Perhaps the best way to begin defining socialism anew is to
define what capitalism is. By understanding capitalism and how it works, we can
come to a clearer understanding of what socialism should mean.
Capitalism is a system of capital creation and accumulation.
Capital must not only be created, it must be necessarily accumulated and
expanded (and unless accumulated to a great extent the system breaks down
resulting in recession and economic crises).
The existence of capital presupposes two things - first, a working class
which is divorced from, does not own the means of production. The only thing
that workers really possess is their labour power, their ability to labour
which they must sell for a wage or salary. Secondly, the existence of a class
which owns or controls capital, which buys the labour power of the workers and
uses it for the creation of surplus value, profit. Thus, capitalism is a class
divided society. On the one hand those who own only their labour power, on the
other hand those who own capital. On the one hand those who survive by selling
their labour power, on the other hand those who gain their existence by living
off the profit (surplus value) created by the other class.
The working class was essentially created. Peasants, serfs,
farmers were driven off their lands, dispossessed of everything they owned,
forced into the cities, forced to sell the only thing they had left -
themselves, their ability to work. It was either that or starve. In essence, it
was enforced wage slavery in which capitalists made use of the powers of the
State (laws in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries were made to that end; the
enclosures throughout England and Europe; the destruction of Scotland’s
Highland clan system and the forced clearances of the 18th and 19th centuries;
the forced dispossession and removal of the Irish peasantry; the imposition of
an oppressive colonialist rule in what became known as the ‘Third World’;
apartheid; the brutal industrialisation and collectivisation in the Soviet
Union and China. The process continues to this day with the destruction of
lands of indigenous peoples around the world). Marx was correct. Capitalism
came into existence dripping with blood. The distinguishing feature of
capitalism is not that capital/property is privately owned or that production
is anarchic, that there is no planning. It is that labour is alienated, exploited. If the State,
government intervenes into the system, it does not affect the fact that workers
remain exploited. If the State nationalises property and eliminates private
capitalists the State itself becomes the single capitalist, its bureaucracy the
de facto owners of capital. Capitalism as the ‘system of capital’ remains
The workers do not produce ‘goods’ for themselves. They do
not use their mental and physical abilities as the essential, creative part of
their own nature as human beings. They simply produce to the dictates of
capital and the need for capital accumulation. They are told what to produce,
how to produce it, how fast and under what conditions.
The actual existence of capitalism as a ‘system of capital’
imposes limits to what that system can do. In the end, the system cannot work
in a way that is detrimental to capital and all action within this system of
capital (reforms, taxation, public works, health care, issues of the
environment and ecology, etc.) are determined and restricted by the inevitable
fact that capital must accumulate. To the consternation of many the inevitable
fact remains that capitalism and capital cannot act uncapitalistically. The
politics within capitalism is then a series of trade-offs for those who define
themselves as part of the political Left. Environmentalists are limited to what
industry must maintain as a healthy profit margin. Jobs versus environment
becomes an issue. Health care workers see public funds frozen, diverted or cut
back because the State “just doesn’t have the money”. The same said for
education, child care, scientific research, artistic development, unemployment
assistance, etc. Trade unionists end up as supporters of multinationals to
maintain jobs against workers in other countries. Unemployed workers fight for
jobs against hired workers. Activism reproduces itself as a non-ending activism
(i.e., the endless fight for higher wages, better work conditions, societal
reforms) in a system that simply cannot deliver. Capitalism not only limits
what one can do it also divides people against each other in an acknowledged
‘Rat Race’ that lays the foundation for the politics of despair, racism,
sexism, ethnic division as people compete for the crumbs offered.
Socialist politics means radical break from capitalism, then
all the premises of capitalism (production for profit, buying and selling of
commodities, etc.,) must be fundamentally challenged. Production to the
dictates and needs of capital must be replaced by a system of production
controlled by society and based on the satisfaction of real human need. Since
the very existence of capital implies economic exploitation of a working class
then capital itself has to be abolished. Property (the means of producing and
distributing) is not to be nationalised. It is to be taken over by
the community, the collective, by democratic control of society as a whole. The
very real and observable antagonistic relationship between capital and labour
can only be overcome by the abolition of capital (and thus the abolition of
waged labour). The goal of a society where the individual as part of the
collective is able to determine production and meet his or her needs - what we
call socialism - is desirable, necessary and achievable. It is in every way
‘practical’. It is those who defend and work through the system of capitalism
and expect a society fit for human beings are the ones who are the Utopians.
Their ‘practicality’ cannot go beyond the limits of capital. Their proposed
solutions to very real problems from joblessness to refugees, from hunger to
environmental destruction, are bound up with this inevitable limit. In the end,
a society in which people’s needs are met and the possibility of a full,
creative life is simply impractical under capitalism. The politics of its
‘shamocracy’ becomes a game of the absurd where billionaires become Prime
Ministers and Presidents.