Friday, November 13, 2015
Crime and Poverty
Thursday, November 12, 2015
There Is Only One Enemy
Posters calling for the formation of a white students' union at the University of Toronto have been removed after student union reps called them "triggering". The poster featured the pictures of two blond white guys staring into the sky flanked by the CN Tower. They directed people to a web site supporting students for a western civilization. A post on the site calls multiculturalism an undemocratically imposed immigration culture policy that is rapidly reducing white people to minorities, and calls for a students' union that promotes white people's interests. This is just another incident of racism and emphasizes to all who can see clearly that a society based on private property interests will always turn people against each other until they realize they only have one enemy – the economic system that creates racism and other divisions. How else can the one per cent rule the ninety-nine per cent? John Ayers.
The Message
We need change
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Rate Of Progress!
Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO and author of "Lean In" released a women-in-the-workplace study of one hundred and eighteen companies and 30,000 employees and concluded, "At the current pace of progress, we are more than a hundred years away from gender equality in the C-suite." If capitalism lasts that long it's a good bet that she (or somebody) will be saying the same thing then
As proof of the above, tens of thousands African Americans converged on Washington calling for justice and equality. It came twenty years after the Million Man March and fifty-two years after the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Anyone taking bets that it will be necessary to do it all again? Maybe it's time to drop performing the same experiment and getting the same results and try a new experiment! John Ayers
To the people belongs the world
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Severe Consequences
On September 13, twenty-eight people seeking a better life in Europe drowned as they attempted a wind-swept crossing from Turkey to Greece. The Greek coastguard said the twenty-eight, including four infants and ten older children, died when their wooden boat collapsed near the island of Farmakonissi, which is one of the favoured places for smugglers sending thousands of people daily to the Greek islands. From the beginning of time people have wandered the earth searching for a better life, but today the consequences are more severe than they have ever been. Better a world where people can wander at their leisure in security. John Ayers
No Relief In Sight
Statistics Canada revealed that for the second quarter of 2015, household debt hit a record high. The ratio of debt to disposable income reached 164.4 per cent as debt loads grew faster than incomes. This means that for every dollar Canadians earned, they owed nearly $1.65 in credit debt. This included mortgages and other kinds of consumer loans. So things are not getting better, nor does there seem to be any relief in sight. It's a case of abolish capitalism and the money system, or suffer under it.
Organise for socialism
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Monday, November 09, 2015
Sharing The Benefits? No Chance!
Socialists say the war is endemic to the capitalist mode of production, stemming from its competitive nature. One example is that of the Philippines who expelled the Americans from its naval bases twenty-five years ago but is contemplating inviting them back as China lays claim to lays claim to almost all the South China Sea in some of the world's busiest shipping lanes. China is currently putting military installations on many of the islands there even though many nations claim the same territory. Sharing the benefits, not surprisingly, is not an option. John Ayers
For world socialism!
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Sunday, November 08, 2015
No Cry For Abolition Of Wages System
In an article on income inequality (Toronto Star September 26) a columnist reveals that "overall, CEO pay climbed 937 per cent between 1978 and 2013, while the pay of the typical worker rose just 10.2 per cent" (quoted from "Saving Capitalism" by Robert Reich) and in Canada the one hundred highest paid CEOs made 195 times the average Canadian income of $47,358. Unfortunately, this just leads to the call for a slightly more equitable split instead of the cry for the abolition of the wages system. John Ayers.
This is what socialism is
Saturday, November 07, 2015
To Hell With the Environment
Volkswagen sold 50,000 diesel cars with software that automatically cheated on air pollution tests leaving the company vulnerable to billions of dollars in fines and criminal prosecution. The company sold Volkswagen and Audi cars with a sophisticated algorithm that turns on full pollution controls only when the car is undergoing official testing, the Environmental protection Agency reported. During normal driving the system does not operate so that the cars pollute ten to forty times the legal limit. The company's purpose for using this sophisticated technology is because it was cheaper to install than producing low emission vehicles, so the bottom line is higher profit and to hell with the environment. Just another day in capitalism! John Ayers.
Help build a new world
Friday, November 06, 2015
The accursed capitalist system
Thursday, November 05, 2015
No Security Here.
One thing nobody hears about today is "Freedom 55", a smart financial way to retire early, though I did hear someone joke about having "freedom 95". People invested in it believing they would retire at 55 and live comfortably for the rest of their lives, but when the economy went belly up, so did their illusion. This shows that there is no such thing as security under capitalism. John Ayers.
Build the socialist commonwealth
Wednesday, November 04, 2015
The Capitalists Are Blood-Sucking Leeches
Tuesday, November 03, 2015
For the socialist revolution – join us.
Monday, November 02, 2015
We are the SPGB
Sunday, November 01, 2015
The System
Socialist Standard No. 1335 November 2015
- Editorial: Climate Change and Capitalism
- Pathfinders: After the Sugar Rush
- Letter: If Robots Take Over
- Music Review: 'Thee Faction - Reading Writing Revolution'
- Halo Halo! Do the Gods Ever Change Their Mind?
- Cooking the Books: Moore on Marx
- Material World: Rising Sea Levels
- Greasy Pole: Tessa Fails To Make It
- Economics, Politics and Climate Change
- Neither Westminster Nor Brussels But World Socialism
- Peter Watkins: A Revolutionary Film-Maker pt.2
- Growing Old, Growing Old
- Consumerism
- Cooking the Books: A Classic Reformist
- Mixed Media: Pier Paolo Pasolini
- Book Reviews: 'How Voters Feel', & 'Sapiens - A Brief History of Humankind'
- Proper Gander: Soldiering On
- 50 Years Ago: Indian A-Bomb
- Action Replay: Online Gambling - Getting the Punters Hooked
- Voice From the Back
- Cartoon: Free Lunch
Paternalism is a common attitude among well-meaning social reformers. Stemming from the root pater, or father, paternalism implies a patria...