Saturday, June 08, 2019

The Failing of Green New Deal

There are many groups with different interests in society, each fighting against all others for a greater share in political rule and a greater part in the profits. The longer this competitive struggle remains unchecked, the more difficult it becomes to secure the existence of the present form of society. "Common sense" political movements arise to end the contradictions in one way or another. Existing political parties are both forced and willing to utilise to their own advantage the social unrest caused. They offer programs of action and invent clever slogans in order to get as many people as possible behind their interests and the plans connected therewith. 

They always ask for your support, so that they may profit. They tell you, that all depends on you, on your vote, on your loyalty. You must bring the right people with the right program into office. You become drunk on words, slogans, hopes, and delusions. However, as soon as with your help they succeed in getting control and power, they drop the "you"; they are quite busy then ruling without you and against you. But so far, you have always responded to their call, and consequently, you have always felt cheated afterwards. the Green New Deal fools people into believing that environmental aspirations can be realised under capitalism. In time capitalism will triumph. It served the interests of capitalists by saving their system. The crisis of global warming is today the crisis of world capitalism. Capitalist politicians, whatever their pretensions, cannot act otherwise than in the service of the capitalist bosses. The significance of the Green New Deal consists in the fact that it demonstrates the inability of even the strongest section of world capitalism to solve the problems of climate change. The experiment of reforming capitalism on a gigantic scale has been found wanting. Our conclusion is that only by completely changing the social and economic system can we really and truly give ourselves a Green New Deal for all time.

 The important fact that all the conflicts of opinion and interests revolve around the methods of reforming the structure of capitalism; all are agreed on the necessity of saving it from ruin. For all the articles, books and research papers they may have read, for all their bright ideas, too many environmentalists just didn’t know what they were doing nor what they were struggling against. All efforts to reform the capitalist state from within whether by liberals, left-wingers and progressives are doomed to failure. Instead of overthrowing capitalism, they end up controlled by it. They foster illusions in the minds of people about the real character of the regime by lending it a friendly complexion. No amount of soft-soap can wash clean capitalism's dirty work. Reformists are very cautious thinkers, who invariably hedges their statements with so many caveats, which not only make it difficult to determine an exact position but which also presents the possibility of moving in two opposite directions. all the teachings of socialism and all historical experience inform us that this GND panacea is Utopian in character. The wasteful anarchy and unplanned nature of capitalist society has always been one of the most vulnerable spots. That is the rub.

Essentially the GND is motivated by the fear of decay and collapse of the capitalist system. The politicians convey the idea that it is time to do some serious patching up of the kind which will reinforce its basis, consolidates essential parts and strengthen its whole structure. This can be accomplished by apparent concessions, presented in the terms of eloquent speeches.

The Socialist Party acknowledge the need to see more and more clearly the kind of world toward which we are headed. The Green New Deal is not intended to remove the causes of the climate change crisis. Only socialism can remove those. To understand this it must be examined in its economic aspect. The Green New Deal cannot do away with capitalist property rights. We are not unmindful of the fact that big business will resist the codes of practice of any Green New Deal. The progressives believe in the soundness of capitalist economy, but want to save it from the few “bad” and “greedy” CEOs. The reality they face is that aggressive ruthless capitalist expansion is ready to crush all opposition which stands in the way of a greater commercial empire. Capitalism requires a constantly increasing amount of profitable investment.

Forward to Socialist Revolution

We in the Socialist Party are socialists out of conviction – because we see capitalism as harmful to the world’s people. This system we live under, by its very nature, grinds down the poor and working people and sets one group against another. We see in socialism a more just, more cooperative and more peaceful society. The Socialist Party offers an alternative which can meet basic needs of people and which is based on cooperation and general, productive and fulfilling employment. Socialism offers a future free from the fears of poverty, sexism, racism, dog-eat-dog competition, joblessness, and the loneliness of old age. As the world socialist movement grows, we will be nearer to creating a society that allows each person to create and produce according to her or his ability and to obtain what she or he needs.

We see the primary task of our organisation to be the building of a mass movement of the working class to fight for socialism. Denouncing sincere opponents has replaced the patient work of winning them over. We expect that as such an organisation grows, its internal life would become richer and stronger. Members would and should develop social as well as political ties with each other. The organisation would have internal education, parties, picnics, dinners, athletics and the like, and would encourage an all-rounded development of its members. To enable all its members to be involved as fully as possible, the organisation commits itself to actively building the social life of the organisation.

