of the world and all its peoples, and will seek fraternal association with them on the basis of equality. Workers will decide, freely and voluntarily the world outlook which the vision of socialism.

Capitalism offers no future to the people but more recessions, wars, violence and a final plunge into barbarism. All this is part and parcel of the development of capitalism—the system which puts profits above all other considerations. The capitalist system has long outlived its usefulness. To avoid such a fate, the workers of the world must go into politics on their own account, independent of all capitalist politics. A socialist economy eliminating capitalist wars, profits and waste, will be so productive as to ensure a rich living for all who are willing and able to work and provide security and ample means for the aged and infirm, to help the hungry people of the world to improve their standard of life. The economy of the entire world will be united and planned on a socialist basis. This will bring universal peace and undreamed abundance for all people everywhere. The real upward march of humanity will begin.

We, the Socialist Party, refuse to join the reformists in leading the workers into the camp of capitalism. Now is the time for the working class must overthrow capitalism. The only road is the socialist path.  All will be free and equal. The state itself will wither away. The government of men will be replaced by the administration of things. The goal we strive for is worthy of anything we do for it.

The working class can open up the way to this new world. They are the majority. They have the power. All that is necessary is for the working class to understand it—and to use it. We firmly believe they will do so. We firmly believe the working people will help save the world.

Friday, May 13, 2022

What World Socialism Will Look Like

“Tomorrow does not belong to us.”
 Auguste Blanqui, French revolutionist

In the present society people are haunted by insecurity Their mental health is undermined by fear for their future and the future of their children. They are never free from fear that if something happens, if they have a sickness or an accident for which they are not responsible, the punishment will be visited upon their children; that their children will be deprived of an education and proper food and good health.

Socialism  not as an arbitrary construct from a preconceived plan, but as the next stage of social evolution. Socialist society  will grow out of the new conditions when the class struggle will have been carried to its conclusion—that is, to the abolition of classes. The architects and builders of the socialist society of the future will be the socialist generations themselves.  The Socialist Party has been quite sure of this and has always refrained from offering these future generations any blueprints. The writings, of Marxists, however, do contain insight and perspective.  The people in the future society will most likely be more informed than we are. We must assume that they will be better educated, in every way, and that they will know much more than we can tell them. We can only anticipate and point out the general direction of current developments. What the future socialist society will look like is a fascinating speculative question of interest and contributes to the campaign for socialism.

Socialism will  bring about a radical transformation of human activity and association in all fields previously conditioned by the division of society into classes—in work, in education, in leisure and the arts. Change will begin with and proceed from the revolutionary transformation of the system of production and the anticipated growth of the productivity of labour,  of the manner of working and of regulating, measuring, and compensating the labour time of the individual—will take place first and should be considered first, because it will clear the way for all the other changes. This is the necessary material required for a society based on shared abundance.

The advances in science and technology which can be expected plus the elimination of waste caused by duplication arising from competition and equally easily conceivable that a new scientific-technological-industrial revolution will bring about a dramatic universal reduction of working hours yet still would be adequate to provide abundance for all.  The whole thought of the amount of necessary labour required from each individual, based on present conditions and practices, must be abandoned.

People will have no further use for money. Marx predicted money wages based will initially be replaced by labour certificates or coupons, like tickets to the theatre. But even that, eventually, will pass away. There will be no money, and there will not even be any bookkeeping transactions or coupons to regulate how much one works and how much he gets. When labour has ceased to be a mere means of life and becomes life’s prime necessity, people will work without any compulsion and take what they need. So said Marx. In a socialist society, when there is plenty and abundance for all, what will be the point in keeping account of each one’s share. What purpose would be served in keeping accounts of what each one gets to eat and to wear? There would be no need for compulsion or forcible allotment of material means. “Wages” will become a term of obsolete significance. A socialist society of universal abundance will be regulated by a different standard —“From each according to ability—to each according to needs.”

 What about this “human nature”, which we hear so much about? In the socialist society of shared abundance, the nightmare of insecurity will be lifted from the minds of the people. They will be secure and free from fear, and this will uplift their attitude toward life and their enjoyment of it. Human nature will get a chance to show what it is really made of with its boundless potentialities.

