source of all surplus value is living labour. The capitalist
instinctively realises this. The worker is the goose that lays the
golden eggs. The capitalist class use the means of wealth production,
the land, factories, railways, mines, etc. us a means of constraining
the real thing—the slave. The slave is the only form of property
that brings to the owner a revenue—something for nothing. When the
ruling class quarrel amongst themselves, the wage slaves are torn
from productive industry and made to engage in war, the industry of
destruction. The workers in different camps are pitted against one
another. They re-echo their masters’ slogans of democracy and
liberty, but no matter what the result of the conflict may be, the
rulers will never sacrifice their right to appropriate unto
themselves all the worker produces over and above what is necessary
to sustain him. What the capitalist means by liberty and democracy is
the full and free opportunity to exploit labour for profit, and those
who stand for less than the abolition of the wages system are on the
side of labour’s enemies, though they may know it not.
reforms of the reformers never deal with the source of the trouble:
the wealth of the ruling class has not been made less as a result of
the activities of those who believe in the inevitability of
gradualness, neither has the relative position of master and slave
changed. The wealth of the ruling class in normal times steadily
increases, and that of the worker becomes relatively less.
Socialist Party calls upon the workers themselves to put an end to
the present deplorable state of things. Instead of relying upon
others, we all must tackle the job together. There is nothing to
prevent the working class democratically getting hold of the
political machinery through the vote. Against the united advance of
the working class the capitalist class are absolutely helpless. The
interests of the working class are identical on tho class field—the
political field. The issue between the wage slaves and their masters
is one of ownership.
the means of life are made common property, no power ou earth can
take labour power out of the category of commodities: there it is
fixed by the economic laws of capitalism, therefore the worker must
establish socialism or perish in capitalist slavery.
The serious conservatism from which the workers suffer is their habit of clinging to capitalism when Socialism is within their reach if they would have it. There will be many self-styled saviours of the working class seeking votes and support, shouting urgently for speedy action while they are climbing up the career ladder and then, when they have arrived, imploring the workers to go slow and be content with capitalism. These men are the successors of a long line stretching back to the earliest days of the reformist movement. No matter what their good intentions may be, they will not and cannot do anything for the emancipation of the working class.
The serious conservatism from which the workers suffer is their habit of clinging to capitalism when Socialism is within their reach if they would have it. There will be many self-styled saviours of the working class seeking votes and support, shouting urgently for speedy action while they are climbing up the career ladder and then, when they have arrived, imploring the workers to go slow and be content with capitalism. These men are the successors of a long line stretching back to the earliest days of the reformist movement. No matter what their good intentions may be, they will not and cannot do anything for the emancipation of the working class.
poor are poor because the means of production and distribution are
owned and controlled by the capitalist class instead of by the whole
community, and consequently so is the wealth produced by the workers.
is the starting point from which the working class should view all
schemes for improving capitalism. It is naturally not the starting
point for the defenders of capitalism who take private ownership for
granted and leave out any possibility of ending it. As a result,
their attempts to find out why poverty exist, and how to end it are
sterile and fruitless. The workers are poor because over and above
the period of their work in which they are producing the equivalent
of their wages they are working further to produce surplus value
(rent, interest and profit) for the propertied class. They suffer
unemployment because the capitalists, in the limitless search for
profits and accumulation of capital which the system imposes on each
of them if they are to survive in the competitive struggle, are
always seeking new management methods and new technology which will
save labour and cheapen the product the capitalist owns and must
sell. Every wage increase the workers are able to obtain when
conditions favour their struggle gives the employers a new incentive
to install labour-displacing machinery, add to the army of the
unemployed, and thus create conditions in which the existence of
large unemployment tends again to depress wages. Capitalism,
except in war, can never guarantee continued full production.
Periodically the flood of goods on the market will come up against
the problem of finding buyers who can pay the price necessary to
provide the profit which alone is the aim of capitalist production.
While we are not in a position to prophecy exactly when the next
slump and trade crisis will come, come it will despite all the plans
and conferences of capitalist governments and Labour Parties. The
only remedy for the poverty and crises of capitalism is to abolish
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