We advocate and work for socialism–that is, common ownership and collective control of the means of production (factories, fields, utilities, etc.) We want a system based on cooperation, where the people build together for the common good. In a socialist world of plenty, mankind is at long last freed of the dominance of economics, the tyranny of economics. We will for the first time be free to develop the full potentialities and capacities of the human individual, and see the full flowering of humanity’s spirit. This is the only goal worth fighting for today. It is the real freedom. The end of socialism is not merely the remaking of the social system and of the world – it is the remaking of humankind itself. Socialism does not come to destroy but to fulfill the ideals of liberty, fraternity, and equality. Socialism comes not as a remedy for the evils of existing society, but as a program of principles for a new society.

There can be no social peace and sanity, no liberty, so long as some people own that upon which all people depend. All that can be said against slavery can also be said against the private ownership of economic sources and tools; for the private ownership of the common sources and machinery of life is nothing less than the ownership of human beings. No person is free so long as he or she is dependent upon some other for the chance to earn a livelihood. If someone owns my bread, or owns that which I must have in order to get my bread, they own my being, unless I choose to revolt. Private ownership of productive machinery, means private ownership of the people. Those who sell their labour-power for wages sells themselves; for their labour-power is their life. The wages system is merely another form of a slave-system, not a fit system for free men and women; and there can be no true freedom for all mankind until there is not another hireling left under the sun. The labour of the world is essentially slave-labour. There is not a wage-earner who is not in some degree sold his soul, even in spite of himself, by dependence upon the private buyer of his or her labour. So long as some own that upon which all depend, the owners and the dependents are alike corrupted, enslaved, and robbed. Our industrial system rests upon this power of private capital. A civilisation build upon fraud and force, gambling and stealing and slave-labour, simply builds for its own retribution. We build on a sure foundation only when we build a system that has for its end the commonwealth, the abundance and well-being of all men and women. Nature offers resources enough for abundance of life for countless billions of human beings. Socialists cannot consent that these resources should be appropriated by the few for the exploitation of the many.

Some say that socialism might answer for a society of angels, but not for a society of human beings such as we are; that we must wait till we have a better brand of human beings before we can have socialism. All of which is very much like saying that it is not safe to cure someone of disease until he or she gets well. It is a strange superstition that makes men and women regard what they know to be elementally good as dangerous in practice, and what they know to be elementally wrong as practically safe. Socialism proposes to abolish that slavery and competition and capitalism which sends all its forces in the direction of making mankind brutal and dishonest. The whole influence of competition and capitalism is to war against love and liberty, and to make all that is noble in human life impossible. Socialism comes to remove the causes that prevent people from being sisters and brothers one with another and to bring in that equality of opportunity without which there can be no true fellowship, no abiding social solidarity. The lesson of association in freedom must be learned and it can only be learned by practicing it.

What the socialist does mean by class-consciousness is nothing can obviate the hideous fact that one class of human beings is living off another class because we knows perfectly well that the labourer cannot achieve freedom, nor have the produce of our labour, until we becomes conscious that we are the real producers and the owners of the Earth. Capitalists despoil the earth with economic and military wars until the disinherited labour of the world take possession of its inheritance. So long as the labourer is willing to be a mere wage-slaves, so long as we are led about by politicians , so long as workers will not act, our condition will worsen and worsen. We must achieve our own liberty, if it is ever to be achieved. Liberty cannot be handed down by a superior class to an inferior class; it has never been so achieved, and ought not to be so achieved. If liberty were something that could be imposed upon one class by another, or could be presented as a gift from superiors to inferiors, it could vanish in the night. Men are not free until they have won and established their freedom. The class-conscious appeal is not for strife or hostility, or antagonism, but for constructive purpose. The end of socialism is the abolition of all classes and parties and the coming in of but one class, the people. Unless labourers as a class are so awakened that they become courageous enough to adopt the cooperative commonwealth and adopt goodwill toward all men and women, no one can achieve their liberty for them, or ought to achieve it for them. All history demonstrates how the people have had to achieve for themselves each inch and gain of liberty, and how they have been again and again betrayed when their liberties have been committed to those above them in worldly condition. Socialism is essentially conservative. It comes not to destroy, but to fulfill — to fulfill all the true ideals of order and liberty. It offers the economic basis for the realisation of that fraternity which has been the dream of the ages. 

