Socialism can be defined as a system in which production is
geared toward human need and not for the private profit for the few, where
everybody can have a say in what is produced, how it is produced and how it is
distributed. Decisions will be made in the workplaces and communities as a
whole, developing the capacities of all. Social ownership of the means of
production does not mean the state owns all enterprises and directs social
life. There is no class or other form of elite that stands above society making
the decisions. We are talking about a different world than the one we live in
now. A blueprint for such a future is not possible; a better world will be
created in its making. But we can indicate the direction society will take with
a compass. Tangible examples and concrete ideas are necessary if the vast
majority of humanity are to break free from their acceptance of capitalism as
“common sense” or the “only alternative.” Capitalism’s staying power rests on
the widely held belief that there is no other option to it.
People’s need to sell their labor power — that is, their
need to obtain employment in order to survive — and the creation of perpetual
unemployment creates a dependency on capital that has continued for so long
that the capitalist mode of production comes to be seen as “self-evident
natural laws.” Struggles are therefore contained within the confines of
capitalism. Bargaining over wages and working conditions can become
contentious, but this is never more than bargaining over the terms of
exploitation; the relations within this system are never touched. We are told
we are incapable of making decisions and thus unable to develop ourselves. We
are also kept divided along gender, racial, religious and national lines and
fighting among ourselves, helping keep capitalists in power. Who is this
working class? It everybody who has no choice but to “sell their labour power”
— those who cannot survive other than by hiring themselves to a capitalist.
Those who have a job, those out of work and those who survive in the informal
Thus an alternative common sense must be constructed that can
only be built from the bottom up. The Communist Manifesto said:
“All previous historical movements were movements of
minorities, or in the interest of minorities. The proletarian movement is the
self-conscious, independent movement of the immense majority, in the interest
of the immense majority”
And also in the Manifesto they explain “The first step in
the revolution by the working class, is to raise the proletariat to the
position of ruling class, to win the battle of democracy.”
Marx and Engels later made clear that “the emancipation of
the working class is the task of the workers themselves”
They never taught that nationalisation signified the
establishment of socialism. That’s not stated by Marx and Engels anywhere. All
the great Marxists defined socialism as a classless society—with abundance,
freedom and equality for all; a society in which there would be no state, not
even a democratic workers’ state. Capitalism, under any kind of
government—whether bourgeois democracy or fascism or a military police
state—under any kind of government, is still capitalism and a system of minority rule,
and the principal beneficiaries of capitalist democracy are the small minority
of exploiting capitalists; scarcely less so than the slave-owners of ancient
The Communist Manifesto said: “In place of the old bourgeois society,
with its classes and class antagonisms, we shall have an association.” NB: “an
association”, not a state—“an association in which the free development of each
is the condition for the free development of all”
In the old days, many
socialists used to give a shorthand definition of socialism as “industrial
democracy”: the extension of democracy to industry, the democratic control of
industry by the workers themselves, with private ownership eliminated. That
socialist demand for real democracy was taken for granted an the time when the
socialist movement was still young and uncorrupted.
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