Sunday, July 31, 2022


 The Socialist Party wants to bring about a society in which men and women will consider each other as brothers and sisters and by mutual support,  through a fraternal, egalitarian and libertarian association, will achieve the greatest well-being and freedom as well physical and intellectual development for all. Your exploitation is ours and our case is yours. 

The strongest person is the one who is the least isolated; the most independent is the one who has most contacts and friendships. In spite of the bloody wars; in spite of the sufferings and humiliations inflicted one another; in spite of exploitation and tyranny,  human society still represents vital and progressive characteristics, feelings of sympathy, a sense of a shared compassion which in normal times cannot be flouted without rousing disgust and disapproval. In their daily lives humanity, one finds that as well as the struggle to  gain better working conditions, the lust for domination is viewed as an unhealthy passion which set people against people, while  mutual aid, unceasing and voluntary exchange of services, affection, love, friendship and all that which draws people closer together are seen as valuable virtues. Indeed, the very existence of any community would not be possible if the social feelings were not more present than the bad. The sympathy among mankind, and the experience and awareness of the individual and social advantages which stem from the development of these sentiments, have created and go on to produce concepts such as “justice” “human and civil rights” and “morality” that express the general interest and the common achievement of all mankind.  Working people are well suited for socialism because they’ve practiced it, at least in part, for many centuries. 

The Socialist Party says a free society can exist only through voluntary association, and that its ultimate success will depend upon the intellectual development of the workers who will supplant the wage system with a new social arrangement, based on solidarity and economic well-being for all. That is socialism, plain and simple, in theory, and practice. Mutual aid and solidarity are necessities of life. The masters of the world seek to seize back whatever gains the workers have achieved through class struggle.

The working-class movement is being weakened and undermined by the terrible economic conditions on the one hand and the capitalist offensive on the other. It is imperative that something is done to enable it to overcome its difficulties and deal with the present situation. All are agreed as to that. But what? Our policy is to promote the development of a class struggle and to oppose class collaboration. 

The Socialist Party scorns to hide its aims. It exists to fight against the exploitation of those who toil by hand and brain and to strengthen the working-class organisation and political understanding of the need of ending capitalism and establishing socialism. 

The Socialist Party represents the future and presents its conception of socialism of the future. We hold that the principles for which we stand should end impoverishment and win the Earth for the working peoples. We seek a world in which the exploitation of man by man shall cease when the evolution of human society to new and higher forms shall become possible to all mankind when socialism and peace shall be enjoyed by all.  The future is ours.

It is the capitalist system which produces disasters. It is clear that their solution requires the concerted and sustained effort of the entire world, the co-operation of all peoples on a universal scale and plan. All must be thrown into the common pool, and the whole of humanity must be set to the task as one huge association pursuing one, and only one object: to save itself from environmental destruction. Can this be realised under, the capitalist system? Obviously it cannot. It is evident that the capitalist system cannot remedy the present-day social ills, and that, consequently, if it remains in power, the world will suffer. Only with socialism is such worldwide cooperation and such concerted intensive effort possible. Gradually people are learning this truth, at least the most far-seeing among them.  Others are busy endeavouring to undo some of the problems, still, apparently, believing that the world can be restored, even though capitalism continues to be the system of the world. But they will recognise that they are mistaken and that the foundations on which, they propose to carry out the immense work are nothing but shifting sand. The gaps in the economic system of the world are so large and numerous that no amount of patching up here and patching up there will avail. The time for reforms is gone: now is the time for a radical change in the basis itself, that is, for the Revolution.

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