Friday, June 07, 2019

Scotland - No different

A row has broken out between Scotland and Ireland over fishing rights around the uninhabited islet of Rockall,  an eroded volcano that lies 260 miles (418km) west of the Western Isles and is only 30m (100ft) wide and 21m (70ft) high above the sea. The UK claimed Rockall in 1955, but Ireland, Iceland and Denmark have previously challenged that claim.
The Scottish government has said it will take "enforcement action" against Irish vessels found fishing within 12 miles of Rockall from Saturday. The UK claims sovereignty over the North Atlantic outcrop but the Irish government does not recognise the claim.

"It is our duty and obligation to defend the interests of Scottish fisheries and ensure compliance with well-established international law."

Despite grand claims that it would act very differently from the UK if independent, we see now that any sovereign Scotland would act the very same - protect native business  and property rights. And just who chose to decide and include a barren piece of rock as an integral part of the Scottish nation to be defended?

Scotland's Low Pay Numbers

Nearly four in every 10 workers in Scotland earn less than £20,000 a year.

Figures from the Office for National Statistics reveal that 2.0 million adults across the country had been employed for at least 12 months in 2018.

Some 768,000 of those - or 38.6 per cent - earned less than £20,000.

Campaigners warned that people on low pay often have "nothing left" after they've paid for things like rent and bills - and said many will be going hungry and relying on high cost credit.

The human health and social work industry had the highest number of employees in Scotland earning under £20,000 - at 170,000.
Matthew Geer, campaigns manager at poverty charity Turn2us, said: “It is really concerning that the majority of people in poverty are in working households – 50% of people who came to Turn2us for help over the last year were in work.

“The myth that work is a direct route out of poverty is often based on Victorian perceptions of the deserving and undeserving poor.

“It is outdated and doesn’t reflect the economic issues facing millions in modern Britain.

“People stuck in low paid jobs often have nothing left once they have paid their rent, childcare and bills.

“Often this leads to relying on high cost credit, hunger, and at the worst end of the spectrum, severe poverty.”
Across the UK there were 8.7 million workers who took home less than £20,000 in 2018.

They made up 39.1 per cent of the country’s workforce.

The news comes as a report from the Low Pay Commission estimated that 439,000 people across the UK were illegally paid less than the minimum wage last year, with women and young workers most at risk.

Where there is hope, there is a future

Hope is an essential attribute to human existence. There's a saying: "where there is life there is hope" to which the converse might be added: and "where there is hope there is also life." The two thoughts are actually interconnected so that when a situation is declared hopeless it means we are done for.

Most people look forward to something: either a better job, more schooling for their children; in general, towards a betterment in life. Some even cling to the “American” dream of their "ship coming in”. Others look towards an early comfortable retirement. 

 Despite endeavours to dehumanise the people a new spirit of hope is abroad in the world, to the horror of the owner-rulers and their “liberal” apologists. Despite everything – and because of everything - workers condemned by a system of capitalism awakens. Their own living experience teaches them – teaches us – the urgency of reclaiming the world for the people. Revolutionary hope of the people, is once more found in the workplaces and the streets. The period of awakening, with its stirrings of renewed struggle, are upon us. The moment of opportunity must be seized or it will not be realised. If the hopeless system that dooms us to despair and impoverishment is itself to be buried, we must act now. The people’s needs require revolution. The people’s dreams demand revolution. But revolution needs organisation, an organisation of revolution – a revolutionary organisation which will unite the people in winning the future. Never say there’s no hope

But we do live in dark days. The right-wing feeds off wars, recessions, poverty, unemployment, hunger, bad housing, race hatred. Nations and peoples are at each others throats, crises and wars are a constant threat. Fear is everywhere. A world in economic decline, ridden with racial conflict and oppression, given to war-making, and saddled with a dysfunctional political system this characterisation of contemporary society would be accepted by many people who can project no way out and nowhere to go.

