Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Taking Socialism Seriously

We are socialists because we see capitalism as harmful to the vast majority of the world’s people. This capitalist system we live under grinds the poor and working people. We see capitalism today as a destructive system that hurts, divides and exploits the vast majority of our people for the sake of profits and power for the few. We see in socialism a more just, more cooperative and more peaceful society

The Socialist Party goals of freedom, democracy and equality, and the means of their achievement, are shared jointly by its members. We are uncompromising opponents of capitalism and we seek to replace it completely by a socialist society. We do not seek to “reform” it – slavery is not a condition that is to be reformed but replaced fundamentally by socialist democracy. As democratic socialists, we reject completely as incompatible with our principles and our aims any and all regimes, even if they proclaim themselves as “socialist” or “people’s democracies,” that are in actuality totalitarian and defend the exploitation of the working class. We stand for the traditional socialist conception that the winning of the battle for democracy is the necessary step in the inauguration of a class-free society. We reject the imposition of “socialism” on the working class “for its own good,” against its will or without its freely-arrived-at democratic decision. The road to a socialist society lies only through the ever-greater expansion of democracy. To these propositions the socialist movement is unequivocally committed, for the aim of socialism is nothing but the fullest attainment of democracy. 

A socialist party must be democratic first and foremost in its internal life, so that its membership may be able to arrive freely and fairly at decisions on policy and activity, where the views of the majority prevail at all times with scrupulous assurances that the rights and conscience of minorities are in no way violated. This requires in turn a movement that is broad in its composition, its outlook, its concepts; that avoids iron and sterilising dogmas which it seeks to impose upon all others, including dissenters in its own ranks; that avoids the demand for conformity on all questions and problems that are of interest to it; that rejects all concepts of a “monolithic” party and barrack-room discipline.

Socialists can offer an alternative which can meet basic needs of people and which is based on cooperation. The alternatives are based on hatred or fear. Socialism offers a future free from the fears of poverty, sexism, racism, dog-eat-dog competition and joblessness. We seek to create a society that allows each person to produce according to her or his ability and to obtain what she or he needs. We advocate and work for socialism–that is, social ownership and democratic control of the means of production (factories, fields, utilities, etc.) We want a system where the people build together for the common good. We support the struggles of the working class against the rule of capitalism and its effects – poverty, hunger, unemployment, war, sexism, racism. In a socialist world of plenty, mankind is freed of the dominance of economics, the tyranny of economists. We will for the first time be free to develop the full potentialities and capacities of the human individual, and see the full flowering of humanity’s spirit. This is the only goal worth fighting for today. It is the real freedom. 

We have confidence that in the days ahead that socialism will once again become an effective political movement which resonates with our fellow-workers, that socialism’s influence will spread and reawaken among working people. Our hopes are not dimmed but renewed. Our enthusiasm for the work ahead is not diminished. The hard work will its own reward. We know the task that lies before us before socialism becomes a political power in the land will be hard. But we will help to build up the movement again, and  champion of the socialist cause for all who suffer social oppression and indignity, and bring closer the time of freedom for all mankind.

Monday, April 06, 2020

Towards A Socialist Cooperative Commonwealth

Crashes across the world’s financial markets with share prices in free-fall due to the COVID-19 pandemic have sent shock-waves through the media and the owning class. 

We are entitled to suspect the newly discovered sincerity of corporate CEOs and to view their motives with some cynicism. But as long as the employing class own the means of production and control political power the working class will always be on the receiving end of any economic crisis. This pandemic is one more piece of evidence that this supposedly great economic system has just a failed us once again. The gross inequalities and declining standards of life are magnified by the corona crisis, pushing already marginalized working people to the brink.

When will the people stop expecting the system to do the impossible? When will they cease to be surprised that the system works in the interests of a privileged minority? When will those who mistakenly believe capitalism is the most rational and efficient way of ordering human affairs accept that in reality it is an insane and chaotic society? Too many are as yet blind to the realities of the capitalist system. At the mercy of this pandemic and profiteers they frantically turn this way and that way to cope with the evils of capitalism. But the SYSTEM that produces their sufferings they do not dream of attacking. They see neither a definite goal, nor the way to it. Capitalism is a society which cannot hold any regard for human interests or values. We must resolve to abolish the system altogether.

Normalcy is nothing that we should return to. Instead we must forge a path for fundamental and transformative change with a new movement. There should be no turning back to the pre-COVID-19 days of accepting the austerity of capitalism which is dedicated to making life as miserable as possible for the masses of people and crushes any attempts made for even minimal reform. The moment is ripe for campaigning and demanding socialism as our political demand. This pandemic is an opportunity for new political activity.

Only with the end of capitalism itself, and the establishment of a worldwide socialist cooperative commonwealth can we escape the misery inflicted upon us.

The remedy is in your hands

THE SOCIALIST PARTY claim, and prove their claim, to be the only party in the UK whose principles will benefit the working class. We have no connection with the Labour Party, the Socialist Workers Party or other left wing group who are only interested in two things: firstly, grinding their own axes; secondly, trying to make the present rotten capitalist system bearable to you, thereby prolonging the life of that system which grinds YOU down so mercilessly.

We address ourselves to our fellow-workers: —The machines and tools with which you produce vast quantities of wealth—themselves the product of labour—are owned by the master class. You are compelled to sell the only commodity you possess — the power to labour—to the owners of those tools for a miserable pittance varying but little from the actual cost of subsistence, while they, the minority in society, take to themselves the fruits of your labour. YOU ARE EXPLOITED.  You lose one master, but are compelled to find another, and because of your non-ownership of the means of producing the necessaries of life you are enslaved to the possessing class —the capitalists. Constantly you are confronted with the fear of unemployment, and conditions do not improve—they are getting worse. Your interests are opposed to those of the exploiters, and you will be exploited and oppressed by them until you realise your true position, and organise as a class into a political party with the object of capturing political power and overthrowing the present system of contradictions of wealth and poverty, and the conversion of the means of wealth production from instruments of profit-grinding into common property to be administered for the well being of all.

