In the world today, our fellow-workers are united under no
cause whatsoever beneficial to themselves. Because working people consider
politics far too complicated, they place trust in others—namely politicians and
the government— and remain employed, exploited and enslaved. Capitalism is not
a society of unity. It is based on class ownership of the means of life and
therefore on class conflict. It cannot be controlled or moulded by politicians
or economic experts into something which it is not. It cannot operate in the
interests of the majority of its people. It must continue as a chaotic system
of poverty, disease and war. All of that is taught to us by experience and by
an analysis of capitalism. Capitalism depends on workers selling their labour
power for the lowest wage or salary that employers can get away with paying.
Workers are educated, trained and conditioned into believing that wage slavery
is freely entered into. Unless the working class act to abolish capitalism, the
prospect is dismal — a succession of ineffective governments distinguishable
only by their style of empty promises and of the excuses they give for their
impotence. We have had time enough to accustom ourselves to that idea — and
time to act on what we have learned from it. Only knowledge of socialist
principles will make the workers proof against being misled by capitalist and
Labour Party misrepresentation. All the resources and know-how which,
throughout the world, are devoted to "perfecting" the means of
killing could so easily be devoted to ending hunger and poverty. But to do that
means campaigning not for a change of government or for nuclear disarmament,
but for the only line of defence against war — the establishment of socialism.
The fundamental division between workers and employers in
the structure of modem society affects all the relationships within it. It
affects feelings, attitudes, beliefs, and has a fundamental effect upon the
personality of every individual. The child brought up in a family owning a few
million shares, a few thousand acres, and four or five houses to live in has a
completely different outlook on life from that of the child brought up in the
average factory or office worker's semi-detached house on a housing estate. The
children born into a family with adequate capital realise as they grow up that
they are part of an élite with the freedom to chose how they occupy their
lives. They may also realise that, although they will not necessarily do the
hiring and firing themselves when they grow up. and may never even see the
mines, factories and offices where their wealth is made, their inheritance of
capital will make them employers of other human beings. The vast majority of
children, on the other hand, become aware that their future depends upon being
able to find someone to employ them. If they want to succeed in this, not only
their education but their dress, their manners, their attitude to authority,
even their political opinion must conform to the standards laid down by
We are born essentially the same living beings as our
ancestors of thousands of years ago; but we learn to think and feel and act
from what goes on around us. From school, the newspapers and television, we
take in the knowledge of the world's hunger and disease. At other times we
learn that “butter mountains" are being piled up, milk poured down
quarries, wheat burned, or crops ploughed back into the ground. We may not
bring these facts together in our mind to raise questions about the system by
which society is run indeed we are actually discouraged by the schools and the
media from doing so. Instead we are persuaded to believe that the present
organisation of society is eternal — even divinely ordained — and that it is
ordinary people like ourselves with our selfishness. laziness and greed, who
are to blame. And so. unresolved, these contradictions remain at the back of
our mind, causing confusion, frustration, and a vague sense of guilty
We are taught that hard work and thrift are the recipe for
success in our future "career"; and then occasionally we see members
of the ruling class in the news, who never do a day's work in their lives and
spend money like water, playing at fox-hunting on their ten thousand acre estates,
or racing ocean-going yachts, or shooting grouse on their Scottish moors, while
our hard-working, thrifty parents get worn out before our eyes with years of
work and worry. Our potential for behaving with affection, generosity, trust
and creativity is made to seem naive and ridiculous up against the power of
wealth in a society of ruthless competition.
All of us. whether we remain relatively sane or not are
inevitably contaminated by the social values that provide the real motive power
of capitalist society. The behaviour of capital in its urgent, relentless drive
to make profit, which can be reinvested as capital to make yet more profit,
regardless of human need or suffering, is the essence of avarice or greed. The
very structure of modern society, in which the minority own and control all the
means of producing and distributing wealth — and employ all the powers of the
state to preserve their monopoly this class-divided structure has insecurity
and self-interest at the foundations of society. None of us can fail to be
affected by it.
Capitalist society is not a collection of individuals with
common interests and a common set of guiding principles, it is a society deeply
divided, at odds with itself. Class conflict was built into the foundations and
shows up every day in its workings. To criticise workers as being selfish,
greedy, unco-operative, deceitful, violent, when these are the main
characteristics of the nations and the businesses with which we are compelled
to be involved all our lives is to add insult to two hundred years of injury.
Certainly, these are anti-social forms of behaviour; but then this is an
inhuman social system. As long as we, its working-class majority, allow it to
continue, we can expect nothing better. It is only by political organisation
and action to gain control of the machinery of government can the capitalists
be deprived of their ownership. It is not capitalist ownership that keeps the
working class a subject class, but the control by the capitalists of the
machinery of government, including the armed forces, which alone enables the
capitalists to continue owning.