 It is in the light of this fact that the importance of the Socialist Party in politics must be measured. Its present strength counts for little. We are making a little progress — just a little progress every day, and we trust in the future, because we hold faith in the people. They are coming around to believe in the necessity of acting. Its ability to build for the future is of tremendous significance. Our membership is the preservation of the integrity and the effective instrument for the coming social reconstruction. It is vital and indispensable that our party be preserved as a socialist party in the true meaning of the term. Not a party of patchwork reform, nor a party of sham revolutionary phrases, but as a militant party, rooted in the working class movement, organising education in the economic and political struggle. More than ever today a strong organisation of the people is required in their fight for survival. Without an organisational form of the opposition to capitalism there is no hope. But the movement suffers from the absence of workers’ self organised politics. The tasks before us will not be easy, but we have shown in the past that we can rise to the occasion. We can and we must do it again. Otherwise the hate that surround us will conquer us.

 Can workers be drawn to a socialist alternative? The common-sense answer of the intellectuals to that question is no. Nevertheless, the Socialist Party would answer that there is everything to play for. The task for the Socialist Party shall be to ruthlessly reveal all those wrongs, which are inherent in the present state of society. We shall fulfill this task by showing the means and ways, whereby we can reach big goal: the working class liberation from the ball and chains of wage slavery, which restrain its development in social, political and cultural sense. We must educate. Only an enlightened and awakened working class is powerful enough to form a counter-weight to the ruling class. Without organisation nothing can be accomplished. The Socialist Party is thus organisation of the most numerous class in society, for the injured and suppressed working people.

The Socialist Party believes that capitalism can only continue to exist at the expense of the increasing misery of the working class. We also believe that only by loyalty and solidarity and organisation, can the workers triumph. 

Who controls my bread, controls my head

In the past few hundred years, capitalism has become the dominant form of production and of division of society into classes, i.e. the dominant mode of production. Its distinguishing characteristic is to have simplified class antagonisms by increasingly reducing them to the one opposing the proletariat (or working class) to the bourgeoisie, to capitalism.

The key to the economic and political power of the bourgeoisie is the private ownership of the means of production and exchange (land, buildings, factories, machines, stores, transportation, etc.) and the exploitation of the labour-power of the working class. The bourgeoisie is a class whose reason for existence is the accumulation of capital, i.e. the continual growth of its economic power; a capitalist who does not grow is, as a general rule, a capitalist condemned to disappear. On the other hand, the capitalist has nothing if he cannot find in society a large number of people who have no other means of subsistence but the sale of their labour-power in exchange for a wage equivalent to the strict minimum for survival. The secret of capitalist exploitation lies precisely in the fact that what the capitalist buys from the worker is not his work but rather his labour-power. If the capitalist had to pay for the work furnished, he would not be able to make the profit he does. Let’s look at an example to illustrate this.

Suppose that a worker produces 10 pairs of shoes a week which sell for $25.00, thus making a total value of $250.00 per week on the market. This worker receives a weekly wage of $100.00. Where does the value of the shoes come from? The raw materials – the leather, thread, and glue – along with the other means of production such as electricity, the machines, etc. alone account for $75.00 to which is added the value added by the worker’s labour, i.e. $250.00 less $75.00 or $175.00. This sum represents the amount that the worker added by his work to the value of the materials that he was given at the beginning. If the capitalist paid the worker according to the value of his labour, he would have to give him $175.00. However, this is not what happens because the wages paid to the worker do not correspond to the value of the work he furnishes; rather, they correspond, on the average, to what it costs the worker to reproduce this labour-power or, in other words, to recuperate his energies and ensure his subsistence given the cost of living and the living conditions at a given time.

There lies the essence of capitalist exploitation: the worker gives a certain value of work to the capitalist but his wages do not correspond to this value but to only a fraction of it. The value of the non-paid work is called the surplus-value; the capitalist appropriates this non-paid fraction which constitutes the source of his profit, the source of capital. Here lies the key to the exploitation of the proletariat by the bourgeoisie, the key to the enrichment of the bourgeoisie on the backs of workers.