The present division of capitalist society into classes, under which the few have all the privileges and the many are condemned to poverty and insecurity, creates artificial and unnatural divisions which deform and degrade the individual and prevent the all-around development of one’s personality and a harmonious association with others. There is a division between men’s work and women’s work, to say nothing of men’s rights and women’s rights. There is the division of race prejudice between blacks and whites, which is cruelly unjust. There is a division between skilled  and unskilled labour. There is a division between the city and the country, which is ecologically harmful. These divisions are not ordained for all time. They are the product of a  capitalist class society. A socialist society based on human solidarity will have no use for such unscientific and inhuman notions as the idea that one person is superior to another because of gender, sexual orientation or colour of skin. With socialism, there will be the absolute and unconditional abolition of every form of economic discrimination and disadvantage, and proceed from that to full equality in all domains. Race prejudice will vanish with the ending of the social system that produced and nourished it. Then the human family will live together in peace and harmony, each of its sons and daughters free at last to make the full contribution of his or her talents to the benefit of all. 

The present urban sprawl of over-crowded, unhealthy mega-cities will be no more.  People will want also to live right in beauty and in harmony with all their surroundings. These monster cities we live in today are blights of modern society. They will certainly give way to planned cities interlinked to the countryside. Everybody will live with the natural advantages of the country and the cultural associations of the town. The private ownership of industry and property deprives all of any real scope. For improvement In socialism society will undoubtedly be more cooperative, more social. The city landscapers will organise buildings, and neighbourhoods which will be a delight to live in and a joy to behold. Communal centres of all kinds will arise to serve the people’s interests and needs. The class society, which divides the population into separate and antagonistic groups of the privileged and the deprived will be eliminated.

Inside socialism people will not fear to love their neighbour lest they be taken advantage of, nor be ashamed of disinterested friendship, free from all self-interest and calculation. There will be powerful impulses to give things to each other, and the only possible way of giving will be by doing, by making. There will be no chance to “buy” a present for anybody—because nothing will be for sale; and besides, everybody will be free to take anything one needs from the superabundant general store of material things rolling from the assembly lines. People will be able to live comfortably and to travel freely, without passports. People will have ambition, under socialism, to explore our great planet and unlock its secrets, and extract from their knowledge new resources for the betterment of all the people.

 They will organise an all-out war against sickness and disease and there will be a flowering of the great science of medicine. They will look back with indignation when they read in their history books that at one-time people had to live in a society where there was a shortage of doctors. Good health will be a major concern, and sickness and disease a disgrace, not to the victim, but to the society which permits it. People will engage cooperatively to control climate change and end the destruction of the environment.

Socialism means there will be no more private property, except for personal use. Consequently, there can be no more crimes against private property—which are 90% or more of all the crimes committed today—and no need of all this huge apparatus for the prevention, detection, prosecution, and punishment of crimes against property. No need of jails and prisons, policemen, judges, probation officers, lawyers, bureaucrats; wardens. No need for  the present-day State. No more “politics”, because politics is essentially an expression of the class struggle; and no more parties, as they are now known, for parties are the political representatives of classes. That is not to say there won’t be differences and heated debates. Groupings, we must assume, will arise in the course of these disputes. But they will not be based on separate class interests. The state will wither away and die out has a profound ultimate meaning, for the state is the most concentrated expression of violence. Where there is violence, there is no freedom. The society of the free and equal will have no need and no room for violence and will not tolerate it in any form. 

No matter whether we personally see the dawn of socialism or not, no matter what our personal fate may be, the cause for which we fight has social evolution on its side and it brings all humanity a new day.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

A Bit of History


Shortly before the founding of the Socialist Party of Great Britain, the Socialist Labour Party also broke away from the Social Democratic Federation and they too were described as "Impossibilists". Springing from similar roots, it is understandable, that there was an overlap of the respective critiques of society. We would agree with William Paul, when he explained that:

“The revolutionary socialist denies that state ownership can end in anything other than a bureaucratic despotism…Socialism will require no political state because there will be neither a privileged property class nor a downtrodden propertyless class…”

 And his conclusion Paul :

 “In the last analysis state ownership is more a means of controlling and regimenting the workers…”


In “Socialism. Its Revolutionary Aims and Methods written by William Paul when he was an early activist for the British Socialist Labour Party there was much in it which the Socialist Party would concur. We share the same analysis that raises the importance of political action in addition to industrial action to achieve our socialist objective - one of the defining factors that separates us from the anarchists and syndicalists and led to the American SLP departing the Industrial Workers of the World to form its own socialist industrial union.