We have all heard at some time or other that if we were careful, industrious, thrifty, god-fearing, and abstained from hedonism the ladder is clear and easy to climb for every one of us . We have all heard of so-and-so who started life in humble surroundings and, by leading a virtuous life, ultimately became wa successful "self made men." Even though most of us  realise that to be born in the poverty of the working class means being doomed to remain there until the end of their days. The road to affluence and power is not through self-sacrifice and the sweat of our toil. When will our fellow-workers learn and understand their position in society, then organise to overthrow the system that robs them of the fruit of their labours.

From the capitalist standpoint socialism is a "great evil.” They never examines the basis of capitalism because it is the best possible system..for them. It divides society into a privileged and a slave class, and their lot is cast among the privileged. Socialism is repugnant to the capitalists because it would abolish slavery and privilege and establish society on a basis where the means of wealth-production, instead of being owned by a small capitalist class, would be the common property of society, to be used for the needs of a community making arrangements for production and distribution according to a settled plan agreed upon by all, a system based upon common ownership and democratic control of all the means of life. 

The workers are poor because they are robbed of the greater portion of the wealth which they produce. The necessaries of life are produced by the social labour of the workers, but the means and instruments for producing these necessaries are owned and controlled by the capitalist class. It is because of this antagonism, this contradiction, in society, i.e., social production side by side with private ownership, that we have poverty-stricken workers and idlers rolling in wealth.

The solution to the "problem" rests with the working class, who must get to understand their class position in society and enrol themselves in a political party with the object of capturing the powers of government, in order to establish socialism. That political party already exists—it is the Socialist Party.
The Socialist Party pronounces the sentence of death upon capitalism to usher in the Socialist Commonwealth.

Sunday, April 05, 2020

Another Future For Us All?

A lot needs changing to our world if we are all to enjoy decent secure lives. It was clear well before the COVID-19 pandemic that humanity required to learn to share, to cooperate and to create a world free from conflict, and we had to help the planet to heal from the harm done to it. Mankind is one family, although a species large and diverse, consisting of unique individuals with a variety of qualities, yet all sharing the same inherent nature, suffering from the same fears and having similar hopes and longings.

Capitalism has led to a ‘dog eat dog’ mentality, and the false belief that people innately selfish, greedy and driven by aggression. Capitalism has successfully polarised large sections of the world's population through sexism, racism and nationalism, and that is just a few of the ways. Generations have been conditioned into believing that this is the way to live, that we are separate and must compete with one another to survive and it is that what makes us human beings, and there is no alternative. Such ideas are fundamentally misguided.

Socialists have always called for a shift in this way of thinking and demanded a change in mode of production and style of living. The world socialist movement has urged collective action for tolerance and and cooperation. To survive and prosper, to fulfil our potential, socialists say we must reject divisions and that it is possible to build a new society of social justice. Out of chaos of the old we can create a future civilisation in which humanity can live in peace and compassion. As the humanitarian responses to this pandemic is showing, in times of crises , people are expressing solidarity with one another. It demonstrates one more that mankind is good and humanity is social. 

Socialism is the real alternative

The popular demand for social is a sham demand as it is unrealisable under capitalism. Instead the demand should be nothing less than abolition of classes, i.e., abolition of all exploitation. The Socialist Party demands, and fights for, mastery over the production apparatus, whereby under common ownership in a class-free society true equality will be established. You are yoked up as wage slaves. The socialist revolution will be a great step forward in the history of mankind. With socialism for the first time in history the individual will have the opportunity of real freedom, of real self-development. The Socialist Party places its hope in the ability of the people to reach high levels of political consciousness and to end the rule of the propertied dictatorial class. 

Socialism offers as its fundamental contribution to the cause of peace a society with constantly expanding perimeters of political and social democracy.We are socialists. We are opposed to capitalism. We are for socialism. We make no secret about that. It is capitalism and its built-in, all-consuming need for profit, regardless of the needs of people, that enslaves all workers—women and men alike, of all races, ethnic and religious backgrounds—and condemns them to struggle for their very existence. Capitalism’s overwhelming and compelling need to increase profits above, and at the expense of, all else  is the driving force behind all corporate executives, no matter of what race or gender they may be. There is no “trickle down” in money or justice under capitalism. Every bit a worker gets, or will ever get, must be fought for, tooth and nail.

World capitalism and its the frightful crises has plunged working people into unheard of misery which threatens to destroy the whole human culture. When, in the course of human development, existing institutions prove inadequate to the needs of man, when they serve merely to enslave, rob, and oppress mankind, the people have to overthrow, these institutions. Throughout the world the workers have to reach the determination to take control of their own lives.  In this country this can and must be achieved peacefully by the workers uniting at the ballot boxes. 

If socialism is to be relevant today it must present a policy for freedom. Vote for socialism and be free. We summon the workers of city and country, all nationalities,  all who are exploited and oppressed by capitalism. Only a socialist world can give us peace and plenty. Look how the capitalist world totters on the brink of destruction. The capitalist parties are as rotten and bankrupt as the system they uphold. They can maintain themselves and that. system today only by piling additional burdens upon the people. The evils of capitalism will disappear only with the destruction of capitalism and the building of socialism. Solidarity and unity are the very life of the Socialist Party, the source of its strength.