The history of humanity shows that the exploiting classes are eventually overthrown by those whom they oppress. Capitalism is no exception. It also is condemned as the slave society and feudalism before it. Capitalism is undermined by its own contradictions. This means that, with the development of capitalism, the working class whose historic mission is to dig the grave of capitalism, develops and is strengthened. This also means that capitalism can no longer ensure humanity’s progress; on the contrary, it slows down this progress. It has thus become a reactionary mode of production. Capitalism's fundamental law is the search for individual profit, has reached the point where the development of the productive forces is incompatible with the search for profit. Corporations prevent the utilisation of a large number of technical and scientific innovations which although they would benefit the majority of people, would not be good for profits. Land speculation and the law of profit have had disastrous effects on agriculture which goes from the under-utilisation of arable land to the massive destruction of agricultural products. The quality of goods diminishes constantly. While the productive potential is enormous, capitalism slows down its development. 

Contrary to the other revolutionary classes of humanity’s history, the historic mission of the proletariat is not to substitute one exploiting class for another but rather to rid humanity of all exploitation. When the bourgeoisie drove out the feudal nobles and kings, it did so, of course, in the name of all the people; but, in fact, it only replaced the old oppressors with new ones. It couldn’t have been otherwise because the bourgeoisie was itself a class whose existence was based on the private ownership of the means of production and the exploitation of the labour of others. Thus it only substituted a new form of class exploitation for an old one.

What characterises the working class, on the other hand, is that it does not own the means of production and that it is the object of exploitation. As a class, it has no other future but the total elimination of exploitation of Man by Man. This is why we can say that the movement for the emancipation of workers has to lead to the liberation of all of humanity.

In attacking the foundation of the capitalist system – the private ownership of the means of production and wage labour – the proletariat undertakes at the same time the elimination of classes themselves. In effect, to eliminate the private ownership of the means of production is to destroy the material basis on which all exploiting classes are founded. Consequently, it is also to eliminate classes themselves. This is why we say that the aim of the proletariat’s struggle is the class-free society, a community in which no person exploits the labour of another. After the proletariat, there are no classes to serve as the object of exploitation. To eliminate the exploitation of the proletariat is to eliminate all exploitation. The liberating task of the proletariat also comes from the fact that in order to carry it out fully, it has to attack the conditions which, historically, have made class exploitation possible.

Among these, most important are the State, the division between city and countryside, and the division between manual and intellectual work. The very existence of the State is an expression of the fact that society is divided into classes and that it is necessary to fix the relations between the classes. This is why the State monopolised violence by depriving the exploited and oppressed classes of the weapons necessary for their liberation. This is why the State seals in law the rules of the ownership system. Thus, to say that the struggle of the working class leads to a class-free society is to say that it leads to a state-free society.

The first act, the decisive act on the road leading to the total emancipation of workers, is the socialist revolution.

By the socialist revolution, the proletariat suppresses the private ownership of the means of production. It thus suppresses the material basis which allows the exploitation of labour by capital. By the socialist revolution, the proletariat puts in the hands of society the necessary means for the subsistence and development of its members. While under capitalism, production is done solely in order to make profits for those who own the factories, the railroads, the big chainstores, etc., in socialist society, production is planned according to the needs of all workers.

Thus, under socialism, factories won’t shut down because “their lordships, the investors” don’t think they’re making enough money from them. Neither will we see the economy of a country collapse because “their lordships, the investors” don’t have enough “confidence” in the social climate. Under socialism, it is the workers who dictate the rules of the game and their fundamental rule is the material and cultural well-being of the vast majority of the people. No more will working class houses be demolished to build luxury towers for a tiny minority of the population. And no more of capitalist anarchy which provokes crises of overproduction in some sectors while the essential needs of the labouring masses are not satisfied. All this is eliminated under socialism, because the production is planned. Production will no longer depend upon the wishes of a handful of capitalists whose only goal is maximum profits, but on the collective will of all of the workers. While the capitalist is interested in the product of labour only insofar that it makes him a personnal profit, the workers have, above all, a collective interest in that the product be the best possible and that it be adapted to the needs of the labouring masses. Under socialism, the private accumulation of capital, the profit system itself, will not be the motor of the economy.

Socialism means and must mean the elimination of the exploitation of one person by another in any form. The active and direct participation of the labouring masses in all affairs of society is an indispensable condition for successful socialist construction. 

Whether it be in a factory, a hospital, an office, in a village, town, or region, be it a question of material production or of culture,the workers must exercise their power everywhere. It is they who must determine what is to be done in school, the length of schooling, its relations to social labour, etc. The task of revolutionaries consists precisely in carrying out the work of preparing the camp of revolution. No matter how decadent and rotten bourgeois power may be, it will not crumble by itself. The Socialist Party educates the working class on the only demand that can really lead to its emancipation: the abolition of the private ownership of the means of production, the abolition of the exploitation of Man by Man, and the construction of a socialist society. It is the fundamental task of the socialist revolution.