The constructive element in the social revolution will be the the action of the Industrial Unions seizing the means of production in order to administer the wants of the community...Thus Industrial Unionism is the constructive weapon in the coming social revolution...In order to facilitate the work of industrial organisation it is absolutely imperative for the workers to disarm the capitalist class by wrenching from it its power over the political destroying the capitalist control of the State, makes possible a peaceful social revolution...the work of the political weapon is purely destructive, to destroy the capitalist system." William Paul, The State . Its Origins and Function,1917.

Although we may have reservations on the actual economic organisation i.e. industrial unions , William Paul was much in accord with the SPGB as later expressed.

"...The Socialist Party, in aiming for the control of the State, is a political party in the immediate sense, but we have an economic purpose in view, namely, the conversion of the means of living into the common property of society. Therefore, the question necessarily arises whether an economic organisation acting in conjunction with the political is vital to our task. We have on more than one occasion pronounced ourselves in agreement with the need for such an organisation, and in so doing have flatly denied the charge that the Socialist Party of Great Britain is "nothing but a pure and simple political party of Socialism." 

 Socialist Standard, 1937


It would be worthwhile if we once again drew attention to the similarities rather than emphasis the differences.




THE Socialist Labour Party is a revolutionary political organisation which seeks to educate the workers in order that they may organise to combat Capitalism in every field of its activity. Capitalism is the most cunningly organised social system ever known, and the capitalist class is the most powerfully enthroned ruling power known to history. Therefore, the S.L.P. declares, Capitalism must be fought in every avenue of social action. In keeping with that attitude we have outlined a policy regarding the press, education, industrial organisation, and political action. Our policy is distinguished in so far as we have given a lead to Labour to control its press and its educational activities ; and our tactics demonstrate the need for industrial unionism which covers the economic sphere of Labour's activity. But we also emphatically insist that Capitalism's control of the political machine—i.e., the State and the armed Force of the Nation—must be challenged at the ballot box.

Capitalism is a social system which breeds conflicts. It is a seething jungle of struggles wherein individuals, classes, nations, and empires fight against each other. Individual wage-earners vie with each other for jobs ; capitalists outbid one another for markets ; classes struggle against each other in the economic and political arenas ; and nations are prepared to wipe each other off the map for the sake of imperial conquest. But the struggle, international in its extent, which looms larger than all others, is the conflict between Capital and Labour. In this struggle the former fights with ability and consciousness of aim, while the latter fights with great confusion and without a knowledge of its own strength.

We intend to examine one phase of the class struggle here— the great weapon which the masters wield through their control of the political State. The capitalist class clearly understands that, in addition to its economic dominion over Labour—through its ownership of the means of life—it is necessary to be able to crush the workers should they dare revolt or refuse to produce profits. In order, therefore, to strengthen its economic power, the rulers have left no stone unturned to capture political power—the State—which gives it control over the armed force of society. With this political power in its hand Capital is able to enforce its domination over Labour. In other words, the capitalist class looks upon political power as an important weapon to be used in its conflict with the working class. The political power of the masters is one of its chief fortresses against the rebellious workers. Thus Capital has used its political supremacy to intimidate and to murder those wage-earners who endangered its profits. The use of troops at Featherstone, Tonypandy, Belfast, and Dublin are only a few instances. And Asquith, a few years ago, warned the railwaymen that if they struck work the powers of the State would be placed at the disposal of the railroad magnates. The political power of Capital was energetically used in 1914 by enforcing new laws which sought to smash the rights of industrial organisation and the possibility of Labour striking for higher wages. Deportations, imprisonments, munition tribunals, and industrial conscription are vivid illustrations of how Capital strengthened its economic power by its political control of the machinery of Government.