Thursday, June 06, 2019

Abolish the wages system

The Socialist Party has something to say to our fellow-workers because we are part of an international movement (albeit small) which is working to establish world socialism. There some men and women with a sincere wish to go forward to a better world. It is to these we are talking.

Socialism (or as others call it, communism) is: a world society based on common ownership with no production for sale, money, buying and selling, prices, wages, or profit. The Socialist Party declines to advocate reforms or join others in doing so. arguing that on the political field socialists should be aiming solely at the capture of power for socialism. This does not apply to the immediate and specific demands which arise from the concrete antagonism of interests between wage-earners and employers in the economic sphere. So, the Socialist Party has drawn a distinction between ’reforms’ and the day-to-day economic demands of the workers.

We think that democracy is of vital importance to the working class and that only a democratic organisation can be used to establish socialism. That is why our party is organised without leaders or hierarchy. But we also say that political democracy as it exists in Britain and elsewhere is not enough, since it is constantly threatened by the encroachments of the capitalist state and is maintained only by working class pressure. We want to see a social democracy—and this will be achieved only when society owns the means of production and operates them democratically. In other words, only socialism can be a thoroughly democratic society.

Since we are working for world socialism we do not have a reform programme, unlike your parties. This is not because we are opposed to all reforms but because we say that the job of a socialist party is to get rid of capitalism and that it can do this only by recruiting members and seeking support for a socialist programme. This means that we advance slogans such as 'Abolition of the Wages System’ as our immediate demands. We also think that socialism must be world wide and that it can be set up only when a majority of working men and women (at least in the advanced industrial parts of the world) understand what is entailed, and are prepared to take conscious action, first to establish it and then to run it from top to bottom.

What stands in the way of the advent of socialism? It is also the ignorance of the majority of the exploited as to what socialism, and even what capitalism, is. We must understand the cause of this ignorance and remedy it. We must repeat that the economic system of production for profit is capitalism; that this system is inconceivable without the exploitation of man by man, without competition between individuals and between groups, without the robbery of; human labour by rich parasites. We must also admit that capitalism will continue to reign over the planet until it has been replaced by a more evolved, more human, economic system. The future system which Marx and Engels interchangeably called ‘socialism' and ’communism’ cannot be imposed by a group with any chance of success. It is essential that first it is wanted by the workers of the entire world and thus universally understood. This system in which there will be production to satisfy human needs is called Socialism.

If you agree with these ideas we want to hear from you — so that we can help each other to strengthen the world movement for socialism. But if you are a careerist or if you believe that capitalism can be made to work in the interests of the working class then perhaps you would be better off sticking with the status quo. There is no need for a minority to lead the working class. Revolution by an élite inevitably leads to government by an élite. The change from private capitalism to state capitalism does not free the working class. Those who produce continue not to own the means of production. Property changes hands and the exploited remain exploited. To put an end to private property is to end the very existence of the State, whether it is capitalist or alleged socialist. It is to organise society to provide for the satisfaction of the needs of mankind. It is to establish socialism.


People are beginning to speak more and more often of the ‘end of civilisation’, or at least of the ‘crisis of the capitalist system’. It is chaos and empty darkness that are now facing the world. Capitalism has nothing more to offer to people. Many people who describe themselves as socialists believe that socialism is about expanding the the state through nationalisation. The more left-wing they are, the more they promote state-ownership. What is wrong with the state is that it protects the ruling class, capitalism and private property. Reformists argue that the possibility remains that the state can be won to other, socialist purposes. It is an enemy in its own right; its existence is nothing but a barrier to socialism. State-free societies do not lack social regulation. For the longest period of human history, our species has managed without states. Those who oppose class exploitation must, necessarily, oppose the state. 'Socialists' who wish to maintain the existing state are simply not serious.

Necessity is driving them towards socialism. People need to choose between leaving the running of the planet in incompetent and incapable hands that have brought forth this disorder or taking power into our own hands. Necessity forces the working people to make their choice. There is a pressing need made the working class to stand up for socialism. We need to construct a kind of socialism where workers, consumers, and ordinary citizens make the decisions through both direct and indirect democratic processes at all levels. Do we really want to leave to our children and grandchildren a world that will still be controlled by corporations dependent upon such a private institution as the stock exchange where financial speculators control peoples welfare and well-being. Socialism deserves a discussion, because it is a debate about the issues that face our future generations. No rational discourse of socialism in mainstream media has been permitted. Having no socialism sort anywhere on earth, our movement is breaking new ground toward envisioning a new society of both economic prosperity and genuine freedom, that can protect the planet, ensure human rights, and raise the standard of living in a new world of peace.

The Socialist Party is opposed to the system of society in which we live today because knowing that there are millions of our brothers and sisters suffering for the barest necessities of life. Am I my brother’s keeper?” That theological question has now been answered by the Socialist Party. Yes, we are our my brothers (and sisters) keepers. It is that sort of society we are seeking.

Are today's anti-capitalists moving towards a common vision of a new social system? The people were fighting for a new way of life. This is the capitalist world. This is the world of competition, of exploitation, of production for profit. The great mass of working people are its victims; the downtrodden and suffering people who have paid for the universal slaughter with their lives and labour, who suffer hunger, homelessness and disease; the exploited, harassed and suffering people – they are being made to pay the price of capital's expansion. People cry out for real freedom, security and peace. There will be no peace, freedom or security for the hundreds of millions of people. The capitalist ruling class main achievement is destruction. The capitalist world remains an armed camp awaiting only the passage of a few more years before it is ready to plunge into bloody carnage to determine which of the great powers shall dominate the world in the interest of profit. Capitalism outlived its usefulness long ago. It is no longer capable of progress, of raising the standards of living of the people. Capitalism is only capable of guaranteeing new wars, poverty and misery. World history shows that we live in a situation where devastating wars and exploitation and oppression of working people have become a daily part of life. Hunger, poverty, illiteracy, and all kinds of degradations make the lives of hundreds of millions of men, women, and children scarcely tolerable.

In our world, injustice and the denial of the most elementary rights have become common practice. More and more peoples are under the fascist heel of military regimes and police states. The number of victims of world reaction has increased to such an extent that they can no longer be counted. Billions of dollars are spent to perfect methods of repression and torture. There has been attempts at the systematic elimination of entire populations. Humanity’s resources are wasted in senseless adventures while people’s basic needs remain unsatisfied, land is despoiled, misery increases, and poverty spreads. The gap between rich countries and poor ones, far from diminishing, is increasing. There is an increasingly evident imbalance between humanity’s capacity for progress and the wretched reality that hundreds of millions of people must live under daily. In the vast majority of countries, moral and cultural decay, crime, alcoholism, drugs, and prostitution are spreading like a cancer. Prisons are being built at an unprecedented rate. Factories are closed down. Populism, national chauvinism, racism, and bigotry are developing at an alarming rate.

The Socialist Party asks why is it that we have to put up with these conditions? Who is responsible? What economic, political, and social system creates and perpetuates this situation? How can things be changed? Representatives of the ruling class respond that this situation is inevitable, that oppression and exploitation and economic, political, and social inequalities have always existed and will always exist. They invoke the laws of nature, divine laws, and all kinds of things over which people have no control. Reality, however, is quite different. It shows that these are the explanations of those who profit from this misery and whose power depends on maintaining the present conditions. The reality is that, despite diversity in political regimes, in language, and in culture and beyond differences in race and nationality, the vast majority of the people of the globe share a common condition: that of living in a society where the owners of the means of production impose their will over those who possess nothing or little. In other words, the vast majority of people live in a society divided into social classes where the propertied classes, the capitalists and landowners, dominate the classes who have little or no property, the working class and the small farmers. The economic base of this social regime is the capitalist system.

But the people of the world want an end to this system. They want jobs, peace, freedom, security. They want a new life; they want a change from the chaos of the profit system which has proved its incapability to maintain a high level of production in the interest of the people. The struggle of the peoples of the whole world will go on. Capitalism has brought civilisation to the brink of disaster. A new life, a new social, system, that is, socialism, is the only hope for humanity. When they fight for plenty for all, they are fighting for socialism. If more workers are to be won to the cause of socialism it is clear that we must greatly advance in our ability to explain the advantages of a socialist world and how we can achieve it.