Because the political weapon is used by the capitalist class against Labour, and because the political State is a machine to maintain class rule, there are many workers who contend that working class political action is futile, if not dangerous. The S.L.P, declares that as political power is used by Capital to enforce its economic power, for that very reason the workers must meet Capital on the political field. In the class war the workers dare not allow the capitalists to hold any fortress without laying siege to it with a view to capturing it. We may ignore the political fortress, as our anti-political friends would have us do, but neither the class war, nor any kind of war, can be waged successfully by ignoring any stronghold of the enemy. To ignore the insuperable advantage which the political machine gives to Capital would be tantamount to closing our eyes when the enemy aimed a blow at us with a dangerous weapon. Sanity demands that we must tear the weapon from the grasp of the foe.

But, argues the anti-political, what is the use of returning members to Parliament—they always betray their class interests ? What the critic of political action has in his mind are the betrayals of Labour by such creatures as Hodge, Thorne, Barnes, Henderson, etc. Let it be noted that we have exposed the treacheries of these political tricksters time after time. Nevertheless, we deny most emphatically that these men ever represented the interests of the working class. And we further assert that these betrayers of Labour learned the art of treachery before they entered Parliament ; they were educated in that art on the industrial field. Our anti-political friends wish us to devote our energies to the industrial arena because they imagine that the workers are sold when they enter politics. But the workers can be betrayed industrially as well as politically. The history of the trade union leaders since the war began indicates this point. Until the working class is conscious of its own interests—until it clearly realises what it wants and how to get it—then they are the tools of the Labour fakir and the political charlatan. The moment that the wage-earners understand their class interests they will not be betrayed either industrially or politically. Because "leaders" are only able to act treacherously when the rank and file is ignorant and confused.

It is argued that the workers are easily misled on the political field. Here again we beg to point out the fact that Labour can only be misled politically so long as it can be betrayed industrially. The political field is where the conflicts of economic interests are fought out. If the working class does not realise its economic interests it will be sold in Parliament; and if it does not realise its class interests it will be sold out in the workshop. Thus every argument which can be urged against political action can be used against industrial action. They react upon each other. There is nothing inherently dangerous in political action. All the arguments brought against it prove that the Socialist movement has neglected its educational work; it has paid insufficient attention to the creation of a revolutionary press; it has not sought to industrially organise Labour as a class; and the result is that these weaknesses are glaringly reflected on the political field. When our anti-political friends contend that the political field makes for the confusion of Labour they are unconsciously passing censure on every other field of Socialist activity. The critic of political action, unable to perceive the law of causation, which links together the various weaknesses operating in the different channels of the Labour movement, places all the blame on the political field. He therefore decides to ignore political faction. But by doing so he ignores the whole problem.

Many of the arguments against revolutionary political action are in reality criticisms of parliamentary action. The two spheres of activity must not be confused. Parliamentary action believes that by placing a series of reforms upon the Statute Book— " steps at a time " they are called—the economic position of the workers can be improved, and that they will be finally emancipated by such State measures. Such a line of activity is the aim of the " reformers" (who, since recent events in Russia, have mouthed revolutionary phrases) or State Socialists. This course of action is best represented by the pre-war literature of the I.L.P., although a healthy minority of the younger element is now in revolt against it. The attitude of the reform party means that it can throw open its ranks to those who do not believe in Socialism—but in " something now." (See " Labour Leader "—27th September, 1917—which admits this regarding the entrance of Mr Dunstand to the I.L.P.) In brief, the logical outcome of parliamentary action, by seeking to show Chancellors of the Exchequer how to bring in Budgets, etc., is State Socialism. The S.L.P.—as the columns of the " Socialist " can testify—repudiates parliamentary action. We deny' that it is the political function of the Socialist movement to show the capitalist class how to legislate for Capitalism or administer its laws. The S.L.P. does not aim at trying to outdo the capitalist politicians in the sinister game of Statesmanship. We hold that the purpose of political action is the destruction of the capitalist State. It would be the duty of revolutionary Socialists in Parliament to criticise every measure that came before the House of Commons, and to seek, by every means, to undermine the prestige of the capitalist class by exposing every one of its political manoeuvres. Thus the debate on the credits would furnish the fearless S.L.P.-er with an opportunity of demonstrating his uncompromising antagonism to militarism by voting against them. We are aware that the pacifist I.L.P. members of Parliament refuse to vote against the war credits because, as Mr. Brace Glaiser has explained, they represent voters who are not Socialists. This, of course, is simply a damning admission that I.L.P. candidates do not make Socialism the only issue during electoral contests. If anyone cares to look up the election addresses of any of the I.L.P. members of Parliament, it will be found that the voters were asked to vote for Free Trade, and other capitalist patches, but not for Socialism alone. The consequence of such an attitude is that these members dare not and cannot act as Socialists once they are returned to Parliament.

The S.L.P. takes the political field with one plank upon its programme—Socialism. It emphasises that only Socialists must vote for its candidates. It realises that its candidates may not get returned to Parliament yet awhile. But it knows that if there are only 200 class-conscious Socialists in any constituency, that must be the extent of its poll. Every other vote is useless and dangerous. Alliances, compromises, and arrangements with the Liberal Party may easily mean the return of a candidate, but not of a Socialist candidate. We are convinced that Socialists are only strong by themselves. Our political declaration is to aim at the capture of the political machine in order to tear the State, with its armed force, out of the hands of the capitalist class, thus removing the murderous power which Capitalism looks to in its final conflict with Labour. In a word, the revolutionary value of political action lies in its being the instrument specially fashioned to destroy Capitalism. Just as industrial unionism is necessary to construct Socialism.

But political action is further necessary in so far as it is its work to demand the right of free speech and of press. It must be used to combat the capitalist class in its attempt to filch away the rights of industrial action and other civil liberties. Political action, too, brings the propaganda of Socialism into the daylight and lifts the revolutionary movement beyond that of being a secret conspiracy. Political action, by insisting on free speech, prevents the capitalist class from forcing the movement underground—because once there the State would crush it. And, above all, the political method by bringing revolutionary Socialism upon the political field places it on that ground of social action where all conflicts tend to be settled peacefully. If Socialism is ushered in by violent means it will be because the capitalist class repudiated the civilised or political method, or because the Socialist movement failed to wrench the armed force of the State away from the control of the masters.

The war has shewn an additional need for revolutionary political action. Since 1914 the tendency of Capitalism is towards an intensified concentration of Capital. This need has been urged upon each national capitalist class in order to promote its economic security and profit. But with the concentration of Capital there has also sprung up closer, and sinister, relations between the State and Capital. The advent of modern Imperialism has made this necessary for two reasons—(1) the necessity for economic expansion abroad, and (2) the need for the better control of Labour at home. These two tendencies will appear in the form of an intensified Nationalism which will be the will be the sentimental lever to force the workers to increase output and to hate the foreign workers. Plans are now being prepared by the State to further speed up production in order to satisfy the British imperialists' lust for profits. The capitalists, in conjunction with the State, have their schemes already organised. These will be put in operation immediately peace is declared. We see, therefore, that the capitalist class realises the value of controlling the political State.

The British capitalist class understands the need of political action. It intends to be prepared in order to crush the attempts of awakening Labour seeking to organise its forces. The workers will be confronted by the whole economic force of Capital in alliance with its political force—the State.

Can Socialists, therefore, neglect the political field, which is at present one of Capital's strongest forts ? The S.L.P. says no. We dare not leave the enemy entrenched in any position from which it can threaten Labour. Revolutionary political action has not failed for the simple reason that it has never been used. There has been plenty of Labour electioneering and parliamentary reformism, but that is not revolutionary political action. The time has now arrived for the Labour movement in this country to define clearly its attitude towards political action. Many are opposed to political action for no other reason than that they have not realised all that it means.

The S.L.P. believes in the political weapon as the instrument by means of which the workers can capture the State in order to uproot it. The S.L.P. advocates political action because it is the destructive arm of Labour which will overthrow Capitalism. And for these reasons the S.L.P. permits only those who believe in the efficacy of political action to enter its ranks.

(Chapter 4 of Scientific Socialism. Its Revolutionary Aims and Methods by William Paul, 1918)
Transcribed by A Buick

It is regrettable that Paul like many others became distracted by the Russian Revolution and subsequently chose the path of Lenin and Bolshevism .


We would also agree with William Paul, when he explained that:

“The revolutionary socialist denies that state ownership can end in anything other than a bureaucratic despotism…Socialism will require no political state because there will be neither a privileged property class nor a downtrodden propertyless class…”

 And his conclusion Paul tells us:

 “In the last analysis state ownership is more a means of controlling and regimenting the workers…”